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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST2 Nov. 2021| Are You Gonna Play Shin Megami Tensei V the Dub Way, or…

Which TGA nomination snub upset you the most?

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The silence around Genesis/Megadrive NSO is the real bugbear for me. But people always like talking bout the things that piss them off more than they like talking bout things that are like, totally awesome. Just how it goes I guess.

The sickos meme but it's me shouting YYESSSS at gifs of Mean Bean Machine.

But you're right - the Mega Drive stuff is fantastic. Can't wait to play more.
Reminder: this is and probably forever will be the best Direct they’ve ever made

Until we get the super sick glow up new Direct for Tomodachi Switch.
Completely anecdotal but all of my friends and acquaintances (so at this point, 30s and upward, that was painful to write) all had an N64 or have the fondest memories for N64. Not just friends near me, but online friends too...for a console that definitively outsold it and was a demonstrable huge success, I just do not see the same sort of reverence for the PlayStation 1. Maybe Nintendo won the long-term game, who knows.
PlayStation is a fancy restaurant
Nintendo 64 is your mom’s homemade dinner

One might be technically better, have more variety, etc

But you remember one way more fondly than the other

My theory? It's because Nintendo 64 was a better multiplayer system. Everyone has memories of playing N64 with their friends.
Most of the best experiences on PlayStation were single-player (Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Crash Bandicoot).

Even the most hardcore PlayStation fans wanted to play a few rounds of Goldeneye 007 or Mario Kart 64.
Agreed. In general, I think N64 has a very unique library.

It has so many hidden gems like...

Mischief Makers.
Sin & Punishment.
Space Station Silicon Valley
Blast Corps
Rocket Robot on Wheels
Hybrid Heaven
Mystical Ninja starring Geomon
Body Harvest
Indiana Jones
Shadow Man
Snowboard Kids 1 + 2

To me, N64's library is severely underrated. It even had a port of Resident Evil 2.

I always see people listing N64 as Nintendo's worst console, but I think its software library deserves to be re-evaluated.
Yup and would love to see all of those on nso(Highest hope is for snowboard kids tho)
One of my friends had a Saturn very briefly growing up. His dad sold it for a PS1 not very long afterwards.

I honestly love the Saturn, but I love underdog and offball consoles so that's no surprise.
I think part of it is that both the PS1 and N64 were the early-3D consoles and still working out a LOT of things about how that kind of gaming worked. As a result, I think they (on the whole) have more games that don't hold up these days, at least percentage-wise, versus any other console I can think of. Of course there are great games on both and plenty of gems.

But while PS1 was great for single player games like FF, MGS, etc., N64 had the multiplayer kings: Goldeneye, Mario Kart, Smash, etc., and that makes it stand out more in memory

EDIT: And I see Emily just made the exact same point :p
Hope people don't mind if I crosspost something from the OLED thread in here...this thread is waaay more active and I'm hoping I can resolve this before tonight!
First time docking the OLED today and I'm getting a black flicker every few seconds...anyone know what the resolution here is? My TV did this years ago when I would HDMI my laptop, then it just stopped one day.

I just mailed my old Switch today or else I'd test that again, but that was working fine a day or two ago. Could be a coincidence with odd timing but I'm thinking it's somehow related to the new tablet...somehow
Well, i know it's Atlus and the chance is small, but maybe we end up learning throughout the SMTV story that he is trans?

On the Nintendo Eshop they use him and in the Japanese trailers, they use the word "Shonen" which means boy in English.

So as of right now, Atlus considers him a male. He's basically what you call a Bishonen someone who's a really pretty male. It's a popular troupe and a good example would be Griffith from Berserk. This is why I have massive doubt they would do that since I knew what their aim was for Nahobino in the beginning.
Completely anecdotal but all of my friends and acquaintances (so at this point, 30s and upward, that was painful to write) all had an N64 or have the fondest memories for N64. Not just friends near me, but online friends too...for a console that definitively outsold it and was a demonstrable huge success, I just do not see the same sort of reverence for the PlayStation 1. Maybe Nintendo won the long-term game, who knows.
I see the same thing. These days I feel Nintendo 64 gets way more buzz than PlayStation 1 does.

It's hard to explain why. I think Nintendo has more fans that value the history and legacy of its brand. I believe it's the same reason why you see more Nintendo-specific YouTubers. Not that PlayStation doesn't have those things - just not to the same degree.
It reminds me of when Resetera was first created, and people couldn't stop talking about NeoGaf.

Perhaps Famiboards should bring in more members who weren't previously part of Era or Neogaf. Famiboards community should aim to feel bigger than just "Nintendo Era" or "Nintendo Gaf".
I was never a member of Era or the old neogaf. Honestly I can do without them, Famiboards is better than them.
Completely anecdotal but all of my friends and acquaintances (so at this point, 30s and upward, that was painful to write) all had an N64 or have the fondest memories for N64. Not just friends near me, but online friends too...for a console that definitively outsold it and was a demonstrable huge success, I just do not see the same sort of reverence for the PlayStation 1. Maybe Nintendo won the long-term game, who knows.

N64 games that resonated with me:
  • Mario 64
  • Ocarina of Time
  • StarFox 64
  • Yoshi's Story
  • Paper Mario
  • Smash Bros
  • Wave Race 64
  • Shadows of the Empire

PS1 games that resonated with me:
  • Chrono Cross

...you may be right.
As far as the N64 goes, never had one and had no interest in it. PlayStation was my jam as it had the Final Fantasy games (and later Kingdom Hearts and the GTA games on PS2). I only drifted back to Nintendo with the Wii and it's Virtual Console.

I am and have always been a RPG guy so N64 has problems for me.
I dont know I liked a ton of games on ps1 but that may just be me, Silent Hill, Spyro trilogy, FF9, Klonoa, Castlevania SOTN, tekken 3, Megaman legends 2, Soul reaver, MGS

Loved the n64 but the ps1 had some bangers
N64 was definitely THE multiplayer machine of choice for my group of friends to bond over. Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye (and later Perfect Dark), Mario Party, No Mercy, etc. Most of us owned PS1s but I don't think we ever played a single PS1 game together.
Literally everything is happening tomorrow, it seems like. We're getting the Q2 financials, Animal Crossing update, SMTV reviews, and Elden Ring gameplay. All on a random early November Thursday, for some reason, but I'm not complaining!
Also Forza Horizon 5. Lord help me and give me more free time
Everyone that had the N64 played the same games. That's one reason why N64 nostalgia is stronger than PSX nostalgia.
I'd say the main reason is just that Nintendo themselves tend to harken back to the N64 whereas Sony all but ignores everything pre-PS3 more than anything else. If Sony did the same, we'd be seeing plenty of PS1 nostalgia as well, if not more so because it was just a vastly more popular system

take it with a grain of salt, but this lists silksong's release date as february 1st.

A lot of those dates are obviously nonsense.

CyGame's Project Awakening is listed for next year but the team is working on Granblue which is slated for... next year.

take it with a grain of salt, but this lists silksong's release date as february 1st.
On a whim, typed in Monster Hunter.

MH6 for July 1st, 2023? I get the GeForce leak is a weird one to contend with, but aren't both World and Rise mainline games technically? Wouldn't it be MH7? Because MH Rise is also listed right next to it
On a whim, typed in Monster Hunter.

MH6 for July 1st, 2023? I get the GeForce leak is a weird one to contend with, but aren't both World and Rise mainline games technically? Wouldn't it be MH7? Because MH Rise is also listed right next to it
World is basically MH5, Rise MH Portable 5 in all but name.
Rise is actually Monster Hunter 1.

Because it was my first one.

I’m excited for Monster Hunter 2!!!
The N64 had such an eclectic library of local multiplayer titles. You could throw in a random game in so many genres and just play for hours. GoldenEye, Smash, Mario Kart, Mario Party, F-Zero X, Star Fox, Pokémon Stadium... I don't think any console will manage to replicate these particular experiences for me even though some have come close in some areas.
Sony's dumpster fire of legacy support also plays into this. Most of the N64 library has seen a rerelease at some point, either from Nintendo itself or through stuff like Rare Replay. While this is partially due to the relatively small library compared to the PS1, people today can and still play and appreciate much of the system's library, with only a few stragglers like Pokémon Stadium or Goldeneye not being easily accessible. PS1 on the other hand, is far more spotty, due to stuff licensing issues, a lot of the best games being in the hands of fickle third parties, and Sony's "i don't give a shit" attitude regarding its own legacy game support.
I really miss tolkir's eShop threads. How will I know now where to waste money on!? Will there be a substitute available here, Familords?
There will be one. The poster doing it however got sick last week and it was delayed as a result. They said recently they hope to have it up by Thursday.
Bayonetta 3 trailer at 1.6 million views.

That’s pretty good for a debut trailer. Maybe the series can have a good LTD sales that Nintendo will be very happy with.
For like 2 or 3 days on the NA eshop download only top 30 the first Bayonetta made it to 27 before it fell off the chart after the direct that featured it last month. I imagine the trailer had an effect on sales and interest.
On a whim, typed in Monster Hunter.

MH6 for July 1st, 2023? I get the GeForce leak is a weird one to contend with, but aren't both World and Rise mainline games technically? Wouldn't it be MH7? Because MH Rise is also listed right next to it
Rise is a mainline game yes , but considered a “Gen 5” title still , in capcom’s own leaks they had a “MH6” with iirc a planned july-september 2023 release window .
i think there was a list that leaked a few weeks ago, this is a more updated version with more dates. the majority of dates in there are clearly placeholders tho.

SMTV coming to PC in February would be a surprise.
@Oregano is already preparing the posts here and on InstallBase for the day SMTV gets a PC port before P5 or P5R got any port :p

take it with a grain of salt, but this lists silksong's release date as february 1st.
It also says next month for the Chrono Cross remaster, so uh... grain of salt officially taken. 😅

take it with a grain of salt, but this lists silksong's release date as february 1st.
Hasn't Nvidia said the contents of this list are mostly speculative?

Some of the things have already come true so there's definitely some weight to it, and Silksong in February isn't that strange, but there's stuff in here that's very obviously either placeholders or just wild guesses. Silksong might honestly be one of those things since I don't see Team Cherry having committed to that release date back when this leaked.
Silksong releasing in February is wild to me because I would think Team Cherry would want at least more time to market the game. Releasing in February is too damn quick.

I call bullshit otherwise Team Cherry would have said February a while back.
Nice. GameStop sending me a new physical copy of ACNH for $9.99 after they couldn’t fulfill the used $9.99 price error. Went digital for this one so will be nice to have a physical copy as well.
I still don't get the nvidia leak. Like, M+R2 and Bayo 3 were on there as well, but does it make any sense for them to be on there if Nintendo is involved by way of their IP or money respectively?
SMTV I kinda get, but also not, haha. Sure, UE4 makes it more likely for multiplat (aka Switch + PC), as we've seen before with other titles. But what about how Atlus generally treats multi-plat Persona & SMT policy wise? As in, old games yeah (P4G, SMT3), new(ish) games no (P5/R, SMTV???).
I wonder if there even is such a consistent line of thought there or it's just ... patterns, but we of all communities should know that those can be broken quite easily, haha.
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