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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST5| Uncharted Territory: Drake's Deception

When is the next general full-length Direct?

  • June

    Votes: 130 38.0%
  • July

    Votes: 40 11.7%
  • August

    Votes: 15 4.4%
  • September

    Votes: 129 37.7%
  • October

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • November

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • December

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • January

    Votes: 13 3.8%
  • February

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Never

    Votes: 11 3.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Hey guys! I've been lurking on here for a while but decided to finally use this account, looks like a direct is coming and I gotta get in on this hype!!!
I cannot believe we are LESS THAN A WEEK AWAY from Nintendo announcing a NEW F-ZERO RELEASE (Yeah it’s a remaster but whatever)
My hype is middling as there won’t be new Zelda announced so soon, but there could always be some surprises that grab me.

Going in with low expectations, high reward potential.

I am once again speaking WWHD and TPHD ports into existence
At this point in the Switch life cycle I would expect/hope to see more of the lesser used IP have in the locker. Would love to see Punchout make its return either a HD remaster of the Wii game or a brand new entry.
If Nikkei can be believed, spring 2024 is the earliest possible launch window.
Imo, spring still feels like too early a launch window. A spring launch would mean that the system would have to be announced at the very latest right after millions of people bought Switches during the holidays. This isn’t exactly an original or groundbreaking thought, but I would wager the Succ™ launches holiday 2024 with an announcement at E3 at Summer Game Fest on a random summer day with 24 hours tops advance notice.
My hype is middling as there won’t be new Zelda announced so soon, but there could always be some surprises that grab me.

Going in with low expectations, high reward potential.

I am once again speaking WWHD and TPHD ports into existence
Yeah Zelda is usually what im most hyped for. Though if they announce TOTK DLC there that will be great.

Im really expecting 2D Mario or Metroid Prime 4, it should be a great show still.
Imagine the chaos if we get nothing next week

Hell, it might be worse if we get something fairly minimal, like Mario + Rabbids or Mario Kart DLC
Can we compile the known quantities and the rumored titles?

Off the top of my head:
Metroid Prime 4
Pikmin 4
Mario Kart DLC Wave
Everybody's 1,2 Switch

New Mario & Sonic Olympics (rumor)
F-Zero GX Remaster (rumor)
Metroid Prime 2/3 (rumor)
Kid Icarus Uprising (rumor)
Paper Mario TTYD (rumor)
New Fire Emblem Remake (rumor)
Donkey Kong project (rumor)
If this is a full general direct, the only way it will bum me out is if it ends with TOTK dlc announcement as the "new" thing or Metroid Prime 4 is not mentioned at all
Would make sense opening with a quick teaser for TOTK DLC given TOTK came out recently, then get into the new stuff for later this year
I'd say I'm reasonably hyped for a new Direct. Yeah, a lot of my favorite teams have released stuff recently enough that there's maybe less I'm looking forward to, but there's still stuff like Prime 4 and some DLCs (Pokemon, ToTK) that I'd be really hyped to see
Here's a fun question, what's one heavily rumored game that you just don't see being announced at this theoretical Direct?
For me, I'm going to say a Thousand Year Door remaster.
Easy. Zelda WW/TP HD ports.
I honestly cannot wait for Nintendo to acknowledge and celebrate Banjo's 25th anniversary in the next direct, as Microsoft seems to have forgotten.

If this direct is happening I'm expecting it will generally be mostly remasters, ports and DLC/updates to existing games. All I want is something Kid Icarus and I'll be happy 😆
Can we compile the known quantities and the rumored titles?

Off the top of my head:
Metroid Prime 4
Pikmin 4
Mario Kart DLC Wave
Everybody's 1,2 Switch

New Mario & Sonic Olympics (rumor)
F-Zero GX Remaster (rumor)
Metroid Prime 2/3 (rumor)
Kid Icarus Uprising (rumor)
Paper Mario TTYD (rumor)
New Fire Emblem Remake (rumor)
Donkey Kong project (rumor)
  • EPD 8 3D game (hiring call)
  • EPD 10 2D game (hiring call)
  • Bandai-Namco developed remaster of a Nintendo game (hiring call)

If you wanted to add potential appearances from studios who haven't released anything on Switch recently:

  • Grezzo-developed game (? they've done an Apple Arcade exclusive)
  • Good-Feel
  • NdCube (released Switch titles 2018, 2020, 2021)
Edit - plus Detective Pikachu (Creatures Inc) and a potential Pokemon Mystery Dungeon title. But they'd appear in Pokemon Presents and not a Direct, presumably.
Here's a fun question, what's one heavily rumored game that you just don't see being announced at this theoretical Direct?
For me, I'm going to say a Thousand Year Door remaster.
I want to say TTYD too. From what I've read, it's mostly based around "wouldn't it be cool" with little to no substance. But maybe that's just my pessimism speaking?
I think I solved Nate's 6.21% comment.

6.21% can be written as 69/1111. Per Wikipedia: In numerology, 11:11 is considered to be a significant moment in time for an event to occur.

So this 6.21% is hinting at "an event", which could be the Nintendo Direct. Maybe he will hint at a date for the Nintendo Direct later.

Yes this is /s
Here's a fun question, what's one heavily rumored game that you just don't see being announced at this theoretical Direct?
For me, I'm going to say a Thousand Year Door remaster.
They’ll really dripfeed these GameCube remasters. If they’re real, we’ll get one of Zelda/F-Zero/TTYD/Metroid Prime 2, one in September to plug a gap in February or such, and one in February’s Direct to fill the final month before a Switch 2 reveal.

Metroid Prime 2 could be a shadowdrop, but they might want to keep focus on a potential unveiling of Prime 4 for next year (Which remains my halfway there hot take, Metroid Prime 4 is not gonna be 2023).

I’ll give you no DK for starters and the Kid Icarus remake isn’t real as my bets.
So I have just seen they confirmed the Lara croft collection for switch on June 29? That's weird if we are having a direct so soon. The direct should be very packed then.
“It’s time to announce a new entry in a beloved 2d platforming series that hasn’t gotten an installment since the Wii U!”


“Starring a character who wears a red article of clothing with his initials!”


“Everyone’s favorite character from the Donkey Kong arcade game is back in…”


New Super Mario Bros. Switch!”
Like I said before, that isn't really how minis have been used in the Switch era. They're more of an overflow presentation sort of thing now.
I feel like they usually brand directs differently (or kinda split up like last year) when they know people would otherwise expect to much. Like just imagine they just did a general direct june last year with the third party titles they announced in the partner mini + the stuff over the summer. People would have talked that this would have been a mediocre direct especially compared to the strong spring 2022 direct. Instead with a mini people know that they probably shouldn‘t hype it too much and for the Partner Mini 2022 this had a quite positive effect because most thought it was a good showing for what it was. It‘s all about managing expectations. Though I‘m not so sure what exactly they would do this year. I could see them really having a more general E3 type presentation with titles this year and beyond, but I think it will be one which focuses on summer. Then it dosen‘t really matter what branding it actually is.
I'm skeptical to believe Prime 2/3 remasters are in the can if they're as extensive as Prime 1's, if they exist they might be more basic
My hype for the Direct is pretty low, we're in the later years of the console so I'm expecting something low key.

Two things could get me way more excited: a brand new 2D Mario, and whatever one last thing is since Zelda is done. I think it could be MP4.
Is it even all that accurate to say that Primes 2 and 3 are 'heavily rumoured', at this point?

It's been ages since anything concrete pointed to them, and we've no idea what decisions Nintendo made after Prime Remastered finished. I don't think there's anything pointing to them being potentially imminent, even if there was some suggestion they were being considered at one point.

They feel like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess to me; there's no obvious launch window for them now, and given how protracted contemporary development is, it wouldn't surprise me to see Nintendo spread these titles out to cover gaps between new Zelda and Metroid titles.
I feel like they usually brand directs differently (or kinda split up like last year) when they know people would otherwise expect to much. Like just imagine they just did a general direct june last year with the third party titles they announced in the partner mini + the stuff over the summer. People would have talked that this would have been a mediocre direct especially compared to the strong spring 2022 direct. Instead with a mini people know that they probably shouldn‘t hype it too much and for the Partner Mini 2022 this had a quite positive effect because most thought it was a good showing for what it was. It‘s all about managing expectations. Though I‘m not so sure what exactly they would do this year. I could see them really having a more general E3 type presentation with titles this year and beyond, but I think it will be one which focuses on summer. Then it dosen‘t really matter what branding it actually is.
They barely announced anything new in February and it was still a general Direct. The Direct mini branding has only really been used in fairly specific ways recently.
next week folks can't fucking wait

Doing this now at the 30th anniversary [of Super Mario Bros.] is really putting some more of that creativity into the players,” says Miyamoto. “But at the same time, we as the developers feel that it’s time for us to move in a new direction, and we’re preparing to work on the future of Super Mario from here on.” – September 2015

“We will continue to make 3D and 2D Mario games, but I want to make one that even exceeds New Super Mario Bros.” - Takashi Tezuka, September 2015.

We've been seeing more of Yoichi Kotabe’s classic Mario art lately in marketing and other places, like the character select screen in Super Mario 3D World. Will we ever see a 2D game made entirely of Kotabe’s art?

Miyamoto: We’re at almost like a turning point. When you look at Mickey Mouse there is the classic Mickey Mouse, and then there is the modern Mickey Mouse and the classic one has a lot of flavor to it and the modern Mickey Mouse looks really great, but it is losing a little bit of the flavor, and that’s something we discuss to make sure we keep that intact as we’re creating characters. And of course the development team for any Mario game may want to use Kotabe’s art, but there is also a character-development team that’s really working hard to create new styles and new work. Once they get more work done, I think more and more of that will be reflected into games.

And you feel like the pristine, perfect flavor for 2D Mario is that beautiful, clean Kotabe art?

Miyamoto: I do believe that Mr Kotabe’s art has become kind of a standard within Nintendo, but we definitely want to continue to see if we can evolve that as time goes by.
I do think that a switch successor is imminent so I'm not expecting too many big hitters from the next direct, but in a way that makes it more fun to predict. I wonder which of smaller franchise's and spin-offs might get the spotlight
I remembered last year when Metroid Prime Remastered was still unannounced, I wondered that it could potentially have been released in November 2022 because that would line up with its 20th anniversary, but then I realized November 2022 was booked solid by Pokemon so that was out of the question.

Just now I was thinking "November would be a good time for Metroid Prime 4 this year, but something's probably taking up that spot" and then I remembered that there's nothing we know about in November, or anything post-July yet. Gives me a little optimism that next week is definitely a general and not a partner showcase.
Like I said before, that isn't really how minis have been used in the Switch era. They're more of an overflow presentation sort of thing now.
In any case, I think they will announce the big November game. Something has to be there.

I don't think there will be a partner showcase.
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