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Pre-Release Pikmin 4 — Pre-release Discussion (UPDATE: "Your First Expedition with Pikmin" trailer, see threadmarks)

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Do you peeps think we'll still have our squad of 100 Pikmin here? I feel like with a closer camera angle that will be way harder to pull off...
Depends on how many captains we can have in the field I think. If there are still 3 of them sharing 100 Pikmin, I think it could still be possible with a closer camera.
Anyone think this could be Miyamoto’s last game in a hands on role like producer? He’s getting older and I imagine years of game development is tiring stuff.
Probably entirely up to him, and he might pull a Sakaguchi or two.
The new perspective seems like a necessity given that they’re allowing you to go under stuff, like the bench in the trailer. Might be indicative of more vertical level design.
Anyone think this could be Miyamoto’s last game in a hands on role like producer? He’s getting older and I imagine years of game development is tiring stuff.

I think he's got a good ways to go honestly. He IS video games in a lot of ways. I think he'll do it as long as he's able to. But yeah, at some point, we are going to start to see Nintendo's old guard throw in the towel. It's gonna be strange...
I assumed the new perspective was just gonna be some optional thing tbh, not like the new standard.

I honestly don’t see them creating an engine that scales for close up camera fidelity and zoomed out overhead.

I think they are going all in on this. I can see it being quite different, with more action/adventure focus and less resource management. I’m all for it.
I wonder if Pikmin 4 will have meaty 2-player modes, just like Pikmin 3? The Challenges and Bingo Battle in Pikmin 3 are among the best multiplayer fun in any type of game.
I honestly don’t see them creating an engine that scales for close up camera fidelity and zoomed out overhead.

I think they are going all in on this. I can see it being quite different, with more action/adventure focus and less resource management. I’m all for it.

I agree
I livelli 3, but a change to the formula is welcome, if done right

is Miyamoto confirmed as producer?

He' s daddy
I love the new perspective, but it does make me wonder about how they will handle managing an army of Pikmin from that view, since the more open camera seemed ideal for this task. I am curious.
As someone who hates RTS games, I welcome the change in perspective. Just hope it doesn't alienate the fanbase, depending on the implementation it could end up being quite a divisive direction.
To be honest they could have shown Pikmin 4 followed by 37 minutes of black screen and I would still have enjoyed the Direct.
It looks terrific, long overdue but great to finally see it.

Most importantly of all, finally people can stop going ‘no no, when Miyamoto said Pikmin 4 he was actually talking about Hey Pikmin’.
I just realised the potential gold mine of development info we might get with an 'Ask the Developer' interview for when Pikmin 4 releases.
This Direct would have been so much better if they nailed the Pikmin 4 announcement. The series deserves much more respect in regards to how this game should have been announced. This was just so.... unceremonious...
At the very least the Pikmin series didn’t skip a console generation this time.

In fact the wait for a new console Mario Kart will be longer than the wait for a new Pikmin.
So to the hardcore Pikmin fans, how do you feel about the third person perpective? Obviously to me this is great news but I want to know.

(Next, Luigi's Mansion!)
it seems to me like it might make aiming a bit tougher but it looks nice
i would be happy if you never really posted in a thread in a significant way outside of this one ever
Bro your avatar is literally black and white and not yellow how could i take you seriously smh
and why is that?
Miyamoto doesnt have the best... resume on producing titles after the pikmin games came out. Well he also hasnt produced many games after they came out that is true.
So to the hardcore Pikmin fans, how do you feel about the third person perpective? Obviously to me this is great news but I want to know.

(Next, Luigi's Mansion!)
Tough to say how it will affect the game. My main worry is that the strategy/micromanagement gameplay will suffer but Miyamoto's wording (or at least the translation) was ambiguous. He says you can play it from this perspective. If you can switch between different views that would be best, imo.

I definitely think an over the shoulder perspective would fit Luigi's Mansion better and I hope that's what they do next because the current concept feels somewhat exhausted. LM3 is by far my favourite of the three but I'd like to see them challenge themselves with the inevitable LM4.
They teased a camera angle like that in past games but you couldn't really play much from that perspective. So I'm interested to see if it'll be the only perspective or just an additional one.
It looks terrific, long overdue but great to finally see it.

Most importantly of all, finally people can stop going ‘no no, when Miyamoto said Pikmin 4 he was actually talking about Hey Pikmin’.
Didn't help that Zhuge of all people pushed that narrative back then too lmao, I think that lead to many people believing it back then. Even though it never made sense since he retalked about Pikmin 4 in 2017 when Hey Pikmin was already announced lol
Miyamoto said "recently we have been finishing touches for both" in regards to the Mario movie and theme park in the US. Is was a reference to "very close to completion" quote with Pikmin 4.
So to the hardcore Pikmin fans, how do you feel about the third person perpective? Obviously to me this is great news but I want to know.

(Next, Luigi's Mansion!)
It's exactly what the series needed. It needs to focus more on exploration and adventuring and less on strategy and time management.
i want luigi's mansion 4 to take advantage of nlg's cinematic capabilities so go wild with the over the shoulder bs and the scripted areas.

(if famiboards had downvotes i would be in hell by now)
Miyamoto said "recently we have been finishing touches for both" in regards to the Mario movie and theme park in the US. Is was a reference to "very close to completion" quote with Pikmin 4.
I was at universal here in California 2 weeks ago.

They got some work to do still lol. Bowser castle isn’t even built yet. But they got scenery going. Right next to the transformers ride too. Looking forward to visit next year. In a day with no crowds cuase man I hate going when it’s busy
I was at universal here in California 2 weeks ago.

They got some work to do still lol. Bowser castle isn’t even built yet. But they got scenery going. Right next to the transformers ride too. Looking forward to visit next year. In a day with no crowds cuase man I hate going when it’s busy
Bowser Castle is close to finished lol. They just need the sign.
Bowser Castle is close to finished lol. They just need the sign.
Was it?

I recall the top was missing entirely and just had the entrance. Maybe watching it form the escalators threw me off.

Anyways. The funniest thing was a sticker someone put next to the gate blocking access that showed Mario and Luigi. It was a arrow with the words “Green Mario” written on it. So sad and funny
Was it?

I recall the top was missing entirely and just had the entrance. Maybe watching it form the escalators threw me off.

Anyways. The funniest thing was a sticker someone put next to the gate blocking access that showed Mario and Luigi. It was a arrow with the words “Green Mario” written on it. So sad and funny
New camera angle with these game's artstyle is gonna be so good. But that logo is so plain compared to past Pikmin titles. Probably will be updated hopefully.
I wonder if this will fill that March slot to end the fiscal year? Could pull a Kirby and have an announcement video in January.
Well, Forgotten Land had a proper gameplay trailer when it was announced and that's definitely not the case here. It could be a cool summer game, like Pikmin 3 on the wii u.
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