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Pre-Release Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp — Pre-release Discussion Thread (UPDATE: new overview trailer, see threadmarks)

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We're getting Advance Wars and Triangle Strategy at least fairly close together, and I think a new Fire Emblem in 2022 also sounds right (likely the rumored remake). That's a lotta strategy
There's also Mario+Rabbids 2

Disappointed, but I'm sure the delay will help make the game the best i can be. I also have a ton of other games to play so it's not the end of the world.
Surprised people thought this would be a flop. What gives that impression? How many Nintendo titles have really underperformed on Switch relative to what they should sell? As far as I know, Advance Wars has never broken 1 million before, so it's not exactly something that needs to be a big seller.
I wonder if something else was delayed out of spring, with this game delayed to fill that gap in the release schedule.
I wondered that. It seems odd this had a fixed release date and has now been moved to a generic spring date. Only a couple of Nintendo-published games have fixed dates in 2022 (Pokemon Legends, Triangle Strategy), so there's likely a degree of fluidity to the 2022 line up.
Surprised people thought this would be a flop. What gives that impression? How many Nintendo titles have really underperformed on Switch relative to what they should sell? As far as I know, Advance Wars has never broken 1 million before, so it's not exactly something that needs to be a big seller.

Well, AW was always niche to begin with, it's a remake and not a new game, which limits it's audience, the new artstyle seems to be a little controversial among veterans, it was launching in December sandwiched by all the holiday heavy hitters, and Nintendo had done 0 marketing for it (and we now know why).

Hopefully the delay means they're trying to give it the best chance it can with a better time slot, more marketing and graphical improvements, but it will still be an achievement if it reaches 1 million. Hope they change their mind and release it in Japan too, I was always very dumbfounded by why AW isn't popular there, it's a very "japanese" game.
Well this game needs all the help it can get, so if that means more time in the oven, that's cool with me.
I'm thinking April for Advance Wars and May for Kirby. They could skip June and July is Splatoon month.
Kirby is 100% coming out in April. I'd bet money on it.

January : Arceus
February : Probably nothing
March : Triangle Strategy
April : Advance Wars
May : Kirby
June : Splatoon 3
July / August : Bayonetta 3 + MH DLC + Mario Rabbids 2
September : Donkey Kong
October : Prime Remaster
November : BOTW2
December : Xeno 3

Would be a hell of a year tbh.
BOTW2 and Xeno3 need to be half a year apart if they have any sense. Pokemon in Jan, either of Xeno or BOTW midyear and the other to close out the year.

Post launch support for those plus splatoon 3 extended updates + some other smaller titles throughout 2023 leading towards the new hardware in late that year or early 2024 is still my guess anyway.

In any case, 22 is going to be packed ever with just what we've already got announced.
I've gone back and forth on whether I think I'll get this, but I really liked this trailer. The animation looks slick and I do have a lot of nostalgia for the first game. QOL features like turn reset are very appealing. Looking forward to seeing reviews!
Voice acting and War Room confirmed. Oh myyyyyy.

So happy this is back and getting such love. This game is NEVER leaving my Switch
I’m pleased the war room is back, I used to spend ages designing and playing maps in that
Wayforward been working hard, right?
This looks a whole lot better (or maybe I wasn't paying attention with the original trailer)

Voice acting and animation are on-point.
I love and can't wait to get this, but I can't see how the multiplayer will be better than AWBW. The ability to take your turn from any web browser will always beat having to boot up a game on a console.
Not sure about this, seems a bit underwhelming. Hope I'm wrong.
Game looks so much better now! I always knew the artstyle was fine, it just needed some polish to look right.

The CO artstyle looks on point too. I'm really excited for this, hope it sells well enough to warrant a sequel!
Glad that it's coming so soon! Too bad there's still no Japanese release announced.
It amazes me how prolific Wayforward is. I know they don't make massive bleeding edge techwise games but they put out a lot for such a small studio. Definitely gonna get this, it looks nice.
As a long time Advance Wars fan I'm incredibly excited for this! So happy that this dormant franchise has been thrown a bone. Hoping this sells well enough for the franchise to get more love.

Am slowly warming to the toybox look, the characters and interfaces look so vibrant and I'm very keen to see how online multiplayer turns out.

Gameplay looks a little more polished and refined this time around, April can't come soon enough!

Wasn't there a rumor that mentioned the voice acting? 🤔
Yes, a certain Youtuber who focuses on FE/AW content was supposedly leaked a list of features from a source and the voice acting was mentioned on that list.
I’m probably not gonna buy this, but it looks good. The toybox aesthetic looks great, the portraits and voice acting for the COs too. Anyone interested in turn-based strategy games definitely have to check this out.
I’m especially excited for this since I never played the first Advance Wars through (loved 2 and especially Dual Strike). It looks really good now after some extra polish. Only bummer was I was hoping they’d add some kind of asynchronous mode for multiplayer. Would be cool to have multiple games going on with friends.
I also have to say as much as I love the original AW artwork to bits, Way forward did a really amazing job with the character redesigns. Only one I don't like so far is Jess, all the others are super great. The animations are very smooth and really enhance the overall look of the game.

Can't wait to listen to that legendary soundtrack in high quality.
Is it me or does this look better than our first look at it last year? I can’t put my finger on it but I find it a little more appealing graphically. Maybe I’ve just gotten used to it rather than going ‘where’s my pixel art’ :D
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