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If they do, not getting rid of the OFA in Drake also suddenly makes sense.
It makes perfect sense especially as a secret sauce to get more performance on demanding PS5/Series X during the duration of its lifecycle.

I still don't see any possible use cases with the Switch 2 though. Would FG be used to get 30fps games to 60fps? Because the games would still really feel sluggish, and maybe even look worse because the lower quality generation. Or what about 60fps to 120fps? The quality would probably have to drop even lower to allow for the frames to be generated quick enough, which would leave a really messy image, no?
To facilitate more demanding games or to get higher performance out of chaotic multi-player games like CoD, MK10 or Splatoon 4 will probably be on Switch 2. The FG approach could be just that, in a world where so many options do exists maybe FG plays better with image solutions like that of VRS and DSR.

Here's a video showing the mod operating using an Nvidia card but tricking the hardware to believe it's RTX FG capable.
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Some of y’all really have forgotten how little info it felt we truly had after the Oct. 2016 Switch teaser trailer and then how insanely short the timeline from the Jan. 13th Switch Presentation to the March 3rd launch date.

That presentation and preorders to actual launch date was only 49 days (just over a month and a half.

If they announce the Switch 2 in early March and then launch in early June that will be 3 months of time. Almost double what Switch 1 had to get ready for launch.

So I think the Switch 2 will be fine with a quick turn around and launch.
Some of y’all really have forgotten how little info it felt we truly had after the Oct. 2016 Switch teaser trailer and then how insanely short the timeline from the Jan. 13th Switch Presentation to the March 3rd launch date.

That presentation and preorders to actual launch date was only 49 days (just over a month and a half.

If they announce the Switch 2 in early March and then launch in early June that will be 3 months of time. Almost double what Switch 1 had to get ready for launch.

So I think the Switch 2 will be fine with a quick turn around and launch.

This is especially true when you consider that this is an iterative console. With the Switch, they managed that turnaround time on a totally new concept. The Switch is a known quantity, now. I don’t think they’ll have much trouble communicating “it’s the Switch, but better” in a pretty short time frame.
I don't remember if this has already been shared here. But although this is not explicitly related to Nintendo, this could be related to Nvidia, especially with the rumour from Reuters about Nvidia designing Arm based SoCs for PCs that run on Microsoft Windows for after 2024.

AMD also work on ARM CPUs Line, both AMD and Nvidia are supposedly to lanuch them in 2025
MCHorace gave me great avatar material
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My thinking is that Furukawa has stated that Nintendo wants a short reveal to release window when it comes to releasing their next gen hardware. That means that Nintendo itself has stated that the window will be short this time around, so that could mean anywhere from 3-6 months depending on your definition of a short release window.
The Switch announcement was 20 october 2016
Switch blowout was 13 january 2017 (+85 days)
Switch release date was 3 march 2017 (+49 days)
From first trailer to release it was 134 days, over 4 months.

If this gets announced mid March we could see it (following the Switch timeline) the earliest in early May (49 days) and the latest in late July (85 days).
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I have a feeling that the March Switch 2 announcement will be something more than just a "First Look Trailer".
While I agree the first show of the Switch 2 could more like a quick glance in preparation of a bigger event, I still think it will be more "meaty" in terms of actual games screentime, compared to the Switch reveal.
I mean, the first Switch teaser was meant to sell the concept of a hybrid system, if the assume this new console will have the same format, the focus must inevitably be more on the actual games you can play on it.
Would the hasty meeting of the sysadmins to extinguish the burning Fami servers after the reveal and/or announcement of the reveal count as a flash mob?
idk if the term flash mob really applies but it was this if I remember

oh the memories ;u; back when nintendo was really fun and silly when it came to their marketing. so much about that aspect of nintendo has become very clean and corporate since reggie retired and i lowkey hate it with a burning passion. i hope that changes once drake really kicks into gear.
Some of y’all really have forgotten how little info it felt we truly had after the Oct. 2016 Switch teaser trailer and then how insanely short the timeline from the Jan. 13th Switch Presentation to the March 3rd launch date.

That presentation and preorders to actual launch date was only 49 days (just over a month and a half.

If they announce the Switch 2 in early March and then launch in early June that will be 3 months of time. Almost double what Switch 1 had to get ready for launch.

So I think the Switch 2 will be fine with a quick turn around and launch.
This is especially true when you consider that this is an iterative console. With the Switch, they managed that turnaround time on a totally new concept. The Switch is a known quantity, now. I don’t think they’ll have much trouble communicating “it’s the Switch, but better” in a pretty short time frame.
It's not really a communication issue for hardware, it's providing a window for internal and external software announcements, as well as manufacturing/assembly.

If they've already started full manufacturing and assembly more than a month ago to prep launch quantities, then yes, it's doable to achieve a quicker turnaround. But if, as many suspect, the reveal is closely coinciding with the start date of full manufacturing/assembly, they're going to need that similar time window as we saw with Switch to shore up launch day quantities. And I'm not convinced manufacturing has fully started in earnest already, so it tells me that 4 months from reveal is gonna be required either way, and it's a good way to make use of that time to do software promoting.
I really hope they‘ll do more live promotion events again and/or try out new things. Switch Marketing got kinda boring in the last couple of years.
I mean they're gonna be spending billions for this new system so we're bound to get some cool stuff
I mean they're gonna be spending billions for this new system so we're bound to get some cool stuff
We might not see the same "last ditch effort" stuff that we saw with the Switch 1, but I kinda hope to see a bit of the weirder and fun marketing during the early Switch days.

And a lot of it. Nintendo could probably fund their marketing from their portion of the Mario movie profits alone.
We might not see the same "last ditch effort" stuff that we saw with the Switch 1, but I kinda hope to see a bit of the weirder and fun marketing during the early Switch days.
They are desperate for this thing to succeed, I think they will pull out all the stops. If they don't then they're trolling idk
I think the fact that they had nVidia do a custom SoC for them shows that they're going all out again.

But on the same page, they should be more relaxed than back when Switch launched.
I think it's more difficult to fuck this up than to go on smoothly for once.
oh the memories ;u; back when nintendo was really fun and silly when it came to their marketing. so much about that aspect of nintendo has become very clean and corporate since reggie retired and i lowkey hate it with a burning passion. i hope that changes once drake really kicks into gear.
...I think part of that was Covid hit shortly after Reggie left so big events weren't going to happen for a while. As seen with Horse man silly stuff still happens
When doing the maths on a smartphone, you have to calculate so much out that inflates their expense, like cameras (which aren't cheap) high pixel-dense displays (which aren't cheap, especially when they have proprietary cutouts in them for earpieces and camera modules rather than being a simple rectangle).
And while eUFS 3.x may be great, if they do not require the read speed that offers, they could opt for dual-lane eUFS 2.x to save more per unit. It's all going to depend on where the benefit of better read speed ends for the specs they've decided on and whether better read speed is worth the cost delta per unit.

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All the people that have been "talking" since last week used reveal.

IMO, of course, reveal implies more than just an announcement. Even a non-native english speaker like me knows that.
So, the worst case would be a Switch October 2016 video ... though i would argue that this could also fall under the "announcement" wording.
Best case (this is where i am, being optimistic for once), it's a January 2017 style reveal event, with game announcements.

Though i wonder, would Nintendo go a little into tech talk this time? Not expecting a full spec detailing, but it would be nice if they were talking about the tools (like DLSS) that the system brings, after all those enable improvements not only for devs but also the players.
They are desperate for this thing to succeed, I think they will pull out all the stops. If they don't then they're trolling idk
I don't doubt there'll be the same level (if not higher) level of marketing that the Switch 1 will have, but there'll be a lot less stuff that's trying to attract attention in the same way. The main hurdle with the Switch 1, as everyone else has said, is the gimmick and its explanation to the mass-market. A hybrid console was a new-ish concept, so they really needed to explain how it worked and why you needed one. For the most part they succeeded, to the point that it literally birthed two new markets through the Hybrid console and the Handheld PC (by relation).

Nintendo doesn't need to explain what a Switch 2 is, but rather why you need one over the original. I don't think Nintendo will have that huge of an issue, just showing it running GTA6 would be enough for people to pass out and buy 3 of the things simultaneously, but it doesn't need the same approach as the original. Show good games, show it's powerful, show that the industry cares about it, and show that it's cheaper that Sony's Wi-Fi Router. Do all 4, and you have a success worthy of the original's branding.
I have a feeling that the March Switch 2 announcement will be something more than just a "First Look Trailer".

I agree.

It will be more in depth than the Switch reveal trailer and there will be more footage of games included. I could see them showing a ‘known quality’ game from a third party or two to emphasise the power jump - an Elden Ring or Resident Evil 4.
Nintendo doesn't need to explain what a Switch 2 is, but rather why you need one over the original. I don't think Nintendo will have that huge of an issue, just showing it running GTA6 would be enough for people to pass out and buy 3 of the things simultaneously, but it doesn't need the same approach as the original. Show good games, show it's powerful, show that the industry cares about it, and show that it's cheaper that Sony's Wi-Fi Router. Do all 4, and you have a success worthy of the original's branding.
GTA 6 would really be the most insane play ever, praying it happens.
Don't mind me completely derailing the discussion of seasons and what early summer constitutes between May and June, but I came across this post on Threads and was wondering if anyone more tech minded than me can parse these results.

To me, I would interpret this to mean AMD is about to significantly close the gap on Nvidia's DLSS

Nah, the two aren't connected. And the project is all but dead as AMD dropped it. It's reliant on the open source community to keep it going
To be honest, I’m unsure what type of reveal we’ll get. If it’s releasing very soon, a small trailer wouldn’t suffice. If it’s a big blowout, possibly a digital event, we’d heard leaks by now (or not, seeing as how it can be a veeery secretive event, but if third parties are involved, there could be leaks, but again, it could be very closw publishers first).


Yeah, I think we might get a Switch 2 dedicated event
I have a feeling that the March Switch 2 announcement will be something more than just a "First Look Trailer".
I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get a separate first look trailer, but just a big Direct where the first look trailer kind of opens the presentation, then details on hardware and launch games follow. They can demo the hardware in person to the press at a later event (will there be a big press presence at GDC?)
I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get a separate first look trailer, but just a big Direct where the first look trailer kind of opens the presentation, then details on hardware and launch games follow. They can demo the hardware in person to the press at a later event (will there be a big press presence at GDC?)
This is what I think will happen. Digital presentation early March, press gets to experience during GDC
Well, Nintendo decided to send out a 4:50 min trailer for Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC on Twitter, so it looks like the last Direct might be a Partner Showcase, then the Pokemon Direct, then hopefully a March reveal
Switch 2 is not official announced yet so developers obv cant announced stuff for it

I mean, unless it's an exclusive and/or planned as a launch game and a game to be used in Nintendo marketing ... they can.

They just need to leave out any or that one specific platform.
Tom Warren speculated today that Microsoft on Thursday may reveal the development of an Xbox handheld device.

It makes me think of what the market for gaming handhelds could look like by 2026. Switch 2 could be competing with the Steam Deck 2, Xbox handheld, a bunch of handheld PCs, and maybe a device from Sony. In 2017 when the Switch launched it pretty much had zero competition in the dedicated handheld gaming space.

At the very least, it should force Nintendo to stay on their game, and may even prompt the development of a "Pro" version of the Switch 2 that we never got with the current Switch.
If the competition intensifies to this extent, which seems quite possible to me, then I really don't think Nintendo's answer is to engage in pointless and redundant tech race again, but rather to keep the focus on what makes Nintendo unique and distinctive in the marketplace. This is not 2001, and the lessons to be learned have already been learned. The difference will be made with the games, first party and third party, and the quality of the nomad experience.
My thinking is that Furukawa has stated that Nintendo wants a short reveal to release window when it comes to releasing their next gen hardware. That means that Nintendo itself has stated that the window will be short this time around, so that could mean anywhere from 3-6 months depending on your definition of a short release window.
The "shorter marketing cycle" that Furukawa was referring to was the announcement of NX to the release of the Switch. Not the switch reveal to release Marketing cycle that was from October 2016 to March 2017
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Yea but this is where assumptions begin. We are assuming we know what to look for to support mass production. We are also assuming the rate to build the switch 2 can’t be upscaled to fit a tighter timeline. We are also assuming Nintendo’s required amount.

I don’t think mass production can be used to discount or prove any release window. They can start now with one lane and build up for a winter 2024 launch. Or they can go with three factories and get it done in one month. We simply do not know.
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