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Jeff said he wouldn't be surprised if it's late next week, 7th already seemed unlikely, Friday is unlikely, so it seems patterns would suggest the 8th, but Grubbs comment for late in the week (which seems speculative), suggests the 9th.

I think it's the 8th personally.
Could be both dates due to timezones. 8th in America and 9th in Japan.
A second half with Metroid Prime 4 can't be weak. I mean if we get totk and mp4 and Pikmin 4 this year I can't see how that would be anything but amazing. Potentially 3 games that will last a long time.
Is there substantial reason to believe Metroid Prime 4 will be this year? I'd love it if that were the case but I'm not sure.
How Nintendo will announce the Direct

The Investor Q&A

Shareholder: Is it true as per IGN article you have no games for the 2nd half of the year?

Nintendo Executive:

Please tune in for the Nintendo Direct

Nintendo Direct gets shadow dropped
Basically what you were thinking when the Yankees got swept in the ALCS.
the main takeaway i get from Nintendo having a "light" second half is that we'll probably get 2D DK instead of 2D Mario. a lineup like

February - Kirby RtDL DX
March - BayOrigins and Mario Kart DLC
April- Advance Wars and Style Savvy
May- TotK
June- Mario Baseball and Pokemon DLC
July- Prime HD and Splatoon DLC
August- Baten Kaitos Remake and MK8 DLC
September- Pikmin 4 and Xenoblade DLC
October- 2D DK
November- Pokemon DLC and Mario Party
December- F-Zero GX Remaster and MK8 DLC

would be light on big sellers but absolutely fantastic imo. I can see why nintendo wouldnt go to the e3 show floor with rereleases, mario spinoffs, pikmin and a 2d platformer but this would make me more than happy
Wow them vouchers video sure has a lot of dislikes, wonder if it because people think it deconfirms a Nintendo direct
If that Walmart leak is correct, I could see the Direct airing on the 9th with the AW advertisement going up the next day on the 10th.
I just saw in a tweet about Dying Light 2 first anniversary. Did the switch version get canned? I know it was cloud.
what Walmart leak did I miss? Was there more than them just listing Advance Wars for preorder again?
A redditor claiming they got a stand advertising Advance Wars this week and it says available now. Says they're not sure if the games have come in to the stores yet but expects they'll be soon if not already in stores backroom or whatever it's called. Whether it's real who knows
Nintendo is skipping E3 and will have a light second half because they are shutting down at the start of May to avoid having to tell people they're delaying Zelda

When Famiboard old timers (including me) hear rumors about a direct, suddenly the threads around here become this with names I haven't seen in a while:

Am I excited?

When Famiboard old timers (including me) hear rumors about a direct, suddenly the threads around here become this with names I haven't seen in a while:

First of all: I shit yall not I have the Xenoblade 3 version of You Will Know Our Names going, which is going very well with this flute gif :ROFLMAO:

Second of all: ayyyyyy how you doing dude??
the main takeaway i get from Nintendo having a "light" second half is that we'll probably get 2D DK instead of 2D Mario. a lineup like

February - Kirby RtDL DX
March - BayOrigins and Mario Kart DLC
April- Advance Wars and Style Savvy
May- TotK
June- Mario Baseball and Pokemon DLC
July- Prime HD and Splatoon DLC
August- Baten Kaitos Remake and MK8 DLC
September- Pikmin 4 and Xenoblade DLC
October- 2D DK
November- Pokemon DLC and Mario Party
December- F-Zero GX Remaster and MK8 DLC

would be light on big sellers but absolutely fantastic imo. I can see why nintendo wouldnt go to the e3 show floor with rereleases, mario spinoffs, pikmin and a 2d platformer but this would make me more than happy

Probably 2 waves of Pokemon DLC... and Perhaps TotK Wave 1 DLC by year's end, tho I'd bet against it.
Not to get too into it but a shadow drop is definitely more preferable. A lot of reports that Russia is preparing a new wave of attacks around the first anniversary of the invasion. We know they're mobilizing soldiers and armor to Belarus for a potential attempt to take Kyiv. I don't think Nintendo would want a renewed mainstream focus on the war with this game pending release if say they had a trailer on the 9th or whatever with a release date in a few weeks. It would just be where they were last year. Shadowdropping is more risk-averse i guess is what I'm trying to say.
I'm well aware of this stuff and the context. The point is the reason for the initial delay was out of respect for the recency of the invasion and a fictional conflict that indicated the fictional "Russia" as the invader since it was so fresh. The invasion has been going on for a year now essentially, so it's not as fresh a wound if fiction alludes to an invasion (it can still be triggering and the people in Ukraine have only suffered more and more as the intensity of the war has ramped up, don't loose sight of that of course). But more importantly, anyone impacted by the War in Ukraine (and I'm speaking from personal experience here) could not give less of a shit what Nintendo's ultra niche plastic toy war tactics game does. There's simply far too much more important shit to deal with, and even if we're looking at problematic stuff in media, there's a wealth of more "realistic" potentially triggering stuff out there that would be the priority. If Ukrainian based game studios like GSC can make a game like STALKER 2 even as the war goes on, I think Advance Wars will be fine for something it made 20 years prior to the start of the conflict that is incredibly generic war from the get go.

It also just like wasn't really that meaningful of a decision to begin with? Like I get with the recency not wanting bad PR (and I don't think Nintendo really did this from a moral standpoint, because if you're going to do it from the moral standpoint I don't think you could have even made the game in the first place as a cartoon war game pretty uncritical of its core subject matter is kind of problematic on its own, especially in our world rife with so many brutal conflicts), but also Advance Wars is a tiny tiny tiny series that no one would have paid attention to. Maybe a post on here and on ERA? But like it feels more to me like a Streisand effect moment where this fictional in game thing from the remake would have gotten minimal to no attention had Nintendo just released it anyway.

If you're from Ukraine or meaningfully supporting Ukrainians, Advance Wars and its fiction is not on your radar as a relevant topic or fight. Hell, a great deal of Eastern Europe will tell you an "invading Russia" was a realistic concept 20 years ago when the game first came out and has never ceased being a reality so a fictional account of it isn't surprising either.

And even beyond that, I don't think it's really the loose "Ukrainian context" here that is the problem. Advance Wars plays pretty loosely with the "invading force" on a very basic and non-critical level. I don't even think the full scale up and down "This is a blatant reference to Russia" actually holds the weight I've seen some people ascribe to it. The Orange Army is just a dumb cartoon army in the game that you could draw some connections to Russia if you so choose that interpretation. The bigger problem is Advance Wars as a whole is a cartoon war game with all the things in a war such as infantry, artillery, tanks, invading armies, occupying territories, etc. And I think that's ultimately what set Nintendo aback and made them delay the game.

They were never that confident in Advance Wars and saw it as a primarily Western game. Then when a massive conflict broke out that every Western "player" would know something about and have watched on the news, they panicked that their "kid friendly war tactics" game wasn't going to go over well in the context of a war the West was paying attention to so heavily and impacting them more directly (which is how far away foreign wars at the heart of the 2000s did not inspire this same reaction really, nor have any other sources of conflict made Nintendo rethink Advance Wars). Nintendo made a decision and ultimately it ended up delaying the game, but simply put like all conflicts a lot of the Western media machine has reduced it from wall to wall coverage, to a nightly news note if something especially bad happens. It doesn't mean that people don't care and it certainly doesn't mean that a LOT of really kind, compassionate, and hard-working people aren't doing their best to get aid to Ukraine and work with Ukrainian refugees. I'll speak to being in some of that myself and knowing lots of people working hard. But if your fear, as I suspect it was for Nintendo, was about the whole game going over poorly in the West, you're kind of well past that point even as the situation intensifies in Ukraine.

Basically, TL;DR: I don't think Nintendo really delayed Advance Wars out of respect for Ukrainians as much as just general fear of a backlash of the game in that specific context and I think it's a bit charitable to give Nintendo a much more "supportive bend" rather than the traditional "capitalist" motive in this situation. Cynical? Yes. But I'll be honest, very little of Nintendo's history has shown me that their decisions are standing on moral principles and foundations of solidarity and ally-ship.
I must say I am very proud of everyone for predicting Mario Baseball.

First Pikmin, now this... you really do love me!
Now we reached the point of the story where all the leaks that we've been seeing and expecting to be in a Direct are actually announced outside of a Direct and the Direct ends up not happening and we're all left in PAIN. :p
I'm starting to think February Partner Direct with Twitter drops for 1st party content.


I think everybody is misunderstanding everybody here. The Discord screencap was just a third party in some random server who was skeptical of the leak but said they were bored enough to share it anyway. And fair, the rumor is a little weird (Advance Wars standees for Walmart?). But none of the confused cross-posting that's supposed to prove somebody wrong/lying here is correct.
Instead of waiting on a Direct, how about we just stop following gaming news altogether and just stumble into a Gamestop every 6 months and pick out a new games just based on the covers?! Who's with me?
Instead of waiting on a Direct, how about we just stop following gaming news altogether and just stumble into a Gamestop every 6 months and pick out a new games just based on the covers?! Who's with me?
And all but the Nintendo published titles and absolutely brand new releases (of which we won’t know about) will be down to $30 or less, so we save money this way.
And all but the Nintendo published titles and absolutely brand new releases (of which we won’t know about) will be down to $30 or less, so we save money this way.

For real, I sometimes wish I was one of those people who could be happy just playing games a generation behind. I remember in grad school, I went Gamestop dumpster diving and I picked up some PS3 and 360 games for less than $15. You know when they have those bins in the front you can buy like 4 games for $15.
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