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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST5| Uncharted Territory: Drake's Deception

When is the next general full-length Direct?

  • June

    Votes: 130 38.0%
  • July

    Votes: 40 11.7%
  • August

    Votes: 15 4.4%
  • September

    Votes: 129 37.7%
  • October

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • November

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • December

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • January

    Votes: 13 3.8%
  • February

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Never

    Votes: 11 3.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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how comes there isn't an ace attorney game where Wright dies and in order to come back to the living he has to defend souls in purgatory from eternal damnation?
July - Pikmin 4
August - nothing
September - Mario and Sonic Fuck Each Other at the Olympic Games
October - F-Zero GX
November - 2D Mario (no fucking involved btw)
December - nothing

Wild Card: Rhythm Heaven Switch
I think I finally know what the “F” stands for in F-Zero
July - Pikmin 4
August - nothing
September - Mario and Sonic Fuck Each Other at the Olympic Games
October - F-Zero GX
November - 2D Mario (no fucking involved btw)
December - nothing

Wild Card: Rhythm Heaven Switch

not even a little?

is Nintendo trying to kill their sales? what about the pirahna plant?

I wonder if atlus is interested in porting the Persona Q games? It is a good time to do so with all the P3R hype, Etrian ports, similar art style as P5 tactica, good "filler" while we wait for the P3R and Metaphor release dates. And these games are stuck on 3DS only.
I wonder if atlus is interested in porting the Persona Q games? It is a good time to do so with all the P3R hype, Etrian ports, similar art style as P5 tactica, good "filler" while we wait for the P3R and Metaphor release dates. And these games are stuck on 3DS only.
I bet the EO collection is serving as a development test for those (not sales test as these games never sell gangbusters) Would imagine the PQ games have more sales potentially (and accidental sales potential for people that think it’s a chibi persona rpg) than traditional EO games if on switch and steam. Only concern is it would confuse the market with the P5 Tactics game since they look similar
I’m just sayin’ if this next direct has tomodachi life or any sort of mii game and TTYD HD I’ll be the happiest person in existence, though I’m still keepin my expectations low
Are there any concrete rumours for a new 2D Mario, or is it just speculation?
Speculation. It's weird that people are acting like Mario is insufficiently represented on Switch when there have been two new mainline Mario games and a port with a brand new campaign. I don't know why Nintendo would release a new 2D Mario game now—in the Switch's sixth year on the market—when they could easily save it for the next system. The idea that they need to "capitalize on the movie hype" when the movie has already grossed over 1.3 billion dollars without any cross-promotion is a bit silly. People like Mario. People will always like Mario. Meanwhile, Donkey Kong hasn't had a new game in almost ten years and Nintendo is supposed to be opening a Donkey Kong theme park expansion in Japan next year, with a rumored movie on the way. Now would be a good time to start revitalizing interest in the brand, no?
Speculation. It's weird that people are acting like Mario is insufficiently represented on Switch when there have been two new mainline Mario games and a port with a brand new campaign. I don't know why Nintendo would release a new 2D Mario game now—in the Switch's sixth year on the market—when they could easily save it for the next system. The idea that they need to "capitalize on the movie hype" when the movie has already grossed over 1.3 billion dollars without any cross-promotion is a bit silly. People like Mario. People will always like Mario. Meanwhile, Donkey Kong hasn't had a new game in almost ten years and Nintendo is supposed to be opening a Donkey Kong theme park expansion in Japan next year, with a rumored movie on the way. Now would be a good time to start revitalizing interest in the brand, no?
this presumes a level of planning divorced from actually developing the games

it's not about the perfect moment, it's about what's done when
For trolling throughout the thread for multiple days you have been permanently threadbanned. -xghost777, MondoMega, VolcanicDynamo, Derachi
It's just clicked.

I reckon the 2D Mario team is the one working on the new Kirby.
this presumes a level of planning divorced from actually developing the games

it's not about the perfect moment, it's about what's done when
Everybody gangsta about getting a new 2D Mario game until Nintendo drops that New Super Mario Bros Switch trailer.
I wonder if atlus is interested in porting the Persona Q games? It is a good time to do so with all the P3R hype, Etrian ports, similar art style as P5 tactica, good "filler" while we wait for the P3R and Metaphor release dates. And these games are stuck on 3DS only.
they'll port em to everything but switch 🥸
this presumes a level of planning divorced from actually developing the games

it's not about the perfect moment, it's about what's done when
Is it, though? Although they obviously can't release games until they're ready, Nintendo has a history of sitting on finished games. Everybody's favorite "insider," Zippo, claims that Nintendo has been "sitting on Donkey Kong" for over a year. That's obviously bullshit, but it wouldn't be unprecedented. If EPD's Donkey Kong game won't be ready until next year, then let them cook. In terms of marketing, however, I think it would make more sense to start pushing Donkey Kong as a brand right now instead of waiting until the last minute. Mario doesn't need any help—if the 35 games he has starred in since Tropical Freeze didn't make that obvious enough. Donkey Kong does.
That shit is next week fam

Where’s everyone’s hype level at?

I’m at like a 9/10
My hype is about an 8/10, because while I still see it being a more low-key Direct without the huge banger announcements, we know so little that it’s pretty exciting to see what craziness could crop up. Should be fun!
I wonder if atlus is interested in porting the Persona Q games? It is a good time to do so with all the P3R hype, Etrian ports, similar art style as P5 tactica, good "filler" while we wait for the P3R and Metaphor release dates. And these games are stuck on 3DS only.
I'd rather get EO IV, V and Nexus tbh.
Truthfully I'd rather get a new Etrian Odyssey already... but if we're choosing between ports.

Actually, I immediately regret manifesting the idea of more Etrian ports. Atlus speding years going through ports of PQ1, PQ2, IV, U1, U2, V and Nexus before finally moving on to a new entry is my new nightmare.
I’m most glad that this dumb Persona question will be answered definitively by the Direct’s end.
The first question! The question that must never be answered, hidden in plain sight! The question you've been running from all your life!
Persona who?
Persona who?
I'm always excited for new marketing events to tell me how I'm going to spend my limited funds and time left on this Earth.
Speculation. It's weird that people are acting like Mario is insufficiently represented on Switch when there have been two new mainline Mario games and a port with a brand new campaign. I don't know why Nintendo would release a new 2D Mario game now—in the Switch's sixth year on the market—when they could easily save it for the next system. The idea that they need to "capitalize on the movie hype" when the movie has already grossed over 1.3 billion dollars without any cross-promotion is a bit silly. People like Mario. People will always like Mario. Meanwhile, Donkey Kong hasn't had a new game in almost ten years and Nintendo is supposed to be opening a Donkey Kong theme park expansion in Japan next year, with a rumored movie on the way. Now would be a good time to start revitalizing interest in the brand, no?
Mario is extremely well represented on Switch, but when it comes to 2D Mario, there is only the NSMBU Deluxe port and Super Mario Maker 2. One being a port and the other a spinoff. Switch doesn't have a true mainline 2D Mario game yet.

Having said that, I think it's DK's time to shine. Like you mention, there's a new DK theme attraction coming, and it would be odd to put a lot of effort into a brand that hasn't had a new game in a DECADE. At the very least, Nintendo should announce the new DK game this year, even if it releases next year.

Regardless, they really need to start promoting the brand early, or people will be confused as to why this franchise is getting top billing over franchises that has been killing it recently like Zelda, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Kirby, and Splatoon.
Little worried about the 6/21 date with Fire Emblem being announced as new GBA game tonight. Seems like something they could have included a direct
Naaaaaah why would they include an NSO trailer for a game that was already announced to be coming to NSO? All this says to me is not to expect NSO news next Direct, which I don't think was on anyone's mind
Naaaaaah why would they include an NSO trailer for a game that was already announced to be coming to NSO? All this says to me is not to expect NSO news next Direct, which I don't think was on anyone's mind
I guess that's true, I thought I remembered them dropping a previously announced NSO game during a direct but quick research found nothing.
Nintendo can easily surprise with a new DK game this holiday or Star Fox game. We know they always have games under wraps. DK is of course rumored
Universal is 100% developing a Zelda movie right now, I'll tell you that. It could be being made by a different division, but I have a feeling he is probably just being coy so he doesn't jeopardize the relationship with Nintendo.
I feel like he would be more vague if that was the case.
Japan NSO getting FE6 too this month.

I can't see that getting translated ever at this point.
There's evidence to suggest it's on the table. They went out of their way to translate Marth's NES game and then only sell it for a few months before delisting it NINTENDO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! So translating Roy's game isn't that outside the realm of possibility. We'll get Roy's game anyway since we're closing in on FE6's time to get a remake.
I think that series is dead, no? Unless they skipped Beijing for reasons and then are going to come back for Paris.
Supposedly the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics are different licenses; and SEGA doesn't hold the Winter Olympics license anymore.. that's why they skipped the Pyeongchang one (Ubisoft was doing Olympic branded content for their game Steep that year) and went from Rio directly to Tokyo.

So yeah, it's likely we'd be still getting a Paris game regardless; They do still sell their Tokyo game (with and without M&S content), and there's an Arcade version still running too.

People calling them shovelware have probably never touched them.

They have a fanbase for sure. The rugby 7s in the last game looked fun.
They are far from being the biggest productions in the industry, but they are fun, polished games; And in an era that Mario sports games are releasing with barely any content with the intentions of be updated post-launch, I appreciate that Tokyo 2020 came out fully fledged with its own little Story Mode;

Though.. it's funny to think for the first time, Sonic will already have a new mainline game out to share content in the Dream Events, being Frontiers.. whereas Mario doesn't.. well.. maybe Bowser's Fury might count for this, I dunno..
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