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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST2 Nov. 2021| Are You Gonna Play Shin Megami Tensei V the Dub Way, or…

Which TGA nomination snub upset you the most?

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do it coward

So I have two issues with Apple: the products themselves, and the culture surrounding them. The products are purely a preference thing. A strong preference, but not a big deal. I first used them back in the day where the mice had only one button and that already was a bit inconvenient due to the lessened input functionality. I could hold a key and click for a context menu, so it wasn't that big of an adjustment. As I eventually got into college and had some classes with Macs and others with PCs, doing graphical work on one then going and doing graphical work on the other, I just couldn't see what the difference was to support the "Macs are better" argument. So if I get nothing more out of the function of a Mac vs the $800 PC I was working off of at home, then why are the Macs exponentially more expensive if not for the style and the perception of it being a premium product? iPhones are the same thing. I had to use one at work for a while because the owner's wife believed Apple is just the best everything and so any pictures, texting, any phone-based customer interaction I had to do at work was with an iPhone. I didn't like the GUI, didn't like the single-button thing. I use an Android that I bought for I think $70, and I love it. The way I started to see it is the Apple products (especially Macs) are basically like a Mercedes. It's way more expensive than my Toyota, costs way more to repair than my Toyota, isn't nearly as easy to service myself as my Toyota, and the only benefit I could imagine would be the emotional impact of the plush, luxurious, expensive ride (which actually makes me kinda motionsick), and the way it looks to others who might happen to see me. A lot of people value that (I shit yall not, one of my high school friends posts photos of herself at the Mercedes dealership posing with her brand new car every two years), and I'm just not one of them. I like my rickety, 90s-era Toyota. I feel way more soul and personality in that thing than the high-end "luxury" stuff I've driven. To each their own, though, whatevs.

But the culture surrounding them is what gets me. The borderline worship, especially when Jobs was still alive. The hero worship we see with Musk and Tesla nowadays reminds me of the Apple culture I dealt with in college that turned me so off. And that sounds like me being petty but seriously, as an example I had a teacher who refused to accept homework that wasn't done on a Mac. She literally said in the class that if we had a Mac at home, we could do our homework at home but if we didn't we were to do our work at school after class in the Mac lab. Because she said our work would be sub-par if we didn't do it on a Mac, regardless of whether we had the same damn programs at home. Other students who were Mac people would mock me when I asked questions about how to do something on the Macs at school that I knew how to do on my PC at home. I'm in the habit of saving multiple stages of my art files (in case I need to go way further back than an undo will allow) and I usually sort by date modified for that reason. Well since the context menus I was pulling up didn't offer a sort by date option (and she had literally disabled the 2nd mouse button which was at the time finally present simply because she said "it's better with only one button, that's the way Apple intended it" so whatever context menu that might've pulled up was gone), I asked how to pull the sort by date option up. She said, while literally petting the top of the computer, "Well you see, Apple decided to sort everything alphabetically because it's the best way to sort. So I don't know how PCs do it but on a Mac if you want a file to come up at the top of the list, you need to have the forethought to type a '1' in front of the name when you save it. For the file you want to come up next, type a '2' in front." When I suggested that was a strange waste of effort when there could so easily be options for sorting, she said "You don't need options, because Apple already figured out the best way to do it and they know better." Not to mention the time when as a celebration of.. I forget if it was Jobs' birthday or the anniversary of the company, she took the beginning of class to play the "1984" Apple commercial where the Mac was framed as standing against the conformist "Big Brother" computer culture (the irony of which in hindsight makes me fuckin laugh), and did a little presentation on its meaning and asked us to offer our thoughts about it. Eventually at some point in the class the art project I was working on became a bit ambitious, so I put it on a thumbdrive and started working on it from home (despite her instructions to the contrary). I got pretty proud of it, and asked her if I could go ahead and turn it in, even though I made it at home. She mulled it over and decided she would accept it as long as I printed it at the Mac lab, because the Mac would print better than my PC. So I put my thumbdrive into the Mac, tried to open my adobe file, and it froze the computer. She FREAKED. Started yelling at me and accusing me of putting a virus on the school computer because PCs are all filled with viruses. Should have never let a PC file touch a Mac, she said. We finally unplugged and re-plugged the computer, got it up and running again, and I had a hunch. I checked the filesize on my adobe file, it was a little over 2GB. I found the settings on the Mac, and saw it was equipped with only 2GB of RAM. I pointed out that my file was literally more than the onboard memory these computers have, and that if she'd just let me go into the other computer lab, where they had PCs with literally more than twice the RAM these Macs shipped with, I'd be able to print my damn homework. She finally caved and I crashed an architecture class, printed my file on one of their PCs, and took it back to the art class and got a motherfucking A.

And that's just one example. The other Mac people I dealt with around that time were of similar mindsets, and were similarly pushy toward me needing to come to their side, they just weren't in a position of authority over me nor did I have to deal with them on a regular basis so the teacher sticks out in my mind. I had another teacher once who was a Mac fan (but not a punk about it) and he knew I was not into them, so one day he came up to me with his new iPhone and showed me this nifty thing it could do, where he could read a book and if he swiped his finger across the page it would play an animation of the page turning. I said "cool, mine does that too" pulled a paperback out of my backpack and began tuning the pages. I'm a snarky prick, sorry.

Anyway I like video games and can't wait to see Sonic Frontiers.
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Damn those are sweet

Hey like I just got done making two pumpkin pies... but ya'll are making me want to do even more baking lol. those cookies look amazing @Barely Able!
She went to some cookie class before the pandemic and then just decided she wanted to get better at it. And this is the result. A lot of that stuff is hand cut, like the Jordan shoes. Don’t know how she does it, but it is pretty amazing.
She went to some cookie class before the pandemic and then just decided she wanted to get better at it. And this is the result. A lot of that stuff is hand cut, like the Jordan shoes. Don’t know how she does it, but it is pretty amazing.

Wow that is incredible. And I'm sure they don't taste too bad either. :p
Anyway I like video games and can't wait to see Sonic Frontiers.

I read the whole thing and all I have to say is that some people are dumb about tech and that all tech has their dumb fanboys and elitists. I have a gaming PC that I built in 2012 and that I'm sunsetting because I don't game on PC anymore. I've transitioned to using Apple software that works great with Apple hardware. Texts on my Mac, Calendars synched, etc.

But I get it, it can get annoying when the dumb and elite treat it as the holy grail of tech. It's especially annoying for me because I work with someone who only sees the brand and knows NOTHING about his $3000 Macbook. AND we work in IT.
I don't think this is the case. I doubt Retro-Bit signed an exclusivity deal, because they're selling an Official Sega Six Button Mega Drive controller in Japan.
From what I heard the licensing for the controller is handled differently between regions. I might've heard this wrong though.

So I have two issues with Apple: the products themselves, and the culture surrounding them. The products are purely a preference thing. A strong preference, but not a big deal. I first used them back in the day where the mice had only one button and that already was a bit inconvenient due to the lessened input functionality. I could hold a key and click for a context menu, so it wasn't that big of an adjustment. As I eventually got into college and had some classes with Macs and others with PCs, doing graphical work on one then going and doing graphical work on the other, I just couldn't see what the difference was to support the "Macs are better" argument. So if I get nothing more out of the function of a Mac vs the $800 PC I was working off of at home, then why are the Macs exponentially more expensive if not for the style and the perception of it being a premium product? iPhones are the same thing. I had to use one at work for a while because the owner's wife believed Apple is just the best everything and so any pictures, texting, any phone-based customer interaction I had to do at work was with an iPhone. I didn't like the GUI, didn't like the single-button thing. I use an Android that I bought for I think $70, and I love it. The way I started to see it is the Apple products (especially Macs) are basically like a Mercedes. It's way more expensive than my Toyota, costs way more to repair than my Toyota, isn't nearly as easy to service myself as my Toyota, and the only benefit I could imagine would be the emotional impact of the plush, luxurious, expensive ride (which actually makes me kinda motionsick), and the way it looks to others who might happen to see me. A lot of people value that (I shit yall not, one of my high school friends posts photos of herself at the Mercedes dealership posing with her brand new car every two years), and I'm just not one of them. I like my rickety, 90s-era Toyota. I feel way more soul and personality in that thing than the high-end "luxury" stuff I've driven. To each their own, though, whatevs.

But the culture surrounding them is what gets me. The borderline worship, especially when Jobs was still alive. The hero worship we see with Musk and Tesla nowadays reminds me of the Apple culture I dealt with in college that turned me so off. And that sounds like me being petty but seriously, as an example I had a teacher who refused to accept homework that wasn't done on a Mac. She literally said in the class that if we had a Mac at home, we could do our homework at home but if we didn't we were to do our work at school after class in the Mac lab. Because she said our work would be sub-par if we didn't do it on a Mac, regardless of whether we had the same damn programs at home. Other students who were Mac people would mock me when I asked questions about how to do something on the Macs at school that I knew how to do on my PC at home. I'm in the habit of saving multiple stages of my art files (in case I need to go way further back than an undo will allow) and I usually sort by date modified for that reason. Well since the context menus I was pulling up didn't offer a sort by date option (and she had literally disabled the 2nd mouse button which was at the time finally present simply because she said "it's better with only one button, that's the way Apple intended it" so whatever context menu that might've pulled up was gone), I asked how to pull the sort by date option up. She said, while literally petting the top of the computer, "Well you see, Apple decided to sort everything alphabetically because it's the best way to sort. So I don't know how PCs do it but on a Mac if you want a file to come up at the top of the list, you need to have the forethought to type a '1' in front of the name when you save it. For the file you want to come up next, type a '2' in front." When I suggested that was a strange waste of effort when there could so easily be options for sorting, she said "You don't need options, because Apple already figured out the best way to do it and they know better." Not to mention the time when as a celebration of.. I forget if it was Jobs' birthday or the anniversary of the company, she took the beginning of class to play the "1984" Apple commercial where the Mac was framed as standing against the conformist "Big Brother" computer culture (the irony of which in hindsight makes me fuckin laugh), and did a little presentation on its meaning and asked us to offer our thoughts about it. Eventually at some point in the class the art project I was working on became a bit ambitious, so I put it on a thumbdrive and started working on it from home (despite her instructions to the contrary). I got pretty proud of it, and asked her if I could go ahead and turn it in, even though I made it at home. She mulled it over and decided she would accept it as long as I printed it at the Mac lab, because the Mac would print better than my PC. So I put my thumbdrive into the Mac, tried to open my adobe file, and it froze the computer. She FREAKED. Started yelling at me and accusing me of putting a virus on the school computer because PCs are all filled with viruses. Should have never let a PC file touch a Mac, she said. We finally unplugged and re-plugged the computer, got it up and running again, and I had a hunch. I checked the filesize on my adobe file, it was a little over 2GB. I found the settings on the Mac, and saw it was equipped with only 2GB of RAM. I pointed out that my file was literally more than the onboard memory these computers have, and that if she'd just let me go into the other computer lab, where they had PCs with literally more than twice the RAM these Macs shipped with, I'd be able to print my damn homework. She finally caved and I crashed an architecture class, printed my file on one of their PCs, and took it back to the art class and got a motherfucking A.

And that's just one example. The other Mac people I dealt with around that time were of similar mindsets, and were similarly pushy toward me needing to come to their side, they just weren't in a position of authority over me nor did I have to deal with them on a regular basis so the teacher sticks out in my mind. I had another teacher once who was a Mac fan (but not a punk about it) and he knew I was not into them, so one day he came up to me with his new iPhone and showed me this nifty thing it could do, where he could read a book and if he swiped his finger across the page it would play an animation of the page turning. I said "cool, mine does that too" pulled a paperback out of my backpack and began tuning the pages. I'm a snarky prick, sorry.

Anyway I like video games and can't wait to see Sonic Frontiers.
dear god that prof sounds fictional

ironically as a computer science student I'm often hit with this attitude from the other end, that macs are toys and that everything will work better on a windows machine (both, by the way, are PCs). but at this point I don't really care.

Although I absolutely am part of the culture you hate. I have several 80s Macintoshes in various states of repair (one works completely!) and I'm completely obsessed with the Mac and its history.

anyway I'm sorry that everyone you've ever worked with has been fucking insane like me, most aren't like that
real talk I sit at a computer 8+ hours a day for work. I personally cannot imagine wanting to sit in front of it for any longer than that, especially for fun. that's what a couch is for!
Thats why I sometimes connect my pc to my tv + I can use a wireless controller and play on my couch
Macs and cheese can be pretty good
Mac and cheese is another thing I'm passionate enough about to write a page on.
I goddamn love it

I read the whole thing and all I have to say is that some people are dumb about tech and that all tech has their dumb fanboys and elitists. I have a gaming PC that I built in 2012 and that I'm sunsetting because I don't game on PC anymore. I've transitioned to using Apple software that works great with Apple hardware. Texts on my Mac, Calendars synched, etc.
Yeah I'm actually not bothered by, like, the existence and circulation of the stuff. It's just a thing I don't specifically prefer, and that's fine. It's just when fanboys get soooo pushy that it's like a cult they need to get me to join, that bugs. And I'm sure there are PC/Android people who do the same, and lord knows I've dealt with it in media fandom, as well (like, goddamn it's a tough time to just try and enjoy Star Wars without people trying to recruit me for a crusade).

I work with someone who only sees the brand and knows NOTHING about his $3000 Macbook.
This is kind of another thing that fits with my Mercedes analogy, actually. 😅

dear god that prof sounds fictional

ironically as a computer science student I'm often hit with this attitude from the other end, that macs are toys and that everything will work better on a windows machine (both, by the way, are PCs). but at this point I don't really care.

Although I absolutely am part of the culture you hate. I have several 80s Macintoshes in various states of repair (one works completely!) and I'm completely obsessed with the Mac and its history.

anyway I'm sorry that everyone you've ever worked with has been fucking insane like me, most aren't like that
I have a lot of stories of personal experiences where when I tell them people's knee-jerk reaction is "did you make that up?" So yeah, even I'd assume she was fictional if I hadn't dealt with her for a whole semester. 😅

And actually, it doesn't sound like you're part of the insufferable batshittery that I was talking about. the "several 80s Macintoshes in various states of repair" actually sounds rad as hell. Digging into the inner workings of things, being knowledgeable about them, and truly appreciating the mechanics and tech of the new and old stuff (as opposed to just coming at people like you're in a MLM group) are all traits I respect the hell out of. To continue the Mercedes analogy, you strike me as a dude with like a vintage 300TD wagon that you keep maintained yourself, as opposed to... well, my friend who poses with her brand-new status symbol every two years.
ehhh even with that kinda thing there's so much configuring controllers and whatnot that I'd rather just use an xbox or Switch or whatever

like I'm not trying to disparage PC gaming or anything, it's just not for me.
your loss you are missing out on tons of great pc exclusives

So I have two issues with Apple: the products themselves, and the culture surrounding them. The products are purely a preference thing. A strong preference, but not a big deal. I first used them back in the day where the mice had only one button and that already was a bit inconvenient due to the lessened input functionality. I could hold a key and click for a context menu, so it wasn't that big of an adjustment. As I eventually got into college and had some classes with Macs and others with PCs, doing graphical work on one then going and doing graphical work on the other, I just couldn't see what the difference was to support the "Macs are better" argument. So if I get nothing more out of the function of a Mac vs the $800 PC I was working off of at home, then why are the Macs exponentially more expensive if not for the style and the perception of it being a premium product? iPhones are the same thing. I had to use one at work for a while because the owner's wife believed Apple is just the best everything and so any pictures, texting, any phone-based customer interaction I had to do at work was with an iPhone. I didn't like the GUI, didn't like the single-button thing. I use an Android that I bought for I think $70, and I love it. The way I started to see it is the Apple products (especially Macs) are basically like a Mercedes. It's way more expensive than my Toyota, costs way more to repair than my Toyota, isn't nearly as easy to service myself as my Toyota, and the only benefit I could imagine would be the emotional impact of the plush, luxurious, expensive ride (which actually makes me kinda motionsick), and the way it looks to others who might happen to see me. A lot of people value that (I shit yall not, one of my high school friends posts photos of herself at the Mercedes dealership posing with her brand new car every two years), and I'm just not one of them. I like my rickety, 90s-era Toyota. I feel way more soul and personality in that thing than the high-end "luxury" stuff I've driven. To each their own, though, whatevs.

But the culture surrounding them is what gets me. The borderline worship, especially when Jobs was still alive. The hero worship we see with Musk and Tesla nowadays reminds me of the Apple culture I dealt with in college that turned me so off. And that sounds like me being petty but seriously, as an example I had a teacher who refused to accept homework that wasn't done on a Mac. She literally said in the class that if we had a Mac at home, we could do our homework at home but if we didn't we were to do our work at school after class in the Mac lab. Because she said our work would be sub-par if we didn't do it on a Mac, regardless of whether we had the same damn programs at home. Other students who were Mac people would mock me when I asked questions about how to do something on the Macs at school that I knew how to do on my PC at home. I'm in the habit of saving multiple stages of my art files (in case I need to go way further back than an undo will allow) and I usually sort by date modified for that reason. Well since the context menus I was pulling up didn't offer a sort by date option (and she had literally disabled the 2nd mouse button which was at the time finally present simply because she said "it's better with only one button, that's the way Apple intended it" so whatever context menu that might've pulled up was gone), I asked how to pull the sort by date option up. She said, while literally petting the top of the computer, "Well you see, Apple decided to sort everything alphabetically because it's the best way to sort. So I don't know how PCs do it but on a Mac if you want a file to come up at the top of the list, you need to have the forethought to type a '1' in front of the name when you save it. For the file you want to come up next, type a '2' in front." When I suggested that was a strange waste of effort when there could so easily be options for sorting, she said "You don't need options, because Apple already figured out the best way to do it and they know better." Not to mention the time when as a celebration of.. I forget if it was Jobs' birthday or the anniversary of the company, she took the beginning of class to play the "1984" Apple commercial where the Mac was framed as standing against the conformist "Big Brother" computer culture (the irony of which in hindsight makes me fuckin laugh), and did a little presentation on its meaning and asked us to offer our thoughts about it. Eventually at some point in the class the art project I was working on became a bit ambitious, so I put it on a thumbdrive and started working on it from home (despite her instructions to the contrary). I got pretty proud of it, and asked her if I could go ahead and turn it in, even though I made it at home. She mulled it over and decided she would accept it as long as I printed it at the Mac lab, because the Mac would print better than my PC. So I put my thumbdrive into the Mac, tried to open my adobe file, and it froze the computer. She FREAKED. Started yelling at me and accusing me of putting a virus on the school computer because PCs are all filled with viruses. Should have never let a PC file touch a Mac, she said. We finally unplugged and re-plugged the computer, got it up and running again, and I had a hunch. I checked the filesize on my adobe file, it was a little over 2GB. I found the settings on the Mac, and saw it was equipped with only 2GB of RAM. I pointed out that my file was literally more than the onboard memory these computers have, and that if she'd just let me go into the other computer lab, where they had PCs with literally more than twice the RAM these Macs shipped with, I'd be able to print my damn homework. She finally caved and I crashed an architecture class, printed my file on one of their PCs, and took it back to the art class and got a motherfucking A.

And that's just one example. The other Mac people I dealt with around that time were of similar mindsets, and were similarly pushy toward me needing to come to their side, they just weren't in a position of authority over me nor did I have to deal with them on a regular basis so the teacher sticks out in my mind. I had another teacher once who was a Mac fan (but not a punk about it) and he knew I was not into them, so one day he came up to me with his new iPhone and showed me this nifty thing it could do, where he could read a book and if he swiped his finger across the page it would play an animation of the page turning. I said "cool, mine does that too" pulled a paperback out of my backpack and began tuning the pages. I'm a snarky prick, sorry.

Anyway I like video games and can't wait to see Sonic Frontiers.
TLDR: apple sucks
And actually, it doesn't sound like you're part of the insufferable batshittery that I was talking about. the "several 80s Macintoshes in various states of repair" actually sounds rad as hell. Digging into the inner workings of things, being knowledgeable about them, and truly appreciating the mechanics and tech of the new and old stuff (as opposed to just coming at people like you're in a MLM group) are all traits I respect the hell out of. To continue the Mercedes analogy, you strike me as a dude with like a vintage 300TD wagon that you keep maintained yourself, as opposed to... well, my friend who poses with her brand-new status symbol every two years.
I'm just a fucking nerd

I've read this entire website. I do not recommend that you do, but I've committed a lot of it to memory
hey @Raccoon looks like @chocolate_supra was gonna tell us why windows is better than mac but I guess he had to update his drivers or registry or do a virus scan or whatever!!! blue screen am I right!!! macs are flawless and perfect

I am actually split entirely down the middle between windows and mac myself, I use windows professionally and apple stuff personally. they both have their strengths and weaknesses
hell yeah team mac preference while wholly acknowledging their weaknesses, the inherent evils of any corporation, the damage that anything requiring rare earth minerals does, the toll of the product cycle model, etc etc etc
We're still at the halfway point for PC's lifespan, they might do a PC Pro though next year. Not sure. Leakers been talking tho.

Pft. They've been talking about THAT for a while, now.

I'll believe it when I see it!
This theme has been stuck in my head for the whole week. That area is insanely huge. One of the biggest maps in a Jrpg lol.

SMTV better win RPG of the year. It's that good.

Seeing people's impressions of area 4 has me excited lol. I already thought area 1 was big for a Jrpg.

I gotta say I know some people shit on UE4, but I think it was the best decision Atlus made with SMT V. It probably help allow them to execute their vision of what they wanted SMT V to be. Having big explorable areas must have been hard to create.
I'm making a non-dairy chocolate glaze for a cake, I'm kinda just winging it but I should be able to substitute coconut cream for double cream right?
Not waiting for any of you heathens, the coconut cream is simmering and will now be poured onto the chocolate. Wish me luck.


Looks and tastes awesome
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I'm making a non-dairy chocolate glaze for a cake, I'm kinda just winging it but I should be able to substitute coconut cream for double cream right?
I don't see why not
I really enjoy them slowly pronouncing "Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne".
I know, it's so weird. Did you click the link to watch it on YouTube? I would recommend doing so to see who the top comment is from
I was so proud of myself for barely buying any games this year and working on my backlog instead and then Nintendo hits me with all these sales...

Fuck lol

How do you like your mac and cheese? Real cheese from scratch? Powdered cheese in the box? Ground beef/diced chicken/sliced hot dogs? Salsa? Breadcrumbs? Various seasonings?
Real cheese from scratch (bechamel with a bit of nutmeg and paprika, salt and pepper, stir in cheese (usually a couple of types of cheddar because that's what I have but a more complex blend would be even better)), roast some veggies and mix them in. Delicious!
Side or main course?

My partner and I semi-regularly make roast veggie mac and cheese when we have a bunch of veggies and we can't be bothered thinking of something else to cook. It's so goddamn good
I treat it as a main course, but in The Before Times I was regularly asked to make it as a side dish for big parties.


How do you like your mac and cheese? Real cheese from scratch? Powdered cheese in the box? Ground beef/diced chicken/sliced hot dogs? Salsa? Breadcrumbs? Various seasonings?
I start with the boxes stuff that comes with cheese sauce in a pouch (I try to do the artsy small company brands that have three cheese blends but I'll settle for Velveeta shells and cheese in a pinch), then dice up bell peppers and throw them in and top with shredded pepperjack, Cajun seasoning, and green onions. Sometimes toss in grilled chicken, too.

Not waiting for any of you heathens, the coconut cream is simmering and will now be poured onto the chocolate. Wish me luck.


Looks and tastes awesome
You know what would go real good with that chocolate?
a supra
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Am I the only person who thinks Steamdeck is a horrendous monstrosity of a handheld? It's comically large.
It's probably the most common criticism of the device, but honestly the impressions have all been pretty positive about how it actually feels to hold so I'm not terribly worried. I already use a grip with my Switch that makes it about the same size
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