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Discussion According to @Brazil podcast 'X do Controle' Nintendo Switch 2 will release in march 2025 - Summary updated [Eurogamer is corroborating]

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If it is not a factory delay and it is just Nintendo trying to milk the Switch, I think they are doing a major mistake. You have to strike while the iron is hot.

Honestly, late Q3-Q4 2024 was already sort of late, but having an extra six months on top of that would make things very ugly. They will arrive with pretty dead momentum to the launch.

Hopefully the info is wrong, but I can see them being either scared to launch or trying to milk the Switch for one more year.

The 12 months announcement in advance is foolish and is the thing that gives me hope of this being untrue: it will severely affect sales and it will be very hard to meet their targets. If it is indeed 2025, I think they will postpone the announcement however much they can.
I'm unironically excited for all the ports we will get this year.

Narrator: Nintendo didn't release a Switch 2 or any ports at all that year
I see Eiji Aonuma now scrambling to get a remake of Link to the past released as Nintendo's holiday 2024 game.
Hard to say. I think COVID impacted them pretty hard, even harder than other Japanese devs. But I guess a holiday launch with 3D Mario and Prime 4 might have been too good to be true.

Certainly the last few weeks have shown that this industry is fraught with risks no matter what console manufacturer it is.

I think they've been relying on the Switch way too much instead of focusing on how to transition to Switch 2. At this point I'm worried they'll slap on some random gimmick out of fear and mismanagement.
10 year life for Switch.
I seem to recall the president saying this more than once.
We should probably take his words over any insider or leaker
If it is not a factory delay and it is just Nintendo trying to milk the Switch, I think they are doing a major mistake. You have to strike while the iron is hot.

Honestly, late Q3-Q4 2024 was already sort of late, but having an extra six months on top of that would make things very ugly. They will arrive with pretty dead momentum to the launch.

Hopefully the info is wrong, but I can see them being either scared to launch or trying to milk the Switch for one more year.

The 12 months announcement in advance is foolish and is the thing that gives me hope of this being untrue: it will severely affect sales and it will be very hard to meet their targets. If it is indeed 2025, I think they will postpone the announcement however much they can.
I don't think H2 2024 was "late". It's only late if you've been expecting new hardware releasing since 2020.
Is this a consequence of not being able to rely on ports from the previous console to pad out the release schedule?

I mean, maybe, but the next Mario Kart and 3D Mario and Prime 4 are just incredibly important games for the company for various reasons so all could get a bunch of delays just for polish purposes.
From my understanding, productions are "scheduled" so unless the delay comes from the factory itself because it's overbooked or behind on production, I don't think Nintendo can just say "nah hold off for a month please"

That's why if the production was planned for right after factories get back up and running after lunar new year, a march reveal is almost necessary to get ahead of leaks.
yeah that's what I was thinking about. so either insiders were full of it about march or were about to get the mother of all leaks hitting nintendo soon
I think at this point Nintendo is all in on Prime 4 being crossgen. If it was coming as a Switch 1 exclusive they would have teased it in the fall Direct rather than another Mario remake.
Yeah if it has been intended for cross-gen for a while they're not just going to cancel the Switch 2 version or send it out to die by releasing late just to give the Switch 1 a hail mary in its final (major) holiday season. I bet if Switch 2 isn't this year, neither is Prime 4.
I don't think H2 2024 was "late". It's only late if you've been expecting new hardware releasing since 2020.
To me H1 this year was the play. You could have closed the Switch era having your, imo, greatest year of the system just happened and announce the successor in January or February short after that.
Nintendo has had 7 years to work on their next OS and online network, especially with how barebones the Switch OS and NSO has been. If that's not enough time for a good OS then what the fuck are they doing with that time.
How does this relate at all to the topic of the thread?
Now I think that they are scared shirtless that Switch 2 isn't gonna be a success and that mentality can become a self fulfilling prophecy.
Some of you are really going off the deep end because of a rumor, huh?

As I said before, until we get official word there's no point going all "doom & gloom" over this.
Maybe that is what’s happening? Trying to get a DK trailer or something ready for a rebranded Direct for this week.

If Switch 2 is truly 2025 they have to announce something first-party this month for later this year. Needs to happen.
Koizumi next week in the General Direct with the fake smile that everything is fine
Almost 8 year between 3d mario release is kind of insane.
They went from a 4 year development for mario odyssey to double that for the next 3d mario, that’s metroid prime 4 level of development hell.
We might be seeing the beginning of the wiiU2
It's kind of a red flag the console as to be delayed because MK9 and 3D Mario have to be delayed. They've had a decade for one of those.
I agree! I have no idea how those games aren't done by now.

Those teams last games came out 7 years ago!!!
It's kind of a red flag the console as to be delayed because MK9 and 3D Mario have to be delayed. They've had a decade for one of those.

I mean, yeah, but GTA6 has had a similar time and pretty clearly missed its Q4 2024 and Q1 2025 release dates.

Mario Kart Next is probably as important to Nintendo as GTA6 is to Take-Two so a similar level of care and anxiety is probably happening there too.
I gotta say I really dislike how one day we're making theories of a delayed Direct before even the insiders talk about it, then the other day people are flat out discrediting someone and even saying "just a Brazilian podcast" or "other sources said what I want and they're clearly right", and then when said sources corroborate the claim we go to "remember Pokémon Stars?".

Perhaps Nintendo's plan is something like this

February: Contractually obligated direct
March: Reveal/Tease successor for q1 2025
April: Switch 1 general direct to detail software for 2024 including Prime 4, FE4R, etc

As for why no general now? I can only speculate, but perhaps one of the big 2024 tentpole games meant for a general needed a bit more time (Prime 4) so they decided to move it's reveal back a couple of months, but still had to show off partner games launching before that games new reveal.
Yeah, I think Grubb said something about a May blowout of sorts for Prime 4?

And I'm pretty certain the one and only that I sticks to patterns, Game Freak, will have mainline Pokémon for the holidays. Maybe even save Legends to be cross gen and release regular remakes? Idk.

Donkey Kong has always felt Switch only to me, I was thinking it'd be summer just before Switch 2, but it might be another holiday title.
They’re doing a Partners now because Nintendo ain’t got much and switch 2 is launching soon. March is the reveal and they’re keeping the window to half a year to release by September 2024.

They will not reveal this thing in March so early for a launch next year. They don’t do that anymore. Plus holidays are coming.
If we go for this route, we could rule out a March reveal as well, since Switch, which was a brand new concept, got its trailer just like 4 months before releasing.

I guess "blowout" is the wrong word. I meant something more solid than just the 2-minute trailer that first revealed the Switch, but certainly not on the level of the January 2017 event.
You think it can be something like just announcing the next console is coming in March 2025, in June at the general Direct revealing one or two games for it, and have a proper trailer by September or October?

I think even a trailer in March would be too much for a thing coming a year after(I also thought it would be long enough for a holiday launch if we take Switch as the go point).

Btw, congrats for having the guts to spill the beans first and I'm sorry for all the crap people are saying, and thanks for the insights, we all really appreciate it!!

Even the last September Direct felt like a swan song for the Switch. They ain't keeping this until one more year.
People also thought the February 2023 Direct was a swan song for the Switch and used as confirmation bias that there were no major games after TotK, then in June Nintendo just blew everything and announced a new 2D Mario.

We'll probably have something Pokémon in the holidays anyways, and while it isn't the biggest system seller, it's a sure 10m+ seller. Mario Party might also come seeing how consistent ND Cube has been. And DK screams late Switch title to me.
If 3D Mario and Mario Kart 9 aren't ready at this point then Nintendo is kind of a mess internally. They've had since 2017 and 2014 lol.
I mean... No?? Mario Kart Next didn't start development, at the absolute earliest, until 2019 when the base game of Tour was done. But the leads and a whole lot of people worked on the continued development of Tour and BCP. Even if it started full development in 2019, 5 years wouldn't be surprising seeing the monster 8 Deluxe became. They saw the monster that BotW was and its sequel took 6 years.

While the next 3D probably started some sort of development and pre production right after Odyssey, they were in no rush and probably took a while in prototyping and concept. The hiring for it was late 2019, so it not being ready until this holiday isn't that extreme. BotW and Odyssey took the same time to make, next 3D Mario taking the same as TotK, or more since it's a full next gen game that wouldn't reuse assets or the world is pretty expected.

A wild Dring appears

So team 2024 has a shot!! 😍
Mario Kart Next is probably the most important game Nintendo has ever made other than BotW and Super Mario Bros so delaying it and rebooting it constantly to make sure that it's both fresh and deep and nostalgic and approachable and has massive amounts of content would make sense.

You don't want to release a game like Mortal Kombat 1 where fans are just like "... Yeah, I hate the few new additions, not buying this one."

The devs also spent significant amounts of time on Arms, Mario Kart Tour, and Mario Kart 8 DLC over the last 10 years.
Yeah, people really need to stop underestimating how long development of games such as Mario Kart, 3D Mario and Animal Crossing take. Just because they aren't open world games, it doesn't mean they can't take the long ass 5 or 6 years development cycles of TotK. Odyssey took the same as BotW. Mario Kart and 3D Mario are full next gen games, they'd take a long time. People are acting like we're still on the Wii U days were major games like these took 2.5 years to make.
I said it in the hardware speculation and I'll say it here:

If they don't have hardware out before 2025, then they have no fucking business continuing to be a First Party because they clearly can't handle all the necessities of being a major platform holder. It's not just whether or not their hardware has been lacking, it's also the implication that their subpar handling of NSO has zero excuses.

Steam is free and yet it's a thousand times more functional than the Switch's garbage OS and NSO.
Congratulations for making the best copypasta material ever since the "I LITERALLY SCREAMED F YOU TO MY SCREAM".
Nintendo's second best selling game of 2023 wasn't announced until 4 months from launch. We already have enough announced to get us to June, have a general then that details 2nd half 2024 software and Nintendo will be fine.
Yeah, I'm of that thought as well. I can also see the Switch 2 being revealed earlier than Switch was so they can announce the games beforehand.

Pokémon would be Pokémon Presents anyways. Holiday games all would be announced in June, Switch 2 or not.

I think there's another side to this coin though...

Does information and insider reports become more believable because it's more negative? I would argue that there's already a sense of distrust and doom in the news cycles as it stands. See: Xbox is Dead.

Right now, I have not a clue what will be announced when but we have heard many rumblings about a March reveal so unless those same sources come out and say there has been a shift in the REVEAL timeline, then I'll be disappointed. But until then, this report and other reports I'm weighing equally until I've heard the release date directly from Nintendo themselves.
Well, I can definitely see that happening as well. I think people are over all super desperate in the Xbox circles and hardware speculation.

March reveal already felt like a dream to me, everyone was believing that and even all bad news(Partner Showcase) were taken as hope that it was lining up.

But to be honest I'm seeing people WAY more skeptical of this than from the other times. I mean, in 2022 you'd enter a lot of arguings with people dead certain Switch 2 was coming in early 2024 alongside TotK lol. I think for Switch 2 specifically the sooner was always what was taken as the more believable.

Since publishing this story, VGC has heard from multiple sources who said Nintendo has told publishers its next console will now launch in Q1 2025.

According to the sources, third-paty game companies were recently briefed on an internal delay in Nintendo’s next-gen launch timing, from late 2024 to early the following year.

Here we go. Now to people that will be mad believing Eurogamer and VGC just right after they immediately disregarded everything Brazil said because "a Brazilian podcast"...
I mean it kind of was

Sony spent millions digging it out of the hole, they lost all the profits they made on PS1/2 in the process and they could only spent that kind of money because Sony has deep pockets
I mean yeah but they were still able to stage a comeback, just like the 3ds
Isn’t it a good thing that they’re delaying instead of forcing crunch to brute force a holiday release?
You think it can be something like just announcing the next console is coming in March 2025, in June at the general Direct revealing one or two games for it, and have a proper trailer by September or October?

I think even a trailer in March would be too much for a thing coming a year after(I also thought it would be long enough for a holiday launch if we take Switch as the go point).

Btw, congrats for having the guts to spill the beans first and I'm sorry for all the crap people are saying, and thanks for the insights, we all really appreciate it!!
That sounds reasonable. Wish I knew more about the reveal plans, but I think we're just gonna have to wait to figure it out.

And I don't see anyone saying crap! It's all good, haha.
My cousin thinks this is another false rumor so Nintendo can eek out some leakers from within

We are in full conspiracy mode now baby

No one wants this to be true
The PS3 and 3DS were disappointing even if Sony and Nintendo managed to somewhat turn them around and salvage the best out of the situation.

They weren't disasters though, disaster should really be saved for things like the WiiU or Vita. Systems that performed so badly that they forced a major change in direction for the company.
I don’t get why they wouldn’t do a general direct if Switch 2 is 2025.

There would easily have been enough content with Peach, Splatoon expansion, LM2, TTYD and potentially stuff like MP2 HD, MP3 HD and even WW and TP.

Yeah, it wouldn’t have been a groundbreaking direct but people would have understood considering where the Switch is in its life cycle.
I gotta say I really dislike how one day we're making theories of a delayed Direct before even the insiders talk about it, then the other day people are flat out discrediting someone and even saying "just a Brazilian podcast" or "other sources said what I want and they're clearly right", and then when said sources corroborate the claim we go to "remember Pokémon Stars?".

Yeah, I think Grubb said something about a May blowout of sorts for Prime 4?

And I'm pretty certain the one and only that I sticks to patterns, Game Freak, will have mainline Pokémon for the holidays. Maybe even save Legends to be cross gen and release regular remakes? Idk.

Donkey Kong has always felt Switch only to me, I was thinking it'd be summer just before Switch 2, but it might be another holiday title.

If we go for this route, we could rule out a March reveal as well, since Switch, which was a brand new concept, got its trailer just like 4 months before releasing.

You think it can be something like just announcing the next console is coming in March 2025, in June at the general Direct revealing one or two games for it, and have a proper trailer by September or October?

I think even a trailer in March would be too much for a thing coming a year after(I also thought it would be long enough for a holiday launch if we take Switch as the go point).

Btw, congrats for having the guts to spill the beans first and I'm sorry for all the crap people are saying, and thanks for the insights, we all really appreciate it!!

People also thought the February 2023 Direct was a swan song for the Switch and used as confirmation bias that there were no major games after TotK, then in June Nintendo just blew everything and announced a new 2D Mario.

We'll probably have something Pokémon in the holidays anyways, and while it isn't the biggest system seller, it's a sure 10m+ seller. Mario Party might also come seeing how consistent ND Cube has been. And DK screams late Switch title to me.

I mean... No?? Mario Kart Next didn't start development, at the absolute earliest, until 2019 when the base game of Tour was done. But the leads and a whole lot of people worked on the continued development of Tour and BCP. Even if it started full development in 2019, 5 years wouldn't be surprising seeing the monster 8 Deluxe became. They saw the monster that BotW was and its sequel took 6 years.

While the next 3D probably started some sort of development and pre production right after Odyssey, they were in no rush and probably took a while in prototyping and concept. The hiring for it was late 2019, so it not being ready until this holiday isn't that extreme. BotW and Odyssey took the same time to make, next 3D Mario taking the same as TotK, or more since it's a full next gen game that wouldn't reuse assets or the world is pretty expected.

So team 2024 has a shot!! 😍

Yeah, people really need to stop underestimating how long development of games such as Mario Kart, 3D Mario and Animal Crossing take. Just because they aren't open world games, it doesn't mean they can't take the long ass 5 or 6 years development cycles of TotK. Odyssey took the same as BotW. Mario Kart and 3D Mario are full next gen games, they'd take a long time. People are acting like we're still on the Wii U days were major games like these took 2.5 years to make.

Congratulations for making the best copypasta material ever since the "I LITERALLY SCREAMED F YOU TO MY SCREAM".

Yeah, I'm of that thought as well. I can also see the Switch 2 being revealed earlier than Switch was so they can announce the games beforehand.

Pokémon would be Pokémon Presents anyways. Holiday games all would be announced in June, Switch 2 or not.

Well, I can definitely see that happening as well. I think people are over all super desperate in the Xbox circles and hardware speculation.

March reveal already felt like a dream to me, everyone was believing that and even all bad news(Partner Showcase) were taken as hope that it was lining up.

But to be honest I'm seeing people WAY more skeptical of this than from the other times. I mean, in 2022 you'd enter a lot of arguings with people dead certain Switch 2 was coming in early 2024 alongside TotK lol. I think for Switch 2 specifically the sooner was always what was taken as the more believable.

Here we go. Now to people that will be mad believing Eurogamer and VGC just right after they immediately disregarded everything Brazil said because "a Brazilian podcast"...
7-8 years development times aren't sustainable. In my opinion there's no reason why Mario Kart Next should have a dev time that long. Do we really expect the game to be that much grander in scope compared to MK8?
I know I shouldn’t be, but I’m really pissed about this.

I know I need to go outside and touch some grass, and just stop thinking about it for the next 9-10 months. But fuck, this really sucks
Who knows, it could even be that Nintendo is so terrified of the new MIG chip from team Xecuter that they are delaying the Switch 2 to make changes to the hardware. Nintendo usually fears hacking and emulation more than anything judging by their history.
7-8 years development times aren't sustainable. In my opinion there's no reason why Mario Kart Next should have a dev time that long. Do we really expect the game to be that much grander in scope compared to MK8?
This implies MK Next has been in development all that time, it very clearly hasn't been. Odds are we'll find out the next MK started some level of full development in 2020-2021. Probably a 4-5 year development cycle.
7-8 years development times aren't sustainable. In my opinion there's no reason why Mario Kart Next should have a dev time that long. Do we really expect the game to be that much grander in scope compared to MK8?
Why are you under the assumption the game has been in development for that long?

There's no "Mario Kart Team" at Nintendo that only works on Mario Kart until it's ready, and then goes on to work on the next one. There's employees that are shuffled around multiple ongoing projects, and leads for said projects.
Koizumi next week in the General Direct with the fake smile that everything is fine
Will be hell for all Nintendo suits to pretend everything is going great the coming months when they know they are living in a shitshow timeline for the company. Where everything they planned for a smooth transition is collapsing all around them.
Cross-posting from Era, but -

I guess I should mention that, despite my not at all comprehensive knowledge of Nintendo's line-up for the year, I'm already kinda excited for what I know is coming out before next year. I understand the doomposting, but eh.

New games or remasters?
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You guys should get into tokusatsu if you need ways to pass time for the rest of the year just saying
Imagine saving for some far-off $399 console when you can pre-order the official release of Kamen Rider Geats right now.
Cross-posting from Era, but -

I guess I should mention that, despite my not at all comprehensive knowledge of Nintendo's line-up for the year, I'm already kinda excited for what I know is coming out before next year. I understand the doomposting, but eh.
Is there anything celebrating EarthBound’s 30th anniversary you might know about?
This implies MK Next has been in development all that time, it very clearly hasn't been. Odds are we'll find out the next MK started some level of full development in 2020-2021. Probably a 4-5 year development cycle.
That a management error then. Mario Kart Tour taking resources away from the mainline games, to the point where wmit'd result in a delay, is a big mistake.
It's kind of a red flag the console as to be delayed because MK9 and 3D Mario have to be delayed. They've had a decade for one of those.
The danger is if Nintendo is facing the same problems as they faced when they went into HD development, only this time the problem stems from 4K and all new Nvidia features that they had no idea how to implement after months of playing with their original Switch 2 devkits.
How does Nintendo not have a strong enough first party lineup to justify a Holiday 2024 launch?

The 3D Mario team has largely been MIA since 2017.
The Mario Kart team has been DLC/Mobile duty since 2017.
Sakurai/Smash Team has been on DLC duty since 2018.
Prime 4 has been in development for over 5 years by Retro Studios and is past due.
Mercury Steam has been MIA since 2021.
Grezzo hasn't done anything since 2019.
ND Cube hasn't done anything since 2021.
There's probably a ton of other teams I'm forgetting who are due for new titles.

What have they been doing for these last few years?
not true,ndcube released a game in 2023,grezzo in 2021 and 2023,mario kart tour has almost more content than the entire series together, mercury steam is working on a non-nintendo project and smash didnt started right away,we dont even know if theres gonna be a new smash by sakurai
That a management error then. Mario Kart Tour taking resources away from the mainline games, to the point where wmit'd result in a delay, is a big mistake.
hey that's what shareholders wanted. which is why this stonks shit dictating the direction of everything is cheeks.
I don’t get why they wouldn’t do a general direct if Switch 2 is 2025.

There would easily have been enough content with Peach, Splatoon expansion, LM2, TTYD and potentially stuff like MP2 HD, MP3 HD and even WW and TP.

Yeah, it wouldn’t have been a groundbreaking direct but people would have understood considering where the Switch is in its life cycle.
Yeah this, if the delay was last minute they could still made a General with Splatoon stuff etc.
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