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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST6 Mar. 2022| Marchful Mode

What is the best (non-Kirby) Kirby franchise main character?

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If you're a weeb, you're gonna live 13 Sentinels and I'm not just talking about the mech stuff. If you enjoy watching anime shows where it's just student talking in at school, 13 Sentinels is right up your alley. If the thought of visiting iconic anime locations such as classroom, cafeteria, school rooftop, school entrance, by the vending machines, the locker room, and the train station excite you, then 13 Sentinels is your dream game.
Vending Machines : ...
Japanese Vending Machines : OooooOOOOooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHhhhhhhhhh
New Nintendo patents (4 in total) were put up recently (maybe even just a couple hours ago). I don't know if they're brand new or renewals, nor how to check out the diagrams/images though. Here is the link: https://patents.justia.com/assignee/nintendo-co-ltd
I'll check them out as soon as I can, I'm a bit of a patent expert.

Edit: ah these are just grants, not new applications. Most of them were filed 2+ years ago.
Looks like the first one is for a Tetris/Dr. Mario type game where the system tells you whether or not your operable block will hit something, or what it will hit. Like an easy mode.
Looks like the first one is for a Tetris/Dr. Mario type game where the system tells you whether or not your operable block will hit something, or what it will hit. Like an easy mode.
Second one does indeed sound like Astral Chain, third one was invented by Sakurai and sounds Smashy but I don't have the time or drive to really look into it now. Fourth one is just a continuation of the original DS patent for some reason.
you can't patent my boy, he already unique

Speaking of Dr. Mario... Where the hell is my Game & Watch Dr Mario Edition? I need that shit in my life.

Pack it in with Puzzle League Nintendo and do it soon. I don't like the pace of Game & Watch releases.
I just remembered Namco Museum.

Man, imagine a Namco Museum-style game by Nintendo with Super Mario Bros 1-3, Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, Link to the Past, Metroid, and Super Metroid.
I think the Sakurai patent is related to Spirit Battles.
Ah that makes sense, it talks about player characters and opponents being displayed with non-participating characters.

Kinda forgot spirits were a thing.
Speaking of Dr. Mario... Where the hell is my Game & Watch Dr Mario Edition? I need that shit in my life.

Pack it in with Puzzle League Nintendo and do it soon. I don't like the pace of Game & Watch releases.
This year we need a Kirby Dream Land/Dream Land 2/Adventure Game & Watch

Since, you know, Game Boy games aren’t on NSO for some silly reason
New season of Atlanta crept up on me. Just saw that it premieres tomorrow so I looked up some reviews and it has a 91 on Metacritic 👁👁
Didn’t know what ube was a minute ago, and now I wanna taste ube ice cream more than anything in the world
This is a hyper specific comparison, but it tastes like French Toast Crunch cereal or the buttered popcorn Jelly Belly jelly beans. I had it when I was in the Philippines years ago and routinely make the trek to the local Filipino grocer about a half hour away to get some.
I know this isn't representative of the entire market (enthusiast forum and all that), but how many of you regularly buy games based on review score alone?
Mostly for indies, especially for the ones whose devs I don't know anything about.

Still, indies are mostly cheap so every now and then I do pull the trigger without looking any reviews.
I know this isn't representative of the entire market (enthusiast forum and all that), but how many of you regularly buy games based on review score alone?
I might use metacritic for browsing games, but then I get into the meat of the reviews before making a decision. This applies mostly to smaller titles or things on classic consoles like DS/PSP, where there is a lot to wade through.
I know this isn't representative of the entire market (enthusiast forum and all that), but how many of you regularly buy games based on review score alone?
Not very regularly. Maybe once every couple years? Who the developer is (i.e. past experience with them), player impressions (from certain, specific people, not just anyone!), IP and genre preferences play a bigger role than MC score on my game-buying decisions.
I know this isn't representative of the entire market (enthusiast forum and all that), but how many of you regularly buy games based on review score alone?
I can't remember the last review score I actually looked at. If people say a game is fun, that's good enough for me.
I know this isn't representative of the entire market (enthusiast forum and all that), but how many of you regularly buy games based on review score alone?
Tbh, review scores have not factored into my decision-making process for quite some time now. I am more interested in impressions from our community than anything else. Unless I just get the game on release day because I already liked what I have seen of the game ahead of release and feel confident enough that I will like it. Reviews are helpful in this process, but the scores themselves are of little value to me.
I actually quite enjoyed Yoshi's Crafted World.

It has its flaws for sure, but it's cosy handcrafted art style, gentle difficulty, and substantial variety still made it a nice game to chill out with after a long day, and I recently discovered it's absolutely hilarious fun in co-op, especially played with a partner, where the mischievous mix of co-op and mutual sabotage were an absolute hoot.

It's no Yoshi's Island, but for me at least, it's still a good game.
I know this isn't representative of the entire market (enthusiast forum and all that), but how many of you regularly buy games based on review score alone?
Only time reviews affect me buying a game is if they are awful like sub 60 if not I will buy it anyway
I know this isn't representative of the entire market (enthusiast forum and all that), but how many of you regularly buy games based on review score alone?
It may sound dumb, but I believe I'm not the only one when I say that when a hyped AAA game gets less than a 75 I'm sure as hell not touching that.
Reviews are dumb at the end of the day, but I think they have more influence over gaming enthusiasts that most of us want to admit.
I know this isn't representative of the entire market (enthusiast forum and all that), but how many of you regularly buy games based on review score alone?
I don't give a shit about review scores unless it's for serious broken games . I judge games for myself

Also , the whole Gran Turismo 7 micro transaction fiasco and server down for two days is another reason
An example game apparatus executes an opponent information screen process of generating an image of an opponent information screen showing an opponent character and an opponent additional character, and executes a player information screen process of generating an image of a player information screen showing a player character and an additional character selected as an own additional character added to the player character according to an operational input.

I also like tossing words together in a seemingly random fashion, but if you really pay attention — even though what I write might come off as both needlessly convoluted and irrationally wordy at times — you will notice that it ultimately ends up making sense, somehow, even though it admittedly should not make any sense at all, and whenever I pull it off I can not help but feel like one of those raving lunatics that looked at the proposed design for the Fiat Multipla and went "Yup, that is one nice looking car, if I dare say so myself, put it into production asap."
I know this isn't representative of the entire market (enthusiast forum and all that), but how many of you regularly buy games based on review score alone?
I can't really remember the last time I did. Have a pretty good understanding of what I enjoy by now and if I find out about other games it's usually because of word of mouth not necessarily reviews.
I also like tossing words together in a seemingly random fashion, but if you really pay attention — even though what I write might come off as both needlessly convoluted and irrationally wordy at times — you will notice that it ultimately ends up making sense, somehow, even though it admittedly should not make any sense at all, and whenever I pull it off I can not help but feel like one of those raving lunatics that looked at the proposed design for the Fiat Multipla and went "Yup, that is one nice looking car, if I dare say so myself, put it into production asap."
Legalese is a whole different language.
Reviews mean very little to me personally.

There was a time I put great stock in them; this lead me to buy many highly rated games that I ended up not enjoying at all, while skipping games with lower scores that I eventually ended up loving.

I learned my lesson; at the end of the day, a review is just another person's opinion, and those opinions often do not align with mine. I'm a lot happier with my purchases since I stopped putting any stock in metacritic and made my own assessment of what's worth playing. :)
I know this isn't representative of the entire market (enthusiast forum and all that), but how many of you regularly buy games based on review score alone?
I like tactical RPGs, no, it would be better to say that I LOVE Fire Emblem and I have enjoyed some TRPGs a lot, so I was interested in Triangle Strategy but didn’t know if I really wanted it and I also didn’t wanted to try the demo, get hooked and get angry at not being able to play longer, so the review scores played a HUGE influence in me deciding to buy the game on Day 1.

I also had a horrible frustrating morning on release date and went directly to a store where I knew it was going to be on sale and bought it lol

I’ve been really enjoying TS and I am glad I decided to buy.
This is sorta weird but instead of review scores I have a tendency to read the first and last paragraphs of the reviews from some websites, usually starting with NintendoLife. My desire to not be spoiled too much on content is why I stick to the opening and closing, as those summaries tend to be enough for me to glean whether something will be in my wheelhouse. Whether a game is praised or not doesn't tend to sway me because a lot of "mainstream" games don't click with me in general and I'm really more concerned about the nitpicks of what types of games I like, rather than "Do the normies like this?" And I don't mean to use "normies" in a derogatory sense, I mean it more as a recognition that I and my tastes are weird. 😅

Only time I pay attention to scores is if they're like sub-50%. Seems that for a modern publication to give scores that low, a game must be actually bad, not just subjectively. So even if I think it looks neat, a suuuper low score will usually turn me away.
This is sorta weird but instead of review scores I have a tendency to read the first and last paragraphs of the reviews from some websites, usually starting with NintendoLife. My desire to not be spoiled too much on content is why I stick to the opening and closing, as those summaries tend to be enough for me to glean whether something will be in my wheelhouse. Whether a game is praised or not doesn't tend to sway me because a lot of "mainstream" games don't click with me in general and I'm really more concerned about the nitpicks of what types of games I like, rather than "Do the normies like this?" And I don't mean to use "normies" in a derogatory sense, I mean it more as a recognition that I and my tastes are weird. 😅

Only time I pay attention to scores is if they're like sub-50%. Seems that for a modern publication to give scores that low, a game must be actually bad, not just subjectively. So even if I think it looks neat, a suuuper low score will usually turn me away.

Actually reading a review. Not a true gamer! Get out!
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