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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST3 Dec. 2021| Topical Threes

When Should Raccoon’s New Nintendo Direct Speculation Thread Launch?

  • Monday, Dec. 27 • 12pm EST

    Votes: 43 20.0%
  • Saturday, Jan. 1 • 12am EST

    Votes: 172 80.0%

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Anyone playing The Gunk on Xbox?
I've played about an hour and a half. It's enjoyable and has that image and form charm that I've liked in all of their other games. I'm early, but it does feel a lot more linear than I was expecting.

Like Luigi's Mansion, it benefits from sucking things up being inherently fun. Apparently all games would be better if you give the player a vacuum.
um... what?!
It’s on Steam here I believe. It’s billed as a collaboration between Pixel and Nicalas, but I thought they were on bad terms since Nicalas stole Quote and Cave Story from him. I’m assuming the worst until I hear otherwise. Would honestly love to be corrected on this if anyone knows more. (Pretty sure that horrible president is still in charge regardless so it’d still be hard for me to support)
The current discussion doesn't mention the Spin-Offs or merchandise or self-applied challanges.
And you can still enjoy all of that while other can also say how tired and disappointed they are.
Of course it doesn't. It never does.

It always focuses on the loudest, most obnoxious people and what they say.
It always focuses on the doom and gloom and it will never be what angry people want.
It’s on Steam here I believe. It’s billed as a collaboration between Pixel and Nicalas, but I thought they were on bad terms since Nicalas stole Quote and Cave Story from him. I’m assuming the worst until I hear otherwise. Would honestly love to be corrected on this if anyone knows more. (Pretty sure that horrible president is still in charge regardless so it’d still be hard for me to support)
yep, it's another nicalis scam, unfortunately. according to this, they've stolen the idea from another indie game even.
Started playing Steamworld Heist and oh it’s so good! And you can pew-pew people’s hats off and collect them!
I've played about an hour and a half. It's enjoyable and has that image and form charm that I've liked in all of their other games. I'm early, but it does feel a lot more linear than I was expecting.

Like Luigi's Mansion, it benefits from sucking things up being inherently fun. Apparently all games would be better if you give the player a vacuum.
I played a bit more this morning. I got to chapter 3 and I’m liking it. It’s mindless fun. Gamepass is still the gift that keeps in giving.
Every time "Pokemon is cheap and GF is lazy" discourse rises up angel gets it's wings.

And I laugh thinking about my nuzlocke challenge with only pokemon league to beat anymore.

And I laugh thinking about me and my kids playing Snap and my smaller kid playing unite and TCG.

And I laugh thinking about over 10000km that I have walked with Pokémon go.

And I laugh thinking many other things thing about the franchise that has kept me entertained for over 25 years.

I laught with Pokémon, not at them. And I say what I say every time. Bugger off and let us enjoy things.

Ironic that all of your points defending Game Freak are actually points complimenting devs and games that have nothing to do with Gamefreak.
This is a great post.

The way GF is pictured by some people as a sort of "lazy dev" that "gets away with cheap looking outdated graphics", like wtf is this shit anyway? I thought this simple reasoning died along with the popularity of Gamefaqs years ago, but seems to be alive and well?
Plenty of people still parrot the "lazy dev" rhetoric. Not just with Pokemon but anything they dislike. They're just slightly smarter about phrasing it now it so they don't get as much shit for it.

It's why it's hard to take a lot of the discourse seriously, even when there are legitimate complaints.

why is this a mobile game sigh i'll still download it lol

It somehow doesn‘t look bad… are you kidding me… now I‘m a) even more tempted to play it and b) WAY more disappointed that a full-blown console game for the 20th anniversary didn‘t happen. Oh well.
Gamepass is still the gift that keeps in giving.
Yeah, this is the truth! It's almost too much though... As someone who only really gets maybe an hour to play a day, the amount of quality stuff that they are regularly putting on the service is insane. It's difficult trying to juggle playing Switch games that I've actually purchased, and trying out the endless amount of cool stuff that they keep adding to Gamepass...

Also, cheers from a fellow T1D gamer.
Me every time Pokémon discourse returns with the same kind of hostility and pettiness we've seen over the past decade.
It's too early for me to go searching but I have more of an "oh no. anyway," .gif reaction.

Edit: actually this is closer to my feelings on the matter

Yeah, this is the truth! It's almost too much though... As someone who only really gets maybe an hour to play a day, the amount of quality stuff that they are regularly putting on the service is insane. It's difficult trying to juggle playing Switch games that I've actually purchased, and trying out the endless amount of cool stuff that they keep adding to Gamepass...

Also, cheers from a fellow T1D gamer.
Hey someone else (sorry to hear that....). I have been having a horrible week with it too. One of those weeks where I cannot get it to settle in one spot and its either always too high or too low.
The Pokémon devs called me and told me that they'll stop being lazy with the games when y'all stop being lazy with your critiques of the games
Hey someone else (sorry to hear that....). I have been having a horrible week with it too. One of those weeks where I cannot get it to settle in one spot and its either always too high or too low.
Those weeks can be rough. I'm 11 years in and just recently started using a pump for the first time, so I'm kind of all over the place just trying to get used it. I think I'll definitely end up liking it, but it's a pretty big adjustment.
Until Gamefreak itself is changing things internally like team size, engine and so on, it's better to just come to terms with what Pokemon is and will be.

Easier on your mind.
The Pokémon discourse is extremely tiresome, frustrating and hyperbolic, and I can't help but feel befuddled about its ever-growing toxicity. I can not understand why anyone would spend so much time and energy, and use so much vitriol in discussing something as inconsequential as their dislike of the direction of a video game series that is not even primarily targeted towards them. This is also true when it comes to some other franchises, but I feel like Pokémon discourse is the worst offender.

Like damn, put that energy towards something that actually matters.
Those weeks can be rough. I'm 11 years in and just recently started using a pump for the first time, so I'm kind of all over the place just trying to get used it. I think I'll definitely end up liking it, but it's a pretty big adjustment.
I am only 2.5 years in (was diagnosed at 31yo) and I have only been insulin dependent for 9 months now. I dont mind MDIs and the Dexcom is a lifesaver.
Until Gamefreak itself is changing things internally like team size, engine and so on, it's better to just come to terms with what Pokemon is and will be.

Easier on your mind.
at least they're changing the gameplay cycle. which was the one thing i always asked but did not get when i was playing pokemon the most.
It somehow doesn‘t look bad… are you kidding me… now I‘m a) even more tempted to play it and b) WAY more disappointed that a full-blown console game for the 20th anniversary didn‘t happen. Oh well.

Visually, this looks beautiful. I'm going to try it if they port it over.
Visually, this looks beautiful. I'm going to try it if they port it over.
Absolutely it does. Which makes me all the more sad this couldn‘t have been a console project. I already pre-registered for the JP version due to my sheer fanboyism… I know mobile is the easiest way to get the quick $$$, but man this would‘ve looked nice on the OLED ;_;
More than any other pokemon game on Switch, I can forgive Arceus looking the way it is just by what the game is attempting to achieve.

Not completely, but more-so than stuff like DP or S/S

Absolutely. I don't have a problem with SwSh's graphics particularly, but I do understand the complainst because the game was so barebones and offered so little in compensation for the graphics and animations being subpar. With legends however, not only the game looks much better than swSh and perfectly serviceable on its own, the graphical compromises are there to allow a completely new gameplay experience and I think the trade is more than worth it.
there's like 50 billion and one things you can actually complain about with Game Freak and pokemon games

but if you gotta make up shit, you never cared, you're just being a douche

The "biggest media franchise in the world, gamecube graphics" polemic coming from an indie dev is something else. Because what's the implied solution here? Taking the games away from the developers who invented the franchise and giving them to some 600+ employee multi-studio conglomerate ready to pump out high fidelity assets from day one, rather than letting the original creators scale up development at a pace and to a size they're comfortable with?

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon came out in 2017, the same year as Breath of the Wild. If you're expecting Game Freak to learn how to put out open world games with Breath of the Wild level graphics in four years, remember that the Zelda team, which learned how to make open world games with Breath of the Wild level graphics more than four years ago, hasn't put out a second Breath of the Wild since.
Yet another all-Nintendo Top 30 software in Japan. It’s fascinating how dominating Nintendo has become in that region.

I’m also fascinated by the sour grapes attitude fans of competing companies have adopted about it lol
I remember playing Wind Waker before playing Breath of the Wild and I was astonished at how much BOTW took from WW. Like, the paraglider (yes, I know SS had them too), the limited concept of taking weapons from enemies and random items that was fully expanded in BOTW, the artstyle itself, the world transversal, the post-apocalyptic world. Wind Waker plays and feels more "modern" than most PS4 games I've played and TP/SS, which I love too. So anytime anyone disses WW, I die a bit inside. And I remember playing TW3 before BOTW too, and it really felt like another good direction for gameplay to go imo. Just wanted to say this. That's it, bye.
Yet another all-Nintendo Top 30 software in Japan. It’s fascinating how dominating Nintendo has become in that region.

I’m also fascinated by the sour grapes attitude fans of competing companies have adopted about it lol
Xbox on the verge of taking over the PS brand in Japan too, in weekly sales only obviously. I've come this far to witness that.
I remember playing Wind Waker before playing Breath of the Wild and I was astonished at how much BOTW took from WW. Like, the paraglider (yes, I know SS had them too), the limited concept of taking weapons from enemies and random items that was fully expanded in BOTW, the artstyle itself, the world transversal, the post-apocalyptic world. Wind Waker plays and feels more "modern" than most PS4 games I've played and TP/SS, which I love too. So anytime anyone disses WW, I die a bit inside. And I remember playing TW3 before BOTW too, and it really felt like another good direction for gameplay to go imo. Just wanted to say this. That's it, bye.
I remember playing Wind Waker before playing Breath of the Wild and I was astonished at how much BOTW took from WW. Like, the paraglider (yes, I know SS had them too), the limited concept of taking weapons from enemies and random items that was fully expanded in BOTW, the artstyle itself, the world transversal, the post-apocalyptic world. Wind Waker plays and feels more "modern" than most PS4 games I've played and TP/SS, which I love too. So anytime anyone disses WW, I die a bit inside. And I remember playing TW3 before BOTW too, and it really felt like another good direction for gameplay to go imo. Just wanted to say this. That's it, bye.
I've said it before, but Zelda is that one franchise where games can't come before other games. Twilight Princess would have never existed without WW, SS wouldn't exist without TP, and Breath of the Wild is a culmination of so many Zelda tropes. it's why I say BotW isn't really as different as people make it out to be
Most of the Pokémon conundrum seems to come from this urge to release new games on an industrial scale, almost anually. It's a Pokémon Company problem.
I mean, its definitely possible he could've gotten that information, but BOTW 2 being set for November isn't exactly surprising? It was either then or not coming out in 2022.
This. It was either gonna be late Summer (September) or the Holiday 2022 game.
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