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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST3 Dec. 2021| Topical Threes

When Should Raccoon’s New Nintendo Direct Speculation Thread Launch?

  • Monday, Dec. 27 • 12pm EST

    Votes: 43 20.0%
  • Saturday, Jan. 1 • 12am EST

    Votes: 172 80.0%

  • Total voters
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On my drive home, looking through my windshield, the graphics and the frame rate were so good that I thought it was a videogame.
Now that FF7 is the hottest thing ever, you'd think Square would remaster Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus in no time. I mean, both games have never been available digitally, you need to pay some big bucks to experience them (legally).
That’s what that gacha mobile game is intended to be. It’ll first remake FFVII and then go onto Crisis Core and Dirge.

Huh. I remember being pretty underwhelmed by it at the time.

But it's been years, maybe I should give it another chance? I did like that they included Big in the cast.

I at least liked the worldbuilding the game tried to do. Tying in the "Echidna lore" that had been a slow burn in the series since Sonic 2, came to a head in Adventure, then Battle (thanks to Emerl) and Chronicles (the Nocturnus) added on even more layers.

....Too bad Chronicles also kicked off the "lawsuit period" in the series' history.
On my drive home, looking through my windshield, the graphics and the frame rate were so good that I thought it was a videogame.

A videogame landscape made with a tiny budget and a miniscule development team over the span of only 5 years:


A real-life landscape made with an infinite budget and an unfathomably immense development team over the span of 4.5 billion+ years:


Get your shit together real life your graphics suck :mad:
That's definitely a hot take.

That’s nothing new. Some fans are always like that. It’s more amusing then not, don’t think anybody should get rattled up. Some just want a response. Others dislike you like said thing.

Someone on Era gave BOTW 7/10 base off just looking at it cause they knew if they played it, it would be 7/10. They never said they didn’t play until they got called out on it. It was pretty funny.

Another time. Someone didn’t like what Animal Crossing New Horizon was looking like gameplay wise during previews and ended up lying after release about certains things until some caught him making it up. They just wanted to get others to agree with him.

If you play attention enough. You can usually tell who’s played a game and who’s just wanting to stir people up by lying they played said game.
That's definitely a hot take.

The "Sonic has never been good" angle absolutely baffles me. Like, if some of the modern games don't sit well with you, I get that. I'm a huge fan and the 3D games are still hit and miss with me, but even then there are definitely some that hit. But now beyond that, lately I've been seeing people insist that the Genesis games are bad, and that... just... like, they must just be trying to take the contrarian position for fun.
I won’t be home till Monday. But i might have a download code I can give if I can find it. I bought the limited edition but bought it off the eshop cause I forgot I had a download code lol. It’s NA too
Holy crap. A) it’s been hours since I wrote this. Kids… B) are you serious? If you are… I don’t even know how to respond.
We’re watching my very favorite Christmas movie tonight, Muppets Christmas Carol.

“Leave the comedy to the bears, Ebenezer!”
I won’t be home till Monday. But i might have a download code I can give if I can find it. I bought the limited edition but bought it off the eshop cause I forgot I had a download code lol. It’s NA too
Btw, I can e-transfer you funds for it if you do still have it. Just saying… I’m interested.
The "Sonic has never been good" angle absolutely baffles me. Like, if some of the modern games don't sit well with you, I get that. I'm a huge fan and the 3D games are still hit and miss with me, but even then there are definitely some that hit. But now beyond that, lately I've been seeing people insist that the Genesis games are bad, and that... just... like, they must just be trying to take the contrarian position for fun.
To your bolded point, it absolutely is. This opinion was everywhere in most nerd/gaming spaces until a few years ago...one of those 'in a bubble' things. Sonic sells overwhelmingly well and is still extremely popular with audiences of all ages, and truly always has been. The franchise would not be around, getting feature film adaptations and continuing to be an absolute media juggernaut, if the series' games were just always shit that 'nobody' likes except the 'hardest core' Sonic fans.
Welp, I'm going to a Christmas party. This is the.. uh..
* checks *
second time this year where I'll be socializing with a group of human people. Let's see if I can pull it off without bringing up Sonic, Xenoblade, Chrono Cross, or Ze...
actually ya know what the hosts are big Zelda fans so I can probably get away with talking about Zelda.
Welp, I'm going to a Christmas party. This is the.. uh..
* checks *
second time this year where I'll be socializing with a group of human people. Let's see if I can pull it off without bringing up Sonic, Xenoblade, Chrono Cross, or Ze...
actually ya know what the hosts are big Zelda fans so I can probably get away with talking about Zelda.
I recommend playing Warren Wolf “Christmas Vibes” for the party. Vibraphone music. Also from Baltimore which is a plus.
Would you rather have.....
  1. Breath of the Wild 2 in October 2022 and Odyssey 2 in March 2023
  2. Odyssey 2 in October 2022 and Breath of the Wild 2 in March 2023
Given the option? #1. But both are amazing and close enough together that I wouldn't mind either way.
Would you rather have.....
  1. Breath of the Wild 2 in October 2022 and Odyssey 2 in March 2023
  2. Odyssey 2 in October 2022 and Breath of the Wild 2 in March 2023
The second option, I think. Of course I’m excited for BotW2, but it will undoubtedly be such a massive game that I don’t mind having it pushed back a bit. And I’m just a bigger fan of Mario than I am of Zelda.
Remember that 1 day span of time of time where people thought Mario was a Switch launch title and Breath of the Wild was the fall game because of some random rumor? Yeah, good times.
Btw, I can e-transfer you funds for it if you do still have it. Just saying… I’m interested.
Nah it’s cool.

I’ll let you know if I find it. Can’t make a promise, I recently moved so I need to find the code. Should be easy tho once I get home
Would you rather have.....
  1. Breath of the Wild 2 in October 2022 and Odyssey 2 in March 2023
  2. Odyssey 2 in October 2022 and Breath of the Wild 2 in March 2023
Ooooh, this is a toughie.......Y'know what, option 2. The wait to get Oddyseey 1 was so full of anticipation that it was actually kind of painful for me, so the sooner I get Odyssey 2 the better.
Off topic, but based on the trailers, does anyone else find the new Matrix movie to be a bit too...clean looking? The original Matrix trilogy had sorta of a dirty, grimey look to it. Part of that was the outdated CGI, part of it was that filter which I don't think was in the original theatrical releases, but regardless, I felt the environments in the old movie felt grittier than what I have seen in the new movie. It still looks good regardless.
Would you rather have.....
  1. Breath of the Wild 2 in October 2022 and Odyssey 2 in March 2023
  2. Odyssey 2 in October 2022 and Breath of the Wild 2 in March 2023

The former as I like Zelda more than Mario (I've definitely played a lot more of the Mario series than Zelda though. Sunshine and 3D World are the two biggest Mario games I haven't played yet. I haven't played OoT, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword yet)
Would you rather have.....
  1. Breath of the Wild 2 in October 2022 and Odyssey 2 in March 2023
  2. Odyssey 2 in October 2022 and Breath of the Wild 2 in March 2023
As long as both games are good, I'll take either order.

...but I'm biased towards Mario, insert avatar quote here, so...
Would you rather have.....
  1. Breath of the Wild 2 in October 2022 and Odyssey 2 in March 2023
  2. Odyssey 2 in October 2022 and Breath of the Wild 2 in March 2023
I wasn’t a big fan of either BOTW or Mario Odyssey.

So I’ll say Mario first just so that it can combo with the movie. That would be neat-o
Gotta love how when people like Zippo and Samus Hunter are wrong, its swept under the rug, when Nate isn't 100% on the ball (Even though its proven later he was) he gets shit thrown at him from all sides to a severe degree.
I think a good chunk of it comes down to the fact that many people aren't privy to who's truly an insider and who's not. More people on Twitter know Samus Hunter/Zippo than Nate and Emily. Many of these people don't frequent Resetera or this site nor do they do any research to see where the original source of these rumors come from.

They also completely forget track records it seems as well.
Honestly, I think this is just your own bias; people coming at Nate/Emily sticks out to you because you trust them, while you can't understand why people would listen to Zippo or Samus Hunter. But Era's been openly hostile to both Zippo and Hunter for years now.

Honestly, even given Zippo's past behavior, I feel like this thread kinda crossed the line a little when he was brought up. Point out inaccuracies all you want, but language like this:
Is Zippo still a thing?
doesn't sit right with me. Zippo is a person. I get he crossed several lines himself (and crossed them much further), but I don't understand what we gain from being hostile back.

But yeah, regarding Twitter, Emily and Nate don't really tease things on there directly anymore. They keep a lower profile than Zippo and Hunter, so of course they're a little more ignored. But it's better that way.
Nah it’s cool.

I’ll let you know if I find it. Can’t make a promise, I recently moved so I need to find the code. Should be easy tho once I get home
Awesome. Thank you so much. And no worries if you don’t find it. It’s really just the thought that counts.
Would you rather have.....
  1. Breath of the Wild 2 in October 2022 and Odyssey 2 in March 2023
  2. Odyssey 2 in October 2022 and Breath of the Wild 2 in March 2023

First option. I think its a bit more intelligent to release the 3D Mario game a few months after the movie releases (late december -> late march would be 3 months only) so you can all the audience that saw the movie “hey do like mario and his buddies ? Go and play his next adventure in less than 3 months”. Nintendo can include a trailer of the game in the theaters.

Also you gave SM3D World DX a little breath to sell.

Man just imagine a sequence of Splatoon 3 -> Zelda BOTW2 -> Next Mario 3D -> New Tomadochi -> Next Mario Kart -> Pokémon Gen 9. 2022 and 2023 will be years of it prints money everywhere gifs
Would you rather have.....
  1. Breath of the Wild 2 in October 2022 and Odyssey 2 in March 2023
  2. Odyssey 2 in October 2022 and Breath of the Wild 2 in March 2023
Option 2. That would give me four months to finish Odyssey before the bigger commitment. If it were the other way around, I’d be too deep into Botw when Odyssey 2 comes around.
I wasn’t a big fan of either BOTW or Mario Odyssey.

So I’ll say Mario first just so that it can combo with the movie. That would be neat-o
I feel like Nintendo has to have SOME kind of Mario game to launch with the movie, it just seems like such an obvious combo to help promote both things together, even if it's not a tie-in at all.

As an aside: And don't take this the wrong way at all, I really like reading your thoughts on here! But I'm curious: Off the top of my head, I feel like I rarely see you talking about any games that you like (especially more recent games). What are your favorites that have released in the Switch era? Or even just in general? Again I don't mean to be negative or anything, I just feel like I've seen you talk about several games lately that I've been surprised you didn't like, so it makes me wonder!
First option. I think its a bit more intelligent to release the 3D Mario game a few months after the movie releases (late december -> late march would be 3 months only) so you can all the audience that saw the movie “hey do like mario and his buddies ? Go and play his next adventure in less than 3 months”. Nintendo can include a trailer of the game in the theaters.

Also you gave SM3D World DX a little breath to sell.

Man just imagine a sequence of Splatoon 3 -> Zelda BOTW2 -> Next Mario 3D -> New Tomadochi -> Next Mario Kart -> Pokémon Gen 9. 2022 and 2023 will be years of it prints money everywhere gifs
With this line of logic, wouldn't it make more sense to launch the game with the movie for the immediate payoff and dual advertising? Assuming we even get Odyssey 2 or a 3D Mario in 2022 in the first place.
Off topic, but based on the trailers, does anyone else find the new Matrix movie to be a bit too...clean looking? The original Matrix trilogy had sorta of a dirty, grimey look to it. Part of that was the outdated CGI, part of it was that filter which I don't think was in the original theatrical releases, but regardless, I felt the environments in the old movie felt grittier than what I have seen in the new movie. It still looks good regardless.
the original theatrical release definitely had that green filter. it's that "matrix" look that even the new demo mimics

speaking of, yall just ain't comprehending just how much the night time lighting is blowing my mind

Would you rather have.....
  1. Breath of the Wild 2 in October 2022 and Odyssey 2 in March 2023
  2. Odyssey 2 in October 2022 and Breath of the Wild 2 in March 2023
Option 2 for me.

Based on the first instalments of these titles, both of which I highly adore, I am going to end up investing WAY more time into BOTW’s sequel than Odyssey. I think five months is more than enough time for me to fully explore and experiment with Odyssey 2 (and even knock out a few other titles) before BOTW2 takes over my entire life for the rest of the year.
Or since "open world" is so_hot_right_now.gif go ahead and just make 3 more like Xenoblade X. lol who am I kidding
That's actually what I think is happening. It's taking waaayyy longer to make than 2 - probably will take as much if not more time than X. Also I don't see a Xenoblade Chronicles X 2 coming, I think they'll implement the huge open world thing on the next numbered games again. Then remaster X like veeeeery late in Switch's life.
Would you rather have.....
  1. Breath of the Wild 2 in October 2022 and Odyssey 2 in March 2023
  2. Odyssey 2 in October 2022 and Breath of the Wild 2 in March 2023

Odyssey 2 first. The first one is easily the most fun and joy I've have playing a video game
Honestly, I think this is just your own bias; people coming at Nate/Emily sticks out to you because you trust them, while you can't understand why people would listen to Zippo or Samus Hunter. But Era's been openly hostile to both Zippo and Hunter for years now.

Honestly, even given Zippo's past behavior, I feel like this thread kinda crossed the line a little when he was brought up. Point out inaccuracies all you want, but language like this:

doesn't sit right with me. Zippo is a person. I get he crossed several lines himself (and crossed them much further), but I don't understand what we gain from being hostile back.

But yeah, regarding Twitter, Emily and Nate don't really tease things on there directly anymore. They keep a lower profile than Zippo and Hunter, so of course they're a little more ignored. But it's better that way.
See, I disagree with that stance. I personally listen to them because they've been proven correct numerous times. Objectively, they have a list of correct "Predictions" with legitimate sources that proves that. Many people don't realize this because they don't put in any effort to try and track down the original source.

Zippo and Samus Hunter have shown that they steal rumors from other legitimate insiders and pass it off as there own, but many don't realize this fact because of what I mentioned above.

Can't comment on how he was treated, I wasn't around.
With this line of logic, wouldn't it make more sense to launch the game with the movie for the immediate payoff and dual advertising? Assuming we even get Odyssey 2 or a 3D Mario in 2022 in the first place.
The movie is releasing the same week of Christmas, at least in the usa. Thats too late for releasing the hypothetical Odyssey 2 (or whatever is next for 3d Mario). Its either 2 months earlier, or 2/3 months late.

Though, I think its better to wait a bit until someone like Emily heards details of this next 3d mario.
The movie is releasing the same week of Christmas, at least in the usa. Thats too late for releasing the hypothetical Odyssey 2 (or whatever is next for 3d Mario). Its either 2 months earlier, or 2/3 months late.
it could come out on november 18th and just be a month early, that'd be pretty good

Somebody please ask Zucc's mom if she knows that her son is defending glasses on the internet.

This is absolutely disgusting. First because associating BLM and Free Palestine with violence is just dumb. Both are movements against the violence black and palestines suffer. And it's rather stupid to ban even the images and support of protests that involve molotovs and bricks. We can't compare the reaction of the oppressed to those of the oppressor. And more importantly: BLACK AND PALESTINE LIVES ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN SOME FUCKING WINDOW OF WALMART.

Just fuck Instagram, fuck racists.
The movie is releasing the same week of Christmas, at least in the usa. Thats too late for releasing the hypothetical Odyssey 2 (or whatever is next for 3d Mario). Its either 2 months earlier, or 2/3 months late.

Though, I think its better to wait a bit until someone like Emily heards details of this next 3d mario.
Fair point! I know we're all saying October for the hypothetical here, but I wonder if they'll just go back to a November date for either title...
Instagram is a horrible site in many different ways. Equal to TikTok honestly.
I just can't know where n4zis are more served, if it's Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or Twitter.

I report homophobic and transphobic posts and comments(sometimes where I am being attacked) and they just say it's not against their rules.
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