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StarTopic US Politics |ST| The Kyrsten Sinema-tic Universe

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Don't know if you saw it but Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg got Chotiner'd, and if everyone on the Biden campaign thinks like him this old man is screwed in November.

I think the Biden campaign, given their access to much more accurate internal polling (seriously, look at their conference right before the 2020 election), is probably well aware of the position they're in -- more than any of us. Clinton ignored her own campaign's alarm bells about Michigan in 2016; Biden didn't make the same mistake.

(I am, admittedly, somewhat skeptical of the polling this cycle, much as I was in 2022.)
Texas Tribune said:
Republican Party of Texas delegates voted Saturday on a platform that called for new laws to require the Bible to be taught in public schools and a constitutional amendment that would require statewide elected leaders to win the popular vote in a majority of Texas counties.

Other proposed planks of the 50-page platform included proclamations that “abortion is not healthcare it is homicide”; that gender-transition treatment for children is “child abuse”; calls to reverse recent name changes to military bases and “publicly honor the southern heroes”; support for declaring gold and silver as legal tender; and demands that the U.S. government disclose “all pertinent information and knowledge” of UFOs.

Texas gets dangerously close to going purple in 2020 so they try to change the laws to shut the Democrats out. Not even remotely surprised.
And as someone who has sisters going to school here and may wanna get married and raise a family here, that scares me. I’ll forever vote against them to minimize their harm. Too much at stake not to
And as someone who has sisters going to school here and may wanna get married and raise a family here, that scares me. I’ll forever vote against them to minimize their harm. Too much at stake not to
Just sucks that Republicans' goal is to make votes not matter.

I'm in California and even here I know people who insist "voting is tyranny" and that democracy should be dismantled and shit. They want a literal theocracy. Goddamn terrifying.
Just sucks that Republicans' goal is to make votes not matter.

I'm in California and even here I know people who insist "voting is tyranny" and that democracy should be dismantled and shit. They want a literal theocracy. Goddamn terrifying.
lol well no state has a monopoly on far right Christian nationalism. Folk forget that California has more Republicans than any other state within the country. As someone who doesn’t wanna live in a country dominated by religion and cede even more power to the wealthy and powerful, like how my family’s country is, yeah, I kinda can’t just hold my nose and not vote
As someone who doesn’t wanna live in a country dominated by religion and cede even more power to the wealthy and powerful, like how my family’s country is, yeah, I kinda can’t just hold my nose and not vote
Yeah after a lifetime of feeling like it's not worth it to get involved the Trump years finally pushed both me and my dad over a tipping point and we both registered and have voted in every election since. Even the special off-season one where they tried to recall our governor for being too liberal (even though he's a massive corporatist who is actively working to remove state regulations on big businesses). People in the area still have signs up for the recall and promoting the candidates who ran against him, even though it's been three damn years.
Yeah after a lifetime of feeling like it's not worth it to get involved the Trump years finally pushed both me and my dad over a tipping point and we both registered and have voted in every election since
Even the special off-season one where they tried to recall our governor for being too liberal (even though he's a massive corporatist who is actively working to remove state regulations on big businesses). People in the area still have signs up for the recall and promoting the candidates who ran against him, even though it's been three damn years.
Yeah, seeing Americans actually willing to vote for the likes of Trump and other anti-intellectual and cruel for cruel sakes candidates, I began to pay a bit more attention to whom is elected to office

Shows just how far the Overton window has shifted that a standard socially liberal neo-liberal is somehow seen as left wing. Only lived in California for a little bit myself so I don’t think I had the chance to vote in the recall election. I do wonder what his chances are for running for president come 2028. He does have the political instinct and sharpness to do it
Shows just how far the Overton window has shifted that a standard socially liberal neo-liberal is somehow seen as left wing.
I was actually visiting with a friend and her parents the other day, and her dad was telling me how baffled he is that while he's always considered himself a moderate conservative and although his viewpoints on things have not changed over the decades people are now telling him those same views make him a radical extreme-left socialist. It felt weird describing to a friend's parents the concept of the Overton window. 😅

I do wonder what his chances are for running for president come 2028. He does have the political instinct and sharpness to do it
I get the feeling he has a fair shot. My dad likes him, which tells me he has a good chance at bridging the gap to the moderates, but I personally (perhaps realistically) would hope for a Democrat who's less corporate. I have friends who are gung-ho for AOC to run but I have doubts about her chances at winning, ironically for the exact reasons I like her.

But my big fear is that in 2028 Republicans could bring in their own Gavin Newsom: someone sharp and well-spoken who could bridge the gap to the moderates (but who would policy-wise basically be a DeSantis or Abbot in disguise). It scares me to think that the biggest shield against us having an alt-right, democracy-dismantling president elected this year might simply be how off-putting Trump is to moderates. Dress the same policies up in a cleaner, better-presenting package and I don't know that America wouldn't vote them right in just to save a couple bucks on a cheeseburger.
I was actually visiting with a friend and her parents the other day, and her dad was telling me how baffled he is that while he's always considered himself a moderate conservative and although his viewpoints on things have not changed over the decades people are now telling him those same views make him a radical extreme-left socialist. It felt weird describing to a friend's parents the concept of the Overton window. 😅
It honestly is something else. Like I get called a liberal socialist (not a real thing) for not being anti-vax and and knowing that quality affordable education is one of the best ways to reduce poverty. These are all views I’ve always had, even when I was conservative as a teenager

I get the feeling he has a fair shot. My dad likes him, which tells me he has a good chance at bridging the gap to the moderates, but I personally (perhaps realistically) would hope for a Democrat who's less corporate. I have friends who are gung-ho for AOC to run but I have doubts about her chances at winning, ironically for the exact reasons I like her.
I like AOC but, yeah, America is too right wing for someone like her to have a proper shot. You kinda need someone who’s a little more moderate to win the general election, although it does help that the party has been getting pushed to the left over the past decade so that center has been slowly shifted

But my big fear is that in 2028 Republicans could bring in their own Gavin Newsom: someone sharp and well-spoken who could bridge the gap to the moderates (but who would policy-wise basically be a DeSantis or Abbot in disguise). It scares me to think that the biggest shield against us having an alt-right, democracy-dismantling president elected this year might simply be how off-putting Trump is to moderates. Dress the same policies up in a cleaner, better-presenting package and I don't know that America wouldn't vote them right in just to save a couple bucks on a cheeseburger.
That’s a more than fair fear to have but I get the feeling that the reason why that’ll be hard to get through the primaries is that it’s not quite as appealing as the loud brash and idiotic ravings that Trump does. There’s a reason why no one else in the party seems to be able to replicate him. Not to say someone can’t but it’ll be tough and it’s honestly what prevents a more moderate presenting candidate from being their nominee. If it does happen, yeah, America will happily vote for them. I don’t have much faith in my countrymen
The Hill said:
The outlet reported that Musk, owner of the social media platform X, along with billionaire investor Nelson Peltz, has briefed the former president about a plan to invest in a “data-driven” project to avert voter fraud, according to people familiar with the talks. Additionally, both Peltz and Musk told Trump about the ongoing influence campaign among elite circles that seeks to convince influential U.S. business leaders not to back Biden, Trump’s chief 2024 election rival who he lost to in 2020.

Musk, who met with Trump back in March, talks with the former president several times a month, previously discussing technology, science and immigration, according to The Journal, citing people familiar with the matter. The Tesla CEO, who said he would not be donating money in the presidential race, wants to instead utilize his influence in various industries to help defeat Biden in November.

A Trump campaign official told The Hill that the former president “will be the only voice of what role an individual plays in his presidency.”

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lol there is that. That might also be why he projects Democrats as being the true scammers, liars, etc. out there
Yep. If you aren't on his side then you're every type of bad because he's infallible. Had a boss like that for a while, he would compliment me in front of clients and coworkers and brag about my work, but then when he sold the business and opened a new one and I didn't follow him (most of us didn't actually), suddenly my work was shit and I was ignorant and was totally gonna be a failure, etc. As soon as I wasn't on his team anymore it was like a switch flipped and all the praise went away.

Which sounds soooooooooooo familiar.

Also about the Musk thing, I wonder: the stuff about Trump trash-talking Elon, was that before or after Elon made that big declaration that he's now on the Republican side? I could totally see Trump only hating him due to the old perception that Elon was some hippy save-the-planet type which many in the States tend to associate with the left, only to have Trump immediately start to like him once he said "oops I forgot to tell yall I'm actually an alt-right fascist"
I highly doubt it will happen, but I wish the Texas state Legislature would flip, just to screw over Governor Abbott and Attorney General Paxton's revenge tour, especially since Abbott is already doing a victory lap on school vouchers for the state after the primary runoffs on Tuesday.

But that's an out there wish with the best case scenario of Republicans losing enough seats to not get anything done.

To be fair, Democrats are also mostly scammers, liars, ect.
Oh in many ways they are but it’s never in the ways the far rights says they are. I mean, when you’re calling somewhat socially liberal neo-liberals far left communists…

Yep. If you aren't on his side then you're every type of bad because he's infallible. Had a boss like that for a while, he would compliment me in front of clients and coworkers and brag about my work, but then when he sold the business and opened a new one and I didn't follow him (most of us didn't actually), suddenly my work was shit and I was ignorant and was totally gonna be a failure, etc. As soon as I wasn't on his team anymore it was like a switch flipped and all the praise went away.

Which sounds soooooooooooo familiar.

Also about the Musk thing, I wonder: the stuff about Trump trash-talking Elon, was that before or after Elon made that big declaration that he's now on the Republican side? I could totally see Trump only hating him due to the old perception that Elon was some hippy save-the-planet type which many in the States tend to associate with the left, only to have Trump immediately start to like him once he said "oops I forgot to tell yall I'm actually an alt-right fascist"
I’ll never understand folk who are that fickle. I guess they just get deeply wounded at any perceived injustice

I think that might’ve been before but Elon was invited over by Trump when he was president, IIRC, and it’s not like Elon wasn’t showing signs of being a narcissistic far right wing bully even then. It’s just that the Nazi mask is fully off now. Then again, you still have Trump wanting to screw over EVs and any type of solar or green energy source so…

I highly doubt it will happen, but I wish the Texas state Legislature would flip, just to screw over Governor Abbott and Attorney General Paxton's revenge tour, especially since Abbott is already doing a victory lap on school vouchers for the state after the primary runoffs on Tuesday.

But that's an out there wish with the best case scenario of Republicans losing enough seats to not get anything done.

I’m hoping that the 2024 general election allows for enough seats to be flipped to prevent all that
Breaking: Trump trail jury is done deliberating on charges. Needs 30 minutes to fill forms.

Republicans prepping big package for next Congress, including continuing 2018 tax breaks and maybe repealing the Inflation Reduction Act.

Honest question because I don’t know much about how this works

Is he going to jail?

He could but I wouldn’t bet on it. Unfortunately if the info shared on coverage was correct, it’s his first felony (despite there being count of 34) and also supposedly those counts don’t stack for sentencing if judge decides not to.
ok, is he actually going to be punished though?

I mean hopefully yeah, sorry that's just my kneejerk reaction anytime that question is asked
I have little hope that he'll sit in prison. More hopeful that his crimes against his own body will lead to punishment just in time before November. NY certainly tried, though.

My phone was exploding with news alerts all day, like a row of dominoes falling... Beautiful.
As a Chinese I would like to know if Trump going to jail is an indication that Biden will go on to be re-elected or are there other strong potential contenders within the Democratic Party?
Can he still be voted for, then? I thought felons can't be presidents but maybe there are exceptions or I misremember the law?
As a Chinese I would like to know if Trump going to jail is an indication that Biden will go on to be re-elected or are there other strong potential contenders within the Democratic Party?
I doubt Trump will see the inside of a cell. He’s too rich for that and a former president. At most, assuming he isn’t re-elected, is maybe house arrest? Biden is the Democrat nominee, that’s more or less set at this point. We’re not seeing a new Democrat nominee till 2028

Can he still be voted for, then? I thought felons can't be presidents but maybe there are exceptions or I misremember the law?
Nah, you’re thinking of voting. You can still run for president as a felon
As a Chinese I would like to know if Trump going to jail is an indication that Biden will go on to be re-elected or are there other strong potential contenders within the Democratic Party?
Biden is the Democratic nominee. Nobody is going to oppose the incumbent at this point. Trump is unlikely to go to jail, but even if he did he can still run.
Oh damn. That seems kind of backwards, honsetly
Felons should be allowed to vote. We’ve made it too easy to take away people’s right to vote. And preventing felon from being president would encourage presidents to lock up their rivals so they couldn’t run.
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