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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST33 June 2024| Bash at the Beach feat. chocolate_supra

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Do you wait for future dates before asking what their favorite Paper Mario game is or do you rip the band aid off and ask on the first?
“Oh I’m the BIGGEST Paper Mario fan! The first one is still my favorite, the one with the stickers, you know the one?”
I appreciate how tricky some of the puzzles are in Lorelei. There’s been multiple times that I thought “nah, I must be overthinking this” only to find out it works and I was in fact not overthinking it. Reminds me of VLR in some ways in that respect.
I pretty much stopped having any serious allergic outbreaks for years. Some mild irritation here and there, but never as bad as when I was a teen.

Last year shit came back with a vengeance. Makes me wonder if I've developed a new pollen allergy and am just not allergic to grass anymore but to some other type of pollen...
fun fact: one of the results of how COVID can fuck with your immune system very badly is a potential diminishing of previously bolstered allergy resistance
Med-depraved rant incoming.

Sometimes I think it’s sad that the idea of being creative and wanting to exchange creative ideas has become so intrinsically linked with marketing, clicks and eyeballs.

Stuff like people saying “shameless self-plug” before sharing something they made, as if the idea of sharing a creative work is inherently shameful somehow.

Sure, if you’re trying to coast off of other’s hard work with your clickbait channel then yes, there’s perhaps something in need to be put in place but still.

Stuff like Reddit channels having to have stringent self-promo rules because otherwise sometimes the lines between marketing and just wanting to share stuff is so blurred that you don’t know if “check this out!” pertains to passion projects or quick bucks to be made.

But Jones from (formerly) EZA said something really nice to me. Like, someone always has their, for lack of a better word, “audience”. World is big and internet is bigger and if you ever want to share stuff with likeminded individuals, they’re there and they’re happy to meet you! It’s an ocean and a sea there. It’s a lot of noise and a lot of people who want your wallet tea, but if looking properly, the process of sharing creative works can in the end ring as something truly rewarding!

dunno…. Guess it’s another one of the yay capitalism topics.
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Why Intelligent Systems and DeNA can't do collabs in Fire Emblem Heroes?

My badly-made theory is that if they do a Xenoblade collab, they won't use the original English VAs since they are from the Great Britain. And it would feel so wrong hearing Shulk with an American accent.

They are afraid of success lol.
It's kinda weird that FEH has gone strong for 7 years without a collab, the closest I can think of was the when the Tokyo Mirage Sessions characters came, but that's still a Fire Emblem game. Then again, the only Nintendo mobile game to do collabs, was Dragalia Lost and that was co-developed/co-owned with Cygames. Perhaps that's where the issue lies.
Beryl is now a hurricane and undergoing rapid intensification. The Windward Island should be expecting a major hurricane in the next couple of days.

Another storm is likely to form directly behind it as well. I feel so bad for the people who live on those islands and the southern Caribbean in general, they get smacked every year.
Well Bruce was awesome tonight

Played for three hours, had a bit of rain, but that didn’t damper the excitement. Great stuff. He might turn 75 this year, but the man can rock
Bought all the ingredients I need for my pepper steak. I'm gonna rest a bit before I start cooking; it's supposed to take me 3 hours, though.
Bought all the ingredients I need for my pepper steak. I'm gonna rest a bit before I start cooking; it's supposed to take me 3 hours, though.
Goddammit, now I feel a little too tired to cook, tonight. I hate procrastinating and tomorrow's the last day of June. 🫤
the jail scene in Xenoblade 3 is one of the few times I have ever teared up in a game
The jail scene was peak, but... That Ending made me feel so emotional, especially if you notice the little detail.

Seeing Taion falling down his knees is fucking heartbreaking, especially if you take into account he's the one who didn't like the group in the beginning. The Ending of XB3 is probably one of the best conclusion i have seen in any JRPG, since the game made you genuinely love the group.

I'm genuinely shocked how much i enjoyed the XB series, since i was expecting something mediocre, instead it's one of the best trilogy in any JRPG
@Raccoon how bout some precious ass train stuff

TMNT Shredder’s Revenge is done, I really liked it, wouldn’t have played it without ps plus. Have to pick up a copy for switch in the future.

I plan to play some classic Mario party next. Feels good to be on a gaming spree with seven games games beaten as of late. And no headaches in sight
Med-depraved rant incoming.

Sometimes I think it’s sad that the idea of being creative and wanting to exchange creative ideas has become so intrinsically linked with marketing, clicks and eyeballs.

Stuff like people saying “shameless self-plug” before sharing something they made, as if the idea of sharing a creative work is inherently shameful somehow.

Sure, if you’re trying to coast off of other’s hard work with your clickbait channel then yes, there’s perhaps something in need to be put in place but still.

Stuff like Reddit channels having to have stringent self-promo rules because otherwise sometimes the lines between marketing and just wanting to share stuff is so blurred that you don’t know if “check this out!” pertains to passion projects or quick bucks to be made.

But Jones from (formerly) EZA said something really nice to me. Like, someone always has their, for lack of a better word, “audience”. World is big and internet is bigger and if you ever want to share stuff with likeminded individuals, they’re there and they’re happy to meet you! It’s an ocean and a sea there. It’s a lot of noise and a lot of people who want your wallet tea, but if looking properly, the process of sharing creative works can in the end ring as something truly rewarding!

dunno…. Guess it’s another one of the yay capitalism topics.
I feel this post so much, as some here may know I make VGM remixes but finding places to share stuff, like YT vids, is so hard. I sometimes share videos here but I always feel a little bad doing so since it feels like I'm taking space when doing so. As you say, many sub-reddits have weird rules about sharing stuff so in the end it just feels discouraging to try.

I've also tried putting stuff into Spotify for more sharing abilities but then stuff gets even murkier since there's the actual potential of making money so you feel even dirtier by sharing it in places like forums/Reddit. Oh well.
Med-depraved rant incoming.

Sometimes I think it’s sad that the idea of being creative and wanting to exchange creative ideas has become so intrinsically linked with marketing, clicks and eyeballs.

Stuff like people saying “shameless self-plug” before sharing something they made, as if the idea of sharing a creative work is inherently shameful somehow.

Sure, if you’re trying to coast off of other’s hard work with your clickbait channel then yes, there’s perhaps something in need to be put in place but still.

Stuff like Reddit channels having to have stringent self-promo rules because otherwise sometimes the lines between marketing and just wanting to share stuff is so blurred that you don’t know if “check this out!” pertains to passion projects or quick bucks to be made.

But Jones from (formerly) EZA said something really nice to me. Like, someone always has their, for lack of a better word, “audience”. World is big and internet is bigger and if you ever want to share stuff with likeminded individuals, they’re there and they’re happy to meet you! It’s an ocean and a sea there. It’s a lot of noise and a lot of people who want your wallet tea, but if looking properly, the process of sharing creative works can in the end ring as something truly rewarding!

dunno…. Guess it’s another one of the yay capitalism topics.
Yeah I've fallen victim to the mixing up of creativity and capitalism a bunch. Not being afraid to share because of that link but being afraid to even do. I've left so many dreams and hobbies and loves behind because at some point my brain went "ah dang, gotta make money now though" and being in a rural area there just weren't opportunities to turn creative endeavors into careers so "job" came first and "hobby" fell by the wayside.

I decided that I'd be able to pick any of my loves back up once I got a "real" career and solid footing under me so I tried hard to do that, and fifteen years later I'm uuhhhhh still not there. Now the internet is an option for an outlet but it intimidates me so much that I wouldn't even know how to get started or seen. "Just pick up a camera and film anything" they say! Okay, but I gotta figure out how to eat first, and I don't even know what I'd film. I have no stories in my head anymore.

And even as I try to put a life back together now, as I am now earnestly trying to finally move to a more economically healthy area with more opportunities, I still find myself hoping I can get a creative job. A creative job. As though my brain still doesn't wanna do it if I'm not making money at it. I've tried drawing again, tried brushing up on cinematic techniques again, played with video editing software a little bit (mostly for shitposting) but it's like I can't bring myself to go out and really do it regularly unless I find a "point" to it. And making it a career seems to be the only way to make it make sense.

It sucks. Not just the commodification of creativity but the absolute time- and soul-sink that work now has to be in order to barely (not really) make ends meet. How do we find time and funding to do the things that nurture our souls if the vast majority of time is spent just trying to not be homeless? Making money at the creative stuff seems to be the only way to have both, because there's not enough time to do both. I feel like I need three or four lifetimes to do all the things I want to do, let alone afford them.

We shouldn't have to do it for the money. We aughta do it for the love. But our loves have gotta be yet another thing to feed the capitalist machine instead. Boooooooo 😩
Broke up with my girlfriend today. Shit sucks. I guess it felt more platonic than romantic at a certain point, but it hurts more that neither of us hate each other. I broke her heart, and I've cried about a dozen times in the last ten hours. I already miss our nightly routine of talking on the phone about our day, vent about our idiot clients from work, saying goodnight and then send memes back and forth for like an hour lying in bed. I really, really hope we can be friends again, but I don't know how long it's going to take.

She was my number one concert friend and I was hers; no matter how obscure if no one else wanted to come with us at least we'd go with each other. Still have to figure out what's going to happen with our collective tickets between August and November.

I'm trying lettuce water for the first time to see if it helps with sleep like studies suggest (blog/research). Hoping my subconscious is better at processing grief than my current self is. So far it just tastes like hot water steeped with a vegetable; no sleepiness yet.

Excellent cover of a really fun song

Hate how this otherwise fun cover is making me emotional because this absolutely is something I wish I could send to her right now lol (but thank you for sharing here nevertheless)
I feel this post so much, as some here may know I make VGM remixes but finding places to share stuff, like YT vids, is so hard. I sometimes share videos here but I always feel a little bad doing so since it feels like I'm taking space when doing so. As you say, many sub-reddits have weird rules about sharing stuff so in the end it just feels discouraging to try.

I've also tried putting stuff into Spotify for more sharing abilities but then stuff gets even murkier since there's the actual potential of making money so you feel even dirtier by sharing it in places like forums/Reddit. Oh well.

You really shouldn't be feeling bad about us. We have the (sadly not too active) Creative Endeavours thread, but people share creative stuff here too, occasionally. I think we've collectively learned to be tactful about it, and not overshare and also not shout down others for being too "loud". Just take the space you're comfortable taking.
You really shouldn't be feeling bad about us. We have the (sadly not too active) Creative Endeavours thread, but people share creative stuff here too, occasionally. I think we've collectively learned to be tactful about it, and not overshare and also not shout down others for being too "loud". Just take the space you're comfortable taking.
For what little it matters, I do love seeing people post about their creative works in this thread (like Sus' Grogol Bonanza or Skittzo's Monsters of Mican), even if I don't directly comment on them all the time. To me it never feels like 'advertising', just people passionate about what they are making.
For what little it matters, I do love seeing people post about their creative works in this thread (like Sus' Grogol Bonanza or Skittzo's Monsters of Mican), even if I don't directly comment on them all the time. To me it never feels like 'advertising', just people passionate about what they are making.

Also @Irene I meant to say earlier that last minute or so of your AMV goes so hard omg
Yeah I've fallen victim to the mixing up of creativity and capitalism a bunch. Not being afraid to share because of that link but being afraid to even do. I've left so many dreams and hobbies and loves behind because at some point my brain went "ah dang, gotta make money now though" and being in a rural area there just weren't opportunities to turn creative endeavors into careers so "job" came first and "hobby" fell by the wayside.

I decided that I'd be able to pick any of my loves back up once I got a "real" career and solid footing under me so I tried hard to do that, and fifteen years later I'm uuhhhhh still not there. Now the internet is an option for an outlet but it intimidates me so much that I wouldn't even know how to get started or seen. "Just pick up a camera and film anything" they say! Okay, but I gotta figure out how to eat first, and I don't even know what I'd film. I have no stories in my head anymore.

And even as I try to put a life back together now, as I am now earnestly trying to finally move to a more economically healthy area with more opportunities, I still find myself hoping I can get a creative job. A creative job. As though my brain still doesn't wanna do it if I'm not making money at it. I've tried drawing again, tried brushing up on cinematic techniques again, played with video editing software a little bit (mostly for shitposting) but it's like I can't bring myself to go out and really do it regularly unless I find a "point" to it. And making it a career seems to be the only way to make it make sense.

It sucks. Not just the commodification of creativity but the absolute time- and soul-sink that work now has to be in order to barely (not really) make ends meet. How do we find time and funding to do the things that nurture our souls if the vast majority of time is spent just trying to not be homeless? Making money at the creative stuff seems to be the only way to have both, because there's not enough time to do both. I feel like I need three or four lifetimes to do all the things I want to do, let alone afford them.

We shouldn't have to do it for the money. We aughta do it for the love. But our loves have gotta be yet another thing to feed the capitalist machine instead. Boooooooo 😩
God, I remember when I wanted to pursue something like that as a teenager. That was back when people were starting to make money off of YouTube and the rise of channels, like Machinima and Smosh. At some point, I wanted to pursue a career as a voice actor; I even took courses in college that I thought would help me get closer to that goal. Then I started having a more conventional job and I had to drop out. I do wanna go back to college, but I want to have a stable enough income for tuition; I'm not sure if I want to pursue that old passion again, but I want a career that I can not only be proud of, but one I know will sustain me. It's all baby steps, at this point.
Summer Games Done Quick kicks off in about 45 minutes. The first run of the day is the best Yoshi game. That's right, Yoshi's Story!

Splatoon 3 Side Order is also on today at 6pm eastern followed by Pokemon Violet.
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