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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST5| Uncharted Territory: Drake's Deception

When is the next general full-length Direct?

  • June

    Votes: 130 38.0%
  • July

    Votes: 40 11.7%
  • August

    Votes: 15 4.4%
  • September

    Votes: 129 37.7%
  • October

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • November

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • December

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • January

    Votes: 13 3.8%
  • February

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Never

    Votes: 11 3.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Is there any sauce about M&S 2024? Need to get my facts straight before I record my predictions
Are there any concrete rumours for a new 2D Mario, or is it just speculation?
It's basically educated guessing based on hiring calls by Nintendo, general release patterns (i.e. Mario is usually the big holiday title, no new Mario game yet despite the movie being super successful) and some notable people being absent from big titles in the past, iirc.
Can we compile the known quantities and the rumored titles?

Off the top of my head:
Metroid Prime 4
Pikmin 4
Mario Kart DLC Wave
Everybody's 1,2 Switch

New Mario & Sonic Olympics (rumor)
F-Zero GX Remaster (rumor)
Metroid Prime 2/3 (rumor)
Kid Icarus Uprising (rumor)
Paper Mario TTYD (rumor)
New Fire Emblem Remake (rumor)
Donkey Kong project (rumor)
I wouldn't be like, hyped about that lineup, but I'd definitely be like, whelmed.
I do think that a switch successor is imminent so I'm not expecting too many big hitters from the next direct, but in a way that makes it more fun to predict. I wonder which of smaller franchise's and spin-offs might get the spotlight
I mean.

2021- June Direct, July new console model.

It would hardly be out of the ordinary for them. Get the "coming to Switch" games out of the way, announce the new console in time for Gamescom et al. and barrel on through knowing it has both all the games announced for Switch, and all the games coming to it.

Like The Lord of the Rings: Gollum.
Can we compile the known quantities and the rumored titles?

Off the top of my head:
Metroid Prime 4
Pikmin 4
Mario Kart DLC Wave
Everybody's 1,2 Switch

New Mario & Sonic Olympics (rumor)
F-Zero GX Remaster (rumor)
Metroid Prime 2/3 (rumor)
Kid Icarus Uprising (rumor)
Paper Mario TTYD (rumor)
New Fire Emblem Remake (rumor)
Donkey Kong project (rumor)

Honestly having a direct with these games would make my wallet cry... again :D
Here's a fun question, what's one heavily rumored game that you just don't see being announced at this theoretical Direct?
For me, I'm going to say a Thousand Year Door remaster.

They're not going to reveal FE4 Remake. It just doesnt make much sense to reveal a brand new Fire Emblem (for the west and ,likely the vast majority of japanese fanbase to) less than half a year since the last main game which also has had lots of DLCs released during H1.

I think that's a summer game for 2024 - some time before Switch 2 release (yeah I think it's H2 2024). I think it fits the bill as a late Switch release.
Pikmin 4 will get a huge segment there, better be with Miyamoto himself. The Direct will air exactly month before release. But sadly I can already see people complaining why is the Pikmin segment so long etc.
I would never complain about lots of Pikmin unless it's full of spoilers.
Pikmin 4 will get a huge segment there, better be with Miyamoto himself. The Direct will air exactly month before release. But sadly I can already see people complaining why is the Pikmin segment so long etc.
When's the last time Nintendo has done a big segment on one of their games? I agree it'll be a very long trailer, maybe like 5 minutes but the days of big segments are over.

I think that stopped when Nintendo stopped doing "..with a focus on Fire Emblem: Three Houses" type of stuff in their Direct announcements.
Pikmin 4 will get a huge segment there, better be with Miyamoto himself. The Direct will air exactly month before release. But sadly I can already see people complaining why is the Pikmin segment so long etc.
As long as he doesn't talk about Bloom again I'll be happy lol
When's the last time Nintendo has done a big segment on one of their games? I agree it'll be a very long trailer, maybe like 5 minutes but the days of big segments are over.

I think that stopped when Nintendo stopped doing "..with a focus on Fire Emblem: Three Houses" type of stuff in their Direct announcements.
Yeah, but they still have these "Spotlight games" sometimes, they just don't outright mention them. The 5 minutes is a sweet spot, it's actually always been like that, even with Three Houses as you mentioned.
They barely announced anything new in February and it was still a general Direct. The Direct mini branding has only really been used in fairly specific ways recently.
The February Direct was a really good and well paced presentation though and liked by most people, like all recent general directs (if you ignore the farming direct of September last year). I think directs often are really difficult to manage for Nintendo because they set themselves such a high bar. If they feel like they can‘t achieve that they usually seem to try something different; specifically for the last 3-4 years. At least that is my perception.
Pack it up chums! It's over.

I don't know why I'm saying it's over. I just felt like saying it.

Not every game will make it into the direct. So they have to be announced on Twitter like the Lara Croft stuff for example
They have to make room for MonkEPD, DKC Returns Returns, the Seth Rogen Donkey Kong movie, the MobDK course for MK8 wave 5, Donkey Konga 4, Donkey Kong Racing, DKC 6: Kiddy’s Kong-Quest, etc…
They're not going to reveal FE4 Remake. It just doesnt make much sense to reveal a brand new Fire Emblem (for the west and ,likely the vast majority of japanese fanbase to) less than half a year since the last main game which also has had lots of DLCs released during H1.

I think that's a summer game for 2024 - some time before Switch 2 release (yeah I think it's H2 2024). I think it fits the bill as a late Switch release.
The only argument for FE4 Remake this early I think makes a bit of sense is that they for some reason put all the DLC for Engage into the first couple months of the year instead of distributing it a bit more evenly. Still largely agree with you that it seems a bit early for another Fire Emblem, even if it's a remake.
“It’s time to announce a new entry in a beloved 2d platforming series that hasn’t gotten an installment since the Wii U!”


“Starring a character who wears a red article of clothing with his initials!”


“Everyone’s favorite character from the Donkey Kong arcade game is back in…”


New Super Mario Bros. Switch!”
next week folks can't fucking wait

Doing this now at the 30th anniversary [of Super Mario Bros.] is really putting some more of that creativity into the players,” says Miyamoto. “But at the same time, we as the developers feel that it’s time for us to move in a new direction, and we’re preparing to work on the future of Super Mario from here on.” – September 2015

“We will continue to make 3D and 2D Mario games, but I want to make one that even exceeds New Super Mario Bros.” - Takashi Tezuka, September 2015.

We've been seeing more of Yoichi Kotabe’s classic Mario art lately in marketing and other places, like the character select screen in Super Mario 3D World. Will we ever see a 2D game made entirely of Kotabe’s art?

Miyamoto: We’re at almost like a turning point. When you look at Mickey Mouse there is the classic Mickey Mouse, and then there is the modern Mickey Mouse and the classic one has a lot of flavor to it and the modern Mickey Mouse looks really great, but it is losing a little bit of the flavor, and that’s something we discuss to make sure we keep that intact as we’re creating characters. And of course the development team for any Mario game may want to use Kotabe’s art, but there is also a character-development team that’s really working hard to create new styles and new work. Once they get more work done, I think more and more of that will be reflected into games.

And you feel like the pristine, perfect flavor for 2D Mario is that beautiful, clean Kotabe art?

Miyamoto: I do believe that Mr Kotabe’s art has become kind of a standard within Nintendo, but we definitely want to continue to see if we can evolve that as time goes by.
Did Miyamoto ever say that last part? Also, the classic 2D Mario art we’ve seen as of late was actually done by Shigehisa Nakaue, as Yoichi Kotabe hasn’t worked for Nintendo since 2007.
Did Miyamoto ever say that last part? Also, the classic 2D Mario art we’ve seen as of late was actually done by Shigehisa Nakaue, as Yoichi Kotabe hasn’t worked for Nintendo since 2007.
of course he did

Yes, Kotabe is already retired but people like using his name in regards to that style still, since it's well known.
Just realised something. We know that the Direct will be on 21st June. Metaphor RPG from Atlus has a live stream dedicated to Metaphor on the 20th June.

I think this makes it most likely skipping the Switch 😭
So a partner direct on the 21st cool.

Edit: I mean I just got caught up with the thread and this is my assumption. Sorry for the vagueness.
I can still cope for P3R!!
I'm feeling confident that we're getting P3R. We already have couple major retailers listing a Switch version.

Plus, if we're going to be high on copuim, we might get Metaphor on Switch 2 since it's most likely both will be releasing late 2024.
Here's a fun question, what's one heavily rumored game that you just don't see being announced at this theoretical Direct?
For me, I'm going to say a Thousand Year Door remaster.
What do we consider "heavily rumored"? I still can't find who said TTYD HD aside from one person from this forum with no track record yet, and Zippo regurgitating what he said.
of course he did

Yes, Kotabe is already retired but people like using his name in regards to that style still, since it's well known.
Thanks for the link. You didn’t include a date like the others so I was confused.
I adore the classic Kotabe/Nakaue art style and I would love to see Nintendo try and fully implement it in a game.
New Soup is fucking dead, deal with it
But it will live on in the memories of the tens of millions of people whose lives it touched.
So I have just seen they confirmed the Lara croft collection for switch on June 29? That's weird if we are having a direct so soon. The direct should be very packed then.
They will probably showcase the game in a little trailer during the Direct and move on. Wouldn't be the first time they show something that was already announced via i.e. Twitter, but Direct is easier exposure.
I'm feeling confident that we're getting P3R. We already have couple major retailers listing a Switch version.
I'd like to believe them but uploading a second version of the trailer for the multiplat announcement before the direct doesn't look good. Making three different trailers in a week is a weird move even for Atlus.
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