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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST Oct. 2021|

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Between the heavy use of transparency effects and the 20fps frame rate, I feel like Wave Race 64 would really be a sub-par experience on the current build of the emulator. I mean sure, it'd be perfectly playable, but I'd expect input lag and visual issues given what we're seeing with Ocarina. It's not in the list of 16 confirmed titles, either, but will presumably come at some point. Hopefully work on the emulator itself continues alongside the addition of games to the app.
I dearly hope so. Hell, I know this is beyond hope but the idea that not only could the Switch emulator provide just enough of a boost to help push it to 30 fps would be amazing.

I'd hope with that datamined list of 32 titles, it's close to expectations that WaveRace could conceivably be the title ahead of WinBack
So the GC was my first Nintendo console, then I have since bought every console they released, and I also held and NES & SNES controllers for the first time with the Mini systems. That just left the N64 and especially its controller as one that I had never held, at least until a few days ago, with the re-release of it for the NSO.

What a bizarre thing it is though I kinda of love it? Honestly I've played Ocarina of Time (3DS), Majora's Mask (3DS) Banjo-Kazooie (Xbox One) and Pokemon Snap (Wii U) yet I'm looking forward to all these again with the controller they were designed around.
I dearly hope so. Hell, I know this is beyond hope but the idea that not only could the Switch emulator provide just enough of a boost to help push it to 30 fps would be amazing.

I'd hope with that datamined list of 32 titles, it's close to expectations that WaveRace could conceivably be the title ahead of WinBack
38 titles, I think. But yeah, I definitely expect Wave Race 64 to happen - it just seems it's not coming in the first couple of updates (December, then February, I'd hope, given past updates). And the longer it takes to arrive, the more time NERD have to hopefully patch the emulator. There's no reason not to patch and improve an ongoing service, after all, even if NES and SNES haven't needed it.
Pikmin and Star Fox also happens to be the two IPs Miyamoto won't let die no matter the sales performance. Sure, it can disappear for a little while and skip a system, but it will always be around because there's someone championing for them internally.

Not all Nintendo IPs have this privilege
I doubt Star Fox. Miyamoto is focusing on the movie and park. I doubt he wants to go out with a flop in Star Fox.
okay, so my hope for a new Pikmin is definitely diminished then

I had kind of figured with Bloom that it was right around the corner (i.e. 2022-2023), but that was just wishful thinking I guess

in other news I have 49 Pikmin in Bloom
38 titles, I think. But yeah, I definitely expect Wave Race 64 to happen - it just seems it's not coming in the first couple of updates (December, then February, I'd hope, given past updates). And the longer it takes to arrive, the more time NERD have to hopefully patch the emulator. There's no reason not to patch and improve an ongoing service, after all, even if NES and SNES haven't needed it.
38, you're right haha. And then 50ish for Sega Genesis, right? I do hope they keep up the frequent game drops consistently to at least every other month, that would solve my biggest critique of the NSO as a whole.

At least I could understand some technical issues with an N64 emulator; it's just stuff like NES and SNES that has been perfected for so long why I don't understand they didn't just release all the first party titles immediately and then began the negotiations with third parties for more games.

Arlo in shambles
Buddy, me too. Guess I'm replaying both games in Dolphin if Nintendo's doing nothing with the franchise beyond internal tech demos
I doubt Star Fox. Miyamoto is focusing on the movie and park. I doubt he wants to go out with a flop in Star Fox.
I said this because the active eagering of always testing with new prototypes for ideas of hypothetical new games; I do feel Nintendo quickly got comfortable with Starlink as the Star Fox title for this gen, since all they had to do is marketing;

And then Starlink also flopped hard for Ubisoft, but at least it got better traction on Switch than anywhere else lol
Yep! Much like Miyamoto's comments with Pikmin 4, people misunderstood what you'd said. The fact it took the Metroid Dread concept 15 years - and at least 3 different development periods - to come to fruition should be a reminder of how roundabout their software development can be.

I don't doubt there are a huge number of prototypes we never see anything of. I also don't doubt there are ideas gestating at Nintendo which take a long, long time to come to market.

My advice: To avoid disappointment, people should stop expecting Pikmin 4 until Nintendo actually says something. The truth is, nobody knows if Pikmin 4 ever left the "experimental stages" of development.

Pikmin 4 is (or was) real because Nintendo of America put out an official PR statement to confirm the project exists. That PR statement kills any conspiracy theories. NOA almost never releases official statements to confirm rumors.

My personal theory on Pikmin 4: Miyamoto was either misinterpreted or mistranslated when he said development was nearly finished. That's why in later interviews, he said "it fell down the list of priorities". How does a project go from "nearly finished" to "fell down the list of priorities" to "Nintendo asked me to stop talking about Pikmin 4"?

Pikmin 3's development was rebooted multiple times across multiple platforms (DS, Wii, Wii U). It took almost 10 years for Pikmin 3 to release.
Pikmin 4 getting "rebooted" doesn't mean Pikmin 4 will release anytime soon.
Being a Nintendo fan is just latching onto increasingly obscure IPs so you can lament their death but you guys still have a long way to go until you get to my level.
There are franchises I expect to see on Switch in the next few years. Tomodachi Life from EPD 7 seems very likely, given Nintendo have been bringing handheld (and especially DS) franchises over to Switch with increasing frequency since the Lite launched. I think it was also the case the Tomodachi lead staff haven't been involved in anything for a little while, and if the 3DS game could shift 6 million, then the series is ripe for growth on Switch in the post-AC era.

This might be wishful thinking (points at avatar), but I feel like Wario Land has a shot given Good-Feel have done back to back Yoshi titles. Nintendo and Good-Feel can also provide more Yoshi on Switch with a Woolly World port, leaving Good-Feel and Nintendo free to tackle something else.

Between the heavy use of transparency effects and the 20fps frame rate, I feel like Wave Race 64 would really be a sub-par experience on the current build of the emulator. I mean sure, it'd be perfectly playable, but I'd expect input lag and visual issues given what we're seeing with Ocarina. It's not in the list of 16 confirmed titles, either, but will presumably come at some point. Hopefully work on the emulator itself continues alongside the addition of games to the app.
Eh it didn’t have major issues on wiiu and plus SF64 turned out perfectly so I wouldn’t rule it out sooner
Random thoughts here waiting to start my shift at work.

1. I wish they kept Saki from Sin and Punishment as an assist trophy in Ultimate.

2. Why is Metroid Dread so good? This is a rhetorical question but feel free to answer anyways if you want.

3. Yahooo! I'm the best.

4. Too many games so little free time.

5. OoT is still great.

6. Same with SoR 2, Dr. Robotnik's MBM, and all the other Genesis and N64 games.

7. My backlog continues to grow and here I am playing games that I've beaten multiple times.

8. Did I say yahoo? Yahoo! Yahoo!
Even I, a lowly amateur indie dev, prototype ideas constantly. Most of the developers I know personally do the same; the fact Nintendo does it as well does not surprise me (almost all dev houses are like this). I really wish software development would become more transparent or that the general public was more familiar with how it works. It'd certainly prevent a lot of heartache!
I said this because the active eagering of always testing with new prototypes for ideas of hypothetical new games; I do feel Nintendo quickly got comfortable with Starlink as the Star Fox title for this gen, since all they had to do is marketing;

And then Starlink also flopped hard for Ubisoft, but at least it got better traction on Switch than anywhere else lol
Yeah, it did a bit better on Switch, but two bargain bins in a row should've sent the message to Nintendo about the reach of the series.
Eh it didn’t have major issues on wiiu and plus SF64 turned out perfectly so I wouldn’t rule it out sooner
Well yeah, hopefully it's one of those games that works out well. It's just not in that initial list so I wonder if it might not appear in the first couple of updates.
who gives a shit about him, Raccoon in shambles

Pikmin and Star Fox are pretty much my favorite Nintendo series, maybe with F-ZERO in between

curse the hand of the free market
These are high up on the franchises I really want to see on Switch. F Zero in first purely because it's been so long since a new entry. If we're all deluded enough to want them, we can manifest that reality through sheer willpower.

Being a Nintendo fan is just latching onto increasingly obscure IPs so you can lament their death but you guys still have a long way to go until you get to my level.
Good thing that Donkey Kong is my favorite Nintendo IP and that's gotta to be coming... There's a whole Theme Park and a movie appearance set to happen; A 2014 game repackaged won't be enough... right?.

Yeah, it did a bit better on Switch, but two bargain bins in a row should've sent the message to Nintendo about the reach of the series.
it doesn't matter much; Star Fox will come back before any other dormant IP. It may take a while, but there's always space for Star Fox on Nintendo's lineup.
I will say , people overly ascribe how quickly nintendo would just dumpster a series, especially after a “flop”. I don’t think star fox or pikmin are going anywhere any time soon , even if there isn’t anything in active development (which is not what anyone said, just being hypothetical) .

Particularly I feel folks have utterly ignored and dismissed how well pikmin has sold for what it is . on the wii u it was close to its best selling entry and far exceeded some other franchises’ title sales on what was obviously a very small install base , the port on the switch has already sold 2m copies in what was about 6 months.
Good thing that Donkey Kong is my favorite Nintendo IP and that's gotta to be coming... There's a whole Theme Park and a movie appearance set to happen; A 2014 game repackaged won't be enough... right?.

DK is at least a guaranteed multimillion seller. That counts for something.
Oh, I hope so. I saw the other post, and yeah, I feel there's quite a bit of difference, lol.
But I also don't want to contribute to a less inviting thread culture, so if anyone found my joke to be inappropriate already, then I'd definitiely like to apologise!
as the person who chewed out the other poster for the joke that brought us the staff post and their ban…

I think your joke was nice
  • Your joke was structured around literally Pikmin
  • 69 is memetic at this point, and even when viewed strictly sexually is by definition mutually beneficial and equal
  • Though evoking 69, your joke wasn’t actually explicit. It was slightly absurdist while — from my read anyway — joking about the internet’s capacity to make baffling fan art about video games. And those things absolutely should NOT be posted here or given too much tangential airtime, but… idk, the structure of your joke seemed inherently innocent.
The reasons I felt the other joke was extremely inappropriate and unwelcoming to many of us on this board:
  • Stealing, posting, and sharing leaked nudes on the internet is extremely fucked up. Those women (and others, but most often women) don’t get any say in whether or not their own private personal pictures are online, and can’t control the spread once it happens. The hackers that steal their photos fucking profit on explicitly going against their consent. Choosing to take and post explicit photos of yourself is still a choice you can consent to, and it can even be empowering. But having your private photos stolen and posted is not, and never will be. It’s dehumanizing, terrifying, and frequently leads to all sorts of vile fucking comments where you can’t fucking win or get any peace of mind back. Please never support this. Ever.
  • Worse yet is this all happening to underage girls (and others, but mostly girls) who have even less of a say in this and even greater consequences. Like don’t joke about child porn!! obviously!! And don’t joke about it from the perspective of “will I get in trouble for having it” when that inherently implies you would support the systems and people that made it happen as long as you wouldn’t get in trouble!!!!
  • I also feel like having a specific desktop folder for “internet nudes” in this the year of our lord 2021 is an inherently creepy way for certain people to feel “ownership” over those women’s (and others, but usually women’s) bodies devoid of their consent – but that’s a debate for another day and I feel like not as immediately popular as my other takes.
So those are my incomplete takes on the matter. And I’m not a mod! so those takes may not be entirely the same as the community’s — which is to say, @Imitatio, that I can neither grant you immunity nor definitively say that your joke didn’t make people uncomfortable!

but as one of the people who gets very uncomfortable with “boy’s club” and “creep shit” posts and usually claps back, I liked your joke

The great thing about a new community is we can all communicate what makes us uncomfortable and do what we can to be welcoming, so always feel free to share if something doesn’t sit right with you!
To give you an idea of why prototype rumors are meaningless:

Five or six years ago, I heard from an excellent source that Nintendo made a small tech/graphical demo of Wave Race to show off Switch's graphical capabilities. This tech demo was only seen privately/internally. But a tech demo doesn't mean you'll get an actual Wave Race game on Switch. Switch has been around for 5 years and no Wave Race in sight.
That's so true!!
I remember that Zelda Wii U tech demo of E3 2011, that was really only like those Unreal Engine videos, just to show the capabilities of the system. It was so heavily used as an actual teaser for a Zelda Wii U game coming that I remember a lot of garbage online being said about BotW visual style back in the E3 2014 teaser.
There's the fabled GCN tech demo and shitstorm on cel shading of Wind Waker too...
With Cranky Kong appearing in the Super Mario movie, I wonder if it'll eventually lead to a "Donkey Kong Country" spin-off film in the future.

Maybe we'll get the NCU = Nintendo Cinematic Universe.
I can’t wait for the Mario Party movie.
With Cranky Kong appearing in the Super Mario movie, I wonder if it'll eventually lead to a "Donkey Kong Country" spin-off film in the future.

Maybe we'll get the NCU = Nintendo Cinematic Universe.
Hyle Russell on the DK Vine podcast said he has a source that mentioned exactly this for him (not tied to Zippo's claims); now if this will ever come to fruition, it's hard to predict. I guess it's all depend how well the Mario movie will do for both Nintendo and Universal.

I personally just will float with the idea with the new big DK game at first; a movie may be a tad too pie in the sky before we even see a trailer of what Illumination is cooking up for Mario
With Cranky Kong appearing in the Super Mario movie, I wonder if it'll eventually lead to a "Donkey Kong Country" spin-off film in the future.

Maybe we'll get the NCU = Nintendo Cinematic Universe.
no one would care if he was called Branky Bong

alternately, @Raccoon and I would have a friendly debate about how it aged if he was named Granky Stong
Donkey Kong would be the next logical franchise from Nintendo to get a film.

It’s a mainstream character. Recognizable and it’s going to appear in the Mario Film. If he’s memorable, he’s got one foot in the audience mind.
The thing about Switch-Era Nintendo is it feels like they're going through a checklist of "Nintendo fan dreams".

  • Banjo, Sora, Ridley, King K. Rool and Simon Belmont in Smash Bros? Check!
  • Pokemon Snap sequel? Check!
  • Grand Theft Auto on a portable Nintendo system? Check!
  • Most of the Final Fantasy games on a portable Nintendo system? Check!
  • New 2D and New 3D Metroid? Check!
  • Advance Wars? Check! Clubhouse Games? Check!
  • Fully 3D Kirby? Check!
  • Monster Hunter? Check! Dragon Quest? Check!
  • Bioshock? Skyrim? Diablo? Crash Bandicoot? Spyro? Check! Check! Check! Check! Check!

I'm very intrigued to see how 2023-2024 plays out. When the Switch era does come to an end, I think it'll end with a bang. There's one 2023-24 game, in particular, that I can't wait to see the internet's reactions to.

When you consider both first party and third party content (including indies), Switch's software library is just insane at this point.
I'm very much looking forward to see that game!!! Maybe we have a shot at E3 2022... Even tho that one will be already probably too packed with 2022 announced games...
Switch era is so much fun because we can literally dream and something close to it comes to reality. I remember when Odyssey was announced at the Switch event and I screamed because Mario and a real life city was something I was dreaming of.
I believe that no matter how the next hardware is positioned, Switch will either be still in the family as it(like New 3DS and GBC) or receive years and years of cross gen support.
I kinda hope of it too because I have yet to buy my Switch lol(crying).
I have a random, dumb idea for a next generation Mario Kart that won't happen but I love the idea so I need to throw it out.

What if the next Mario Kart had a time travel game mechanic, with stages based on past, present, and future both fictional like a cyberpunk future along with moments in earth's history like the ice age. Like all the drivers are essentially in DeLorean time machines.

Maybe they could take a bit of inspiration from Sonic CD and how different time periods had different level layouts with unique shortcuts or gimmicks, and how gaining speed (88 MPH anyone?) could trigger a time jump. Or you could have items play with space time stuff, like a powerful one can cause opponents to move in slow motion for a brief moment. Heck, have that game's version of Rainbow Road take us back to the Big Bang.
Forget donkey kong movie, give me a luigis mansion movie so that we get one step closer to a luigis mansion hotel or area being built in the theme parks.
I've been replaying Mario Kart 64 on NSO, and I think it holds up really well.

Especially Battle Mode. Battle mode is still very fun.
as the person who chewed out the other poster for the joke that brought us the staff post and their ban…

I think your joke was nice
  • Your joke was structured around literally Pikmin
  • 69 is memetic at this point, and even when viewed strictly sexually is by definition mutually beneficial and equal
  • Though evoking 69, your joke wasn’t actually explicit. It was slightly absurdist while — from my read anyway — joking about the internet’s capacity to make baffling fan art about video games. And those things absolutely should NOT be posted here or given too much tangential airtime, but… idk, the structure of your joke seemed inherently innocent.
The reasons I felt the other joke was extremely inappropriate and unwelcoming to many of us on this board:
  • Stealing, posting, and sharing leaked nudes on the internet is extremely fucked up. Those women (and others, but most often women) don’t get any say in whether or not their own private personal pictures are online, and can’t control the spread once it happens. The hackers that steal their photos fucking profit on explicitly going against their consent. Choosing to take and post explicit photos of yourself is still a choice you can consent to, and it can even be empowering. But having your private photos stolen and posted is not, and never will be. It’s dehumanizing, terrifying, and frequently leads to all sorts of vile fucking comments where you can’t fucking win or get any peace of mind back. Please never support this. Ever.
  • Worse yet is this all happening to underage girls (and others, but mostly girls) who have even less of a say in this and even greater consequences. Like don’t joke about child porn!! obviously!! And don’t joke about it from the perspective of “will I get in trouble for having it” when that inherently implies you would support the systems and people that made it happen as long as you wouldn’t get in trouble!!!!
  • I also feel like having a specific desktop folder for “internet nudes” in this the year of our lord 2021 is an inherently creepy way for certain people to feel “ownership” over those women’s (and others, but usually women’s) bodies devoid of their consent – but that’s a debate for another day and I feel like not as immediately popular as my other takes.
So those are my incomplete takes on the matter. And I’m not a mod! so those takes may not be entirely the same as the community’s — which is to say, @Imitatio, that I can neither grant you immunity nor definitively say that your joke didn’t make people uncomfortable!

but as one of the people who gets very uncomfortable with “boy’s club” and “creep shit” posts and usually claps back, I liked your joke

The great thing about a new community is we can all communicate what makes us uncomfortable and do what we can to be welcoming, so always feel free to share if something doesn’t sit right with you!
Thank you, Suswave -- I appreciate it!
something that took me an embarrassingly long time to truly grasp is that sexuality is inherently exclusionary and that jokes of a sexual nature are simply unsuited for a large public forum like this. when you post on a relatively large public platform, you have no idea who will read what you say. even beyond the overtly harmful, like the recent banned post, any joke that is reliant on sexual preferences obviously can't land with everyone.

my personal opinion is that anything sexual is completely unworkable for forum bits, and that you have to have a really, really good joke to take the risk of offending people. generally if your joke involves jokingly ensuring that you aren't committing a felony then it just isn't a good joke
nah I just like video games that don't sell well
No joke, my most beloved consoles are the Dreamcast and the WiiU. I feel you.

as the person who chewed out the other poster for the joke that brought us the staff post and their ban…

I think your joke was nice
  • Your joke was structured around literally Pikmin
  • 69 is memetic at this point, and even when viewed strictly sexually is by definition mutually beneficial and equal
  • Though evoking 69, your joke wasn’t actually explicit. It was slightly absurdist while — from my read anyway — joking about the internet’s capacity to make baffling fan art about video games. And those things absolutely should NOT be posted here or given too much tangential airtime, but… idk, the structure of your joke seemed inherently innocent.
The reasons I felt the other joke was extremely inappropriate and unwelcoming to many of us on this board:
  • Stealing, posting, and sharing leaked nudes on the internet is extremely fucked up. Those women (and others, but most often women) don’t get any say in whether or not their own private personal pictures are online, and can’t control the spread once it happens. The hackers that steal their photos fucking profit on explicitly going against their consent. Choosing to take and post explicit photos of yourself is still a choice you can consent to, and it can even be empowering. But having your private photos stolen and posted is not, and never will be. It’s dehumanizing, terrifying, and frequently leads to all sorts of vile fucking comments where you can’t fucking win or get any peace of mind back. Please never support this. Ever.
  • Worse yet is this all happening to underage girls (and others, but mostly girls) who have even less of a say in this and even greater consequences. Like don’t joke about child porn!! obviously!! And don’t joke about it from the perspective of “will I get in trouble for having it” when that inherently implies you would support the systems and people that made it happen as long as you wouldn’t get in trouble!!!!
  • I also feel like having a specific desktop folder for “internet nudes” in this the year of our lord 2021 is an inherently creepy way for certain people to feel “ownership” over those women’s (and others, but usually women’s) bodies devoid of their consent – but that’s a debate for another day and I feel like not as immediately popular as my other takes.
So those are my incomplete takes on the matter. And I’m not a mod! so those takes may not be entirely the same as the community’s — which is to say, @Imitatio, that I can neither grant you immunity nor definitively say that your joke didn’t make people uncomfortable!

but as one of the people who gets very uncomfortable with “boy’s club” and “creep shit” posts and usually claps back, I liked your joke

The great thing about a new community is we can all communicate what makes us uncomfortable and do what we can to be welcoming, so always feel free to share if something doesn’t sit right with you!
It doesn't sit right with me that I'm nowhere near as cleverly verbose as you.
Pikmin has potential to be a brilliant concept for a feature film.

A cross between "A Bug's Life" and the environmental themes of "Wall-E".
To give you an idea of why prototype rumors are meaningless:

Five or six years ago, I heard from an excellent source that Nintendo made a small tech/graphical demo of Wave Race to show off Switch's graphical capabilities. This tech demo was only seen privately/internally. But a tech demo doesn't mean you'll get an actual Wave Race game on Switch. Switch has been around for 5 years and no Wave Race in sight.
That they used Wave Race, a game I desperately want to see on Switch, as a prototype tech demo with nothing since then, that just hurts my heart 😂
Not entirely sure where to post this random factoid but, you guys…

I’m reading Super Sad True Love Story right now and there’s a character who’s Korean who teaches someone how to say elephant in Korean. Turns out the Korean word for elephant is KOKIRI which directly translates to “long nose”.

Totally explains the long noses of the elf-like residents of Kokiri Forest in Ocarina of Time and other games.

Anyways….that’s my random fact for the day. Hope you enjoyed.
I'm sure everyone has already seen this:

But if we threw DK into the mix I'd pretty much be down with all of it. A Star Fox or MegaMan movie would rock.
It is funny that some of the smallest Nintendo IP I think carry incredible potential in other mediums like movies and theme parks. Like the idea of a Pikmin film from the perspective of being tiny on a dangerous planet, or a Star Fox dark ride at Universal seem like really enjoyable things if they were to happen.
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