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Discussion Xenoblade Chronicles 3 announced, launches September 2022 (no open spoilers)

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For many things XC2 fcked up regarding UI and tutorials (Torna excluded), it did a really good job to me in terms of font size. It's big enough for handheld sessions without overtaking all the screen estate. On the other hand, FE:3H and XCX exist... (I haven't played the latter but watched some release trailers and tried to imagine stuffing that font size into the WiiU tablet ...)
They just have to get rid of the ugly ass UI from Xenoblade 2. How do you want to sell your game when people who don't know a damn thing about Xenoblade see this.

I think there's a lot of nitpicking here. Plus, in a game where things are happening in real time you need to see information instantaneously as well.
They just have to get rid of the ugly ass UI from Xenoblade 2. How do you want to sell your game when people who don't know a damn thing about Xenoblade see this.

As long as it doesn't take up more than 80% of the visual field.
They just have to get rid of the ugly ass UI from Xenoblade 2. How do you want to sell your game when people who don't know a damn thing about Xenoblade see this.
You could really say that about any of the Xenoblade games. All the UI’s are pretty intimidating and take some little time to understand.

But Ive argue the the XC2 UI does a better job explaining the other 3 games lol. Wasted space is a pretty dumb complaint tho since it’s nitpicking here and would be ignore in other games,
You are talking about the guy who is trying to tell the same story for the last 25 years lol. I doubt he care that much about repeating twist at this point as long as he want to do it. I'm sure if he end up linking X more strongly to the trilogy it will he will do it in an satisfying manner. We can at least give him the benefit of doubt right ?
nah. trying to tell the same story over again is the kind of thing that makes me have less faith it'll turn out well. but it's not like I think Takahashi is some masterful storyteller to begin with
Aside from the fact that I’m sure it would have been planned all along if they are tying XCX to XC3, anyway, I’d say finally getting some answers about what the hell is up with Mira is pretty exciting, no? (Hell, I’ll take whatever breadcrumbs I can get that elaborate more on anything from XCX, ‘cause there are still so many unanswered questions with that game’s world and plot still.) And in general it’s just really cool to see how these different episodes may be connected to each other. Doesn’t have to be some big, in-your-face connections either; it can be more subtle revelations that give just enough info to establish some kind of connection between the games but doesn’t necessarily become something hugely important to XC3’s own plot or anything.
questions about XCX being answered in XC3 makes me feel like they've given up on XCX's story if anything. unlike a lot of people, I like it more than XC1 and XC2, so I'd rather XCX's story and it's method of storytelling to continue in its own line of games rather than be lumped in with some larger attempt at telling an epic (again) that vaguely connects to each other
Quoted by: Tye
They just have to get rid of the ugly ass UI from Xenoblade 2. How do you want to sell your game when people who don't know a damn thing about Xenoblade see this.
I'm not sure all of these are valid. The driver portraits are round unlike the driver/arts diamonds because they need to tell the player what level their special is at, which it does with the little spinning white dots. There might be other ways that could have been achieved, but it works very effectively in-game to get your attention right away, which can be important to keeping a blade combo going. And the icons complaint about the blades at the left doesn't make sense to me because the blades' weapon type and element are important to have access to if you don't have them memorized or if you're using common blades. The actual nameplate itself? Sure that's too busy, but the set of element, name, and weapon need to be there.

The complaint about the blade combo map seems a little contradictory to me since that would require obscuring more of the screen.
They just have to get rid of the ugly ass UI from Xenoblade 2. How do you want to sell your game when people who don't know a damn thing about Xenoblade see this.
I honestly never had a problem with the Ui XC2. Gives you all the information you need
Also this image is a bit unfair. How many times will you have all this on screen at the same time in a battle? What's up with the wasted space at the bottom and why is that an issue
Only things I find really bad here is the space between the blade Icons and attack icons and the name of the blades being displayed.
I honestly never had a problem with the Ui XC2. Gives you all the information you need
Also this image is a bit unfair. How many times will you have all this on screen at the same time in a battle? What's up with the wasted space at the bottom and why is that an issue
Only things I find really bad here is the space between the blade Icons and attack icons and the name of the blades being displayed.

I did find the combat UI to feel kind of 'big' at times, but most of the details were necessary / informative. Having optional UI scaling to match my preferences would have been the only change I wanted.

The map UI tho. That's a different story.
questions about XCX being answered in XC3 makes me feel like they've given up on XCX's story if anything. unlike a lot of people, I like it more than XC1 and XC2, so I'd rather XCX's story and it's method of storytelling to continue in its own line of games rather than be lumped in with some larger attempt at telling an epic (again) that vaguely connects to each other
If anything, it gives me more confidence that they do plan on continuing XCX’s story. If XC3 has some ties to XCX (such as Aionios being Mira before it was pulled into XCX’s universe), I fully expect XCX to finally be ported to Switch next, and since XC3 is said to be the end of an arc comprised of XC, XC2, and XC3, it would make a lot of sense for MonolithSoft’s next Xenoblade game after XC3 to be a sequel to XCX, continuing that game’s story. Sounds like a huge win for XCX fans to me? (And that includes myself, of course—I absolutely adore XCX, though I’m not one to pick favorites between the Xenoblade games and I love them all for different reasons.)

Also, like it or not, the quote I posted in the same post that you replied to literally confirms that all the Xenoblade games are intended to be connected, so we already know that they’re trying to tell a bigger story here with each installment being its own episode. It’s just that XCX’s narrative is currently much further removed from the other games than they are to each other, so it appears to be more of its own thing, but I’m pretty certain that that won’t remain the case as we continue to get more episodes in the greater Xenoblade story. I think they simply chose a further-removed story in Takahashi’s master plan for X because that particular episode fit better with the concept of an open world game that they were making at the time, and after that they decided to go back and follow up the first Xenoblade game with more closely connected stories that we got with XC2 (and now XC3).
do we know if xenogears and xenosaga 1-3 are connected to xenoblade? originally xenogears was supposed to be a six game spanning series. now we have 8 games in the series… xenosaga 1 is supposed to be first one storywise i think. xenogears and xenoblade x seem to be heavily connected. the rest… hard to say.
Reading on Twitter speculation that the blue particles surrounding the protag playing the flute are the souls of fallen soldiers (which is his job description- to mourn the fallen).

LOVE that. Massive FFX vibes
For comparison, this is what Xenoblade 2 looked like at E3 2017, 6 months before release.


Vs Release:


E3 Trailer:


At Release:


E3 vs retail:


September 2017 direct vs E3 2017:


For some reason, the E3 2017 trailer was really blurry/low res. It and other details like lighting, texture, particle effects, etc got improved drastically by release.

Xenoblade 3's visuals 7 months away from release:





With 7 months left, Monolith can improve their visuals even more with that time left. The fact it looks this good already especially compared to how Xenoblade 2 looked with a similar time left in development, it's great. I'm hoping for even more visual polish like 2 got in the final months.

What's interesting is some of these shots in the trailer are much blurrier than the screenshots, like this one if you look between the two (this is the screenshot version):


I doubt the Youtube compression is blurring it that much, so something's weird. Also the hue of this scene in particular is much greener in the screenshot vs the trailer despite both being the same cloudy day time environment. Weird. I love how this game is shaping up though and I can't wait to see more.

Framerate looks great already in the running shots, Xenoblade 2 and Torna's gameplay trailers all had framerate issues up until a couple months before release. XBC3 looking this clean already is a fantastic sign and I love the visuals/cinematography of the material they've shown. It just needs a little resolution boost during the gameplay segments and it'll be one gorgeous game.

Edit: Oh, and LOD increase as well for the grass. They should appear further away by release compared to how it is now
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I honestly thought the 6 party members we were shown were all of them. I mean that’s the usual right XC had 7, 2 had 5 (not counting blades). I would be okay with that.

Maybe a secret 7th way later in the game like XC1.
I honestly thought the 6 party members we were shown were all of them. I mean that’s the usual right XC had 7, 2 had 5 (not counting blades). I would be okay with that.

Maybe a secret 7th way later in the game like XC1.
If it was 3 party members max in the party I would agree, but 4 party members is more X-like. Even if you discount the optional party, that game had around 7 or 8 characters who were core to the main story for at least one chapter. 6 just seems too small, 7 or 8 seems more in line with what they've done with 4-person parties for me.
I think they simply chose a further-removed story in Takahashi’s master plan for X because that particular episode fit better with the concept of an open world game that they were making at the time, and after that they decided to go back and follow up the first Xenoblade game with more closely connected stories that we got with XC2 (and now XC3).

Actually, they deliberately distanced themselves from telling an epic, theme-laden story with X due to it being their first HD game. The focus was on character builds and map exploration as well as experimenting with and implementing the tech skills needed for HD development.

If it is connected, it would have been nice for it to have an epic, theme-laden main story like every Xeno game but Monolith made the right choice. Makes sense to develop a spin-off title where you can build the foundation for your future projects so it doesn't affect the story quality of the main series.
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For comparison, this is what Xenoblade 2 looked like at E3 2017, 6 months before release.


Vs Release:


E3 Trailer:


At Release:


E3 vs retail:


September 2017 direct vs E3 2017:


For some reason, the E3 2017 trailer was really blurry/low res. It and other details like lighting, texture, particle effects, etc got improved drastically by release.

Xenoblade 3's visuals 7 months away from release:





With 7 months left, Monolith can improve their visuals even more with that time left. The fact it looks this good already especially compared to how Xenoblade 2 looked with a similar time left in development, it's great. I'm hoping for even more visual polish like 2 got in the final months.

What's interesting is some of these shots in the trailer are much blurrier than the screenshots, like this one if you look between the two (this is the screenshot version):


I doubt the Youtube compression is blurring it that much, so something's weird. Also the hue of this scene in particular is much greener in the screenshot vs the trailer despite both being the same cloudy day time environment. Weird. I love how this game is shaping up though and I can't wait to see more.

Framerate looks great already in the running shots, Xenoblade 2 and Torna's gameplay trailers all had framerate issues up until a couple months before release. XBC3 looking this clean already is a fantastic sign and I love the visuals/cinematography of the material they've shown. It just needs a little resolution boost during the gameplay segments and it'll be one gorgeous game.

Considering how in retrospect people like Mochizuki blatantly knew about details featured in this trailer (like Melia and Nia) since months ago it's possible footage used in the trailer is already old and had been recorded for a while. But that's just my assumption.
I'm struggling to wrap my head around this 😂 but I think I get the gist of it. I just think if X was described as a sub series by Takahashi then it should stay that way. The games being numbered should stand for something.
Not sure that's true, do you have a quote?

The last he said is that all Xenoblade games are part of a bigger arc, so they're all connected, even loosely or in ways he didn't disclose yet.

I actually expect more that they'll save the explanation of the fusion until the halfway point, or maybe even the final few chapters.

But that's just because I expect a big mid-story twist, followed by a near-end mindblow. Because it's a Takahashi game. If they explain the fusion in the beginning then I wouldn't know what to expect to come later. Dang... that means that's probably exactly what they'll do, huh?
Another possibility is that they introduce an oficial explanation at the beginning of the game and that in a middle-point event or end scenes they reveal the REAL events, ala Evangelion's First and Second Impact explained at Shinji's school.
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Yeah I think 8 party members is the most likely number given that there are 4 in the active party at any given time. 7 would also work.
I honestly thought the 6 party members we were shown were all of them. I mean that’s the usual right XC had 7, 2 had 5 (not counting blades). I would be okay with that.

Maybe a secret 7th way later in the game like XC1.

I'm guessing there will be a Nopon party member or quite possibly two. The Rex-looking Nopon is carrying a weapon on his back, so it's highly likely he's the 7th. There could possibly be more at some point.
Melia and Nia would be nice to have as playable characters but I think they might be NPCs this time around.
Usually franchises get kinda shit on for trying to overly connect seemingly separate entries (such as MGS4 tying in the snake eater crew).

Glad Xeno is doubling down on it, they’ve handled it really well so far and it’s an accomplishment that I don’t see complaints about it getting “too complicated”. It could’ve been Nintendo’s FF where each entry is definitely standalone but I’m totally down with this way to.
After what Takahashi and Saga did with Perfect Works, and knowing he wrote a massive "novel" creating the lore for XCX, I trust him totally I'm sure he knows what he's doing with this... I algo believe the theory that the enormous work planning the world of XCX has connection with the other Xeno games.
Not sure that's true, do you have a quote?

The last he said is that all Xenoblade games are part of a bigger arc, so they're all connected, even loosely or in ways he didn't disclose yet.

Another possibility is that they introduce an oficial explanation at the beginning of the game and that in a middle-point event or end scenes they reveal the REAL events, ala Evangelion's First and Second Impact explained at Shinji's school.

He said it's a new series in the "Xeno" series here:
Considering how in retrospect people like Mochizuki blatantly knew about details featured in this trailer (like Melia and Nia) since months ago it's possible footage used in the trailer is already old and had been recorded for a while. But that's just my assumption.
Mochizuki knew too? I know Imran had his report last year
do we know if xenogears and xenosaga 1-3 are connected to xenoblade? originally xenogears was supposed to be a six game spanning series. now we have 8 games in the series… xenosaga 1 is supposed to be first one storywise i think. xenogears and xenoblade x seem to be heavily connected. the rest… hard to say.
it makes sense to think of Xenoblade 1 and 2 a remake of the concepts of Xenosaga and Xenogears. the storytelling is way more streamlined because Takahashi twice wrote long ass stories that he couldn't complete.

Nintendo would have to deal with Sony to get Sawano music in Smash. I'm not a huge fan of Sawano's music anyway so I'm not fussed personally but a bit of a bummer for people who really like the OST.
is Sony the owner of that music or are they just distributing it? I know soem of X's music came from Sawano's older catalog
While I'm not really opposed to this, my theory is that those 2 characters are not Melia and Nia. My main reason is just that it's too easy. I could be wrong though.
I don’t think it’s something that’ll be presented as a major plot twist. I think we were supposed to pick up on it. It’s why they’re there and what’s happened to them that’s the mystery
Nintendo would have to deal with Sony to get Sawano music in Smash. I'm not a huge fan of Sawano's music anyway so I'm not fussed personally but a bit of a bummer for people who really like the OST.
The music is so different from the rest of the series. I would’ve loved to have it, especially those atmospheric tracks. But it would’ve felt better to have it with a Xenoblade X stage.
So this is some good news.

Xenoblade 2's reveal trailer in Japan had 230,000 views in 11 days.

Xenoblade 3's reveal trailer has 430,000 views in only 3 days.

And this is many months before the promotion of the game kicks in. I know views don't necessarily translate to better sales, but this is still cool. Public awareness of the franchise and its fanbase continues to expand significantly.

Excellent. This is gonna be the best selling Xeno game.
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