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For those itching for the next leak, potential good news here.
Nintendo Prime in his latest AMA, with regard to Switch 2:

"I have it on good authority our next big leak is happening this weekend. Stay tuned for my video on Sunday, it's going to be a crazy one."

Interesting 👀👀

This YTber is a racist and also stole all he could hear on this thread that was hidden, then shared it to his channel knwoning that it was against the rules of the forum.

He is permanently banned on Famiboards for a reason.

Don't feed bullshit.
For those itching for the next leak, potential good news here.
Nintendo Prime in his latest AMA, with regard to Switch 2:

"I have it on good authority our next big leak is happening this weekend. Stay tuned for my video on Sunday, it's going to be a crazy one."

Interesting 👀👀

Nintendo Prime knows nothing. Also YouTubers in general rarely know anything and just spouts every rumor under the sun for watch time.
This YTber is a racist and also stole all he could hear on this thread that was hidden, then shared it to his channel knwoning that it was against the rules of the forum.

He is permanently banned on Famiboards for a reason.

Don't feed bullshit.

I fully agree with what you're saying. However, I think the poster is fairly new on this forum and might be unaware of these things.

But indeed good pointing it out.
This YTber is a racist and also stole all he could hear on this thread that was hidden, then shared it to his channel knwoning that it was against the rules of the forum.

He is permanently banned on Famiboards for a reason.

Don't feed bullshit.

What leads you to believe he is a racist? I have watched plenty of his videos, and I have never heard him say anything that leads me to believe he is some sort of white supremacist. He does fall into the same trap that most of these YouTubers do, and that is they report on anything that will get clicks, even if they know its unlikely to be credible. In fairness to NintendoPrime, he likely came here in search of more credible information and to educate himself so that he could better report on the subject.
What leads you to believe he is a racist? I have watched plenty of his videos, and I have never heard him say anything that leads me to believe he is some sort of white supremacist. He does fall into the same trap that most of these YouTubers do, and that is they report on anything that will get clicks, even if they know its unlikely to be credible. In fairness to NintendoPrime, he likely came here in search of more credible information and to educate himself so that he could better report on the subject.
He made racist comments on this board about welfare queens
Nintendo will name the device something to communicate the offering to consumers. They've not nailed it every time, but they've tried.

I expect Nintendo to introduce some new hardware mechanics this gen, and I expect the name to reflect it.
Relevant to thread, we can be pretty sure that if Nintendo Prime heard anything, he wouldn't understand it
What leads you to believe he is a racist? I have watched plenty of his videos, and I have never heard him say anything that leads me to believe he is some sort of white supremacist. He does fall into the same trap that most of these YouTubers do, and that is they report on anything that will get clicks, even if they know its unlikely to be credible. In fairness to NintendoPrime, he likely came here in search of more credible information and to educate himself so that he could better report on the subject.

He's a douchebag.

One time he took some of Nate's rumors, reported them on his video but completely mischaracterized what Nate said. When Nate asked to him to issue some sort of correction, he refused and said that he can say things however he wants on his videos.

So yeah, talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
Found the Switch 2's latest competitor


Looks nice. I hope the switch Next looks this good but not as thick, because I don't expect it to be as power hungry.

I don't know how feasible it is, but I agree with the idea that Nintendo should get rid of the OG lite model of the Switch and launch the Nintendo Nex with a hybrid and a handheld only variant at launch to help lower price barrier. This gen they may decide to do an actual performance pro model, but even if they don't, they can still do the OLED upgrade for both the handheld model and hybrid model 3+ years from launch or when animal crossing releases to pump more juice into the sales. Even if they don't launch together i would like to see both variants at the unveiling and then they can let us know that the Lite model is coming in 2025 or something.

$399-450 Nintendo Nex Switch
$299-329 Nintendo Nex Lite
$250-299 Nintendo Switch
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It’s gonna be dependent on how stripped down this cheap TV model is for the price. If it’s too stripped down then it could be “too cheap to buy.” I will agree that a device that hits the sweet spot between features & price opens up a TV model to more people, but too many factors makes me think its limited for now.
Well, we know everything that the Lite sacrificed to get to $200 MSRP with retained profits, so we can reasonably assume the removal of the parts not found in the Lite and the battery and screen being a reduction rather than a removal amounted to close to $100 in cost reductions. And then you start pulling out, replacing and adding back more to what is present in the Lite while still retaining all the functions to play games as a TV-only device...

  • the screen and battery (2 of the 4 or 5 most expensive single components) completely
  • the speaker and headphone jack assembly (and associated ICs)
  • the 5 (at least, maybe 7?) ICs remaining in the Lite to facilitate handheld function (touchscreen controller, power management IC, USBC power delivery controller, 2 battery management ICs are the ones I know could be removed)
  • the USB-C port
  • the heat pipe and blower
  • the fully-integrated Joycon components (and associated ICs)
  • the capybara-shaped printed circuit board (less is required with so few ICs left)

Add (or replace with):
  • a Joycon battery and a Bluetooth chip to a Pro controller shell (probably the most expensive addition of the bunch)
  • a smaller overall PCB (less copper, less expense)
  • a power supply unit with a standard power plug (far cheaper than a battery, almost exponentially so, especially with the low power consumption target)
  • a finned heat sink and fan (cheaper than the heat pipe and blower as a general rule, because finned heat sinks mostly use aluminum instead of copper and the fan does not have to spin up as much with a well-ventilated chassis)
  • an HDMI port and controller IC (the part's so common that it'd cost so little)
  • 2 USB 2.0 ports and controller IC (ditto)

You'd have a stationary console with Wi-Fi, BT, a Game Card slot, a microSD slot, a wireless controller and all the important functions of the dock integrated in directly for way less cost and much simpler engineering.

With what's being removed costing way more than what you'd have to put back in to get a Lite to be a TV-only device and 2 of the removed parts alone likely being a very substantial piece of the Lite's bill of materials, $100-120 with margin retention is doable.

Especially when one considers that Jetson Nano, with a ton of added ports and features not found on a game console, created using binned Tegra X1 chips and the same amount of RAM, retailed for $99 MSRP (and we know Nvidia wasn't likely just giving those away)... yeah, it's doable.
Nintendo will name the device something to communicate the offering to consumers. They've not nailed it every time, but they've tried.

I expect Nintendo to introduce some new hardware mechanics this gen, and I expect the name to reflect it.
Mr. Puck, I like your line of thinking. By “ new hardware mechanic” or are you insinuating a type of hardware gimmick? If so, what do you think/hope it will be?
In fairness to NintendoPrime, he likely came here in search of more credible information and to educate himself so that he could better report on the subject.
He came here to ask people to write scripts for his videos. Regardless can we just get back to the fucking hardware rather than this race relations shit lol
The Switch name has become as synonymous as Sony’s PlayStation, and Microsoft’s Xbox, and I think Nintendo are in a prime position given how popular the Switch is even after 6 years.

Some have said the sequel to a sub-brand of a Nintendo console has never sold as much as its predecessor, and my response to that is, “Yeah? So?” Take GB/GBC to GBA for example. The Advance did not sell as much as the original, but I think that’s an unfair comparison because the DS came out only a few short years after it launched. Had the DS never existed, and Nintendo continued to support the GBA, it may have came extremely close, or surpassed it. I think bad timing is what killed the GBA aka “Because…Nintendo.”

Sony does the numerical thing for each PS iteration, and I don’t even know what Microsoft does really, nor do I understand their reasoning.

Whether it’s Switch 2, Switch Next, Super Switch, Switch Advance, Switch Ultra, Switch 4K, or the Switch Yahaha!, I guess I don’t care as long as it’s easy for the consumer to understand, and we don’t have a repeat of the Wii U.

It will be a Switch model for the reasons you stated, the brand recognition is extremely high similar to the PlayStation brand. Will they go with Switch 2? I don't know, they haven't done that in the past, but Nintendo did become more deliberate with their naming after the marketing fiasco with Wii U. The messaging needs to be clear that this is a successor to the Switch. I will admit that I was on board with retaining the Wii brand leading up to Wii U. With 100 million units sold, I was confident that the brand would be important to maintain, but it went sideways quickly. Switch is still very popular in its seventh year on the market and by the time Wii U came out in 2012, the Wii had become a memory for consumers, something that they loved back in 2006-2009, but haven't used much since. Even though Nintendo was on a hard generational decline in sales of their home consoles with Wii being an anomaly, their portable transitions were met with much better results. Even though the 3DS stumbled hard out of the gate, it still managed to sell better than any Nintendo home console except the Wii. Switch has retained the characteristics that have made their portables a success over the years and have given it the added perk of being able to play on the TV. Will SNG sell as well as the Switch? Maybe not, but in the meantime while Nintendo comes up with their next revolutionary idea, it is in their interest to put out a successor that shouldn't have too much trouble outselling the 3DS.
For those itching for the next leak, potential good news here.
Nintendo Prime in his latest AMA, with regard to Switch 2:

"I have it on good authority our next big leak is happening this weekend. Stay tuned for my video on Sunday, it's going to be a crazy one."

Interesting 👀👀

This is a pretty dumb thing to tease & mention. A YT channel is planning to share a rumor they have heard in regards to Switch 2. The channel in question shared some Nintendo related stuff recently. I assume they told Prime about their intent to share info soon, as they also mentioned it to me in passing. What the info is, I don't know. But, yes, a YT podcast channel will discuss something Switch 2 related in rumor capacity this coming weekend. Whether the information is worthwile... we'll see.

Hey Nate, even though IGN rarely posts about rumors and speculation, I think it's safe to say that legendary people like Peer Schneider are probably hearing all sorts of behind the scenes info from devs, they just never talk about it.

However, a few weeks ago when that website whose name escapes me right now posted about the Switch 2's devkits being in dev's hands, IGN and Peer did talk about it.

Do you think the reason they commented on that rumor is because they are also hearing the same rumblings from their sources?
Definitely can be the case. IGN and other outlets are not operating in the dark on these matters. What they choose to discuss seems like a deliberate action.
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This is a pretty dumb thing to tease & mention. A YT channel is planning to share a rumor they have heard in regards to Switch 2. The channel in question shared some Nintendo related stuff recently. I assume they told Prime about their intent to share info soon, as they also mentioned it to me in passing. What the info is, I don't know. But, yes, a YT podcast channel will discuss something Switch 2 related in rumor capacity this coming weekend. Whether the information is worthwile... we'll see.

lol so we get hype videos and collabs now for Switch 2. Wild.
Mr. Puck, I like your line of thinking. By “ new hardware mechanic” or are you insinuating a type of hardware gimmick? If so, what do you think/hope it will be?
I don't like calling them gimmicks, because the line between "feature" and "gimmick" is mostly marketing. And I'm not sure I'm clever enough to predict anything - I couldn't have predicted the DS, the 3DS, the Wii or the Wii U. I had played a lot of joystick games with arcades and the Atari, and really hated them, but I couldn't have imagined the thumbstick on the N64.

I don't have a hope, exactly, but I think the Wii U had untapped potential, and Nintendo has a huge library of dual screen games from the DS/3DS era. The Switch really felt like an attempt by Nintendo to consolidate its whole history - touchscreens and motion controls, the GameCube's controller and the Wiimote + Chuck, a TV console and a handheld. It was a really elegant design that way - but it left two screens behind.

It would be neat if Nintendo could bridge that gap with something like screen casting ("wireless docking" maybe?). And in 2031, when Nintendo makes it's eventual cheap VR device, we can get 3D effects from 3DS and Virtual Boy games and the snake will have finally eaten it's own tail.

And I'm assuming the device will be called the Switch Up, for no other reason than I like it. ;)
So a name like Switch A/V or Switch Reality or Switch Real..SwitchR.
I’m not good at naming things lol

The code name for the N64 was Project Reality.

Following their Codenames, GCN was Dolphin, Wii was Revolution, Wii U was Cafe, and Switch was of course NX (hinting at the Crossover between tv, and handheld).

If NG Switch is truly just a continuation of the Switch, then it may simply be referred internally as NX2, which for some reason thought that has actually been mentioned, but I don’t remember.
I don't have a hope, exactly, but I think the Wii U had untapped potential

The tech used to do the screen mirroring on Wii U was pretty expensive at the time, so I do wonder if it has become cheaper or if a different cheaper technology exist to accomplish the same thing is available that could be included into the dock. The meat and potatoes of what makes Switch so popular is its hybrid nature, and I believe that will still be the case with SNG. However, just like Switch has various features that are there is a developer wants to implement them, they arent forced because the whole system concept doesnt revolves around a feature. No one thinks of Switch as a motion control gaming platform, but Switch Sports is obviously a direct evolution from the Wii's most popular game with Wii Sports, and thanks to the motions controls being included, it was possible to bring Switch Sports to market. That's a long way of saying that its certainly possible Nintendo will implement asymmetrical gameplay with SNG, but it will be a feature for the new system rather than the focus. Motion controls aren't the focus with Switch, but we have Switch Sports. Asymmetrical gameplay wouldn't be the focus for SNG, but perhaps Nintendo Land Deluxe is possible on the new console thanks to additional streaming technology.
I don't like calling them gimmicks, because the line between "feature" and "gimmick" is mostly marketing. And I'm not sure I'm clever enough to predict anything - I couldn't have predicted the DS, the 3DS, the Wii or the Wii U. I had played a lot of joystick games with arcades and the Atari, and really hated them, but I couldn't have imagined the thumbstick on the N64.

I don't have a hope, exactly, but I think the Wii U had untapped potential, and Nintendo has a huge library of dual screen games from the DS/3DS era. The Switch really felt like an attempt by Nintendo to consolidate its whole history - touchscreens and motion controls, the GameCube's controller and the Wiimote + Chuck, a TV console and a handheld. It was a really elegant design that way - but it left two screens behind.

It would be neat if Nintendo could bridge that gap with something like screen casting ("wireless docking" maybe?). And in 2031, when Nintendo makes it's eventual cheap VR device, we can get 3D effects from 3DS and Virtual Boy games and the snake will have finally eaten it's own tail.

And I'm assuming the device will be called the Switch Up, for no other reason than I like it. ;)
Switch Up eh?
There’s a YouTube channel that uses that name. Nintendo might have to shell out for it lol. I used to dislike the term gimmick applied to Nintendo consoles as well but I’ve grown quite attached to it over the years.
If NG Switch is truly just a continuation of the Switch, then it may simply be referred internally as NX2, which for some reason thought that has actually been mentioned, but I don’t remember.
NX2 was indeed first mentioned here as one of the next console's many internal codenames. It was actually the thing that got Nintendo Prime banned actually, if we can return to that topic: oldpuck gave the info in a hide tag for registered eyes only, but Prime just up and shared a screenshot of the entire post in one of his videos.
If memory serves me correctly, there was a high level of certainty that this was a fake.
There's a smidge of a chance that it's real, but I wouldn't say it's likely. It seems a bit too on the nose y'know?

If I'm being honest, the codename could literally just be "The Nintendo Switch 2" and it'd promote the same level of vague that a codename like "Project Scarlett", "Scorpio" or even "Lockhart" did with the Xbox consoles.
For those itching for the next leak, potential good news here.
Nintendo Prime in his latest AMA, with regard to Switch 2:

"I have it on good authority our next big leak is happening this weekend. Stay tuned for my video on Sunday, it's going to be a crazy one."

Interesting 👀👀

This dude sucks
I don't like calling them gimmicks, because the line between "feature" and "gimmick" is mostly marketing. And I'm not sure I'm clever enough to predict anything - I couldn't have predicted the DS, the 3DS, the Wii or the Wii U. I had played a lot of joystick games with arcades and the Atari, and really hated them, but I couldn't have imagined the thumbstick on the N64.

I don't have a hope, exactly, but I think the Wii U had untapped potential, and Nintendo has a huge library of dual screen games from the DS/3DS era. The Switch really felt like an attempt by Nintendo to consolidate its whole history - touchscreens and motion controls, the GameCube's controller and the Wiimote + Chuck, a TV console and a handheld. It was a really elegant design that way - but it left two screens behind.

It would be neat if Nintendo could bridge that gap with something like screen casting ("wireless docking" maybe?). And in 2031, when Nintendo makes it's eventual cheap VR device, we can get 3D effects from 3DS and Virtual Boy games and the snake will have finally eaten it's own tail.

And I'm assuming the device will be called the Switch Up, for no other reason than I like it. ;)
tin foil hat time: the switch 2 will feature a dual screen and all the old 3ds games will be purchasable on the switch 2 eshop, that’s why they closed down the store on the 3ds.
tin foil hat time: the switch 2 will feature a dual screen and all the old 3ds games will be purchasable on the switch 2 eshop, that’s why they closed down the store on the 3ds.
An actual dual screen seems impossible when the whole point of the system is that you can play the games on your tv. If they go back to dual screen, then docked uses will have a much worse experience for every game.

On the flip side, If they have wireless casting or streaming to the dock, then it's all the solutions with none of the problems.
I think one of the worst possible names could also be extremely effective.

What if it's called

Nintendo Switch.

Just Nintendo Switch. (Second Generation) in brackets when the differences need to be pointed out. The Nintendo Switch (2nd Gen).
Can't welfare queens be white? It seems racist to assume not?

Good lord, you're opening a huge can of worms that neither myself nor anybody else wants to explore.

But to give the benefit of the doubt - since you're not aware, you should know that "welfare queen" has been used as a racist dogwhistle for decades.
It was popularized by Reagan during a presidential campaign when he would refer to things like "Cadillac-driving 'welfare queens' and 'strapping young bucks' buying T-bone steaks with food stamps".

Naturally, due to the nature of dog whistles, it's impossible to tell someone's motive purely based on their use of the terms. At best, someone sincerely and disparagingly using the term "welfare queens" is ignorant to the word's history, and at worst, well, racist.

If you're unfamiliar with dogwhistle politics, feel free to read up on it.
If you feel the urge to dispute anything I've said here, or argue with me, consider that I don't care, I won't respond, and that your arguments are invalid.
Yet here we are.

So let's discuss the implications of the codename being NX2 and/or NSW2. From the start, this device has been envisioned as simply the next Nintendo Switch. Nintendo Switch, but more. And I'm quite excited to see how that pans out.
let hope Switch sucessor is a true next gen hardware/sucessor to Nintendo istead of a Pro console, like the VGC report seem to sugest
I think one of the worst possible names could also be extremely effective.

What if it's called

Nintendo Switch.

Just Nintendo Switch. (Second Generation) in brackets when the differences need to be pointed out. The Nintendo Switch (2nd Gen).

Nintendo Switch (New Model)
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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