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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

The problem is, there's a difference between pessimistic estimates and speculating...to downright "Nintendo is doomed! No 3rd party would ever want to port their games on their platforms!"

We can lowball estimates, sure. We can say certain publishers might have been payed to bar release of their games of Nintendo platforms, but the idea that "they would prioritize PS/Xbox and not/never release on Nintendo's successor console" despite the obvious success of the Switch reeks of some console warring arguments from the other forums.
problem is i feel people here are jumping nto anything pessimistic, the guy just said that in his opinion we wont get the new MH because capcom could be aiming for the new gen consoles and seeing how MH works could be true, they could keep doing main consoles and portable releases to profit in both plaftorms like it happen with Rise and World or do one game for all plataforms that could get a port into this new switch if the console is capable of running the game properly (hopefully it would), but until we know what capcom is actually doing and how actually capable this new system is we dont know anything, and this apply to all third party games that has release and are going to release in the future

They're 100% just trying to get rid of stock before next-generation production begins (Once again, rumored to be December currently, according to people here)
This is probably the most random thing I've seen them do since they updated this game to have online support three years after launch.

(BTW, this is just the joy-cons with the game, not a Switch bundle, if we want to be conspiracy, it is interesting timing to have a bundle with no console in it, they could be clearing up this stock around this time since we could see a reveal before November 7th, and Switch 1 joy-cons could work on the NG Switch)
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I would say Capcom should make it a priority to get MH6 on Redacted. Trying to play the waiting game with the Portable team’s game is a mistake imo. They will already suffer in one region alone due to PS5 having software numbers so abysmal it makes the WiiU look like a juggernaut.

Considering we talked not to long ago about the Yakuza Director talking like he was a vampire in the most roundabout way that essentially boiled down to compromised visions of the non-graphic variety; I’m gonna need more than the next device maybe not being strong enough for why a game is not coming to the system.
this new system cant be consider the norm and the platform to aim for new games because even if the switch is succesful the new gen will have the upper hand on capabilities, and if capcom always target just switch and let other platform to just get a port it will lead into people who has the new gen systems to just lose interest in the new releases, pay attention to world, even if it skip the switch is the game that has sell the most even without switch being part of the equation, rise sell well on switch but not so much in other platforms and still world sell more than rise without switch being part of the plaforms where you could play it
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I'd be surprised if the next MH could run on the Switch 2, no matter how much I would love for that to happen. World pushed PS4 to the limit and they want to add even more on. Although maybe seeing how good a combo MH and Nintendo are, they're going to be putting concentrated effort into a Switch 2 version working?
i feel they will do as much as possible to make it into switch 2 if they can or they could divide games into portable and console again, RE engine will make things easier to optimize the new mh game so maybe it wont be too difficult to make it work for switch 2, the thing is how big capcom is going to make this new mh game
Games porting is more than just "moar platforms = moar better" but it's also more than "moar power = not scalable"

Graphics are a selling point. It's why we talk about them all the time here. Pushing graphics higher is designed to increase the percentage of people who want to buy your game, even as the total number of people who can play your game come down. There is a point where a studio can make a decision to push graphical fidelity to X point, and then later want to port the game to a less capable platform, and decide that the cost of the port exceeds how many people will buy that compromised port.

These decisions tend to get baked in fairly early in the development process. But considering the relationship between Capcom and Nintendo, the power of NG, and the whopping sales of Rise, I think setting up for a good experience there makes sense.

They're 100% just trying to get rid of stock before next-generation production begins (Once again, rumored to be December currently, according to people here)
This is probably the most random thing I've seen them do since they updated this game to have online support three years after launch.

(BTW, this is just the joy-cons with the game, not a Switch bundle, if we want to be conspiracy, it is interesting timing to have a bundle with no console in it, they could be clearing up this stock around this time since we could see a reveal before November 7th, and Switch 1 joy-cons could work on the NG Switch)

what's rumored for December?
Games porting is more than just "moar platforms = moar better" but it's also more than "moar power = not scalable"

Graphics are a selling point. It's why we talk about them all the time here. Pushing graphics higher is designed to increase the percentage of people who want to buy your game, even as the total number of people who can play your game come down. There is a point where a studio can make a decision to push graphical fidelity to X point, and then later want to port the game to a less capable platform, and decide that the cost of the port exceeds how many people will buy that compromised port.

These decisions tend to get baked in fairly early in the development process. But considering the relationship between Capcom and Nintendo, the power of NG, and the whopping sales of Rise, I think setting up for a good experience there makes sense.

It’s also not getting any less expensive to push graphics higher, and the returns for that cost and effort above some line are going to be questionable.

I’m cynical that Monster Hunter World 2 is going to raise the bar that much. Even if it did, with PC being a primary platform we will probably see them targeting a bit of a range. The top end will undoubtedly impress and put the PS5/XSX versions to shame, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see the game looking about as good as World 1 on the bottom end…and honestly that’s still pretty good.

They're 100% just trying to get rid of stock before next-generation production begins (Once again, rumored to be December currently, according to people here)
This is probably the most random thing I've seen them do since they updated this game to have online support three years after launch.

(BTW, this is just the joy-cons with the game, not a Switch bundle, if we want to be conspiracy, it is interesting timing to have a bundle with no console in it, they could be clearing up this stock around this time since we could see a reveal before November 7th, and Switch 1 joy-cons could work on the NG Switch)

It’s so clear as day of what Nintendo is doing.
first year of switch 2 will have games
this new system cant be consider the norm and the platform to aim for new games because even if the switch is succesful the new gen will have the upper hand on capabilities, and if capcom always target just switch and let other platform to just get a port it will lead into people who has the new gen systems to just lose interest in the new releases, pay attention to world, even if it skip the switch is the game that has sell the most even without switch being part of the equation, rise sell well on switch but not so much in other platforms and still world sell more than rise without switch being part of the plaforms where you could play it
I’m not sure why you’re talking norm or platform to aim for when mentioning Capcom putting the game on Redacted. They should be releasing it on everything which includes getting it day & date for the next system.
Rise on other systems didn’t sell well because they already had a MH + being a late port so, what exactly are we trying to prove here.
I’m also not quite sure what this comparison between World & Rise is. Considering World + Iceborne did pretty well in JP; I would imagine Capcom would like to not fritter that away because PS5 is not the PS4 in that region. Like Switch can actively help push sales instead of this dumb division they do.
I’m not sure why you’re talking norm or platform to aim for when mentioning Capcom putting the game on Redacted. They should be releasing it on everything which includes getting it day & date for the next system.
Rise on other systems didn’t sell well because they already had a MH + being a late port so, what exactly are we trying to prove here.
I’m also not quite sure what this comparison between World & Rise is. Considering World + Iceborne did pretty well in JP; I would imagine Capcom would like to not fritter that away because PS5 is not the PS4 in that region. Like Switch can actively help push sales instead of this dumb division they do.
world was created in their old engine, now they try with the RE engine for irse they probably will use it again for their next game and now that this engine is more capable they probably will put more graphic fidelity into the game that we dont know how will translate into a possible port for the new switch, considering that the anniversary is next year and comparing the times the new mh game is probably around the corner, is possible they starting the developing the game a while ago even before while the new switch was still on the works (the capcoms leaks show rise and mh 6 were pushed to release later than was schedule in the leak, maybe because of covid, so this new game has been in the works for quite some time, maybe even around where the pro was in the talks), if thats the case this new game could be not targeting this new system so it will end up being a port that we dont know how that will turn out and if it will be affordable to be ported to new system.
world was created in their old engine, now they try with the RE engine for irse they probably will use it again for their next game and now that this engine is more capable they probably will put more graphic fidelity into the game that we dont know how will translate into a possible port for the new switch, considering that the anniversary is next year and comparing the times the new mh game is probably around the corner, is possible they starting the developing the game a while ago even before while the new switch was still on the works (the capcoms leaks show rise and mh 6 were pushed to release later than was schedule in the leak, maybe because of covid, so this new game has been in the works for quite some time, maybe even around where the pro was in the talks), if thats the case this new game could be not targeting this new system so it will end up being a port that we dont know how that will turn out and if it will be affordable to be ported to new system.
Frankly I’m not reading anything for why MH6 cannot be on Redacted as a day and date release outside of Redacted coming out after MH6 release.
  1. Capcom is making PC their growth platform so scalability will be a thing. Besides it’s not like we haven’t seen games get a lower target platform before.
  2. Games have added platforms mid dev before so this is not really an issue
  3. A port to Redacted will be profitable
As they say where there is a will there is a way.
Frankly I’m not reading anything for why MH6 cannot be on Redacted as a day and date release outside of Redacted coming out after MH6 release.
  1. Capcom is making PC their growth platform so scalability will be a thing. Besides it’s not like we haven’t seen games get a lower target platform before.
  2. Games have added platforms mid dev before so this is not really an issue
  3. A port to Redacted will be profitable
As they say where there is a will there is a way.
I mean thats thw thing, without knowing when each other is launching is why we cant assume will be release right away on the new switch.

1. True

2. Games can add or skip platform depending in what they have planned for the game and what specs they are targeting.

3. As much as switch 1 is succesful that doesnt translate to a new system that is still not out yet, on top, being profitable depends in how much work it need to be done to scale down the game in case it need it.

Rise had some negative reception because of the art style and graphics, so is fair to think that capcom probably will scale things up a little bit in the visual part of the development, how this will translate into a switch 2 port? Could or could not work, so i feel is hard to assume it can work or not until we know the true capabilities of the new system
I don't think MH6 will be day 1 with Switch NG

But if it happens, I can see it being a year late port.

This is assuming MH6 is like a late 2024 title.

BTW, talking about big core-audience japanese titles, I'm really sure DQ12 will be day 1 on Switch NG. Probably at least a 2025 title considering we still need ot play DQIII 2D-HD lol.

If I had to predict some "unexpected" PS5/XBSeries post, it will be Alan Wake 2 (with a quickly Control port).
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Doubt it would change when the likely reason Nintendo went with 1080p was because whoever is providing the screens is offering Sony, Nintendo, and whoever else a very good rate on 8" 1080p LCD screens.
It's worth noting that the Playstation's official website doesn't list the 8" LCD screen specs. We just know its refresh rate which is 60 Hz. That points also to it not featuring VRR.

That alone tends to indicate that it will be absent in the successor as well.
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Problem is recommended Age is 12+. Kids start gaming at a much younger age, say 4 or 5, so that's 7-8 years of not getting used to VR gaming.

I do see a lot of kids very curious about it and would love to play, but they're not allowed to because of their age. Their eyes are still developing and we wouldn't want VR to damage that.
I’m not even talking about literal 12 years old. Gen Z has no interest in VR.

There’s a subset of demographic of people who romanticize certain types of technology. And that is VR, and it’s mainly boomers. Is there a word for it? It’s nostalgia, but for the future. Like the prospect of what is possible is exciting to boomers and they latch on to it.

How do I make this make sense? It's like Bladerunner. You'd think something so futuristic would be popular with most people, esp young people, but it's really just boomers.

The cyberpunk concept isn't new and was popularized in media at a certain point in time before fading out and being reintroduced to mainstream media again later. People who have lived through those times are now nostalgic for it. VR is kind of like that. It’s not new. The first discovery was exciting, but nothing came of it. The people who lived through those times are now way more excited because they are seeing it finally bear fruit decades later. “Fruit” here is being used loosely. It’s still microscopic level. Not fully edible, but some people (boomers) are fine with that. The problem is that I don’t think it will ever become edible, and that’s the problem.
I don't think it's entirely old fogies making things like Gorilla Tag a big deal.
What even is that? How is it “a big deal”?
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I mean thats thw thing, without knowing when each other is launching is why we cant assume will be release right away on the new switch.

1. True

2. Games can add or skip platform depending in what they have planned for the game and what specs they are targeting.

3. As much as switch 1 is succesful that doesnt translate to a new system that is still not out yet, on top, being profitable depends in how much work it need to be done to scale down the game in case it need it.

Rise had some negative reception because of the art style and graphics, so is fair to think that capcom probably will scale things up a little bit in the visual part of the development, how this will translate into a switch 2 port? Could or could not work, so i feel is hard to assume it can work or not until we know the true capabilities of the new system
If MH6 release after Redacted then they should be doing everything in their power to get it day & date. If MH6 launches before then they should be getting it onto Redacted asap. When you have a company literally send a public request to port your popular game then there is no excuse not to have it ready in a timely fashion. When you as a company suggest to Nintendo to increase the RAM then I don’t wanna hear how you couldn’t get it done in time. At that point it becomes politics not power that is holding back these games.
  • What they have planned & target specs mean naught if the company thinks the sales performance, expectations, & growth are not being met &/or are in jeopardy
  • I’m finding it very difficult for Capcom not to make a profit from a Redacted port. I guess if they don’t even attempt would be the way. For that matter, playing the wait & see game again is only doing themselves a disservice in the long run.
Negative reception from who? Hardcore enthusiasts? If that’s all companies pay attention to then it’s a wonder how they sell to so many people. We’ll somehow see Western games that exceed or are similar to MH6 while still saying Redacted can’t run it.
Unless there's a major technological breakthrough or change in the industry, I think Nintendo would rather return to some form of glasses-free 3D before any serious push into VR. There have been lots of advancements in that space recently:

I would love a return to 3D. I'm probably in the minority, but I loved the effect on 3DS, and especially new 3DS. I played with it on all the time.

They're 100% just trying to get rid of stock before next-generation production begins (Once again, rumored to be December currently, according to people here)
This is probably the most random thing I've seen them do since they updated this game to have online support three years after launch.

(BTW, this is just the joy-cons with the game, not a Switch bundle, if we want to be conspiracy, it is interesting timing to have a bundle with no console in it, they could be clearing up this stock around this time since we could see a reveal before November 7th, and Switch 1 joy-cons could work on the NG Switch)

Why not Mario Party Superstars
Current rumoured third-party games for Switch 2

Final Fantasy VIIR (Returns and Rebirth?)
Far Cry 7
Monster Hunter 6

Oh lord!
FF7 Remake is not a current plan. Could it happen, eventually? Sure. Is it an active plan at this moment? No. A Switch 2 release exists in the same way an Xbox release does. IF Square wants to do it, they can & will; but no such plan exists at the present.
I don't think MH6 will be day 1 with Switch NG

But if it happens, I can see it being a year late port.

This is assuming MH6 is like a late 2024 title.

BTW, talking about big core-audience japanese titles, I'm really sure DQ12 will be day 1 on Switch NG. Probably at least a 2025 title considering we still need ot play DQIII 2D-HD lol.

If I had to predict some "unexpected" PS5/XBSeries post, it will be Alan Wake 2 (with a quickly Control port).
Since DQ 11 is supposed to be a prequel of 3, and 3 is thought to be coming out soon, maybe 12 is a sequel of 3 but before 1.
I am very much a layperson when it comes to exactly how this all works, but I have to imagine that given how much longer development times are these days, it would be harder than ever to get a range of big titles out for launch. Particularly for third parties. Not saying it's not possible to have a great launch, just that it would take more work, planning and time than previous gens. Perhaps involving third parties significantly earlier in the process than before.
FF7 Remake is not a current plan. Could it happen, eventually? Sure. Is it an active plan at this moment? No. A Switch 2 release exists in the same way an Xbox release does. IF Square wants to do it, they can & will; but no such plan exists at the present.

So I guess this isn't accurate then?

FF7 Remake is not a current plan. Could it happen, eventually? Sure. Is it an active plan at this moment? No. A Switch 2 release exists in the same way an Xbox release does. IF Square wants to do it, they can & will; but no such plan exists at the present.
Do you know of more games coming to Switch 2?
Rise had some negative reception because of the art style and graphics, so is fair to think that capcom probably will scale things up a little bit in the visual part of the development, how this will translate into a switch 2 port? Could or could not work, so i feel is hard to assume it can work or not until we know the true capabilities of the new system
Rise also sold 10M units on Switch. The negative reception borders on nonexistent
So I guess this isn't accurate then?

Nate talked these claims awhile ago in another thread. The stuff about Square specifically is not right, and that's like 1/3rd of the leak. I wouldn't put much thought into it since so much of it is wrong.

Also Necrolipe says the game line-ups are wrong. Definitely important to separate this leak from the hypotheticals it spawned which dominated this thread for awhile.
FF7 Remake is not a current plan. Could it happen, eventually? Sure. Is it an active plan at this moment? No. A Switch 2 release exists in the same way an Xbox release does. IF Square wants to do it, they can & will; but no such plan exists at the present.
what do you think of the other 2 games (FC7 & MH6)?
even leaks aside, do they seem likely or at least workable?
I’m not even talking about literal 12 years old. Gen Z has no interest in VR.

There’s a subset of demographic of people who romanticize certain types of technology. And that is VR, and it’s mainly boomers. Is there a word for it? It’s nostalgia, but for the future. Like the prospect of what is possible is exciting to boomers and they latch on to it.

How do I make this make sense? It's like Bladerunner. You'd think something so futuristic would be popular with most people, esp young people, but it's really just boomers.

The cyberpunk concept isn't new and was popularized in media at a certain point in time before fading out and being reintroduced to mainstream media again later. People who have lived through those times are now nostalgic for it. VR is kind of like that. It’s not new. The first discovery was exciting, but nothing came of it. The people who lived through those times are now way more excited because they are seeing it finally bear fruit decades later. “Fruit” here is being used loosely. It’s still microscopic level. Not fully edible, but some people (boomers) are fine with that. The problem is that I don’t think it will ever become edible, and that’s the problem.
What even is that? How is it “a big deal”?
No offence, but...

I totally expect SE to remain on Switch 1 for 1-2 years after the successor launch. late 2025- early 2026 will be the time when SE will start releasing projects specifically made for successor and PS5 together. The "AA games turned AAA titles" they once talked about. DQ12 will be one of them for sure. But until then, Switch 1 will be their target platform.
I’m not even talking about literal 12 years old. Gen Z has no interest in VR.

There’s a subset of demographic of people who romanticize certain types of technology. And that is VR, and it’s mainly boomers. Is there a word for it? It’s nostalgia, but for the future. Like the prospect of what is possible is exciting to boomers and they latch on to it.

How do I make this make sense? It's like Bladerunner. You'd think something so futuristic would be popular with most people, esp young people, but it's really just boomers.

The cyberpunk concept isn't new and was popularized in media at a certain point in time before fading out and being reintroduced to mainstream media again later. People who have lived through those times are now nostalgic for it. VR is kind of like that. It’s not new. The first discovery was exciting, but nothing came of it. The people who lived through those times are now way more excited because they are seeing it finally bear fruit decades later. “Fruit” here is being used loosely. It’s still microscopic level. Not fully edible, but some people (boomers) are fine with that. The problem is that I don’t think it will ever become edible, and that’s the problem.
What even is that? How is it “a big deal”?
What age range do you think boomers are? According to wikipedia the baby boomer generation was born between 1946 and 1964. I don‘t think boomers are the people that are hyped for VR or really any kind of video games
What age range do you think boomers are? According to wikipedia the baby boomer generation was born between 1946 and 1964. I don‘t think boomers are the people that are hyped for VR or really any kind of video games
I personally don't see much of an age connection but I can totally see that hope for a more tech-y future tbh. Gen X and tech millennials have a VR vibe, if that makes sense. It's like how boomers and gen X are different ages but have the same age vibes. They're two distinct groups, yeah, but they're kind of same, in a way.
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If I'm not mistaken, while some chatter about next-generation production beginning in December exists, there's ample "Funcle posting" to suggest that production began several months ago. Shells, frames, that sort of thing.

This leads me to believe that December is not production begins, but FINAL ASSEMBLY. They appear to be clearing out existing Switch lines with all these bundles, and those are primarily made up of parts Nintendo didn't have to manufacture, as they had them on-hand.

However, I would posit that December is final assembly reaching full capacity, and that we could see entirely finished units leak in the coming weeks, if not briefly after reveal.
Problem is recommended Age is 12+. Kids start gaming at a much younger age, say 4 or 5, so that's 7-8 years of not getting used to VR gaming.

I do see a lot of kids very curious about it and would love to play, but they're not allowed to because of their age. Their eyes are still developing and we wouldn't want VR to damage that.
Yet Labo VR was targeted specifically at kids. Nintendo has no qualms to sell VR to kids.

Quest players complain about multiplayer being full of annoying kids all the time, a lot of those 20 million Quest 2s (on par with Xbox Series sales) were apparently bought by parents for their kids. Age recommendation means nothing if parents will ignore it.

Also, Roblox just launched and Meta lowered the official age requirement to 10 years (from 13).
I've no interest in VR because 99% of the games aren't something that make me instantly go "This is something I didn't know I wanted but I need it immediately"

They're 100% just trying to get rid of stock before next-generation production begins (Once again, rumored to be December currently, according to people here)
This is probably the most random thing I've seen them do since they updated this game to have online support three years after launch.

(BTW, this is just the joy-cons with the game, not a Switch bundle, if we want to be conspiracy, it is interesting timing to have a bundle with no console in it, they could be clearing up this stock around this time since we could see a reveal before November 7th, and Switch 1 joy-cons could work on the NG Switch)

This appears to be a reprint of the November 2018 bundle, with a new Joy-Con colour set.
I've no interest in VR because 99% of the games aren't something that make me instantly go "This is something I didn't know I wanted but I need it immediately"
I have hugely impaired vision on my left eye, so even if that existed I woudnt play it.

Half Life Alex looks cool though. But I'll never play it.
Adding to what Necro answered you, Switch 2/T239 GPU is 6x bigger than Switch 1 GPU. It should be more than 6x more performant fairly easily.
Ngl that's pretty exciting. So we have the 1,024 cores that we'd need(?) to run 1080p native Switch 1 games at 4k, plus 50% more cores than that, and we have DLSS? We're gonna be eating good!
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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