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I know very little about the Xenogears/saga/blade/whatchamacallits, but I thought Xenoblade X was part of the timeline? At the very least in an alternate timeline from the numbered Xenoblade games scenario? And the main reasons it hasn't been remade yet is simply because it would take way more work than anyone at Monolith Soft wanted to do and they wanted to prioritize finishing the main trilogy first?
So far, it is not part of the timeline. It was created as a totally separate thing, and without going into spoilers there are reasons in the games for them being separate continuities. Granted, a lot of talk has been buzzing around Fami (from me mostly) about how they could retcon a couple things and make it fit, but they haven't yet. And yes, Monolith reps have said that it'd be very expensive and time-consuming to port, we assume because of the MMO elements that depended on Miiverse to function. They'd have to sort of reimagine the way some of the quest stuff works, or just cut the MMO elements out entirely and risk it being seen as an "incomplete" version.

I have a Wii U but never played Xenoblade X. I just remember that godtier music from the reveal trailer and still listen to that from time to time lol.
The whole damn OST is that good, just fyi
Is it foolish to hold out for a collection of remasters on Drake?
Xenoblade is actually one of the only reasons I was interested in Future Hardware to begin with, all the way back on ResetERA, when we were expecting a Pro. But I don't think I'd expect remasters (especially since all three games are still only a few years old (if we're counting XBDE as a 2020 game)), but I'm hoping for at least some 1080p patches when Drake comes out.

Not sure which one of us is the more foolish there. 😅
I know very little about the Xenogears/saga/blade/whatchamacallits, but I thought Xenoblade X was part of the timeline? At the very least in an alternate timeline from the numbered Xenoblade games scenario? And the main reasons it hasn't been remade yet is simply because it would take way more work than anyone at Monolith Soft wanted to do and they wanted to prioritize finishing the main trilogy first?
Xenoblade X is its own thing. Afair, the reason why it wasn't ported at the time (i.e. 2019, when Xenoblade Definitive Edition was announced) was because it would cost a lot of money. What I think what Takahashi meant was that X was built very differently compared to any of the numbered entries. It had online functionality, a big open world that didn't need loading screens, unlike the numbered entries, and quite a few of the game's functions are intrinsically tied to the Wii U Gamepad, so I'd imagine all of that stuff would take a lot of elbow grease to implement them for a port. Of course, that's assuming a port isn't being worked on as we speak. Also worth noting that the soundtrack was composed by Hiroyuki Sawano of Attack on Titan fame, he's a renowned composer, so maybe his music is pretty expensive? None of X's tracks were in Smash, after all; perhaps that's also why Yuki Kaijura/FictionJunction (Sword Art Online and Demon Slayer) haven't been on any of the Xenoblade games, despite working on Saga.
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I believe it was MVG who said that it probably won't be called a Switch-something because we're not dealing with iterative hardware, and I kinda lean towards that scenario also.

He knows nothing and is just expressing the same thought process behind why it might not be called Switch - {something}.

If he says “probably won’t” that’s nonsense.
I'm honestly pretty impressed with Lenovo's design. And it actually disappointments me a little because I honestly don't think the Switch 2 will be as nice as this from an industrial design standpoint.

  • The bezels are decently small, especially on the top and bottom. I would hope the Switch 2 can at least match those bezel dimensions.
  • The "Joy-Cons" here are extremely impressive looking: full controller quality analog sticks, proper D-pad, multiple shoulder buttons (!?), rear scroll wheel (!?), and multiple rear buttons/paddles (!?).
  • The materials and build quality look exceptional. It looks like many of the buttons are made of metal and not cheap plastic.

These controllers seriously make the current Joy-Cons look like toys in comparison. I seriously hope that Nintendo has completely overhauled the Joy-Cons to more closely resemble what Lenovo has done here, both in terms of build/material quality along with the sheer number of buttons/inputs.


He knows nothing and is just expressing the same thought process behind why it might not be called Switch - {something}.

If he says “probably won’t” that’s nonsense.

I think it was on the Spawncast? He's just speculating and drawing his own conclusion. I see nothing wrong with it. We're as much in the dark about the naming as he is.
I believe it was MVG who said that it probably won't be called a Switch-something because we're not dealing with iterative hardware, and I kinda lean towards that scenario also.
That's some absolutely ridiculous reasoning in the world where 3DS, GameBoy Advance, Xbox and PlayStation 5 exist.
So far, it is not part of the timeline. It was created as a totally separate thing, and without going into spoilers there are reasons in the games for them being separate continuities. Granted, a lot of talk has been buzzing around Fami (from me mostly) about how they could retcon a couple things and make it fit, but they haven't yet. And yes, Monolith reps have said that it'd be very expensive and time-consuming to port, we assume because of the MMO elements that depended on Miiverse to function. They'd have to sort of reimagine the way some of the quest stuff works, or just cut the MMO elements out entirely and risk it being seen as an "incomplete" version.

Xenoblade X is its own thing. Afair, the reason why it wasn't ported at the time (i.e. 2019, when Xenoblade Definitive Edition was announced) was because it would cost a lot of money. What I think what Takahashi meant was that X was built very differently compared to any of the numbered entries. It had online functionality, a big open world that didn't need loading screens, unlike the numbered entries, and quite a few of the game's functions are intrinsically tied to the Wii U Gamepad, so I'd imagine all of that stuff would take a lot of elbow grease to implement them for a port. Of course, that's assuming a port isn't being worked on as we speak. Also worth noting that the soundtrack was composed by Hiroyuki Sawano of Attack on Titan fame, he's a renowned composer, so maybe his music is pretty expensive? None of X's tracks were in Smash, after all, perhaps that's also why Yuki Kaijura/FictionJunction (Sword Art Online and Demon Slayer) haven't been on any of the Xenoblade games, despite working on Saga.
Thank you for explaining Xeno things to me. (I swear I'll play Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition eventually. It's sitting in my Switch as we speak. Just let me finish Pokémon Scarlet first. I just restarted my save file after not playing since launch and I'm finally in the mood to actually play through the entire thing.)
I believe it was MVG who said that it probably won't be called a Switch-something because we're not dealing with iterative hardware, and I kinda lean towards that scenario also.

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo called it something completely new. But it would be monumentally stupid.

Everyone knows about the Switch. The Switch brand has a ton of positive equity that its built over 6.5 years and people generally have a very favorable response it. 130 million people have invested in a "Switch" device.

Throwing away that branding and trying to establish yet another new brand, from scratch, would be an absolutely absurd maneuver. But it's Nintendo, and they've done it in the past and apparently like making things difficult for themselves, so it wouldn't surprise me at this point.
Time to ask the real question.................

What color will the Successor be?

I love the White OLED look, but it probably wont be White to avoid confusion with the OLED, same with the Neon Red/Blue.

Will they go with a darker Red/Blue? Abandon dual color Joycons and pick one or the other? Launch in all Black? Go with the tried and true Purple? Bring back the Funtastic series!? (let me dream!)

I would love me some Indigo with white/grey buttons. Gimme that GBA/Gamecube look just like the model of the Lite did, but to avoid confustion I think we'll see something unused on any Switch model so far. Lets give Green a shot
This is what I am afraid of. I know it doesn't really matter, but I would be so disappointed if it was called Switch 2. And as much as I hate the name, I really feel like it just makes so much sense for them to call it that.

But I am trying to stay hopeful, so if anyone has any good reasons as to why they won't call it the Switch 2, I would love to hear them. My biggest source of hope right now is that in the past they used Super and Advance for successor names, so they should be able to do it again, but what do I know.
watch Nintendo do a stupid pun and name the Switch sucessor Switch Too
Time to ask the real question.................

What color will the Successor be?

I love the White OLED look, but it probably wont be White to avoid confusion with the OLED, same with the Neon Red/Blue.

Will they go with a darker Red/Blue? Abandon dual color Joycons and pick one or the other? Launch in all Black? Go with the tried and true Purple? Bring back the Funtastic series!? (let me dream!)

I would love me some Indigo with white/grey buttons. Gimme that GBA/Gamecube look just like the model of the Lite did, but to avoid confustion I think we'll see something unused on any Switch model so far. Lets give Green a shot
Bring back transparency. Let me see the Switch NG's innards, Nintendo.
Time to ask the real question.................

What color will the Successor be?

I love the White OLED look, but it probably wont be White to avoid confusion with the OLED, same with the Neon Red/Blue.

Will they go with a darker Red/Blue? Abandon dual color Joycons and pick one or the other? Launch in all Black? Go with the tried and true Purple? Bring back the Funtastic series!? (let me dream!)

I would love me some Indigo with white/grey buttons. Gimme that GBA/Gamecube look just like the model of the Lite did, but to avoid confustion I think we'll see something unused on any Switch model so far. Lets give Green a shot
Bring back the metallic red and blue from the new 3ds xl line
Time to ask the real question.................

What color will the Successor be?

I love the White OLED look, but it probably wont be White to avoid confusion with the OLED, same with the Neon Red/Blue.

Will they go with a darker Red/Blue? Abandon dual color Joycons and pick one or the other? Launch in all Black? Go with the tried and true Purple? Bring back the Funtastic series!? (let me dream!)

I would love me some Indigo with white/grey buttons. Gimme that GBA/Gamecube look just like the model of the Lite did, but to avoid confustion I think we'll see something unused on any Switch model so far. Lets give Green a shot

maybe magenta and dark purple
Time to ask the real question.................

What color will the Successor be?

I love the White OLED look, but it probably wont be White to avoid confusion with the OLED, same with the Neon Red/Blue.

Will they go with a darker Red/Blue? Abandon dual color Joycons and pick one or the other? Launch in all Black? Go with the tried and true Purple? Bring back the Funtastic series!? (let me dream!)

I would love me some Indigo with white/grey buttons. Gimme that GBA/Gamecube look just like the model of the Lite did, but to avoid confustion I think we'll see something unused on any Switch model so far. Lets give Green a shot
My hope is metallic silver. Not painted, just brushed aluminium.
I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo called it something completely new. But it would be monumentally stupid.

Everyone knows about the Switch. The Switch brand has a ton of positive equity that its built over 6.5 years and people generally have a very favorable response it. 130 million people have invested in a "Switch" device.

Throwing away that branding and trying to establish yet another new brand, from scratch, would be an absolutely absurd maneuver. But it's Nintendo, and they've done it in the past and apparently like making things difficult for themselves, so it wouldn't surprise me at this point.
Everyone knew the wii brand but that didn't help the wii u sell
Everyone knew the wii brand but that didn't help the wii u sell
The Switch brand is FAR healthier now than Wii was in 2012.

The DS brand DEFINITELY helped 3DS, and Game Boy helped GBA.

It is my sincere hope, for Nintendo's sake, that whatever happens from hereon out, "Switch" is to "Nintendo" as "PlayStation" is to "Sony". The next however many hybrids, Switch. Their first VR headset, Switch XR, or Switch Vision.

Play to their strength. Nobody asks for "a Nintendo" anymore. They ask for "a Switch". Switch has become synonymous with handhelds. Because it has a total, utter monopoly. One does not give up one of the many lucrative benefits of a monopoly to folly after an "imaginative" new name, at least one does not if one is smart.
Unexpected. Why is “2” such a disappointing choice?

Again, just to be clear, I totally understand that it isn't a big deal. If Nintendo announces that it is called the Switch 2, then I will be bummed for a couple of minutes before moving on and just being excited.

But Switch 2 is just an incredible boring name from a company who has always done better than that. One of the reasons I love Nintendo so much is because, more than anyone else, they are not afraid to try new things, and to do whatever they want. Yes, sometimes it doesn't work out, but we never would have gotten the Switch if not for that mentality.

So yeah, my reason effectively is that its boring. I know it isn't the best reason, and that is why I would understand if they went with that name. But man Super Switch or Nintendo Switch Advance would be so, so much cooler.
Time to ask the real question.................

What color will the Successor be?

I love the White OLED look, but it probably wont be White to avoid confusion with the OLED, same with the Neon Red/Blue.

Will they go with a darker Red/Blue? Abandon dual color Joycons and pick one or the other? Launch in all Black? Go with the tried and true Purple? Bring back the Funtastic series!? (let me dream!)

I would love me some Indigo with white/grey buttons. Gimme that GBA/Gamecube look just like the model of the Lite did, but to avoid confustion I think we'll see something unused on any Switch model so far. Lets give Green a shot
Maybe a refined super famicom/SNES color scheme. A light off-white/greige body, and then darker joycons with either purple or multicolor accents/button.
The Switch brand is FAR healthier now than Wii was in 2012.

The DS brand DEFINITELY helped 3DS, and Game Boy helped GBA.

It is my sincere hope, for Nintendo's sake, that whatever happens from hereon out, "Switch" is to "Nintendo" as "PlayStation" is to "Sony". The next however many hybrids, Switch. Their first VR headset, Switch XR, or Switch Vision.

Play to their strength. Nobody asks for "a Nintendo" anymore. They ask for "a Switch". Switch has become synonymous with handhelds. Because it has a total, utter monopoly. One does not give up one of the many lucrative benefits of a monopoly to folly after an "imaginative" new name, at least one does not if one is smart.
In Nintendo entire history, there's not a single follow up which outsold the original sub-brand. DS, Switch, GB, Wii were all the first of their sub-brand and the only ones which sold more than 100 mi. NES also sold more than the SNES. "Nintendo" is the real brand here and has always been.

But the sub-brand isn't what makes thing a success or not. Both the sub-brand choice and the success were results of their selling point.

The DS, Wii and Switch were successful because they had a selling point which was much better than "the same as the old, but better" AND because it was a better USP, they dropped the old brand in favor of highlighting said USP. And when all they had was "the same but better", they were not as successful and had to associate it with the previous system as that is part of the main selling point.

It's likely they won't come up with something better than Switching for NG and keep Switch sub-brand for now, but eventually they will drop it.

Also, Sony needs "PlayStation" and MS needs "XBox" because they have too many other products and people simply won't associate the company to gaming, unlike Nintendo.
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This feels like the longest wait ever for a new console. Honestly I’m semi over it. There is no hype for me. I think holiday next year is more likely. Keep dropping old ports like RDR. I feel like they will use all next year to hype this thing.
Time to ask the real question.................

What color will the Successor be?

I love the White OLED look, but it probably wont be White to avoid confusion with the OLED, same with the Neon Red/Blue.

Will they go with a darker Red/Blue? Abandon dual color Joycons and pick one or the other? Launch in all Black? Go with the tried and true Purple? Bring back the Funtastic series!? (let me dream!)

I would love me some Indigo with white/grey buttons. Gimme that GBA/Gamecube look just like the model of the Lite did, but to avoid confustion I think we'll see something unused on any Switch model so far. Lets give Green a shot
Well I was gonna answer this but then other people gave my answers for me: 👇👇👇
Not painted, just brushed aluminium.
Atomic Purple, baby!
super famicom/SNES color scheme.
Time to ask the real question.................

What color will the Successor be?
People seem more open to colorful electronics now so I hope Nintendo goes with something less basic than black or white.

Abandon dual color Joycons and pick one or the other?
I certainly hope not. The dual color JoyCons gave Switch more of a personality. In hindsight, I regret getting the gray JoyCons at launch even though I barely use them.

Lets give Green a shot
Personally, green is way too tied to Xbox at this point. I’d love for Nintendo to embrace Indigo again. Or even Spice. I imported a Spice GameCube from Japan, and oh my gah, it is beautiful.
Honestly I just hope they drop the whole neon thing for nearly all of their colors. Like someone else mentioned, the red and blue that the 3DSs had was nice.
Time to ask the real question.................

What color will the Successor be?

I love the White OLED look, but it probably wont be White to avoid confusion with the OLED, same with the Neon Red/Blue.

Will they go with a darker Red/Blue? Abandon dual color Joycons and pick one or the other? Launch in all Black? Go with the tried and true Purple? Bring back the Funtastic series!? (let me dream!)

I would love me some Indigo with white/grey buttons. Gimme that GBA/Gamecube look just like the model of the Lite did, but to avoid confustion I think we'll see something unused on any Switch model so far. Lets give Green a shot
My faves have already been mentioned but I wouldn't mind some greenish turquoise 😁
I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo called it something completely new. But it would be monumentally stupid.

Everyone knows about the Switch. The Switch brand has a ton of positive equity that its built over 6.5 years and people generally have a very favorable response it. 130 million people have invested in a "Switch" device.

Throwing away that branding and trying to establish yet another new brand, from scratch, would be an absolutely absurd maneuver. But it's Nintendo, and they've done it in the past and apparently like making things difficult for themselves, so it wouldn't surprise me at this point.
Huh? The only notable branding transitions -- Game Boy to DS, GameCube to Wii*, and Wii/DS to Switch -- were all massive successes and came at points where the previous hardware and branding needed a shakeup. So this seems like another "because Nintendo" without much basis in actual history.

*This one is debatable as a "branding transition" because there wasn't much consistent home console branding to speak of before then, but at least it was a transition from that lack of strong branding to having one which they then used for two successive consoles.
Also, it's going to be called a Switch, because it is one. I don't think Nintendo wants to unnecessarily come up with a new catchy name for a fundamentally similar hybrid console the next 2-3 times they release one before the next big shakeup in the distant future (and rename the online service and everything else to match). Switch is the new Game Boy, it's not going anywhere.
I have a Wii U but never played Xenoblade X. I just remember that godtier music from the reveal trailer and still listen to that from time to time lol.

The whole damn OST is that good, just fyi

Xenoblade is actually one of the only reasons I was interested in Future Hardware to begin with, all the way back on ResetERA, when we were expecting a Pro. But I don't think I'd expect remasters (especially since all three games are still only a few years old (if we're counting XBDE as a 2020 game)), but I'm hoping for at least some 1080p patches when Drake comes out.

Not sure which one of us is the more foolish there. 😅

The "trailer songs" are among my favorite tracks. Kinda weird that "The key we lost" used in the second trailer (the one that starts in the hangar with the character going into their Doll) is actually the final boss theme song and it plays during the fight so you hear almost nothing of it.

Like a lot of music, listening to XenoX OST inspires me for some parts of my books (like MONOX for the last volume of the first book I'm working on, z5m20i12r04a28 (MIRA) helped me shape a world and imagine what kind of creatures lives in one part of said world and so on. But I also think A LOT of my books when listening to MONOX ; like a trailer for the final part of the story ; "It's coming to an end, the final adventure". The very first trailer (where MONOX was used) itself inspired me ^o^.

I even managed to actually realy like flippin' "Black tar", the normal battle song & doll battle song, despite the silly lyrics (and engrish "If you are Rosing your way"), sometimes I think my one of my main character training with her exoskeleton against training robots / mechs while listening to it.

XenoX is unique ; from every point of view ; soundtrack, gameplay, exploration, progression... It's also sadly a game that I love as much as I hate it.
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Excited that next week is Gamescom and what that might mean for Switch 2 leaks. Tho realistically it'll probably be a week or two after until any reports start popping up
Hi guys, I dreamed the Switch 2 had a 1080p screen and a 2.5x improvement in performance over the Switch hope this helps ✌️
Me 1080p display also but 10x improvement than Switch (200GFLOPS to 2TFLOPS handheld & 400GFLOPS to 4TFLOPS tv)
The Switch name has become as synonymous as Sony’s PlayStation, and Microsoft’s Xbox, and I think Nintendo are in a prime position given how popular the Switch is even after 6 years.

Some have said the sequel to a sub-brand of a Nintendo console has never sold as much as its predecessor, and my response to that is, “Yeah? So?” Take GB/GBC to GBA for example. The Advance did not sell as much as the original, but I think that’s an unfair comparison because the DS came out only a few short years after it launched. Had the DS never existed, and Nintendo continued to support the GBA, it may have came extremely close, or surpassed it. I think bad timing is what killed the GBA aka “Because…Nintendo.”

Sony does the numerical thing for each PS iteration, and I don’t even know what Microsoft does really, nor do I understand their reasoning.

Whether it’s Switch 2, Switch Next, Super Switch, Switch Advance, Switch Ultra, Switch 4K, or the Switch Yahaha!, I guess I don’t care as long as it’s easy for the consumer to understand, and we don’t have a repeat of the Wii U.
I don't think they can change the design of the console enough to make people understand that it's a different console altogether.
So the name really needs to tell people that it's a new machine and that the new games will not run on the old machine. The easiest way to do it is to just call it switch 2. Or maybe if they feel like a fancy subtitle have it Switch 2: The Super Switch in the box and just called super switch in the promos/directs etc....
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I'd be thrilled if it was called Switch 2, tbh. Consumers will get that it's the follow up immediately.

Sony have the most successful transitions between generations. It’s not a coincidence they name their consoles PS, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5. It immediately tells the consumer what the machine is without any further marketing or explanation being necessary.
As for the color, I would like a dark translucent black color. Kinda like the Pro controller but more translucent.

Kinda like the BINBOK joycons below (but without the RGB).



Sony have the most successful transitions between generations. It’s not a coincidence they name their consoles PS, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5. It immediately tells the consumer what the machine is without any further marketing or explanation being necessary.
Yeah but in the marketing sony goes really in depth when talking about the new features and the more horsepower compared to the previous gen. Nintendo really needs to go hard showing what makes switch 2 so much improved from the old switch, the marketing is so important this time, so people know that it's more than a small revision but a brand new system all together
A transparent Switch 2 would be a perfect bundle with Prime 4

But speaking of colors, maybe it could be:
• Black, like the Pro Controller;
• Navy blue;
• And like a fellow member suggested: black and red

I like black and red because Black would make it feel new and red because that’s the Switch’s branding color
I don't think they can change the design of the console enough to make people understand that it's a different console altogether.
So the name really needs to tell people that it's a new machine and that the new games will not run on the old machine. The easiest way to do it is to just call it switch 2. Or maybe if they feel like a fancy subtitle have it Switch 2: The Super Switch in the box and just called super switch in the promos/directs etc....

Who knows. God willing it'll be named the Nintendo Switch 2: The Search for More Money.
Hey Nate, even though IGN rarely posts about rumors and speculation, I think it's safe to say that legendary people like Peer Schneider are probably hearing all sorts of behind the scenes info from devs, they just never talk about it.

However, a few weeks ago when that website whose name escapes me right now posted about the Switch 2's devkits being in dev's hands, IGN and Peer did talk about it.

Do you think the reason they commented on that rumor is because they are also hearing the same rumblings from their sources?
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