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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST Oct. 2021|

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oh yeah, derachi title review embargo passed

it's a bit late but I thought it was pretty clever and it didn't make me want to fly to canada and hit him so y'know
People aren't celebrating that, at least not most people I know of. Merely commenting that looking at something as arbitrary and ridiculous as a youtube video dislike ratio as something that has any real meaning or effect on anything is silly.
"The Youtube protest does nothing, company ranks in a ton of money, and those angry gamers (who have already bought the product they are supposedly upset about) take another L."

So many assumptions are being made here:

1) That that many dislikes doesn't send a message to Nintendo in any way. Like, there's no way we can know for sure, but companies take note when they get an overwhelmingly negative reaction like this. I think it's safe to say they got the message with Federation Force, for example.

2) That the people disliking the video have already bought the product. Pure speculation. Also implies that if you've spent money on a product you can't be unhappy about it or express that anywhere.

3) I'm usually the first one to be disparaging about 'angry gamers', but there's an enormous difference between the kind of angry gamer who is like "there's a woman or person of colour in my game? Time to send some death threats" and "I'm not happy with a service Nintendo is providing at the price they're asking".

No one is celebrating it. They’re mocking outraged gamers pointing to downvotes as if they mean anything. And frankly, it’s right to mock outraged gamers.
See point three above.

I see a lot of posts here about the toxicity of gaming discourse and generally wanting people to aspire towards a higher calibre of discussion around games. I'm not opposed to people making the argument that youtube dislikes won't change anything, for example, I just think there's a way to do it without being so sarcastic and dismissive.
yeah I'm with dmax on this one actually

everybody hating the stupid thing nintendo did doesn't call for us as devoted fans to point to quarterly profits and laugh

I may be a shill but so many people being unhappy can't be good for the brand
Bougth my son Link's champion tunic and the Hyrule Shield and Master Sword for his Halloween costume. A lot of kids recognized him.
I made a thread about gravity falls in off-topic

I am advertising it here because I want to talk about gravity falls

I am without shame
hey at least your shameless plug wasn’t about horse incinerators
hey y’all I need to crowdsource some help for the project that some of you know I’m working on
  • what do you think a Rare Candy tastes like?
  • would you, given the opportunity, eat one in front of your Pokémon instead of giving it to them out of spite?
  • would you do this, perhaps multiple times, even if the dialog boxes told you (in different ways) each time that they tasted like shit?
  • if given the option, would you put a Pokémon in a horse incinerator out of spite?
  • if there were no “release” button and your only options were limited storage or horse incineration, would you use the horse incinerator?
  • would you karmically want anyone who incinerates a Pokémon to have to face a terrifying ash cloud with the combined stats of every incinerated Pokémon as a late-game boss?
thank you in advance for your feedback!
•Like Necco Wafers.
•No. Ok…maybe, depends how bad I want to grind. I have no problem sending mass amounts of Pokémon to the candy factory in Pokémon Go, so maybe I am a spiteful monster?
•Yes, especially now after what I learned from the last question.

Good luck on your project!
Because I’m a sick person, I’ve started feeling like I should start buying physical versions of Switch games I have digitally. I decided when I bought my Switch that I’d go primarily digital. And now it turns out I feel like having games on a physical cartridge is important and something that I want.

It started because I have nearly filled my 500gb micro sd card. So I was looking at titles that I could either archive, or buy physically to save space. And i realized that I really like the box and the cover art and the cartridge.

I’m a consumer whore. And how!
I like to lend my games out to family and friends and not expect when to get them back so going physical works for me.
"The Youtube protest does nothing, company ranks in a ton of money, and those angry gamers (who have already bought the product they are supposedly upset about) take another L."

So many assumptions are being made here:

1) That that many dislikes doesn't send a message to Nintendo in any way. Like, there's no way we can know for sure, but companies take note when they get an overwhelmingly negative reaction like this. I think it's safe to say they got the message with Federation Force, for example.

2) That the people disliking the video have already bought the product. Pure speculation. Also implies that if you've spent money on a product you can't be unhappy about it or express that anywhere.

3) I'm usually the first one to be disparaging about 'angry gamers', but there's an enormous difference between the kind of angry gamer who is like "there's a woman or person of colour in my game? Time to send some death threats" and "I'm not happy with a service Nintendo is providing at the price they're asking".

See point three above.

I see a lot of posts here about the toxicity of gaming discourse and generally wanting people to aspire towards a higher calibre of discussion around games. I'm not opposed to people making the argument that youtube dislikes won't change anything, for example, I just think there's a way to do it without being so sarcastic and dismissive.
That’s fair, and I didn’t mean to be dismissive of that. Or to imply your other points aren’t true. To me it’s more that there’s been so much negativity around the NSO update (that I’m having tons of fun with, now that I decided to upgrade) and it seems more rooted in the Internet Outrage Discourse Machine than actual people making legitimate points. It’s probably just that my mind has been poisoned by Twitter and clickbait YouTube videos, since everytime something like this pops up it becomes a Thing (with a capital T) and it feels like tons of people just try to capitalize on the negativity without really caring about what it is they’re being negative about (and is often of the “angry gamer” variety, things like puddlegate, dexit, etc.), which only fuels the negative discourse further. And that’s not something I really enjoy getting involved with, especially when it’s all I see everywhere and I’m over here like “I just want to talk about how amazing it is to be playing Ocarina again”.

So I admit my first reaction to things like this is usually to roll my eyes and try to ignore to spiral of negativity.

Good discussion that’s in good faith, though, and all your other points, are definitely valid and welcome!
Nearing the end of LM3. Then on to Yoshi’s Story!

Oh yeah also, farewell ST1! We made it a little over halfway through the “traditional” thread length in a month. That’s not bad!
What happened to Halloween? Do kids no longer trick or treat or something? I haven't had a single kid come for candy in years. Even left out a special goodie bag outside for the first brave soul to come

Guess I'll be giving away all the candy I got to coworkers
Yo there are bonus "episodes" in Dicey Dungeons now? Including a Halloween themed one? When was this added?
What happened to Halloween? Do kids no longer trick or treat or something? I haven't had a single kid come for candy in years. Even left out a special goodie bag outside for the first brave soul to come

Guess I'll be giving away all the candy I got to coworkers
I live in the last house on a dead-end street and no one on the street passes out candy. I’ve lived here seven years and in all that time I’ve had one trick or treater come to the house. And yet every year, I buy candy. Just in case.

But really I know it’s for me.
What happened to Halloween? Do kids no longer trick or treat or something? I haven't had a single kid come for candy in years. Even left out a special goodie bag outside for the first brave soul to come

Guess I'll be giving away all the candy I got to coworkers

I definitely think trick or treating has done down over the many years. But Covid is still a thing and most kids of trick or treating age aren't eligible to be vaccinated (though that will change in a few days/weeks).
I definitely think trick or treating has done down over the many years. But Covid is still a thing and most kids of trick or treating age aren't eligible to be vaccinated (though that will change in a few days/weeks).
I live in an area where people think covid is a political myth and they forced their kids back to school ASAP and I've seen acquaintances posting pictures of their kids' costumes so I'm sure trick or treating is happening around here but I live a mile outside of town so nobody ever comes knocking on my door (which is actually nice).

Is there a Halloween equivalent to Ebeneezer Scrooge? 😅
I just had Chili's and now I feel ashamed. So you may as well.
It's been years since I've been to Chili's but I've always thought it was legitimately great. No idea why they got rid of the awesome blossom though.
What happened to Halloween? Do kids no longer trick or treat or something? I haven't had a single kid come for candy in years. Even left out a special goodie bag outside for the first brave soul to come

Guess I'll be giving away all the candy I got to coworkers
It's very very area dependent. We moved to the heart of suburbia a few months ago and saw more trick or treaters than we have in years.
That’s fair, and I didn’t mean to be dismissive of that. Or to imply your other points aren’t true. To me it’s more that there’s been so much negativity around the NSO update (that I’m having tons of fun with, now that I decided to upgrade) and it seems more rooted in the Internet Outrage Discourse Machine than actual people making legitimate points. It’s probably just that my mind has been poisoned by Twitter and clickbait YouTube videos, since everytime something like this pops up it becomes a Thing (with a capital T) and it feels like tons of people just try to capitalize on the negativity without really caring about what it is they’re being negative about (and is often of the “angry gamer” variety, things like puddlegate, dexit, etc.), which only fuels the negative discourse further. And that’s not something I really enjoy getting involved with, especially when it’s all I see everywhere and I’m over here like “I just want to talk about how amazing it is to be playing Ocarina again”.

So I admit my first reaction to things like this is usually to roll my eyes and try to ignore to spiral of negativity.

Good discussion that’s in good faith, though, and all your other points, are definitely valid and welcome!
Appreciate the response, and I definitely get being bummed out by wave after wave of toxic shit on twitter and elsewhere.

I think it's worth drawing a line between developer and publisher too, purely because of the power dynamic. Nintendo is big enough that they can withstand quite a lot of negative feedback and they'll be just fine. Stuff like puddlegate on the other hand comes after developers, who quite often don't get a say in the thing they're copping shit for. Bioware/EA is a perfect example of that I think with DA2, ME3 ending, Andromeda's launch, Anthem etc. Most of that stuff came about due to pressure from EA and yet Bioware devs get the death threats.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying the update and feeling like you got your money's worth, I just don't think it's necessary to be constantly making out like any criticism aimed at Nintendo is unfair and/or entitled.
That’s fair, and I didn’t mean to be dismissive of that. Or to imply your other points aren’t true. To me it’s more that there’s been so much negativity around the NSO update (that I’m having tons of fun with, now that I decided to upgrade) and it seems more rooted in the Internet Outrage Discourse Machine than actual people making legitimate points. It’s probably just that my mind has been poisoned by Twitter and clickbait YouTube videos, since everytime something like this pops up it becomes a Thing (with a capital T) and it feels like tons of people just try to capitalize on the negativity without really caring about what it is they’re being negative about (and is often of the “angry gamer” variety, things like puddlegate, dexit, etc.), which only fuels the negative discourse further. And that’s not something I really enjoy getting involved with, especially when it’s all I see everywhere and I’m over here like “I just want to talk about how amazing it is to be playing Ocarina again”.

So I admit my first reaction to things like this is usually to roll my eyes and try to ignore to spiral of negativity.

Good discussion that’s in good faith, though, and all your other points, are definitely valid and welcome!

I agree with this take. So much of gaming discourse these days is reactionary and negative. There's barely any nuance to analysis these days. So many people quickly label something as "shit" and gloss over things that are done well. Case in point, all the people who have outright dismissed the Genesis games and even gone as far to call them a worthless addition to the service.

I said this in the NSO thread, but I'll gladly take M2 Genesis emulation on NSO over any other form of these games available outside of the original games on original hardware. I don't think the Genesis collection that's currently available is even worth $10 because it's a poor product that Sega put out with a ton of issues. I think the NSO genesis games add quite a bit of value of the service and it seems pretty arrogant, and dare I say disrespectful to huge part of gaming history, to be so dismissive of the games.

On another note there's some positive things to be said about the N64 emulation. Star Fox 64 is actually an improvement over both the Wii and WiiU versions of the game. So clearly Nintendo has put in some effort to deliver a good experience. But nary a peep from the reactionary Twitter and YouTube personalities about the quality of Star Fox 64's emulation. I can't think of anyone who is talking about Star Fox outside of that one Nintendo World Report video.
It's been years since I've been to Chili's but I've always thought it was legitimately great. No idea why they got rid of the awesome blossom though.
They're definitely great for being a national chain, I just feel ashamed because I ate way too damn much and am now waddling instead of walking. 😅 And I never tried the awesome blossom but I was legitimately pissed when they got rid of mozzarella sticks. Like, it ruined my evening when the server told me that and I probably talked way too much about it for the rest of that night. I'm probably talking way too much about it now but fuck it yall, end of thread means no rules!!
Huh, so the founder of Retro Studios made "The Guy Game"

I don't know how to process this.
Retros' history is pretty out there. Its honestly wild that they ended up making games as well liked and well-made as the Metroid Prime Series and DKC games given where they started. Realistically, the studio should have fallen apart pretty quickly.
I haven't seen a trick or treater in years and I hate it. I like seeing all the costumes and having an excuse to wear a costume myself for passing out candy. I know in my area there's days at the zoo, aquairum, and malls that do trick or treating and usually give out good stuff. So I think a lot of my trick or treaters traffic went to there.
They're definitely great for being a national chain, I just feel ashamed because I ate way too damn much and am now waddling instead of walking. 😅 And I never tried the awesome blossom but I was legitimately pissed when they got rid of mozzarella sticks. Like, it ruined my evening when the server told me that and I probably talked way too much about it for the rest of that night. I'm probably talking way too much about it now but fuck it yall, end of thread means no rules!!
Wait what? When did they even have mozzarella sticks? That's definitely not tex mex.

Anyway like I said it's been years but one of my most embarrassing opinions is that their Cajun ribeye is one of the best steaks I've ever had. Yes, the Chili's that freezes their food at a warehouse and microwaves it in the restaurant kitchen. Turns out freezing and microwaving is an excellent way to tenderize steak.
Retros' history is pretty out there. Its honestly wild that they ended up making games as well liked and well-made as the Metroid Prime Series and DKC games given where they started. Realistically, the studio should have fallen apart pretty quickly.

To be fair, Jeff Spangenberg founded Iguana prior to Retro. That studio did make the Turok games so it's not like he was incapable of creating a studio with talent behind it. He just fell to rock bottom after leaving Retro which ultimately led to The Guy Game.
I ate that subway dogshit, it was okay

I started enjoying subway a lot more when I stopped ordering my usual italian
Best Subway order is usually just one (or no) type of meat and then a whole mess of veggies on it. And you best not forget the salt and pepper.
Goodbye st1
Wait what? When did they even have mozzarella sticks? That's definitely not tex mex.

Anyway like I said it's been years but one of my most embarrassing opinions is that their Cajun ribeye is one of the best steaks I've ever had. Yes, the Chili's that freezes their food at a warehouse and microwaves it in the restaurant kitchen. Turns out freezing and microwaving is an excellent way to tenderize steak.
Chili's has become more half texmex and half just general american in recent years, although it's been a while since I was there too. They're not bad, though, I think it does get a bit of an overexaggerated amount of dislike for what it is
Wait what? When did they even have mozzarella sticks? That's definitely not tex mex.

Anyway like I said it's been years but one of my most embarrassing opinions is that their Cajun ribeye is one of the best steaks I've ever had. Yes, the Chili's that freezes their food at a warehouse and microwaves it in the restaurant kitchen. Turns out freezing and microwaving is an excellent way to tenderize steak.
They had mozzarella sticks for yeeeaaarrrsss, since I was a teenager at least. Some of the best I've ever had. It's why I was pissed when they quit a couple years ago because now all remaining options are substandard. And the Cajun ribeye is my dad's favorite. It's the only restaurant steak he doesn't compare to a boot sole.

Also there's something special about the last page of the first thread falling back into sandwich/food talk. 😂
3 minutes to nuclear midnight

subway penguin gimme da gorbage
2 minutes to the horse incinerator
What message did Nintendo get from the negative reaction to Federation Force? Sure people were angry it wasn't the Metroid game they wanted but it still released nonetheless and I doubt Nintendo expected it to be a major commercial success since it was a pretty late 3DS release.
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