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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST33 June 2024| Bash at the Beach feat. chocolate_supra

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God antibiotics are the worst. Take care of your teeth y'all.

(I don't have an infection, these are precautionary antibiotics, but still)
I've realized that DLC is the Ship of Theseus of gaming.

If you add more and more DLC to a game, to the point of the DLC being more expansive and content-rich than the base game, is it still the same game? If the DLC is bigger than the base game, what is the real game, the base game or the DLC?

I guess we'll see when Shadow of the Erdtree gets GOTY nominations.

I really need to beat Mohg, huh
also dear friends β€” we're still taking community badge suggestions over here:

Please, feel free to throw some gay ideas around! Otherwise I'm gonna just have to feverishly come up with nonsense.

I think there's a world where we can hit 100 before the end of July...
I've really been getting into the AMV/GMV rabbit hole lately. (Ended up making one of my own as well) When done right, it's a really cool kind of fan video. I mostly like the cheesy Zelink edits, but this channel has some rips too:

I’ve gotten four days without a headache, most I’ve gone without one in a long while.

Today I’ve beaten the Callisto Protocol, which I really like despite the reviews.

I may play either TMNT Shredder’s revenge or Streets of Rage 4 next. I’m in the mood for a beat β€˜em up game but can’t decide,

Does feel good to sit down and enjoy games again, I’ve beaten six as of late.
You should see what it’s riffing off of XD

If I had better video editing and shitposting capabilities, I had the sudden inspiration to edit out Jimmy Barnes wailing in the video with Jimmy Wales doing a PSA pleading for donations to Wikipedia.

But instead I'll laugh at the video in my head for what it would look like
Awwww yeah

Today I’ll go see Bruce rocking it out.

Glad it’s not as hot outside as last Thursday
I was a little depressed earlier today, thinking about relationships and stuff (still no meaningful progress on that......), decided to walk my dog, workout, and make dinner and now I feel better!
I may have some unsolicited advice, if you'd like. I'm not trying to be rude, and I hope I don't come across a way I don't intend here β€” but I think you might have a more enjoyable time of this with a little paradigm shift.

I think you should shitcan Resolution Four. Not as in give up β€” but as in reframe.

Potential partners reeeeeally don't like being considered achievements, or goals, or answers.

And it frames the whole thing as punishing for you β€” if it keeps being something you don't "make progress" on (because really: it's not something you can progress on your own), then it feels like failing when it was never really on you.

This can be frustrating. This can also lead down worse paths of self-loathing and blame and resentment that are bad news for everyone.

So β€” let's rewrite it a bit! Why not make it about what you can control? Not about something you want, especially when boiling that want down leaves a kind of reductive take on what relationships are?

And I'm definitely not saying that you're "doing it wrong" β€” this is a frequent societal narrative, and its continued canonization leads to (in my opinion) a lot of really unhappy people, or relationships doomed to a kind of desperate misery that echoes through all time and space.

So β€” if any of what I'm saying is resonating, if you think there's anything to my angle... let me tell you how I personally would reframe this, for my own well-being and a better life, inside and out.

I want to be more vivacious. I want to engage with more things I enjoy, make the effort to immerse myself in them, find opportunities to connect with others who enjoy those things. Maybe I want to go to more basement shows, visit the bowling alley, hang out at the library. I want to share what I enjoy with others β€” I want to be more willing to organize outings, more willing to make conversation (and be okay with however that goes, good or bad, roll with it more, treat each ebb and flow like an exploration of my own joy and connecting with others). More willing to give someone my number, whether anything comes of that or not. To seek new friendships. To be embroiled in the great shenanigan of the earth. To practice opening up, to practice letting others in, to practice reaching out, and letting all of it be exactly what it is. To sometimes ask what's hard to ask, to always be okay with how it goes, because it's not about succeeding or filling a void or checking off a box or chasing after cars β€” it's about being more comfortable in myself, more capable of exploration, and more capable of connection. No aspect of it is a failure because it is me discovering more me, it is me edging out the borders of my comfort zones, it is me being even more me with every day that passes, being willing to discover and ride the thermals of being a human in a human world. And I can do this in the wider world, or from my own bedroom, anywhere and everywhere, in my own time.

Because doing that, making more room for myself and more room for connections that will thrive organically from me being me... that's how you forge something solid. Both in yourself and with others.

It's so much harder if you're trying to fill a gap. Plant seeds in your garden day to day β€” see all the different things grow. In bloom, the butterfly can't help but land, the bumblebee can't help but venture. Be the garden. Be the bee. Be growing, in cycles, and blooming. Seek the world, and in it yourself.

That is the path where love best finds you.

Somewhere in the field, lol. First concert on Thursday was good I read, so I’m definitely hyped for it
I cheated and looked at the setlist from two nights ago (even if 50% of it's gonna be switched up) and sheesh...one day I want to see him live in Europe for the sole purpose of hearing Born in the USA live, but damn it's looking like all killer no filler. You're gonna have a fucking blast, and the wait to November is not made any easier πŸ˜‚
remember, you are now manually blinking and breathing, UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN!
Do you feel the weight of your tongue in your lower jaw? Do you know the sensation of your skin peeling against itself inside your elbow as you straighten your arm? Do you feel your blood flow through your veins as you slow your breathing and feel your heartbeat quake your entire body? Did you lose The Game for the first time since 2014?

My friend and I do this to each other constantly. You cannot hurt me in a way that matters. #DecayExistsAsAnExtantFormOfLife

It takes 20 scrubs washing your armpits in the shower to kill the odour-causing bacteria. You're now going to think of me/Hisuian Growlithe every time you grab your loofah to wash your pits as you count to 20 making sure you don't stink for the day.
You should see what it’s riffing off of XD

I’ve got a theory that everyone is destined to have one meme that gets too lodged in their head and just becomes a part of them long after the world moves on. Mine seems to be that Arianna Debose rap (Which goes through my head still several times a week) but this is my girlfriend’s. The number of times I’ve walked into the room to find her watching this again. I’m so numb to it. It just seems completely normal at this point.
I’ve got a theory that everyone is destined to have one meme that gets too lodged in their head and just becomes a part of them long after the world moves on. Mine seems to be that Arianna Debose rap (Which goes through my head still several times a week) but this is my girlfriend’s. The number of times I’ve walked into the room to find her watching this again. I’m so numb to it. It just seems completely normal at this point.
I still say "Hokay so" at the beginnings of explanations.

That was, what, like 2002, 2003? I remember playing it on my teacher's computer during lunch and my buddies and I would just roll
I may have some unsolicited advice, if you'd like. I'm not trying to be rude, and I hope I don't come across a way I don't intend here β€” but I think you might have a more enjoyable time of this with a little paradigm shift.

I think you should shitcan Resolution Four. Not as in give up β€” but as in reframe.

Potential partners reeeeeally don't like being considered achievements, or goals, or answers.

And it frames the whole thing as punishing for you β€” if it keeps being something you don't "make progress" on (because really: it's not something you can progress on your own), then it feels like failing when it was never really on you.

This can be frustrating. This can also lead down worse paths of self-loathing and blame and resentment that are bad news for everyone.

So β€” let's rewrite it a bit! Why not make it about what you can control? Not about something you want, especially when boiling that want down leaves a kind of reductive take on what relationships are?

And I'm definitely not saying that you're "doing it wrong" β€” this is a frequent societal narrative, and its continued canonization leads to (in my opinion) a lot of really unhappy people, or relationships doomed to a kind of desperate misery that echoes through all time and space.

So β€” if any of what I'm saying is resonating, if you think there's anything to my angle... let me tell you how I personally would reframe this, for my own well-being and a better life, inside and out.

I want to be more vivacious. I want to engage with more things I enjoy, make the effort to immerse myself in them, find opportunities to connect with others who enjoy those things. Maybe I want to go to more basement shows, visit the bowling alley, hang out at the library. I want to share what I enjoy with others β€” I want to be more willing to organize outings, more willing to make conversation (and be okay with however that goes, good or bad, roll with it more, treat each ebb and flow like an exploration of my own joy and connecting with others). More willing to give someone my number, whether anything comes of that or not. To seek new friendships. To be embroiled in the great shenanigan of the earth. To practice opening up, to practice letting others in, to practice reaching out, and letting all of it be exactly what it is. To sometimes ask what's hard to ask, to always be okay with how it goes, because it's not about succeeding or filling a void or checking off a box or chasing after cars β€” it's about being more comfortable in myself, more capable of exploration, and more capable of connection. No aspect of it is a failure because it is me discovering more me, it is me edging out the borders of my comfort zones, it is me being even more me with every day that passes, being willing to discover and ride the thermals of being a human in a human world. And I can do this in the wider world, or from my own bedroom, anywhere and everywhere, in my own time.

Because doing that, making more room for myself and more room for connections that will thrive organically from me being me... that's how you forge something solid. Both in yourself and with others.

It's so much harder if you're trying to fill a gap. Plant seeds in your garden day to day β€” see all the different things grow. In bloom, the butterfly can't help but land, the bumblebee can't help but venture. Be the garden. Be the bee. Be growing, in cycles, and blooming. Seek the world, and in it yourself.

That is the path where love best finds you.
Holy shit........ This actually resonated with me and it reminded me of what I wanted to do before I came up with this whole checklist. For years, I've felt like I haven't done enough with my life or even felt I had the means to do so in any meaningful capacity. There were times where I would explore outside of my comfort zone, but those were always at a micro level, nothing too overwhelming, yet still important in some way. Being a hermit nerd outside of work certainly didn't help things. I think I need to reevaluate the way in which I both perceive and pursue romantic relationships, but I think you're right; it'd be more helpful if I focused more on exploring relationships in general and accepting everything that comes with it. I've always wanted to be a more outgoing person, who's more open about his interests and I think I've gotten better at that over the years, but I want to put more of myself into said objective, while, again, accepting the good and bad in doing so. I think the best course of action from this point forward is to follow through on all this and let things flow naturally/pursue when appropriate.
There's a lot more I want to say, but I'm tired from working all day and shopping for groceries, plus I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow morning, so I gotta go to bed early, anyway.

Thank you for this response! This was something I needed to read and I think it's making my (metaphorical) vision clearer. Commiting to this will take some time (and money, which I'm not in abundance at the moment, lol), but it'll definitely be worthwhile!
Something I love so much about Elden Ring especially with the DLC is just how much stuff is completely optional and even well hidden - sometimes entire huge areas that even lead to other areas! And you could miss them entirely! The sense of discovery when you find a secret path and instead of getting an item or something you’re suddenly in an entire new zone you didn’t know existed is incredible.
I may have some unsolicited advice, if you'd like. I'm not trying to be rude, and I hope I don't come across a way I don't intend here β€” but I think you might have a more enjoyable time of this with a little paradigm shift.

I think you should shitcan Resolution Four. Not as in give up β€” but as in reframe.

Potential partners reeeeeally don't like being considered achievements, or goals, or answers.

And it frames the whole thing as punishing for you β€” if it keeps being something you don't "make progress" on (because really: it's not something you can progress on your own), then it feels like failing when it was never really on you.

This can be frustrating. This can also lead down worse paths of self-loathing and blame and resentment that are bad news for everyone.

So β€” let's rewrite it a bit! Why not make it about what you can control? Not about something you want, especially when boiling that want down leaves a kind of reductive take on what relationships are?

And I'm definitely not saying that you're "doing it wrong" β€” this is a frequent societal narrative, and its continued canonization leads to (in my opinion) a lot of really unhappy people, or relationships doomed to a kind of desperate misery that echoes through all time and space.

So β€” if any of what I'm saying is resonating, if you think there's anything to my angle... let me tell you how I personally would reframe this, for my own well-being and a better life, inside and out.

I want to be more vivacious. I want to engage with more things I enjoy, make the effort to immerse myself in them, find opportunities to connect with others who enjoy those things. Maybe I want to go to more basement shows, visit the bowling alley, hang out at the library. I want to share what I enjoy with others β€” I want to be more willing to organize outings, more willing to make conversation (and be okay with however that goes, good or bad, roll with it more, treat each ebb and flow like an exploration of my own joy and connecting with others). More willing to give someone my number, whether anything comes of that or not. To seek new friendships. To be embroiled in the great shenanigan of the earth. To practice opening up, to practice letting others in, to practice reaching out, and letting all of it be exactly what it is. To sometimes ask what's hard to ask, to always be okay with how it goes, because it's not about succeeding or filling a void or checking off a box or chasing after cars β€” it's about being more comfortable in myself, more capable of exploration, and more capable of connection. No aspect of it is a failure because it is me discovering more me, it is me edging out the borders of my comfort zones, it is me being even more me with every day that passes, being willing to discover and ride the thermals of being a human in a human world. And I can do this in the wider world, or from my own bedroom, anywhere and everywhere, in my own time.

Because doing that, making more room for myself and more room for connections that will thrive organically from me being me... that's how you forge something solid. Both in yourself and with others.

It's so much harder if you're trying to fill a gap. Plant seeds in your garden day to day β€” see all the different things grow. In bloom, the butterfly can't help but land, the bumblebee can't help but venture. Be the garden. Be the bee. Be growing, in cycles, and blooming. Seek the world, and in it yourself.

That is the path where love best finds you.
What the fuck? Already?!

The Atlantic is Hot! Hot! Hot! And soon El Nino is going to reduce shear.

That's why a lot of forecasters are expecting a ton of storms this year.
Yeah if we’re already getting something this strong it’s gonna be messy. Especially when we start getting storms spawning in succession, each one making the next stronger. The entire gulf and east coast is in for some pain
Holy shit........ This actually resonated with me and it reminded me of what I wanted to do before I came up with this whole checklist. For years, I've felt like I haven't done enough with my life or even felt I had the means to do so in any meaningful capacity. There were times where I would explore outside of my comfort zone, but those were always at a micro level, nothing too overwhelming, yet still important in some way. Being a hermit nerd outside of work certainly didn't help things. I think I need to reevaluate the way in which I both perceive and pursue romantic relationships, but I think you're right; it'd be more helpful if I focused more on exploring relationships in general and accepting everything that comes with it. I've always wanted to be a more outgoing person, who's more open about his interests and I think I've gotten better at that over the years, but I want to put more of myself into said objective, while, again, accepting the good and bad in doing so. I think the best course of action from this point forward is to follow through on all this and let things flow naturally/pursue when appropriate.
There's a lot more I want to say, but I'm tired from working all day and shopping for groceries, plus I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow morning, so I gotta go to bed early, anyway.

Thank you for this response! This was something I needed to read and I think it's making my (metaphorical) vision clearer. Commiting to this will take some time (and money, which I'm not in abundance at the moment, lol), but it'll definitely be worthwhile!
one of the tricks, and this is gonna sound like a dunk but it's not β€” walking around more! like in general, whenever

I can't speak to where your live or your vehicle-walking balance, but... once you have vehicle or transit access, you start to lose sight of everything around you

if possible, I recommend going for lots of walks from where you live just around β€” get to know where you live on foot

my car broke down and got impounded like two months before COVID hit North America at full strength. I couldn't afford to get it back. I already walked a fair bit but really got into walking everywhere around me, miles in each direction just to know them well on foot

it got even more fucked when the variants really picked up, because them we couldn't really take transit anymore, even masked, as immunocompromised people

so... we walk a lot!

and it's easy to get bored of your immediate surroundings. but if you have access to transit, or a vehicle β€” I know you had been working on getting your license, but any vehicle access will do (including cabs, friends, ubers, parents) β€” that certainly opens up more areas to just walk!
Me: "Thank god the respiratory infection is finally over! I can breathe again!"



(fuck pollen season)
It was fun here in the UK early this month, where it was both unseasonably cold and also the worst conditions for pollen. I'd never had both a cold and hayfever at the same time before!
It was fun here in the UK early this month, where it was both unseasonably cold and also the worst conditions for pollen. I'd never had both a cold and hayfever at the same time before!
I pretty much stopped having any serious allergic outbreaks for years. Some mild irritation here and there, but never as bad as when I was a teen.

Last year shit came back with a vengeance. Makes me wonder if I've developed a new pollen allergy and am just not allergic to grass anymore but to some other type of pollen...
I pretty much stopped having any serious allergic outbreaks for years. Some mild irritation here and there, but never as bad as when I was a teen.

Last year shit came back with a vengeance. Makes me wonder if I've developed a new pollen allergy and am just not allergic to grass anymore but to some other type of pollen...
Maybe. I only started suffering hayfever about six years ago.

Was watching this last night. She's looking at the enemies from the original Zelda game and seeing if they are in future titles. Pretty fun little series although it's not done yet.
Why Intelligent Systems and DeNA can't do collabs in Fire Emblem Heroes?

My badly-made theory is that if they do a Xenoblade collab, they won't use the original English VAs since they are from the Great Britain. And it would feel so wrong hearing Shulk with an American accent.

They are afraid of success lol.
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