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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST Oct. 2021|

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Confession time: I don’t like a single NES, SNES, N64 game. I’ve never bought a VC game and I played the NSO titles for a combined 5 minutes since they launched.

I know how this sounds, but…

How old are you?
I was thinking the exact same thing.

I seriously can't imagine not liking a single one of them unless you never played any growing up. Even still, that's surprising.
I've been watching the later ones on Youtube just to get through them. The early ones I easy enough but later psyncs have solutions like "Pull the knife out of the wall so Ai accidentally tosses it all of the way across to room to cut in half the television". Like how would anyone reasonably think of that? So it really just becomes a game of trial and error.

Yup, and the very last one includes having to do the wrong thing deliberately to make sure the time penalty doesn't completely ruin any change you had.
I think the hate for the N64 controller is exaggerated, tbh. Yeah it's an odd shape looking at it in today's lens, but as a controller it worked absolutely fine for its games. As long as you weren't a weirdo who held it like this:

The N64 controller, by most metrics, is a terribly designed controller.

And I still love it. Nostalgia sucks >.<
Not a SINGLE one???

For real, I can’t think of a single one that I’ve played that made me go “yeah this is good I really want to play it more”.

I know how this sounds, but…

How old are you?


Wow and I thought I didn't like older games, but I guess I have you beat by like, one title (Super Metroid). I've played and loved Ocarina but that was on 3DS so I'm not sure it counts. I also played a bunch of the N64 mulitplayer titles like Smash, Mario Party, Goldeneye, Mario Tennis, and such back in the day but I was super young so I'm also not sure that counts because young me might have had awful taste.

The only one I came closest to finish was Majora’s Mask (the 3DS version to be fair) but I dropped it before the second temple as it bored me. The atmosphere was super cool however. I did finish Super Mario 64 DS as a 8 years old however, but I never finished the 64 version. Even with the recent bundle I dropped it cause Mario moves like poopoo.

This is good. The first step is admitting you have a problem

jk, kinda sorta

The real problem here is that jk to me now means “high school girl” before “joking” lol.

I was thinking the exact same thing.

I seriously can't imagine not liking a single one of them unless you never played any growing up. Even still, that's surprising.

My first Nintendo home console was the Wii, first Nintendo console the GBA.
Please don't drag me to the marketplace and pelt me with rotting vegetables, but: would you be so kind and explain to me why some of you are getting so excited to buy one of the worst controllers that has ever been conceived in the history of poorly designed things.

Do N64 games play like crap on a regular controller? Is it nostalgia? Is it humanity having a soft spot for misshapen things? Do some of you have three hands? Is it a combination of all or some of the above? Do I fail to see beauty where others can?

Help me.
For me its mostly the nostalgia factor, as I'm sure is the case with many people. But I also always found it super comfy for my hands! Not to mention it almost feels blasphemous to play games like OoT and SM64 WITHOUT an N64 controller. Perhaps all that doesn't make it worth the premium, but for a cool piece of history that also doubles as functional, I'm totally down.
I'm getting the N64 controller because I forgot I'd preordered it and because it's super weird.
The N64 controller was fine for its time. Sure it's weird as fuck but it works for games designed around it.
Just coming in to recommend Metallic Child. Really cute and fun roguelite!
Great combat, and actually a really good port as well.

I'd probably make an OT for it if I had more time, might just an highlight thread for it...

edit: and on topic, I don't have any nostalgia for the N64 controller. Love that they're remaking them though, love my SNES one.
Just coming in to recommend Metallic Child. Really cute and fun roguelite!
Great combat, and actually a really good port as well.

I'd probably make an OT for it if I had more time, might just an highlight thread for it...

edit: and on topic, I don't have any nostalgia for the N64 controller. Love that they're remaking them though, love my SNES one.

I enjoyed it, but it was a bit too difficult for me.😰

Had to play on Easy mode.
Are the original Paper Mario and Super Paper Mario still worth playing?

I picked up Origami King to kill some time before SMT V releases and I'm enjoying it way, way more than I expected.
Paper Mario 64 is the best in the series especially in Pacing. Super is a wild ride and also what got us the tight restraints in spin-offs on unique Mario releases characters
Everyone saying the N64 controller is bad should look at the Dreamcast controller. It’s like the N64 controller, but worse.
It’s true. The fact that the grips don’t allow for comfortable hand placement due to the circular design and the straight angle of the triggers/prominences makes it near impossible to play very long. But I do like the VMU slot. Such a “Nintendo” idea that sega utilized mostly well.
God, I don't even know why I bought the N64 pad. I play almost exclusively in handheld mode. My Pro controller that I have for like a year has been used exactly once, lol. But I'm still weirdly excited for it, just for nostalgia's sake. Anyway, after seeing the awesome price of 319,99€ for the Switch OLED on amazon France a few weeks ago, I was considering buying it, but just couldn't pull the trigger as funds are a little bit tight right now. Today I just did it in an impulse and right when I was ready to cancel it again, they had already send it. So, yay for me, I guess. :D On the plus side, I'm still rocking V1, so it will be a pretty great upgrade for me.^^

Are the original Paper Mario and Super Paper Mario still worth playing?

I picked up Origami King to kill some time before SMT V releases and I'm enjoying it way, way more than I expected.

Super Paper Mario has funny dialogues and a cool story, but gameplay-wise it's a slog and the level-design when you switch to 3D is super boring and empty. I just replayed it last year and it's hands down the worst in the series for me. Yes, even worse than Sticker Star. The first two Paper Mario games are great, though and can't be recommended highly enough!
Thanks everyone! I've still got the Wii U hooked up so I'll probably grab Paper Mario once I'm done with TOK.

As for TOK, it really is such a nice surprise - charming, diverse, and the story (while simple) is really engaging. That moment in particular really took me by surprise - I was waiting for the 'gotcha', but when I realised Bobby had really gone boom I actually felt genuinely sad. Luigi's line about parking the cart so he didn't have to pay the valet also slayed me. All his appearances so far have been great.

And, yup, the soundtrack is awesome. I would happily cut a rug to the song that blasts out of the boombox in the pyramid level.
So...I have two homes now is what everyone is saying haha.

Sorry yall, I have been so busy since I I went back to school.
Please don't drag me to the marketplace and pelt me with rotting vegetables, but: would you be so kind and explain to me why some of you are getting so excited to buy one of the worst controllers that has ever been conceived in the history of poorly designed things.

Do N64 games play like crap on a regular controller? Is it nostalgia? Is it humanity having a soft spot for misshapen things? Do some of you have three hands? Is it a combination of all or some of the above? Do I fail to see beauty where others can?

Help me.
I grew up with a Nintendo 64, but there are a few classics I missed that I didn't play untill the Wii virtual console - which somehow included Super Mario 64 and both Zeldas. I later spent $40 on a Majora's Mask cartridge just to see how it felt on a Nintendo 64 controller and yeah, it was better. Games designed around 6 face buttons feel better with 6 face buttons, who'd have thunk. The two extra shoulder buttons don't always help since they're not always mapped sanely - and the C buttons are often somewhat related in function even when they're not mapped the camera and therefore feel better when they're next to each other.

Confession time: I don’t like a single NES, SNES, N64 game. I’ve never bought a VC game and I played the NSO titles for a combined 5 minutes since they launched.
How many have you actually tried then? Doesn't sound like you got the opportunity to play very many.
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Confession time: I don’t like a single NES, SNES, N64 game. I’ve never bought a VC game and I played the NSO titles for a combined 5 minutes since they launched.
wait, what the fuck? do you mean on NSO or in general? this is fucking wild. there are so many SNES games that are better than most modern games

Super Metroid

then NES has fucking Punch-Out

and NES ice hockey

this is a bewildering opinion that I just do not understand
Everyone saying the N64 controller is bad should look at the Dreamcast controller. It’s like the N64 controller, but worse.
Gasp! 😮 I loved the DC controller, and I always tell people it's one of my favorites along with the original Duke Xbox controller and the Wii U gamepad.

And no, I'm not even remotely kidding. I think my hands must be weird or something.

Is anyone skipping the nso thing until the library becomes more robust , I'm thinking of waiting this out really feel like it's not worth the cash right now.
Yes, same here.
Are the original Paper Mario and Super Paper Mario still worth playing?

I picked up Origami King to kill some time before SMT V releases and I'm enjoying it way, way more than I expected.
Fuck yes. PM1 and 2 are the best in the series by far.
Great RPGs that expande the Mario Universe and gives it more depth, while being vastly different in their tone and presentation.
In those games the worlds actually feel like a place where people live and don't rely on 4th wall breaking jokes but are genuinely charming.
Plus fights mean something and you earn EXP.
Please don't drag me to the marketplace and pelt me with rotting vegetables, but: would you be so kind and explain to me why some of you are getting so excited to buy one of the worst controllers that has ever been conceived in the history of poorly designed things.

Do N64 games play like crap on a regular controller? Is it nostalgia? Is it humanity having a soft spot for misshapen things? Do some of you have three hands? Is it a combination of all or some of the above? Do I fail to see beauty where others can?

Help me.
The N64 control stick isn't like any stick today so it gives a different feeling and the games back then were made with that stick in mind.
Heck, if you would buy for example a replacement stick that kinda works like a modern stick, the sampling rate could be way lower or you would have a different dead zone and need to move the stick more to get any feedback from the game itself.

Just look at the pictures here of the controller test with an original N64 stick and a replacement you could buy on eBay:

And sure, nostalgia also plays a part, no doubt. But that is always the case with such stuff
Is anyone skipping the nso thing until the library becomes more robust , I'm thinking of waiting this out really feel like it's not worth the cash right now.

Yup, although my friends are driving me the itch for some Mario Kart 64 online.
Confession time: I don’t like a single NES, SNES, N64 game. I’ve never bought a VC game and I played the NSO titles for a combined 5 minutes since they launched.
You should try Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on the SNES. It's a really good game. Super Metroid is also
Confession time: I don’t like a single NES, SNES, N64 game. I’ve never bought a VC game and I played the NSO titles for a combined 5 minutes since they launched.
I'm sure there is some game that you like. Sure NES has a lot of games that are outdated due to them still thinking of making games hard as hell from the arcade times or not having proper game design, but there are games that still work wonderful today. Even more so with the SNES. For N64... yeah it's hard to go back and enjoy the first 3D era, but something like Paper Mario really is timeless iyam.
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