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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

so it isn't Samsung 8nm. great, we more or less already know that. this person makes very little sense but maybe just maybe there's some sort of information on the end of the line. a non insignificant amount of people should know what node it's on by now.
Something I've considered about the whole Tears of the Kingdom cross platform thing (this is in no way meant to overhype expectations on the capabilities of the hardware, I'm just considering what we know about T239): Maybe the reason this game isn't launching with it, is because they recognize that maybe it's not the best thing to be used as a showcase title for the new hardware. Not saying the whole potential graphical upgrade patch thing with backwards compatibility wouldn't be sick as hell, but the thing is, no matter how excited I am for the game, it's a game built on with almost identical visuals and engine as the game they launched Switch with, nearly 7 years ago. Maybe their line of thinking is, using a game the seems very similar looking undersells the hardware jump. Like I said, a 4k 60 fps patch would make it look great because the art style is phenomenal. But is it really the type of built from the ground up for the hardware, impressive visual showcase they'd want? Idk, that's my line of thinking here.
The Switch 2 will badly suffer with regards to multiplatform ports when the PS6 comes out and games are built around raytracing with few baked shadows. I would expect custom hardware for generating rays, for denoising, and for generating BVH structures and a massive push to have everything built around raytracing.

But I don't really expect the Switch 2 to receive much multiplatform support in general outside of the indie space regardless.

Whether the Switch 3 can do full path tracing is the much bigger long-term concern for Nintendo tech-wise and it's not really possible to project mobile 2030-2032 hardware.
Don't you think it's a little too early to be thinking about the PS6 right now?
I hope we can refine Thraktor's method to get these results for a wider range of GPU clocks and SM counts. That way, we could maybe have the full range of GPU options Nintendo had for this gen.
I finally was able to find where Thraktor got the number from.
oldpuck said:
My 27% number wasn't in reference to 5LPP, where we have to go by ARM data to get like-for-like. I have Ampere data from our compute farm that lets me compare Ampere on TSMC 7nm to Ampere on SEC 8nm. I was saying that a 30% power reduction would generally track with 5LPP being comparable to TSMC 7

First thing to note is that the tests were efficiency per cuda core, so the fact that the SM structure between A100 and GA10X is vastly different, isn't an issue. However A100 Cuda cores themselves are different, for one thing they do double precision VASTLY differently. A100 is 2:1, GA102 is 30:1, that means you need 2TFLOPs of fp32 on A100 to process 1TFLOPs fp64, however you need 30TFLOPs fp32 to process 1TFLOPs fp64 on RTX 3080. These cores are different, they are all clocked much higher than Drake, which is important for later, lets continue.

The comparison between TSMC 7nm and Samsung 5LPE exists, it was done by Anandtech here (oldpuck and dakhil helped me source this stuff btw, thanks oldpuck, dakhil):
At lower performance levels, we noted that the 5LPE node doesn’t look to be any different than TSMC’s N7P node, as the A55 cores in the Snapdragon 888 performed and used up exactly the same amount of power as in the Snapdragon 865. At higher performance levels however, we’re seeing regressions

We also have the Exynos 9820 vs the Exynos 9825, 8LPP vs 7LPP, even if you just pretend that these devices pull the same wattage from all other components and it was just the 9820 with 4100mah vs 9825 3500mah, the 9825 last 8% longer, while the 9820 has a battery 17% bigger. Ultimately this means that Samsung 7LPP is greater than 22% reduction of power (it is even better than this when taking into account the slightly higher clocks and larger screen).

Then going back to the Anandtech link:
Generationally, Samsung seems to have been able to greatly reduce voltages this generation. On the Cortex-A55 cores, the cores now only require 800mV at 2GHz whilst the Exynos 990 last year in our review unit they required over 1050mV.
We see that the move from 7LPP to 5LPP results in a reduction of power consumption by ~24%.

There is a reduction of 5% from 5LPE to 5LPP.

The reduction from 8LPP to 7LPP is ~25%, then the reduction from 7LPP to 5LPE is ~24%, meaning Orin on 5LPP would consume around ~54% at the same frequencies.

We can check to see how roughly correct this all is by checking 8 Gen 1 (Samsung 5LPP/4LPX) vs 8 Gen 1+ (TSMC 4nm)

Officially, Qualcomm is claiming a 30% improvement in both GPU and CPU power efficiency. Though as mentioned before, this is at iso-frequency and doesn’t take into account the higher peak clockspeeds of the 8+ Gen 1. Consequently, the real-world power savings aren’t going to be quite as great on a peak-to-peak basis, but according to Qualcomm the power savings are still significant. Overall, the company is touting a 15% reduction in SoC power usage under “practical usage patterns” versus the original 8 Gen 1, which in turn should lead to improved battery lifetimes in handsets that adopt the new SoC.

What the picture above shows is that the 30% reduction in power consumption from Samsung 5LPP/4LPX to TSMC 4nm is at the higher frequencies, pushing upwards of twice the frequency of Drake's SoC, where it would be in the neighborhood of ~10% to ~15%.

But TSMC 4nm isn't TSMC 4N, TSMC 4N is TSMC 5nm (thank Nvidia for that), so what is the power reduction from TSMC 5nm to TSMC 4nm? 22%.
This number is likely also the high end frequency, and likely is smaller than Samsung 5LPP to TSMC 4nm, but obviously not by very much.

All the above info leads to this. An Orin chart with these realistic clocks for "Switch 2"s handheld mode:
Orin (High load) CPU: 1881MHz, (High load) GPU: 624.75MHz

8LPP - ~13.1w
7LPP - ~9.8w
5LPP - ~7w

7nm - ~7.4w
5nm - ~6.3w
4nm - ~5w

Drake would offer lower power consumptions than this chart, possibly by as much as 10%, because it uses some power saving features from Ada, and because it has less cache and other differences to Orin.

Here is some final things to note, when Qualcomm moved from Samsung 5LPP to TSMC 4nm on the 8 gen 1(+), they increased the GPU from 618MHz to 680MHz, a 10% increase, but maybe much more interesting, the GPU is a little over 2TFLOPs, and unless it is vastly different in efficiency, that means it's passively cooled and finds it's power curve around 600MHz on 5LPP, Drake's architecture is obviously different, so it will be different in power draw per flop, however this likely means Drake's clock IF 5LPP is going to be around 600MHz, but one thing interesting to note about the current Switch, is that it runs it's portable clock as high as 460MHz, which was done in botw, seemingly since launch because battery tests never changed when newer models came out, this is higher than TX1's known power curve, which could mean they are looking at the 660MHz clock (if it is the target) in much the same way as the 460MHz clock.

The difference between 460MHz in portable and 768MHz in docked (67%) is very similar to these found clocks, 660MHz in portable and 1125MHz docked (70%). In fact, it's even slightly more aggressive than these new clocks would be.

As much work as Thraktor put into his post, I do think that he was working with inaccurate data, it's a lot of great data, and through, but just it's square shaped, and the hole is round.
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Do we know whether TotK entered pre-production as soon as BotW was finished? Keep in mind the development team went on to work on DLC for that game for some extra months.

It would've been more like ~4 years, I think, which would've probably been more than fine for a sequel reusing engine and many assets, had it not been for COVID.

Considering how little work went into the DLC, I'm pretty sure that Aonuma programmed it during a Shinkansen trip from Kyoto to Tokyo. In a Nozomi train. I'm still a bit salty about this DLC.

I wouldn't be surprised if the work on TOTK started in the first half of 2017, and if the proper development was already happening by the end of 2017.

Don't play with my heart @Thugstas

That said i'm not expecting anything until after Zelda, and i do still hope we get an announcement this year at least.
I would bet a root beer with anyone living in Barcelona that we'll hear something from Nintendo within 6 months. Possibly within 4.

Sorry, but why are we still treating the wink person like they know anything?

Hey, he got the date of several directs right, and a few low importance details right here and there. Enough to open a YouTube channel.

I obviously don't think he knows anything about new hardware. No one has a positive track record on that topic.
Hey, he got the date of several directs right, and a few low importance details right here and there. Enough to open a YouTube channel.

I obviously don't think he knows anything about new hardware. No one has a positive track record on that topic.
He doesn't have a Youtube channel.

He's known quite a few things, he knew Witcher 3 was coming over a year before it released, he knew about when it would release too. His personal job does put him industry adjacent... I'm really not going to go over a huge list to defend him, because he hasn't claimed anything at all here, he's saying the same thing everyone else is saying, you guys are the ones treating him like he is a secret vault.
Considering how little work went into the DLC, I'm pretty sure that Aonuma programmed it during a Shinkansen trip from Kyoto to Tokyo. In a Nozomi train. I'm still a bit salty about this DLC.

I wouldn't be surprised if the work on TOTK started in the first half of 2017, and if the proper development was already happening by the end of 2017.

I would bet a root beer with anyone living in Barcelona that we'll hear something from Nintendo within 6 months. Possibly within 4.

Hey, he got the date of several directs right, and a few low importance details right here and there. Enough to open a YouTube channel.

I obviously don't think he knows anything about new hardware. No one has a positive track record on that topic.
Too old to hold a channel. But I still wink like a winkstas 😉
It is true!

However, a March 2024 release would make sense. There are Pokémon DLCs and I don't think they will release any more big games during 2023.
Why would it make sense?

Remember, Nintendo has never once aimed to launch a console in Spring. Both Switch and 3DS were delayed from the previous holiday planned launch. Maybe this will be pushed to Spring 2024 but we should absolutely assume that plan A is to launch during the holiday season.
Man, i hope we get to know something official or semi-official or reliably leaked soon, cause i need to know when i should start setting aside money so that my wife isn't giving me an evil gaze because i dropped a load of money from the monthly unasigned budget. ;D
Man, i hope we get to know something official or semi-official or reliably leaked soon, cause i need to know when i should start setting aside money so that my wife isn't giving me an evil gaze because i dropped a load of money from the monthly unasigned budget. ;D
so here is the super secret info, keep it to yourself but: Nintendo has 1 game announced after July this year, it might not even come out this year and we have no idea what it looks like... Metroid Prime 4 is of course that game. Summer is going to have a direct with brand new game announcements, with never seen before games. This will happen before Pikmin 4's release, and could very realistically be the reveal of "Switch 2" because, we are coming up on a cliff of no info. The current Switch will need to maintain the $199 and $299 price points, because "Switch 2" is going to cost $399, we saw this with 3DS, Nintendo kept it around for 3 years after Switch, for that very reason.

Am I wrong? Well realistically if they don't announce it this summer, they will announce it next Winter, I'm ok with this, but is Nintendo able to keep momentum for the Switch with continuous unknown cliffs like these? I think Zelda is keeping this one viable, and it's a good time to release Switch 2, so that DLC for these games can get their patches, this includes MK8D, which will have DLC patches through out the rest of this year.
Man, i hope we get to know something official or semi-official or reliably leaked soon, cause i need to know when i should start setting aside money so that my wife isn't giving me an evil gaze because i dropped a load of money from the monthly unasigned budget. ;D

You should start right now. I'm buying $50 worth of giftcards on amazon every couple of months. By next year I should have around $400 available to purchase the new system right away.
Something I've considered about the whole Tears of the Kingdom cross platform thing (this is in no way meant to overhype expectations on the capabilities of the hardware, I'm just considering what we know about T239): Maybe the reason this game isn't launching with it, is because they recognize that maybe it's not the best thing to be used as a showcase title for the new hardware. Not saying the whole potential graphical upgrade patch thing with backwards compatibility wouldn't be sick as hell, but the thing is, no matter how excited I am for the game, it's a game built on with almost identical visuals and engine as the game they launched Switch with, nearly 7 years ago. Maybe their line of thinking is, using a game the seems very similar looking undersells the hardware jump. Like I said, a 4k 60 fps patch would make it look great because the art style is phenomenal. But is it really the type of built from the ground up for the hardware, impressive visual showcase they'd want? Idk, that's my line of thinking here.
I very much doubt that is the reasoning since they’ll still sell it at launch anyway. Best guess is that one is ready while the other isn’t, & there simply isn’t a need to jumpstart their console sales with a title like Zelda. So delaying Zelda yet again to some nebulous point in time, whether that be this year or sometime next year, is only gonna hurt sales of their current system in the interim.

This bodes will for future RE games using DLSS on Drake. Sharper visuals and higher frame rate when using this mod compared to FSR 2.1.

Does anyone know if Drake will be using DLSS 2.5.1 or is it stuck on older version? I know that Balanced mode looks closer to Quality mode in 2.5.1 in games like Doom, RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077. It would be a boon for Drake

This bodes will for future RE games using DLSS on Drake. Sharper visuals and higher frame rate when using this mod compared to FSR 2.1.

Does anyone know if Drake will be using DLSS 2.5.1 or is it stuck on older version? I know that Balanced mode looks closer to Quality mode in 2.5.1 in games like Doom, RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077. It would be a boon for Drake
At the time of the hack it was being prepped for 2.2, but that wasn’t released yet, so I don’t see why Drake can’t support DLSS Super Resolution later versions considering the fact.
I think Nintendo's release slate beyond July is empty because their next games in line are (2D) Mario and DK and they don't want them to interfere with movie hype and and at the same time observe whether the movie generates a sales-boosting effect or not. Plenty of signs are pointing to them moving away from 6-year console lifecycles imo plus launching with 3D Mario alone wouldn't be a safe bet from a sales perspective (historically).
He doesn't have a Youtube channel.

He's known quite a few things, he knew Witcher 3 was coming over a year before it released, he knew about when it would release too. His personal job does put him industry adjacent... I'm really not going to go over a huge list to defend him, because he hasn't claimed anything at all here, he's saying the same thing everyone else is saying, you guys are the ones treating him like he is a secret vault.

I know that he doesn't have a channel, nor is he trying to monetize the random tidbits which he hears. That's why I like him and my message was actually meant to be read in a positive manner. He also gets the direct dates mostly right, like Nate Drake.
Also, be a sweetheart and don't "you guys" me. Or anyone else for that matter. It's not very nice.

When it comes to Nintendo's next hardware however, I do not believe that anyone ever shared a reliable piece of information. The few things which actually leaked through Bloomberg for example were so conflated with guesses and dreams that we ended with the OLED model rather than the long storied improved hardware. Similarly, the whole H2 2022 H1 2023 narrative foremerly popular around these parts was as expected bollocks, and so is in my opinion the plan B narrative that Drake was somewhat cancelled.

So when it comes to the new hardware, I will remain a proponent of Hitchen's razor and I will dismiss without evidence whatever claim will be made without evidence.
so here is the super secret info, keep it to yourself but: Nintendo has 1 game announced after July this year, it might not even come out this year and we have no idea what it looks like... Metroid Prime 4 is of course that game. Summer is going to have a direct with brand new game announcements, with never seen before games. This will happen before Pikmin 4's release, and could very realistically be the reveal of "Switch 2" because, we are coming up on a cliff of no info. The current Switch will need to maintain the $199 and $299 price points, because "Switch 2" is going to cost $399, we saw this with 3DS, Nintendo kept it around for 3 years after Switch, for that very reason.

Am I wrong? Well realistically if they don't announce it this summer, they will announce it next Winter, I'm ok with this, but is Nintendo able to keep momentum for the Switch with continuous unknown cliffs like these? I think Zelda is keeping this one viable, and it's a good time to release Switch 2, so that DLC for these games can get their patches, this includes MK8D, which will have DLC patches through out the rest of this year.
So, I've got a couple of theories surrounding "the lead-up" to the next console, and one of them is about the sheer... weirdness about the Metroid Prime Remaster situation. I genuinely don't believe Nintendo wouldn't drop the Prime trilogy games before launching their next big game in the series. I have a feeling that Echoes and Corruption will probably get shadowdropped ala Prime 1 Remaster in the coming months at different times. (note: this theory heavily hinges on the existence of the other Prime trilogy games, so if I'm wrong, oh well.)

As for when... well, I'm guessing Echoes will drop in June as a part of Nintendo's "Twitter E3", similar to how they handled a few announcements last year, namely because they've got a blank slate that month coming off of TotK (the only Nintendo Switch exclusive that month is Master Detective Archives: Rain Code). Corruption will likely drop soon-ish before the new console, however I have no idea when.

There's also the Xenoblade 3 expansion, which I'm going to also assume in June. It's close to the anniversary of the Xenoblade series and Monolith Soft clearly has it ready and waiting for launch, so yeah.

There's also the mysterious case of the WWHD and TPHD ports, and honestly your guess is as good as mine. Frankly, there's a chance that these are cross-gen games for the Switch 1 and 2 simply because I don't think Nintendo would want them to interfere with TotK's launch.
Why would it make sense?

Remember, Nintendo has never once aimed to launch a console in Spring. Both Switch and 3DS were delayed from the previous holiday planned launch. Maybe this will be pushed to Spring 2024 but we should absolutely assume that plan A is to launch during the holiday season.
I don't know... with the first Pokémon DLC coming in Fall 2023 I don't see a new console with a Mario 3D for Winter 2023. But we'll see. None of us know.
I don't know... with the first Pokémon DLC coming in Fall 2023 I don't see a new console with a Mario 3D for Winter 2023. But we'll see. None of us know.
This is the current issue with predictions at this time. We don't have reliable enough leaks to have a good guesstimate for the Switch 2's release date. Literally all we have is "Winter 2023, Spring 2024 or Winter 2024 if Nintendo is feeling lethargic this year". I think it's kinda pointless speculating the date until we have more credible leaks.

Personally I'm in the "Winter 2023" camp simply because of the lack of any Nintendo games that don't have release dates (the only game without a release date is, you guessed it, Metroid Prime 4). However, we'll have to wait and see.
I know that he doesn't have a channel, nor is he trying to monetize the random tidbits which he hears. That's why I like him and my message was actually meant to be read in a positive manner. He also gets the direct dates mostly right, like Nate Drake.
Also, be a sweetheart and don't "you guys" me. Or anyone else for that matter. It's not very nice.

When it comes to Nintendo's next hardware however, I do not believe that anyone ever shared a reliable piece of information. The few things which actually leaked through Bloomberg for example were so conflated with guesses and dreams that we ended with the OLED model rather than the long storied improved hardware. Similarly, the whole H2 2022 H1 2023 narrative foremerly popular around these parts was as expected bollocks, and so is in my opinion the plan B narrative that Drake was somewhat cancelled.

So when it comes to the new hardware, I will remain a proponent of Hitchen's razor and I will dismiss without evidence whatever claim will be made without evidence.
Thank you.
I know that he doesn't have a channel, nor is he trying to monetize the random tidbits which he hears. That's why I like him and my message was actually meant to be read in a positive manner. He also gets the direct dates mostly right, like Nate Drake.
Also, be a sweetheart and don't "you guys" me. Or anyone else for that matter. It's not very nice.

When it comes to Nintendo's next hardware however, I do not believe that anyone ever shared a reliable piece of information. The few things which actually leaked through Bloomberg for example were so conflated with guesses and dreams that we ended with the OLED model rather than the long storied improved hardware. Similarly, the whole H2 2022 H1 2023 narrative foremerly popular around these parts was as expected bollocks, and so is in my opinion the plan B narrative that Drake was somewhat cancelled.

So when it comes to the new hardware, I will remain a proponent of Hitchen's razor and I will dismiss without evidence whatever claim will be made without evidence.
Sorry about the you guys, saw it as an attack on another member, which is probably why I came off as rude.

Did you see Thraktor's post about OLED model physically supporting 4K on it's circuit board? Basically all versions of the Switch are technically capable of outputting 4K via the USB-C port, however it requires all 4 lanes to be wired, which complicates the motherboard/costs money. Lite doesn't have an output, so nothing is wired, V1 and V2 of the Switch (launch models and red box models) only have 2 of the 4 lanes wired, but OLED model has all 4 lanes wired up. Mariko also has higher clocks for the CPU and GPU that are locked away, offering around twice the CPU performance and a jump from 393GFLOPs to 648GFLOPs when docked. The OLED model seems to have been designed to output 4K, they didn't enable it, but paid for it anyways because the designs were already made.

I reported on this with the 2019 V2 model, because testing was being done on Mariko back then with the newer clocks, but they couldn't get the performance where they wanted it, then the pandemic hit and I guess they decided the near 30M unit selling Switch was fine, and just locked out the clock upgrade. It's possible they were looking to upscale to 4K, at the very least youtube and hulu would have likely had 4K enabled.

Just wanted to point out, the LONG journey of upgraded Switch hardware, was really going on in the background, but Switch was so successful, they just kept it going, it's the same story with the Gameboy, which had a successor planned for 1996 (Project Atlantis), Gameboy Color released in 1998 with pokemon, while Nintendo waited for the ARM7 custom chip designed for Project Atlantis, to eventually work, Gameboy Color was so successful, riding Pokemon craze, that they didn't launch the GBA for almost 3 more years.
It's entirely possible.
Second party titles that do not require processing power (Rhythm Heaven, Kirby 3DS Remaster, etc.) will continue to be released on the Switch as long as Dev Kit support continues.
Assuming that the Switch 2 is backwards compatible (both in cartridges and eShop software), then there's a lot of motive to release games for the eShop that are able to be used on Switch 1 and 2. Honestly, a pretty good idea to keep Switch 1 momentum as a budget option for some groups.

I have my doubts it'll surpass the PS2, namely because it'd need to sell 30 million in order to beat that damn system, but it's not impossible and it'd be cool if it did happen.
Sorry about the you guys, saw it as an attack on another member, which is probably why I came off as rude.

Did you see Thraktor's post about OLED model physically supporting 4K on it's circuit board? Basically all versions of the Switch are technically capable of outputting 4K via the USB-C port, however it requires all 4 lanes to be wired, which complicates the motherboard/costs money. Lite doesn't have an output, so nothing is wired, V1 and V2 of the Switch (launch models and red box models) only have 2 of the 4 lanes wired, but OLED model has all 4 lanes wired up. Mariko also has higher clocks for the CPU and GPU that are locked away, offering around twice the CPU performance and a jump from 393GFLOPs to 648GFLOPs when docked. The OLED model seems to have been designed to output 4K, they didn't enable it, but paid for it anyways because the designs were already made.

I reported on this with the 2019 V2 model, because testing was being done on Mariko back then with the newer clocks, but they couldn't get the performance where they wanted it, then the pandemic hit and I guess they decided the near 30M unit selling Switch was fine, and just locked out the clock upgrade. It's possible they were looking to upscale to 4K, at the very least youtube and hulu would have likely had 4K enabled.

Just wanted to point out, the LONG journey of upgraded Switch hardware, was really going on in the background, but Switch was so successful, they just kept it going, it's the same story with the Gameboy, which had a successor planned for 1996 (Project Atlantis), Gameboy Color released in 1998 with pokemon, while Nintendo waited for the ARM7 custom chip designed for Project Atlantis, to eventually work, Gameboy Color was so successful, riding Pokemon craze, that they didn't launch the GBA for almost 3 more years.
Did Nintendo also test Tegra X2/Xavier back in 2018? I do remember some rumors saying that a Switch Pro would have a GPU based on Volta.
Assuming that the Switch 2 is backwards compatible (both in cartridges and eShop software), then there's a lot of motive to release games for the eShop that are able to be used on Switch 1 and 2. Honestly, a pretty good idea to keep Switch 1 momentum as a budget option for some groups.

I have my doubts it'll surpass the PS2, namely because it'd need to sell 30 million in order to beat that damn system, but it's not impossible and it'd be cool if it did happen.
The drop off for Switch should be minimized, because of the price difference, I also think they will release a new cheap model to replace the lite, maybe entry price at $149. New 2DS XL did launch 4 months after the Switch and actually made the 3DS yearly sales go up yoy.
Did Nintendo also test Tegra X2/Xavier back in 2018? I do remember some rumors saying that a Switch Pro would have a GPU based on Volta.
These devices were used with testing, but they were never candidates as far as I can tell. Nintendo / Nvidia started working on Mariko early on, and when it released, they moved on to Drake's design pretty quickly, late 2019 or early 2020.
The drop off for Switch should be minimized, because of the price difference, I also think they will release a new cheap model to replace the lite, maybe entry price at $149. New 2DS XL did launch 4 months after the Switch and actually made the 3DS yearly sales go up yoy.
A fair assessment.
I do think a price drop for the base Switch is in order (probably something minimal like $250), but a new budget system variant could be a good idea, especially since the parts for the base Switch must be getting cheaper and cheaper. I don't know how you could do something different to the Lite, but... sure, Nintendo will find a way somehow.
A fair assessment.
I do think a price drop for the base Switch is in order (probably something minimal like $250), but a new budget system variant could be a good idea, especially since the parts for the base Switch must be getting cheaper and cheaper. I don't know how you could do something different to the Lite, but... sure, Nintendo will fine a way somehow.

This is the Retroid Pocket 3, it is around as powerful as the Switch (better CPU) it's $149, comes with 128GB EMMC storage and SD expansion, and as you can see is much smaller than the Switch Lite, making it more pocketable, while still able to fit a ~5 inch screen (it is 4.7, but vita's is 5 with bezels). This is what Nintendo needs to release IMO.
Don't you think it's a little too early to be thinking about the PS6 right now?

My post is a general response to the "Switch 2 will age great because technology is stagnating!" genre of posts.

If you look at how unimpressive most PS5 games look, you could come to this conclusion, but there is upcoming stuff that will be very very hard to do on mobile hardware soon and we'll see how that goes.
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This is the Retroid Pocket 3, it is around as powerful as the Switch (better CPU) it's $149, comes with 128GB EMMC storage and SD expansion, and as you can see is much smaller than the Switch Lite, making it more pocketable, while still able to fit a ~5 inch screen (it is 4.7, but vita's is 5 with bezels). This is what Nintendo needs to release IMO.
Y'know what, fair point. No notes.

This is the Retroid Pocket 3, it is around as powerful as the Switch (better CPU) it's $149, comes with 128GB EMMC storage and SD expansion, and as you can see is much smaller than the Switch Lite, making it more pocketable, while still able to fit a ~5 inch screen (it is 4.7, but vita's is 5 with bezels). This is what Nintendo needs to release IMO.
Could Switch still outsell the DS/PS2 if Switch 2 comes out Late 2023/Early 2024?
No. It's impossible (within THAT timeframe) unless they decide to either keep the new switch as part of the nintendo switch family or delay it's release until late 2024~2025.
Currently, the switch is sitting at anywhere between a bit over 122 million units to around a bit under 130mi. (based on the last official data from nintendo in December last year).
Last year the switch was selling about a bit over 1 million units per month with some outlier months obviously. Using the same trend as a basis, one could easily estimate the switch to be, as of today around ~126-127mi units. I except it to reach over 130mi units before july hits and, if no hardware is announced by November, then it's possible it will hit 140mi but that's about it. Early 2024 should have a considerable decline considering new hardware would be either already out or about to drop. From there, if nintendo plays their cards right and discounts the older hardware and tries as hard as they can to get rid of remaning stock, then I could see them get above 150mi units and from there, it's game over for the DS and PS2.

But my point is: if the decline is steep enough, then it will take them at least until late 2024~2025 for that to happen.

This is the Retroid Pocket 3, it is around as powerful as the Switch (better CPU) it's $149, comes with 128GB EMMC storage and SD expansion, and as you can see is much smaller than the Switch Lite, making it more pocketable, while still able to fit a ~5 inch screen (it is 4.7, but vita's is 5 with bezels). This is what Nintendo needs to release IMO.

switch on blast
No. It's impossible (within THAT timeframe) unless they decide to either keep the new switch as part of the nintendo switch family or delay it's release until late 2024~2025.
Currently, the switch is sitting at anywhere between a bit over 122 million units to around a bit under 130mi. (based on the last official data from nintendo in December last year).
Last year the switch was selling about a bit over 1 million units per month with some outlier months obviously. Using the same trend as a basis, one could easily estimate the switch to be, as of today around ~126-127mi units. I except it to reach over 130mi units before july hits and, if no hardware is announced by November, then it's possible it will hit 140mi but that's about it. Early 2024 should have a considerable decline considering new hardware would be either already out or about to drop. From there, if nintendo plays their cards right and discounts the older hardware and tries as hard as they can to get rid of remaning stock, then I could see them get above 150mi units and from there, it's game over for the DS and PS2.

But my point is: if the decline is steep enough, then it will take them at least until late 2024~2025 for that to happen.
3DS sold about ~10 Million of it's ~76M, after Switch launched. Switch will have game releases continue for 2 or 3 years of cross gen, and will have a handheld only model, as well as a much cheaper hybrid model than Drake, which will likely come out at $399 and be sold out. Nintendo also sells to children, who's parents will still buy the current handheld models at $149-$199 over a $399 model, just looking at the numbers of 3DS, it should sell another 20M AFTER "Switch 2" comes out, putting it around 160M.
Nothing has changed since the beginning of the year. We have no news on the SOC front, no news on the RAM, no news on the cartridge format (if any), no news on the memory module(s) or even the backplate.

Anything mentioned in the last 100 pages or so is just speculation.
Nothing has changed since the beginning of the year. We have no news on the SOC front, no news on the RAM, no news on the cartridge format (if any), no news on the memory module(s) or even the backplate.

Anything mentioned in the last 100 pages or so is just speculation.
Yes, and this is completely normal and expected, it would be strange if we knew all this before the announcement.
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