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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST3 Dec. 2021| Topical Threes

When Should Raccoon’s New Nintendo Direct Speculation Thread Launch?

  • Monday, Dec. 27 • 12pm EST

    Votes: 43 20.0%
  • Saturday, Jan. 1 • 12am EST

    Votes: 172 80.0%

  • Total voters
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There's been alot of people upset on Twitter and acting all sarcastic about the whole Pokemon graphic stuff going on.

This can be a hot take I guess but like the games do look like shit lol. I'm a Pokemon fan, I don't think it's asking too much for Pokemon games to not look like 10-15 year old games in some cases
There's been alot of people upset on Twitter and acting all sarcastic about the whole Pokemon graphic stuff going on.

This can be a hot take I guess but like the games do look like shit lol. I'm a Pokemon fan, I don't think it's asking too much for Pokemon games to not look like 10-15 year old games in some cases
my thing with pokemon is that arceus is such a step up from sword and shield and the remakes

in terms of graphics it's like

let's go
(the depths of hell)
sword shield

so it's fair to complain but I don't get why arceus has been such a sticking point
my thing with pokemon is that arceus is such a step up from sword and shield and the remakes

in terms of graphics it's like

let's go
(the depths of hell)
sword shield

so it's fair to complain but I don't get why arceus has been such a sticking point
I dunno, I think Doom looks pretty good on Switch.
More than any other pokemon game on Switch, I can forgive Arceus looking the way it is just by what the game is attempting to achieve.

Not completely, but more-so than stuff like DP or S/S
There's been alot of people upset on Twitter and acting all sarcastic about the whole Pokemon graphic stuff going on.

This can be a hot take I guess but like the games do look like shit lol. I'm a Pokemon fan, I don't think it's asking too much for Pokemon games to not look like 10-15 year old games in some cases
It looks like wrinkly butt.

I no longer play Pokémon, and haven't in years, but my thing is that I believe the highest-grossing media franchise on the planet should maybe look a little sharper. It's wild what they can get away with.
Sorry I'm kinda late to everything but I have family in from out of town and I spent from sunup to sundown in the shop wrenching with them. So I'm back now, and I'd just like to say:

It's not really that the graphics are bad, it's just that the art direction sucks. They need to utilize a better artstyle that looks good while also playing well with the engine and Switch hardware. Make it look like BOTW or Immortals or something.
Blast from the past:

YouTube recommend me a satire video of the Fine Bros react world controversy. That was a doozy day of internet
I'm a sucker for holiday events in GaaS games. I just spent a few hours playing Destiny 2. They have the Dawning, their version of Christmas, going on. Got myself a flashy armor set and a speeder bike with Christmas lights using the free currency. The social area is all decked out in snow and decorations. Fire Emblem Heroes is having its Christmas banner. I got all of the new Christmas heroes with plenty of orbs left over.

I kinda which Nintendo had something like this for their titles. I know they have holiday events for their mobile games but nothing really for their Switch titles. I get that holiday events in other games are the way that they are because they are often pretty exploitative. Constant updates to get people to spend money. It's clear that Nintendo is not in the business of having their console games run forever with updates every two weeks. But I don't know...I would pay to have Link where a Christmas hat...
When it comes to Pokémon, I think it's just basic math. In SWSH you have a game that has outsold all (probably) first party PS4 games, including Horizon, God of War, the Last of US, etc., and is probably more profitable than them too. Sure, they could invest more in making the graphics look better (Though I think like some others that art style choices would go a long way.) but how much more would they sell. You could have a realistic situation where Pokémon looks a lot better but is less profitable.

I know this seems/is reductive to making it all about money, but that's a factor that can't be ignored either. The truth is, a game doesn't sell over 20 million units if the general population hates how it looks.
Duuuuuude! You mean this tower?

Just thinking about the glass off gives me the creeps :(

that is absolutely the one (it’s hard to miss)

the weirdest bit is that it wasn’t like a whole pane of glass (unlike some condos in Toronto – don’t buy condos!!!) but just a huge chunk of a pane cracked clean off in the wind and shattered below.

that’s a fun video
I am so afraid of heights
ooh but I think I see my apartment
This may not be thread worthy yet, but the Mexican president is blaming the "Nintendos" again, claiming videogames promote violence and that his govern quement will present evidence of it and some actions they want to talk so it doesn't affect kids... even though we already have our own rating board. I am thinking he is trying to blame something for the Ovidio Guzman thing and other criminal activities and he is old school enough to think videogames can be a good scapegoat, again. I hope this doesn't result in some severe restrictions to videogames in Mexico or increase in prices, because that'd harm everyone and not reduce the violence nor prevent the drug cartels from doing what they do best: crime.

this talk of Pokémon fans reminds me of one of my favourite images on the internet


I feel like this is out of date now though lol
Those terrible Nintendo fans, they may seem cute and all but deep down they'd strap bombs on their Bidoofs and blow up their nearest Applebee's in a fit of Nintendo induced violent rage!
this talk of Pokémon fans reminds me of one of my favourite images on the internet


I feel like this is out of date now though lol
Personally, I'd probably shift a couple these around (Pokémon needs its own spot below Smash and AC, lol), but it's still pretty good.
Kiwami (1) definitely felt unpolished re:the combat. Zero’s combat was near perfect. Kiwami took a perfect combat engine and put it up against very imperfect boss fights. Totally get it.

That said, I loved Judgment’s combat so maybe it’s just that you’re burnt out on that style of combat. Which I get!!!

I finished Kiwami 1 after all, I forgot that the last 3-4 chapters are quite short.

...and now I kiiiinda wanna see if I can play through Kiwami 2 in the last 2 weeks before they take it off GP.
It looks like wrinkly butt.

I no longer play Pokémon, and haven't in years, but my thing is that I believe the highest-grossing media franchise on the planet should maybe look a little sharper. It's wild what they can get away with.
They don't even attempt anymore, cause they know they can get away with it.
Just look at freaking BOTW, a game made for the fucking Wii U and how that looks.

It's embarrassing for Pokémon to look 10 years outdated plus running like that.
Don't they not have any ambition at GF?
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They don't even attempt anymore, cause they know they can get away with it.
Just look at freaking BOTW, a game made for the fucking Wii U and how that looks.

It's embarrassing for Pokémon to look 10 years outdated plus running like that.
Don't they not have any ambition at GF?
More ambition than the 2D Mario developers, who've been rehashing the exact same game since 2006 in one form or another, with the same goddamn art style. If we want to talk performance, than Nintendo in general has been slipping on that front. The Nintendo published Age of Calamity runs poorly. BOTW struggled at points, and I guarantee you BOTW2 will be worse. Link's Awakening will randomly drop half of its frames on a whim. Xenoblade 2 can drop to sub 480p in handheld mode. The N64 emulator has notable input lag and other emulation issues. Running poorly isn't a "Game Freak" thing this gen.
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I saw that, I'm more wondering why twitter is talking about it again and whether I missed something.
Doki Doki Literature Club dev tweeted that Pokemon Legends looks like a GameCube game. I think he followed it up trying to say that Pokemon is a huge series which should have the time and resources to have more sophisticated visuals, but his first tweet on the topic was literally "looks like a GameCube game".

I don't mind people wanting to criticise visuals or to talk about Pokemon's limitations, but seeing a developer use their public platform to hurl out reductive, dismissive stuff into the bitter void that is Pokemon Discourse irritates me.
I've been playing The Good Life these last few days and it's been a frustrating experience. I really want to like it, but it feels like almost every system in the game was designed to be as time consuming and annoying as possible (and considering who made the game, i'm sure there's some degree of truth to this assesment).

I'm tempted to drop it, but maybe i'll keep it for later because i can see myself really getting into it anyway if i'm in the right mood.

In happier news, The Record of Lodoss War metroidvania is pretty fucking good.
Civ VI Anthology (the one with all DLC/expansions) is currently 60% off on the eshop and now available for 27,99€. I've been eyeing this game for a long time and have two questions for those of you who have played it (preferably on Switch):

1) Is performance good? From what I've read, smaller maps with lower turn count seems the way to go if you don't want the game to slow down too much.

2) Is it worth it at this price? For comparison, the base game is on sale for 8,99€ currently.

Thanks in advance, Fami!
More ambition than the 2D Mario developers, who've been rehashing the exact same game since 2006 in one form or another, with the same goddamn art style.
Never claimed that what they did was any better.
But I would say 2009, since NSMB Wii at least had Multiplayer which was a neat feature. After that it got stale and got outplayed by the likes of Rayman and DK

Edit: Since you edited your post:
Would I like a stable performance? Sure, everyone likes that. But with BOTW I at least can see the ambition and can deal with framerate issues outside of combat. Links Awakening also didn't made problems when it counted. Xenoblade 2 was shocking, even more so after Xenoblade X, I agree, but the game still was big and full of live and had a better art direction?
this talk of Pokémon fans reminds me of one of my favourite images on the internet


I feel like this is out of date now though lol
Metroid is my #1, and I'm indeed a defensive fanatic, but I also felt extremely righteous, valid, and justified in asking for a new 2D Metroid + sequel to Fusion (which we finally got!), especially after games like Other M and Federation Force, and a 19 year wait... so bump me up a tier.
Metroid is my #1, and I'm indeed a defensive fanatic, but I also felt extremely righteous, valid, and justified in asking for a new 2D Metroid + sequel to Fusion (which we finally got!), especially after games like Other M and Federation Force, and a 19 year wait... so bump me up a tier.
I still don't understand why F-Zero and Mother are in such a trash tier. What did those fans got in the last 15+ years?
And I somewhat feel justified in demanding a proper Paper Mario, a RPG that isn't just neat graphics and 4th wall breakign jokes
Playing The Gunk on Game Pass and it's pretty charming and has a nice artstyle. As a new game from the developers of the SteamWorld games it's a little bit disappointing so far, I have to admit. It's not as mechanically engaging as any of them and from what I can tell it's not very long either. I hope it does well for them and they can do something bigger and more complex in the future.

Doki Doki Literature Club dev tweeted that Pokemon Legends looks like a GameCube game. I think he followed it up trying to say that Pokemon is a huge series which should have the time and resources to have more sophisticated visuals, but his first tweet on the topic was literally "looks like a GameCube game".

I don't mind people wanting to criticise visuals or to talk about Pokemon's limitations, but seeing a developer use their public platform to hurl out reductive, dismissive stuff into the bitter void that is Pokemon Discourse irritates me.

Ah, didn't expect that to make waves. I mean honestly, at this point this entire discussion is whatever. GF (and Nintendo in general) will move at their own pace and if people don't like that they can complain but it's not likely to get better as quickly as people want it to.
I still don't understand why F-Zero and Mother are in such a trash tier. What did those fans got in the last 15+ years?
And I somewhat feel justified in demanding a proper Paper Mario, a RPG that isn't just neat graphics and 4th wall breakign jokes
The F-Zero, Mother, and Punch-Out!! fans have gotten a very raw deal. I've been wondering, for many years, if we'd ever see another Punch-Out!!.

Wario Land fans didn't even make the list... that's brutal.
I still don't understand why F-Zero and Mother are in such a trash tier. What did those fans got in the last 15+ years?
And I somewhat feel justified in demanding a proper Paper Mario, a RPG that isn't just neat graphics and 4th wall breakign jokes
All Paper Mario are have neat Graphics and only the original doesn’t really break the 4th wall lol.

You need. The Great Gonzales RPG

Action Adventure
All Paper Mario are have neat Graphics and only the original doesn’t really break the 4th wall lol.
Yes all of them look good. But they really got that Paper look peoperly since the Wii U. heck the original is one of the few N64 games that still hold up, but on top of that they have a neat story, a proper battle system where fighting is encouraged and the world feels like a proper world, where you meet not big standard Toads but rather different kind of people from all specied that look different.
I miss that
Doki Doki Literature Club dev tweeted that Pokemon Legends looks like a GameCube game. I think he followed it up trying to say that Pokemon is a huge series which should have the time and resources to have more sophisticated visuals, but his first tweet on the topic was literally "looks like a GameCube game".

I don't mind people wanting to criticise visuals or to talk about Pokemon's limitations, but seeing a developer use their public platform to hurl out reductive, dismissive stuff into the bitter void that is Pokemon Discourse irritates me.
TBH, comments like Salvato's just give me ample reason to ignore anything he says. If he's going to lead with the reductive "hurr durr Gamecube game" shit, it doesn't matter what he says afterwards; he's already poisoned the well. Considering that he's done mods for Melee, you'd think he'd know what Gamecube games actually look like...

I'm also going to be a bit of ass here, but if DDLC is the only full game Salvato has worked on, then I find his comments kinda hypocritical. There's nothing about that game that couldn't work on the GC as well, it's a visual novel. Game Freak's making a large scale JRPG, and while we can debate the actual merits of its visuals, it's definitely a tad more ambitious development wise compared to a VN. Him being a dev doesn't make his statements more informed.
Listening to a few podcasts and I’m surprised at the anger and negativity for Nintendo not having anything at TGA.

The same folks that said these awards don’t matter and not a big deal for anybody. Then claim Nintendo are lazy or can get away with not marketing anything. I didn’t think anyone would really cared they didn’t show anything lol.

Weird. Since 2017, Nintendo hasn’t really shown any new footage on any of their games. Just reveal some 3rd parties and Smash. I know Smash announcements are big, but it’s just DLC in the end, outside of the game. Huge and popular reactions and whatnot.

Inside the game. Just a small DLC, even gets a Sakurai presents which also end up with lots of views lol

I think Smash reveals feel much bigger then what they really are in the grand schemes of things lol.
Every time "Pokemon is cheap and GF is lazy" discourse rises up angel gets it's wings.

And I laugh thinking about my nuzlocke challenge with only pokemon league to beat anymore.

And I laugh thinking about me and my kids playing Snap and my smaller kid playing unite and TCG.

And I laugh thinking about over 10000km that I have walked with Pokémon go.

And I laugh thinking many other things thing about the franchise that has kept me entertained for over 25 years.

I laught with Pokémon, not at them. And I say what I say every time. Bugger off and let us enjoy things.

Every time "Pokemon is cheap and GF is lazy" discourse rises up angel gets it's wings.

And I laugh thinking about my nuzlocke challenge with only pokemon league to beat anymore.

And I laugh thinking about me and my kids playing Snap and my smaller kid playing unite and TCG.

And I laugh thinking about over 10000km that I have walked with Pokémon go.

And I laugh thinking many other things thing about the franchise that has kept me entertained for over 25 years.

I laught with Pokémon, not at them. And I say what I say every time. Bugger off and let us enjoy things.
This is a great post.

The way GF is pictured by some people as a sort of "lazy dev" that "gets away with cheap looking outdated graphics", like wtf is this shit anyway? I thought this simple reasoning died along with the popularity of Gamefaqs years ago, but seems to be alive and well?
Every time "Pokemon is cheap and GF is lazy" discourse rises up angel gets it's wings.

And I laugh thinking about my nuzlocke challenge with only pokemon league to beat anymore.

And I laugh thinking about me and my kids playing Snap and my smaller kid playing unite and TCG.

And I laugh thinking about over 10000km that I have walked with Pokémon go.

And I laugh thinking many other things thing about the franchise that has kept me entertained for over 25 years.

I laught with Pokémon, not at them. And I say what I say every time. Bugger off and let us enjoy things.
The current discussion doesn't mention the Spin-Offs or merchandise or self-applied challanges.
And you can still enjoy all of that while other can also say how tired and disappointed they are.
Looks like Pix n Love might finally be shipping the collector's edition of No More Heroes 3 early next week. Hopefully I'll have it before 2021 ends, because then I could play what was one of my most anticipated games of this year while it's still actually this year...
Just reading things now and getting up to date. I kind of saw something on twitter about all this graphics talk for Pokemon. I don't know what it is but for me I just don't get passionate about things like that. I do of course enjoy a good looking game but I could have the shiniest graphics in the world yet the game be very boring. A recent example for me was Kena on PS5, the animation was so good and it looked beautiful but I got bored so quickly. Yet with Brilliant Diamond (I have never played Diamond before) I am enjoying it so much. I am a more recent Pokemon fan and started playing when X and Y came out but Let's Go really got me interested. Maybe I just don't have the history to worry about it? I can understand why people would not like the style etc but for me it is more about the game and whether I get enjoyment from it.
Every time "Pokemon is cheap and GF is lazy" discourse rises up angel gets it's wings.

And I laugh thinking about my nuzlocke challenge with only pokemon league to beat anymore.

And I laugh thinking about me and my kids playing Snap and my smaller kid playing unite and TCG.

And I laugh thinking about over 10000km that I have walked with Pokémon go.

And I laugh thinking many other things thing about the franchise that has kept me entertained for over 25 years.

I laught with Pokémon, not at them. And I say what I say every time. Bugger off and let us enjoy things.
I apologize if anyone has told you that you shouldn't enjoy Pokemon, but at the same time I don't think that's a good reason to dismiss criticism and tell people to "bugger off" for criticizing the games. I mean, we're talking about the main series which has literally never had a game sell under 6m units, and every brand new entry sells 15m+. I think it's pretty warranted to be critical of things like graphical issues and slimming down of content when the franchise consistently sells so well, but we see smaller franchises making way bigger leaps. People just want more enjoyment out of Pokemon. I don't think that's unreasonable.
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