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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST Oct. 2021|

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Alright folks, let’s not get at each other’s throats over this. The internet is already dragging Kotaku over the coals for this one anyway. We don’t need it to keep dominating this thread, especially when it’s getting a bit personal. We’ve also already closed one thread on this article today, we didn’t need to keep it going over here.

Messing around with some ideas for the eShop ST banner, what do y'all think of this proof of concept? Designed it around the Switch home menu.


edit: oof bottom of page
This looks great!
Messing around with some ideas for the eShop ST banner, what do y'all think of this proof of concept? Designed it around the Switch home menu.


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I like it! Good way to show highlights and the presentation is really good
Oh I'm very excited for Disco Elysium. Waiting for reviews before I decide which console to get it on, but glad that it's on Switch anyway.
I keep hearing great things about the game and still have no idea what it’s about.
It's an RPG with no combat, the skills you level up and the dialog choices determine the resolution of certain encounters.
Was this the ST's first Serious Discussion? Awww, I'm sorry I missed it due to spending the day with Samus and then Bond.

Actually I'm not sorry, I would've had nothing of substance to contribute (unless you consider sass "substance").
I totally forgot about Disco Elysium

I thought I wouldn't have time for it since it was so close to Dread but I binged that game in like a day so I'll definitely pick it up
I have an announcement to make:

If anyone wants to gift me a digital copy of Metroid Dread, I’m accepting it
Wow, totally forgot about Disco Elysium this week. I’ll wait for reviews to point me in the right direction for which console to get it on, Switch or Series X.
Nothing like playing some card games and then wanting those said card games on Switch for even more card game action 🍵
Ah, the old videogame bin. I know it well. Once cutting edge technology for their times and thing you proudly displayed on your shelves, they all eventually end up in a bin to be tucked away in a closet indefinitely.
i have the cases on a shelf. this is next to my bed area for quick access
I got a buddy of mine to play Super Metroid and give the series a try. I’m evangelizing for Metroid!
So… are we thinking Dread GOTY nom at TGA?

Imo they can’t ignore it despite it being 2D and not next gen
It MIGHT have a shot since Metroid is so well-liked among the more hardcore/usual TGA crowd. Plus it does seem like there's not a ton of overwhelmingly obvious choices for nominations this year, so it's in a good spot.
I just fought the hardest enemy in Metroid Dread up to this point, and it wasn't even a boss lol.
Oh yeah? Not even a miniboss? There are a fair few bosses that don't have the boss door intro and cutscene and all that, there's one of those in particular fairly late in the game that was very rough
Messing around with some ideas for the eShop ST banner, what do y'all think of this proof of concept? Designed it around the Switch home menu.

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I think it's cute!

Just want to say thanks in advance for making that thread, it was easily my favorite topic over at the other place.
Oh yeah? Not even a miniboss? There are a fair few bosses that don't have the boss door intro and cutscene and all that, there's one of those in particular fairly late in the game that was very rough
It was the
first Robot Chozo Soldier. I just found a second one now and am fighting it. Crazy.
I think I ended up playing Wario Ware for less than an hour :/
So I just finished the story mode of WarioWare, and...yeah, I kinda regret buying this game at full price. At least it's physical so I can theoretically resell it, but dang I wish I waited and got Metroid instead.

what’s up gang! I’m full of turkey (Canadian thanksgiving)
Eyy, happy turkey day Derachi! I am absolutely full on four plates of my Oma's cooking (schnitzel, coleslaw, spaetzle, veggies and more), and like two slices each of her homemade apple cake and black forest cake. Hell it's a miracle I'm even awake and not in a food coma right now lol
Eyy, happy turkey day Derachi! I am absolutely full on four plates of my Oma's cooking (schnitzel, coleslaw, spaetzle, veggies and more), and like two slices each of her homemade apple cake and black forest cake. Hell it's a miracle I'm even awake and not in a food coma right now lol
Hell yeah!! My mom in law made us a big turkey dinner with some pumpkin cheese cake for dessert? It was innnnncredible. Glad to hear you are as equally stuffed as I am!!
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