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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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Wouldn't his evil italian twin be Lee Guerra?
Geography 101: What is the best opening level in gaming? This can be answered multiple ways. It could be from a tutorial perspective, game design perspective, most fun sequence. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
This is actually super hard to answer. I'm not sure if it's my final response, but one I keep returning to is the first Super Mario Galaxy. The spaceship hub was massive, allowed for exploration and secrets within, a free-roaming playground to try out manuevres with different power ups as you unlocked them, Rosalina's Observatory with the Luma Storytime sequences, it was just a lot of fun to hop and jump around in. Moreso than SMG2, I'd say (even if SMG2 had better overall levels and worlds).

While I also endorse SMB 1-1 or Sonic's Green Hill Zone, I think also Donkey Kong Country on SNES is also a really great starting level. DK literally explodes out the gate when you start a save file, it's fairly simple in introductory mechanics on how to time jumps and defeat enemies, how to find the collectible KONG letters that are scattered but easily visible, and as you return to play it again you find little shortcuts that reward you with extra life balloons if you're fast enough to grab them before they float to the top of the screen.

Archaeology 101: What hardware/software feature from the past needs to be brought back to modern consoles or future consoles? This can be a controller setting, design philosophy, or operating system level function. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
Gifting games via eShop is a common request (and rightfully so!), the 3DS activity log tracker would be ideal, but I think one that people often fail to remember (especially because patent copyright laws are bullshit) is the Nemesis system from the Shadow of Mordor game. Even not having played the game myself, reading about it and seeing others play made it seem so very cool and immersive. I wish it was something that could be seen in other games (hell I think it would be especially cool in Dynasty Warriors/spin-offs)
Do you know if there's still any value LK99 could still hold for either practical or theoretical purposes?
From what I've gathered, LK99 has low current density, meaning even if it actually materializes, it won't quite be the mythical room-temp superconductor that will revolutionize humanity's use of energy. But it could serve as a jumping point, the first step towards that revolutionary breakthrough.

That said, no one's been able to recreate LK99. Scientists want to evaluate the original material from the Korean researchers, but for one reason or another they've been keeping mum.
Would a I've Had It! thread on Famiboards be allowed? It's a thread where users can rag on insignificant bullshit that annoys them in daily life, based on the podcast of the same name.
Would a I've Had It! thread on Famiboards be allowed? It's a thread where users can rag on insignificant bullshit that annoys them in daily life, based on the podcast of the same name.
Hell, that's what I use this thread for
I've just picked it up again so I can do wave 3 DLC and then Future Redeemed this month. I enjoyed it so much that I did absolutely as much as I could before hitting the end of the main narrative... but that took my playtime up to about 130 hours over the course of 5 months.

I love me the gargantuan games, but they're not compatible with playing a lot of different things. Trying to cram Future Redeemed and Sea of Stars into this month so I can try a few weeks of Starfield before Mario, and then theoretically find room for Octopath Traveler 2 before 2023 ends.
Oh, I almost forgot to reply to this.

Yeah, I've been playing too many long games back to back. Tears of the Kingdom took me 100h, Pikmin 4 I spent almost 40h and now Xenoblade 3. And that's without Future Redeemed which seemingly takes another 20-30h. I love all of these as well but I'd like to switch things up a little bit.
I was playing Smash Bros late last night for the first time in a while (inspired by all the recent rumours in Direcc Specc), and I came across an online player where we felt evenly matched in skill, willing to goof off a little in a match and even when I'm thinking "I'm gonna send this dude a friend request" after logging out for the night, this person already sent one to me (rather poetically, we both have Pikmin avatars lmao). Makes me lament Nintendo's convoluted approach to online because dang, something tells me they have good vibes and would be alright to share a voice chat with.

Shout out Lil-Bub playing as Capt Falcon, I hope we play online again soon ✊
Archaeology 101: What hardware/software feature from the past needs to be brought back to modern consoles or future consoles? This can be a controller setting, design philosophy, or operating system level function. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
The 3DS and Wii U had digital manuals for software that you could access from the home screen menu that I found invaluable for a lot of games, and I miss them a lot on the Switch. Would love to have those back
This Super Mario Bros. (Brothers? Are they related?) game is pretty good. No idea why people aren't talking about this NES hidden gem from a small indie studio.
I was playing Smash Bros late last night for the first time in a while (inspired by all the recent rumours in Direcc Specc), and I came across an online player where we felt evenly matched in skill, willing to goof off a little in a match and even when I'm thinking "I'm gonna send this dude a friend request" after logging out for the night, this person already sent one to me (rather poetically, we both have Pikmin avatars lmao). Makes me lament Nintendo's convoluted approach to online because dang, something tells me they have good vibes and would be alright to share a voice chat with.

Shout out Lil-Bub playing as Capt Falcon, I hope we play online again soon ✊
im trying to figure out who could be in a third fighters pass today the smash rumours got me thinking about smash all day also thinking about booting up some ultimate later today too havent played in a while
Anybody here excited for Cocoon? It's made by the gameplay designer of Inside and Limbo and releases on the 29th!

I am! Looks trippy as hell, I love that small word in bigger universe style mechanic, I believe we had a labyrinth game on Switch with similar concept.
Yay new thread! Excellent OP @Barely Able !

Also I didn’t get to say it before the thread transitioned, you had an awesome August ST @shoptroll ! What a great note to end weird month on with the Mario Wonder Direct :)
New thread smell! Didn't even realize that's what I was about to post in the new thread, so thank you @shoptroll for steering the previous ST!
August was a crappy month. Thank you for the great OT and a place to vibe and get my minds off of things @shoptroll

Thank you all! I also got caught off guard and didn't get to close out the thread 😂

Pretend I got to post this at the end of the last thread as a "thank you" to everyone!

Whoops! I was keeping things in Pages on my phone and the autocorrect seems non existent there. Luckily I can change it (though this is more fun)
What's a shirt essay :p

surprised its not number 1, 2d mario sells like crazy
It's also only been 48 hours and not everyone is hanging out on enthusiast sites like this :LOL:
Anybody here excited for Cocoon? It's made by the gameplay designer of Inside and Limbo and releases on the 29th!

First time I've heard about this... looks fantastic! And from the guy that brought us Limbo and Inside is like the cherry on top.
Sooo this is why the Discussion topic was not showing in my notifications....
Hey new thread, I'll pull up a chair and sit on the floor.

Geography 101: What is the best opening level in gaming? This can be answered multiple ways. It could be from a tutorial perspective, game design perspective, most fun sequence. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
Megaman X, the level I played the most on that game.... It's said to be a great tutorial as well, but my younger self was more worried that the game was supposed to be X-Men, and really bad at video-games, so it was not always that I could get to the end of it.

Archaeology 101: What hardware/software feature from the past needs to be brought back to modern consoles or future consoles? This can be a controller setting, design philosophy, or operating system level function. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.

Blowing the cartridge! Can't remember one now so I'm not sure what to answer.
What is up with all these dumb ass billionaires like Elon Musk and Zuckerberg and so on? Are they like 1-upping the meaning of being a narcissist prick? If I was a billionaire there were a few things I would do:

  • Delete my social media acounts (I only have LinkedIn now anyway)
  • Buy a house with a pool, one that I can comfortably swim for excercise
  • Invest in a few youth centres around the country where practice spaces for music and arts can developed for local children
  • Buy a non-profit book store that can also cater as a space for community meetings
  • Develop a healthy and fun way to spend my days that feel productive and worth it while not having to work

I would definitely not go on big social media rampages, lead multinationals and give stupid ass keynote speeches. I would definitely not seek any attention. I would do what I and so many billionaires actually should do: give back what they can but above all: just shut the fuck up and enjoy life.

But maybe even worse is the people that actually idolize them, what is wrong with them?
Pop quiz (without looking it up), which Mario Kart game has the highest metacritic score of all time?
I would guess Super Circuit. Probably fewer reviews made their way online, so less spread, combined with the fact it was only the third installment in the series and there was the major novelty of it being the first portable entry.
What is up with all these dumb ass billionaires like Elon Musk and Zuckerberg and so on? Are they like 1-upping the meaning of being a narcissist prick? If I was a billionaire there were a few things I would do:

  • Delete my social media acounts (I only have LinkedIn now anyway)
  • Buy a house with a pool, one that I can comfortably swim for excercise
  • Invest in a few youth centres around the country where practice spaces for music and arts can developed for local children
  • Buy a non-profit book store that can also cater as a space for community meetings
  • Develop a healthy and fun way to spend my days that feel productive and worth it while not having to work

I would definitely not go on big social media rampages, lead multinationals and give stupid ass keynote speeches. I would definitely not seek any attention. I would do what I and so many billionaires actually should do: give back what they can but above all: just shut the fuck up and enjoy life.

But maybe even worse is the people that actually idolize them, what is wrong with them?
I'm surprised they wouldn't want to throw everything they have at green investments to save the planet from a climate apocalypse.

Your name would go down in history books as the sole reason, ahead of any government or grassroots initiative, that all of humanity persists and survives, and has to thank you personally. What narcissist wouldn't want that legacy?
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone post yet Gunbrella is coming out on Switch on the 13th! Also if you preorder you get Gato Roboto for free which is both very good and primarily why I’m excited for Gunbrella.

I'm surprised they wouldn't want to throw everything they have at green investments to save the planet from a climate apocalypse.

Your name would go down in history books as the sole reason, ahead of any government or grassroots initiative, that all of humanity persists and survives, and has to thank you personally. What narcissist wouldn't want that legacy?
Yeah, if they are that desperate for attention, which they obviously are, at least make history. But instead they kust... tweet I guess? I don't really get it. Sometimes I think Musk saw the Alien movies and Prometheus and thought "yes, Peter Weyland is someone I want to be" or something like that.
Would a platformer starring a snail who can get various upgrades work better as a straight platformer or a meteoidvania
Permanent upgrades or Mario-style upgrades? Or would that depend on whether it's a platformer or a Metroidvania?
Permanent upgrades or Mario-style upgrades? Or would that depend on whether it's a platformer or a Metroidvania?
Correct, that would depend.

I feel like Meteoidvanias kinda need some semblance of a story while straight up platformers can just be "jolly snail out for a stroll"
Can we really trust an inexperienced greenhorn like Shiro Mouri to direct a competent 2D sidescroller when he has fewer than 30 years of experience at the company?
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