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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST30 Mar. 2024| Famiboards Town-Square

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speaking of games I’ve made… here’s some progress on the residential and retail sector of Shorenuff





still very in progress, but I’m really liking the burst of color in an otherwise toned-down Grögol Bonanza city
Good News roundup; it's been a while I needed a boost. In case you did too:

- Breast Cancer deaths in the US have fallen by 58% over the last 44 years

- In Nigeria, from October 2023 to January 2024, 44 million girls received the HPV vaccine in cervical cancer prevention push

- Tobacco use in Southeast Asia has declined by nearly 25% since 2000

- In Ethiopia, 90% of illegal wildlife trade cases now end in convictions, and demand for ivory and tiger amulets in Thailand has fallen by 30%

- The poverty rate in India has dropped below 5%, for the first time ever

- New synthetic compound can kill antibiotic resistant bacteria

- There were just 13 cases of Guinea Worm disease globally in 2023, down from 3.5 million in 1986
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But it doesn’t do that at all - during the time that DST is active we already have full sunlight from 8-5PM. Literally all DST does is move one hour of sunlight from before 8AM to after 5PM - which seems rather pointless since before long we have daylight well into the evening anyway. Especially in the summer I would much rather have the day’s peak heat be an hour earlier so things can be even a slim bit cooler by bedtime.
As someone that grew up close to BC, daylight savings time is near essential. We would be having dawn at like 3:30 AM otherwise, and I appreciate the extra hour where dusk isn’t over until 10 PM. I’m also adamantly against full daylight time in the winter though because it wouldn't be light out until 9:30 AM at the end of the year. I feel for most of the country not above the 45th parallel though, it is mostly immaterial.
As someone that grew up close to BC, daylight savings time is near essential. We would be having dawn at like 3:30 AM otherwise, and I appreciate the extra hour where dusk isn’t over until 10 PM. I’m also adamantly against full daylight time in the winter though because it wouldn't be light out until 9:30 AM at the end of the year. I feel for most of the country not above the 45th parallel though, it is mostly immaterial.
Dawn at 3:30AM sounds fine to me, actually, lol. But I admit that sunlight does not affect my ability to sleep at all.

But I do agree, definitely a big no to permanent DST - either get rid of it or keep it as is.
Hey, would folks be interested in a Pokémon Nuzlocke Challenge ST? I've been thinking of doing one, sort of as a way to encourage me to actually finish a run. I have most of the text done, I'd just need to work on some graphics.
Hey, would folks be interested in a Pokémon Nuzlocke Challenge ST? I've been thinking of doing one, sort of as a way to encourage me to actually finish a run. I have most of the text done, I'd just need to work on some graphics.
given that I’ve never tried one, I’d be down!
Hey, would folks be interested in a Pokémon Nuzlocke Challenge ST? I've been thinking of doing one, sort of as a way to encourage me to actually finish a run. I have most of the text done, I'd just need to work on some graphics.
I would participate! I'm actually doing a Pokemon Crystal Legacy Nuzlocke run right now. Well, whenever I get the time to plough through it.

is nintendo even real
Real-er than reality, my friend
hey which of you little gremlins told me that Arcane was “good”

I’d like a word
I have no horse in this game (I know people say the show is good, but I've deliberately avoided Arcane since it being connected to League of Legends actively deflates my interest), but I absolutely need to hear your take.
I don’t know much about Arcane other than that people who like it really, really like it. And it’s highly-regarded, and was apparently really expensive to make.

I should check it out at some point, but the LoL angle did put me off.
Tekken 8 is fantastic. So satisfying to sidestep your way out of danger, then walloping the fool with a 10-hit combo. I got so hyped I was punching in real life. I also get free food thanks to a bet, so yey.

hey which of you little gremlins told me that Arcane was “good”

I’d like a word
I need to hear your thoughts! I thought Arcane was just okay, but everyone else I know praises the everliving heck out of it.
As someone that grew up close to BC, daylight savings time is near essential. We would be having dawn at like 3:30 AM otherwise, and I appreciate the extra hour where dusk isn’t over until 10 PM. I’m also adamantly against full daylight time in the winter though because it wouldn't be light out until 9:30 AM at the end of the year. I feel for most of the country not above the 45th parallel though, it is mostly immaterial.
Big yeah. I live far north too, and I don't want sunrise at 3AM or sunrise at 9AM. Moving the clocks is the only way to avoid both.

I sympathise with southerners who are annoyed by it, but I really hope we keep it how it is.

I actually can't wait for my country to move the clocks in a couple of weeks and give us actual evenings again.
I don’t know much about Arcane other than that people who like it really, really like it. And it’s highly-regarded, and was apparently really expensive to make.

I should check it out at some point, but the LoL angle did put me off.
I had the same doubts before I watched it. I don't know anything about League or it's lore. But I loved arcane. Biggest praise I can give it: it absolutely never does the marvel thing of having a character show up and then pausing for you to clap cus it thinks you know who they are. It takes care to introduce its cast and setting as if it invented them and they're brand new.
I need to hear your thoughts! I thought Arcane was just okay, but everyone else I know praises the everliving heck out of it.
You and me both. Watched it with some friends and everybody was up in arms about it while I was just sitting there:

It takes care to introduce its cast and setting as if it invented them and they're brand new.
I mean, they might as well be completely new. Apart from some general designs and names they have virutally nothing in common with their LoL counterparts xD

(Which leads me to my assumption that Arcane was successful despite League of Legends, not because of it.)
Absolutely begging Sony and Nintendo to start putting good dpads on their default controllers. I can't whiff another Zangief input 😭
It can't get better than the one on Switch Lite. The traditional + mushy Nintendo D-pad. Pretty much same as SNES, GB and GBA ones. I played hundreds of hours of Mortal Kombat 3 with SNES controller and that d-pad was pretty much the perfection.
Why is it monday again?

Okay stop whatever you’re doing and watch this, your day will be better I promise:

(it’s not a King Fu Panda 4 ad really, it’s Jack Black singing Baby One More Time and it rules!)

James Hong is 95 years old. Ninety Five years old.

If i am half as healthy, both mentally and physically, as him in this age, and even reach this age, i would consider this an absolute win.
Magical Monday today. Dunno why, but I’m just feeling it.

Hope everyone else are having a most wonderful day!
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Hope everyone else are having a most wonderful day!
My friends and I had a blast playing Tekken 8 today! We had a bet going, whoever got the most wins wouldn't need to pay for the food. And yes, I did thoroughly kick each and everyone of their butts. Damn it feels good to be back.
I wish I had enough time in the morning to do either of those.
do you have a toaster? could always slap them and a little peanut butter between two hot toast for a quicker way to not do something you hate
I wish I had enough time in the morning to do either of those.

What exactly takes long about a porridge? Add oatmeal into a bowl, put the banana in, pour warm milk (or replacement product of your choice) over it, let it soak for 1-2 minutes, add honey for sweetening, eat.

Should be doable in less than 10 minutes? Oo
What exactly takes long about a porridge? Add oatmeal into a bowl, put the banana in, pour warm milk (or replacement product of your choice) over it, let it soak for 1-2 minutes, add honey for sweetening, eat.

Should be doable in less than 10 minutes? Oo
I usually like to get out the house ASAP to walk my dog and catch my bus, but I think I can try that. I'm expected to do my morning shifts 15 minutes earlier now, so I try to rush things if I don't get up before the alarm.
I usually like to get out the house ASAP to walk my dog and catch my bus, but I think I can try that. I'm expected to do my morning shifts 15 minutes earlier now, so I try to rush things if I don't get up before the alarm.

I mean ... no one's forcing you to eat the porridge in the morning! ;D

Feel free to eat it for lunch or dinner if that's a better time for you. ^^
Quoted by: D36
I mean ... no one's forcing you to eat the porridge in the morning! ;D

Feel free to eat it for lunch or dinner if that's a better time for you. ^^
Oh no, I just wasn't sure if it was something I'd be able to do timely with my morning schedule. I don't know if I even have oatmeal that's not expired. Also doesn't help that I'm impatient 😅
I’m getting back into retro game collecting again.

If y’all have any recommendations for nes, snes, genesis, gameboy and gba please let me know.
Have a silly game idea but don’t know if I can get it out of my head
That's how Wario Ware was created

Anyway, I arrived at the office, and my manager was like, "Bad news, everyone, two support agents just quit, so can you look at their open tickets?". There are like 70 of them 🙃
This Mar10 day thing is super interesting because it then lined up with everything we know about the Switch 2 Ti Super ™, how there was supposedly a 3 month of interval with a march teaser, a june blowout and september releases and with how everything was moved back 3 months because of the internal delay.
If that really is true then we could get a direct in june with a Switch 2 Ti Super ™ teaser and 3 months later get a september blowout but then it begs the question if we get a March 2025 release date we would have to wait a whole six month from blowout to release since there is not possible way that there would be a december release for the thing.
For your consideration @Raccoon: Another excellent thread idea by @Irene

Another very simple question that already produced some really fun ideas! My favourite so far is Animal Crossing and Pokemon swapping genres, resulting in Animal Crossing's denizens going to war with each other while you get the Pokemon Concierge experience in game form.

Hello everyone. So for the past week or so, I've been playing a lot of games, specifically Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. I'm ashamed to say that I've put in dozens of hours at this point. At the end of work, I find myself...wanting to turn on my PS5 and playing some more. I've even stopped watching new episodes of anime just to have more time playing games. I was so deep into playing games that I didn't even realize that there was a new Direct speculation thread. I didn't know! How can I ponder the existence of future videogame commercials when I'm actually playing games? Please, help me.
Damn, I'm sorry to hear. I get these sometimes but they usually go away after a few hours without me having to do anything. How long have you been dealing with it?
I had one wave that lasted an entire week. I had a bad one Saturday and this one since this morning. They aren’t my regular headaches I used to get so my regular medicine for them isn’t working. Sinus headaches are the worst.

I just wanna play rebirth.
People asking questions they don't want answered truthfully. How are you? Oh not good. O......k..... then walks away.
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