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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

  • Mario vs DK (February 16)
  • Princess Peach : Showtime! (March 22)
  • Splatoon 3 DLC: Side Order (Spring 2024)
  • Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Summer 2024)
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Remake (2024)
of topic, but 4/5 games being mario related is one one hand dire to me, on the other hand seems like a sign that more mario games where planed earlier for the movie release, since we also have Mario RPG and Wonder this holiday season...
Yeah, as beyond hyped as I am for TTYD, the early 2024 lineup is horrible so far

Hopefully Switch 2 launches sooner rather than later. Announcement in March, release around Summer, maybe?
Perhaps referring to the 8N vs 4N discussion that also has been happening in this thread (not in reference to the Direct list)
Yeah I'm not seeing how this is a catch that this point. This doesn't change the fact that the Matrix Awakens demo was still demonstrated. I'm fully expecting the same 3-5 hour battery life estimated from the launch model Switch.
imo Peach has zero effect on Switch 2's launch

Not only will it most likely be backwards-compatible (assumption from what we've heard so far), but also it wouldn't make any sense for the switch to get completely dropped of a hat the moment the switch 2 releases.

There's currently about 120 million switch owners, thats a HUGE userbase to just suddenly ignore. 3ds still got decently sized releases throughout 2017-2018 despite the switch being the main focus, and I'm betting it'll be the same scenario here for the first 1-2 years (switch 2 as the focus but switch 1 still gets games here and there). This same thing also happened with the transition from the ds to the 3ds if you guys remember.
I think we found the catch for this system, seems like it really was too good to be true and it’s not even as close to as powerful as it seemed.

The more I think about it, the more I don't think this in any way rules out a new console to release at any point soon really

As succinctly as it can be put; Switch will continue to exist and as such it will be catered to with its own dedicated software, promoted through an extended and segmented Direct covering both platforms, where Switch-specific titles will continue to release that will technically be cross-gen by virtue of the NG being backwards compatible, and the NG will receive its own exclusives that cannot be played or streamed on the Switch

So from that we could conclude both today's Direct not ruling out any imminent NG activity or a release in early 2024, but the omission of titles including Prime 4 and Zelda HD perhaps indicates they are no longer base Switch titles, or are base Switch titles just being held onto for a later event, since there will be at least a handful left still facilitating the Switch before it's inevitably phased out discontinued
I can't help but imagine that the Peach game is coming to Switch 2 because I have trouble understanding the fact that Nintendo would be proud to showcase a big Peach game and have 70% of the footage stutter with framerate issues below 30fps
imo Peach has zero effect on Switch 2's launch

Not only will it most likely be backwards-compatible (assumption from what we've heard so far), but also it wouldn't make any sense for the switch to get completely dropped of a hat the moment the switch 2 releases.

There's currently about 120 million switch owners, thats a HUGE userbase to just ignore. 3ds still got decently sized releases throughout 2017-2018 despite the switch being the main focus, and I'm betting it'll be the same scenario here for the first 1-2 years (switch 2 as the focus but switch 1 still gets games here and there). This same thing also happened with the transition from the ds to the 3ds if you guys remember.

Nintendo isn’t sending any game to die if they release the Switch 2 so close to all those games. It just reaffirms that the Switch 2 will be backwards compatible. It’s not like the Switch 2 will sell 120 million in its first day and buyers won’t play switch games
It would effect plenty. Have you read this excellent write up on the subject?

If what we are hearing is true, and Kopite is accurate (which they really haven't been so far), then there's something else going on under the hood. BotW 4K/60 with little to no loading? Matrix demo? There's some sauce happening if that's what they can achieve with 8nm (which it probably isn't).
I do find it odd how confident people are about this being the final switch only direct unless the expectation is that the Switch 2 will get announced/revealed before or during the February Direct. I'm expecting the February Direct to still be Switch only with the Switch 2 announced in March.
The more I think about it, the more I don't think this in any way rules out a new console to release at any point soon really

As succinctly as it can be put; Switch will continue to exist and as such it will be catered to with its own dedicated software, promoted through an extended and segmented Direct covering both platforms, where Switch-specific titles will continue to release that will technically be cross-gen by virtue of the NG being backwards compatible, and the NG will receive its own exclusives that cannot be played or streamed on the Switch

So from that we could conclude both today's Direct not ruling out any imminent NG activity or a release in early 2024, but the omission of titles including Prime 4 and Zelda HD perhaps indicates they are no longer base Switch titles, or are base Switch titles just being held onto for a later event, since there will be at least a handful left still facilitating the Switch before it's inevitably phased out discontinued
This lineup of games is just an example of Nintendo pumping out software for the sake of having a decent library in the Switch’s last one to two years
If what we are hearing is true, and Kopite is accurate (which they really haven't been so far), then there's something else going on under the hood. BotW 4K/60 with little to no loading? Matrix demo? There's some sauce happening if that's what they can achieve with 8nm (which it probably isn't).
Ah okay - sounds like we're on the same page-ish. I have doubts it's 8N. I thought for a moment you were effectively saying even if it was 8nm, how would that effect things. If it's 8nm, that makes 12 SM GPU questionable. And to my understanding 12 SM GPU is kind of firm (not speculation).
I do find it odd how confident people are about this being the final switch only direct unless the expectation is that the Switch 2 will get announced/revealed before or during the February Direct. I'm expecting the February Direct to still be Switch only with the Switch 2 announced in March.
A March reveal would be like a forth trimester C-section.

Too late to be healthy.
Feels like the BotW demo is somewhat more indicative of a certain level of performance than the Matrix demo tbh. I mean even with DLSS, I don't think you are getting 4k60fps without decent clocks on the t239. That would be a pretty power hungry and hot device on 8nm, which is fine, but would probably end up being a larger/thicker device than expected.
Feels like the BotW demo is somewhat more indicative of a certain level of performance than the Matrix demo tbh. I mean even with DLSS, I don't think you are getting 4k60fps without decent clocks on the t239. That would be a pretty power hungry and hot device on 8nm, which is fine, but would probably end up being a larger/thicker device than expected.

Betcha it's thicc.

Seriously though, a 4K/60 BotW with practically no loading is fairly intense already. I don't recall seeing anything that hits the fidelity of the Matrix demo on PS5 or Series X either, it's just flexing UE5.
Hi hi. I've been a lurker here for a while now and all of the info regarding Switch 2 has been entertaining and insightful.

I want to give my two cents about something. Luigi's Mansion 2 HD being released all the way in summer of 2024 confused me when I saw it. I'd imagine that kind of game would release earlier. Maybe they are holding it back for some reason.

Nintendo laid out a road map for Switch going into summer 2024 and I believe this is to establish the idea that Switch still has a future. So now that they have shown the public there are plans for an extensive software offering in 2024, they can announce new hardware without signaling to gamers that this is the end for Switch. Many smaller third parties and Indies will support Switch for years to come because of that huge install base, but Nintendo's premier teams will be shifting to next gen hardware. We also need to remember that Nintendo will hold on to completed software in order to release them strategically. Nate had heard about the Paper Mario RPG quite some time ago and its very possible this game is already finished.

How so? Q2 could easily be filled out with FE4 Remake, MP2/3 HD or TWW/TP HD.

Fall launch makes the most sense!

It makes sense, but so does a H1 release anytime between March and June. At this point I don't even see a Summer launch being problematic, this thing is going to sell well regardless of the month it launches. Right now I am leaning towards a March launch for a few reasons. Number one being I want it sooner than later. Number two being that Nintendo launched Switch in March of 2017, and while that may not have been their original intent, it worked out extremely well and there is no clear reason for them to not do it again. Number three is that Nate was hearing that March was discussed quite a bit at Gamescom but the context wasn't clear. Could that be a reveal? Possible, but would the reveal date be a hot topic for developers? It seems to me they would be far more interested in when it was going to release rather than when it would be revealed. Even if Nintendo did tell developers that they plan to announce it in March, isn't it fair to assume that developers would ask a follow up question as to when they hardware would launch? Maybe Nintendo wouldn't comment on the launch timing? Possible, but then why even tell them when to expect the reveal announcement? March was a topic of discussion and Nate was no longer convinced of H2 2024 like he had been previously. TGS is next month and I believe the leaks from there will start to paint a clearer picture.
most of the games anounced on today Nintendo Direct hint, the Switch sucessor launch is iminent, we are aproaching Switch final year, all the major anouncement will be on Switch sucessor
Please folks don’t jump on me and tell me I’m wrong, but I kind of don’t see them dropping Switch 2 in March with Peach as the launch title. It doesn’t sound right. I also don’t see them dropping Prime 4 right in the middle of all this **edit: or 3D Mario if that’s what you’re banking on - I’ve said elsewhere that I’m not.

The titles here are brilliant end of life choices, and they’ll almost certainly be backwards compatible as to not cut the legs off too much, but Switch 2 needs something bigger than this and is likely to steal the thunder from the lot of them. Mario, Mario Kart, assuredly a bevy of major third party launch window titles.

I’m leaning towards March being some kind of reveal or “prepare your games” date as it was specifically devs who were fed this message. Also I find it very strange that we can get information as pointed as “the showcase was focused on demonstrating load times,” but at the same time “March 2024” is just a contextless murmur. Wonder why
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But those were attempted showcases for the system's capabilities (as was Demon's Souls for PS5 which launched next to Miles Morales)

Princess Peach is pretty clearly not going to be as it's not even an exclusive.
They also had Godfall as a launch game from a third party partner 🤭
I'm leaning more towards 2nd half 2024 after that direct. Not that it confirmed anything, I think it showed us that switch still has first party software on the way, well into 2024. I personally think March 2024 will be a split direct for the announcement of next gen and the final showcase of switch games
Switch 2 will be coming out 2031, this is because switch 3 will come out first in march 2024, because the catch is that switch 3 is the prequel to the switch 2 while switch 2 is the actual sequel. It's like Godfather 2 but if it was 3 and 3 was 2 and 1 was U and oranges was 8nm processor node rumors.

Switch 2 will be coming out 2031, this is because switch 3 will come out first in march 2024, because the catch is that switch 3 is the prequel to the switch 2 while switch 2 is the actual sequel. It's like Godfather 2 but if it was 3 and 3 was 2 and 1 was U and oranges was 8nm processor node rumors.

So Metroid Prime 4 on Monday?
Please folks don’t jump on me and tell me I’m wrong, but I kind of don’t see them dropping Switch 2 in March with Peach as the launch title. It doesn’t sound right. I also don’t see them dropping Prime 4 right in the middle of all this.

The titles here are brilliant end of life choices, and they’ll almost certainly be backwards compatible as to not cut the legs off too much, but Switch 2 needs something bigger than this and is likely to steal the thunder from the lot of them. Mario, Mario Kart, assuredly a bevy of major third party launch window titles.

I’m leaning towards March being some kind of reveal or “prepare your games” date as it was specifically devs who were fed this message. Also I find it very strange that we can get information as pointed as “the showcase was focused on demonstrating load times,” but at the same time “March 2024” is just a contextless murmur. Wonder why
March 2024 can't be the launch at this point. I think Princess Peach kills that idea. That's not a launch title. I think it looks great, but it won't move units. And they can't just push the Switch 2 out alongside another 3D Mario then. That'll cannibalize the sales of the Peach game. I've been thinking March reveal, late May release for a bit and I think Princess Peach seals that for me.
Please folks don’t jump on me and tell me I’m wrong, but I kind of don’t see them dropping Switch 2 in March with Peach as the launch title. It doesn’t sound right. I also don’t see them dropping Prime 4 right in the middle of all this.

The titles here are brilliant end of life choices, and they’ll almost certainly be backwards compatible as to not cut the legs off too much, but Switch 2 needs something bigger than this and is likely to steal the thunder from the lot of them. Mario, Mario Kart, assuredly a bevy of major third party launch window titles.

I’m leaning towards March being some kind of reveal or “prepare your games” date as it was specifically devs who were fed this message. Also I find it very strange that we can get information as pointed as “the showcase was focused on demonstrating load times,” but at the same time “March 2024” is just a contextless murmur. Wonder why
I don't think anyone thinks it'd just launch with Peach though. If there is then...uh...I'll just not say anything lol. The idea is that it'll launch with another game, which seems to be Metroid Prime 4.
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