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StarTopic The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom |ST| Linkin' Parts (Please Tag All Spoilers)

Thanks, yeah you're right. I'll have a think. It speaks to how much I love the game that I don't want to burn out on it, otherwise I'd just rush to the ending now and get it over with ha.

Without spoilers, is it worth finding every bubbul gem in the game?

I think you can set your own ambitions here. I want to get the bubbuls to get the rewards on offer, but I'm not on a cave hunt quite yet.
I certainly want to do all the lightroots and towers, I love unlocking the map.
No way will I want to do all the korok stuff unless I'm hardcore needing slots.
Sage's Will... possibly
Shrine... hell yeah but I am envisioning needing a guide in places.
Kill every boss... maybe
240 hours in and I still miss 5 side adventures and 18 side quests. And I swear to god ai don't know where they are. I have visited every place multiple times. I think it's time for a guide.
Thanks, yeah you're right. I'll have a think. It speaks to how much I love the game that I don't want to burn out on it, otherwise I'd just rush to the ending now and get it over with ha.

Without spoilers, is it worth finding every bubbul gem in the game?

I didn't go out of the way to find every cave to get them bubbul gem... if I come across them, I'll get 'em. That's all.
But from what spoiler I already saw on Youtube (since I don't expect to get them all), you get a rather nice little exclusive scene for getting all the gems.
Wow not a single post here in over 24 hours. Anyway I'm still enjoying TOTK nice and slowly. Just got the master sword yesterday. Just 84 shrines in, heading to Gerudo for the first time to begin the last regional quest. Maybe 2/5 of the depths somewhat explored. Still a lot of questions about certain areas and side quests and the main story. New surprises still around many corners. I love this game.
I finally started my second regional quest, kinda rushed into it instead of exploring the surrounding areas this time.

Seeing Tulin's power I should've done this questline earlier lol.
Can someone help me? After finding all great faires, I talk to the Maestro and he says the great faires want some items. So every time i throw those items at them, nothing happens. What should I do?
Wow not a single post here in over 24 hours. Anyway I'm still enjoying TOTK nice and slowly. Just got the master sword yesterday. Just 84 shrines in, heading to Gerudo for the first time to begin the last regional quest. Maybe 2/5 of the depths somewhat explored. Still a lot of questions about certain areas and side quests and the main story. New surprises still around many corners. I love this game.
Maybe this is just me but hype for the game seemed to die out really fast. Faster than BOTW.
Ok, the leadup to the Wind Temple is just incredible. It may be the best part of the game so far?

Loved the music.
After 150 hrs I just discover the spirit sage sidequest and just Wow! its something else, one of the best moments in the game so far, finding the master sword is also amazing.
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As of now I have:
-Completed every shrine
-Cleared every lightroot
-Got every armor piece
-Got every Sage’s Will
-Got the maximum amount of Energy cells

I’m not going to 100% the game because I don’t care about getting every Korok seed or filling out the Compendium, but outside of doing more quests and upgrading my armor more, I’ve done everything I want to.

It should be clear by now that I love this game. I think I enjoyed my first playthrough of BotW since everything was so fresh and new, but this was a worthy follow-up. Easily my GotY.
I'm at 130 hours and doing the Gerudo regional phenomenon. Massively enjoying the vibes of this one because there's actual feelings of peril so far. I'm around 102 light roots activated, and 112 shrines done, so I'm slowly getting there I think, judging by the state of my map.

Still unsure exactly how much I'll do before hitting the credits. I've done the geolgyphs and the main Depths side adventure, but there's some side quests I want to complete too.
I've defeated the pirates but not done the reconstruction stuff yet, but I also haven't explored Faron beyond going to the village to save the day
You give the fairies the items by talking to them
Nope… when i talk to them, they just enhace my cloths. They don’t ask for gems, monster parts or anything else, but the maestro insists they want something. In every stable, he says the faires want a different thing.
Nope… when i talk to them, they just enhace my cloths. They don’t ask for gems, monster parts or anything else, but the maestro insists they want something. In every stable, he says the faires want a different thing.

Maybe it's not some items they want, but some artistic thing? Like ... a nice little music track?
Very nice. Getting your child on the gaming train early.

He also loved watching me play (and read) Final Fantasy 7 - 10, which is why I'm a bit sad it has gone on a bit of a WE'RE VERY ADULT NOW spin in the latest game.

He looooved World Of Final Fantasy. That was actually his first experience of the series. I was actually surprised with how much I enjoyed it, and how weighty it was too.

I try to make sure he appreciates varied games and TV, not simply get served up the same bland old stuff. So he ploughs through Sayonara Wild Hearts, absolutely loves Stardew Valley, obviously mows through all the Pokemon, but he already perked up at Pikmin and Star Ocean 2 in the latest direct.

Yeah, he's quite happy to experiment. Which is cool, because it reminds me of what I was like during my early Amiga500 days. Always new and weird titles to investigate there.

New format Zelda is very much his thing though. I had a video from a few years ago where he was able to tell you precisely what each piece of music was within about 1 second of it playing.
Lightning Temple is excellent.

Edit - had a fun moment just now where I did part of it with a cheat solution, then spotted and did the actual solution just after
I now wonder what items you threw at them? :D
I will copy and paste what maestro says since there are a lot of people thinking I’m joking:

Link, you’re back. I have heard the secret to a great fairy’s beauty is Monster Parts.
Maybe they eat brew or … them.

But I do know if you want to receive a Great Fairy blessing, bring all shapes and sizes of Monster Parts.
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I will copy and paste what maestro says since there are a lot of people thinking I’m joking:

Link, you’re back. I have heard the secret to a great fairy’s beauty is Monster Parts.
Maybe they eat brew or … them.

But I do know if you want to receive a Great Fairy blessing, bring all shapes and sizes of Monster Parts.
This is because upgrading armor requires materials as well as rupees. Every upgrade level of an armor set requires its own different monster parts. But you don't throw them at the fairies, it's part of the upgrade menu when you talk to them.
This is because upgrading armor requires materials as well as rupees. Every upgrade level of an armor set requires its own different monster parts. But you don't throw them at the fairies, it's part of the upgrade menu when you talk to them.
But why he keeps changing the items? One time he mentions monster parts. The other gems… the words even get bolded. That’s such a strange information to be given AFTER you find all the faires.
But why he keeps changing the items? One time he mentions monster parts. The other gems… the words even get bolded. That’s such a strange information to be given AFTER you find all the faires.
It's not strange. Talk to a Great Fairy and ask her to enhance your armor and you'll see what Mastro is getting at.
But why he keeps changing the items? One time he mentions monster parts. The other gems… the words even get bolded. That’s such a strange information to be given AFTER you find all the faires.
each armor set require a specific amount of monster part/materials and rupees for you to upgrade, and they have a level for 1 to 5 indicated by stars, like for example 4 Aerocudas eyes/wings and keese eyes to upgrade you glide set armor at level 2,this bolded words show you, you can use monster part/materials to upgrade you armor set
Beat the final boss and saw the ending yesterday.

It truly is a magnificent game - though there are still many things I think can be improved upon. That's kinda crazy to think about given the strides that were made in this game.

I'll probably never 100% the game, but after 80 hours or so I'm very satisfied.

BOTW and TOTK will probably sit alongside the Mario Galaxy games as my personal GOATs, when all is said and done.
I will copy and paste what maestro says since there are a lot of people thinking I’m joking:

Link, you’re back. I have heard the secret to a great fairy’s beauty is Monster Parts.
Maybe they eat brew or … them.

But I do know if you want to receive a Great Fairy blessing, bring all shapes and sizes of Monster Parts.
I see why that can lead to confusion. Didn't remember that.
But did you unlock the Fairies in general or did you just find their buds and they won't come out yet?
Just stumbled into another sidequest leading to another cave which had a secret treasure inside that turned out to be a piece of armor from a set I didn’t even know existed. TotK keeps pulling me back in.
Wow do I love exploring the tropical areas with a boat in search of treasures and missions. Just rebuilt that little town. I feel like this game has everything. You want to go be a pirate have at it.
I see why that can lead to confusion. Didn't remember that.
But did you unlock the Fairies in general or did you just find their buds and they won't come out yet?
I unlocked them all and I already have most cloths with 4stars. I just stopped to talk to the band and noticed a new dialogue that he never had before.
Why advise about enhancing cloths only after saving all 4 great faires?
Having finished the game yesterday, one thing about the end sequence I was kind of disappointed about:
Considering Zonai devices and Ultrahand creation was such a big part of the game, I was wondering how it might be incorporated into the final battles. My exaggerated jokey guess was Kaiju Ganondorf vs Ultrahand Jaeger, but instead it was just... nothing. Ganondorf transformed into a big monster for sure, but the highest tech used against him was a glider.
I unlocked them all and I already have most cloths with 4stars. I just stopped to talk to the band and noticed a new dialogue that he never had before.
Why advise about enhancing cloths only after saving all 4 great faires?
I'd guess because until you've done that, he's got more important stuff to talk about.
Was I the only one disappointed that the Pirates were just a standard crew of monsters?

I’d have loved to have like actual pirates from a far away region for that quest.
Something about a perfectly built glider with controls and batteries just being ready for you right at the site of the mountain explosion felt a bit silly. I feel like the game typically tries to explain those sorts of things more.
Something I love about this game is the trust it establishes with the player. No matter what I do with my play session, I find it to be a worthwhile use of my time and, in a game big this big especially, that is no easy feat. I’m playing by just “going where my heart takes me”, something I really appreciate the ability to do as someone who usually hops around between many games at once to scratch different itches. Really, my only friction against playing this game have been external factors (one of which being Pikmin 4 looming in the not so distant future).

One of the most common complaints I hear is that this game is “grindy”, and I really just can’t agree with that. I suppose if i was mainlining story, trying to fill my battery, or focused in on some other specific goal I might feel the same… but playing that way demonstrates a lack of trust on the players side to let the game and world guide you. These systems are all so expertly intertwined that trying to focus on just one is bound to feel unbalanced, and frankly pointless. When you start to juggle all that the game has to offer, it rewards you with increasing returns.

Interestingly, I did face a similar issue back in BOTW as someone who avoided combat. I missed out on a slice of that game even with over a hundred hours poured into it, but really never knew until I began to compare my experience with others. I suppose there are many chances for someone to “miss” a key beat here and fall into the same trap, with some of the quest and game design being more guided… but that’s the beauty of this being such a socially driven single player game. Perhaps miiverse/demon souls style async multiplayer elements could have ensured that experience for all.

Anyhow. TLDR- this fucking game.
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He cooked.

Sometimes this game makes me feel dumb but not in a fun way, in a “I’m the idiot people on social media make fun of and blame dumbed down game design on.” Bummer way to end the one play session I’ve had time for this week, still in the same area I was in when I last put it down. :confused:

Edit: Progressed to the next part, which is even more tedious. Not like this. Not like this.
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Was I the only one disappointed that the Pirates were just a standard crew of monsters?

I’d have loved to have like actual pirates from a far away region for that quest.
I was disappointed too.

They could have created an offshoot of the Yiga Clawn (with eyepatches) who would use Zonai devices for cannons...like pirates on a pirate ship would do...
I wanted to go under deck as well and loot a lot of treasure.
The pirate cave was cool though.
Was I the only one disappointed that the Pirates were just a standard crew of monsters?

I’d have loved to have like actual pirates from a far away region for that quest.
If that meant that it would have been easier to liberate, then I would have appreciated it haha. But nah, I didn't really mind.

So can we know if it's true or false?
It's false.

My reaction when I found all
the bubbul gems and Koltin ate them.

That seems... ominous
Made some excellent progress today! Started the day off with the Gerudo Temple, then I completed the post-regional phenomena quest and unlocked another main quest where I'm looking for a certain location. I filled in a lot more of the depths, unlocked a few unique treasures, filled three more battery cells, located all Bargainer's statues and purchased their exclusive rewards, did a few more caves, and a handful of minor side quests like taking out my first Gleeok. Up to 145 hours now!

My main goals prior to beelining the rest of the story are to complete the depths map so I can know the location of
every shrine
, and tackle shrines, caves, and wells on the critical path, but I'm leaving behind any straggler caves, wells, shrines, and side quests off the beaten path until I beat the game. I don't care about Koroks or the Compendium, but I'm genuinely going to try to get every cave, well and shrine before I fully put the game to bed.
Only had done 1 dungeon so far but after fully upgrading my
Soldier armour set and new Champion Tunic,
I decided to finally explore
the large Chasm I discovered at the floating Hyrule Castle. I found it tough with the many glom enemies and the Gloom Spawn didn't make it much easier. I was mildly shocked to discover that this lead to the same area that the game started with Zelda and Link exploring below the castle. I uncovered the other pictures that were covered by rocks and kept on going even further than the room where Ganondorf was sealed. It eventually lead me to a fighting so many enemies in what I assumed was the final confrontation before Ganondorf. I died to the first boss who I've never encountered before. Called it quits since I want to complete everything else before tackling this final area.

It makes so much sense that this is the final area since Ganondorf did fall down below the castle.

Overall, I'm so glad I stumbled onto this. It's even more satisfying than anything I discovered in Breath of Wild.
150h and the places to go are finally getting thinner.

I still have:
A) zora map (started yesterday and looks awesome)
B) gerudo
C) north of gerudo
D) yigas last defense
E) dragon island on the sky (i actually did this and the main quest with all the fog but I think there’s a way to take the fog away?!?!)
F) hyryle cast
G) the chasm under hyrule castle
H) lost woods and the deku tree

Actually, that’s quite a lot when I make a list. 155h in, still some good content.
So after 270 hours it's time to end it. I finished the game many hours ago, but I wanted to try for 100% completion. And let me tell you, you need like 350-400 hours for that unless you use a guide. I don't want to find things by using a walkthrough, that negates the point of the game, the exploration. I also play this game everyday non stop since its launch, so it's time to move on.

I'm still proud of what I found.
All shrines with no sensor.
All side adventures with no guide.
All paraglider fabrics.
500+ korok seeds most of them without the korok mask.
I only used a guide to find 7 caves, 12 wells, 13 side quests, two armor pieces and 8 Addison signs. Pretty good in my opinion.
I will eventually return to the game after the dlc has been dropped. Or maybe I'll play once in a while to walk around and find some koroks or try to kill all big monsters.

NES was my first console so I'm playing video games for more than 30 years. Breath Of The Wild became my favourite game ever, it combined my favourite series Zelda with my dream game idea (open world exploration with minimal hand holding and less story focused).
Tears Of The Kingdom took everything from Botw and made it better.
So in conclusion Totk is not my goty. No, it's my goat.

Tears Of The Kingdom is the Greatest.Game.Ever.Made.

Thank you
So after 270 hours it's time to end it. I finished the game many hours ago, but I wanted to try for 100% completion. And let me tell you, you need like 350-400 hours for that unless you use a guide. I don't want to find things by using a walkthrough, that negates the point of the game, the exploration. I also play this game everyday non stop since its launch, so it's time to move on.

I'm still proud of what I found.
All shrines with no sensor.
All side adventures with no guide.
All paraglider fabrics.
500+ korok seeds most of them without the korok mask.
I only used a guide to find 7 caves, 12 wells, 13 side quests, two armor pieces and 8 Addison signs. Pretty good in my opinion.
I will eventually return to the game after the dlc has been dropped. Or maybe I'll play once in a while to walk around and find some koroks or try to kill all big monsters.

NES was my first console so I'm playing video games for more than 30 years. Breath Of The Wild became my favourite game ever, it combined my favourite series Zelda with my dream game idea (open world exploration with minimal hand holding and less story focused).
Tears Of The Kingdom took everything from Botw and made it better.
So in conclusion Totk is not my goty. No, it's my goat.

Tears Of The Kingdom is the Greatest.Game.Ever.Made.

Thank you
I still have some time to play, but it’s the 1st game i have played more than 150h and I don’t feel tired of playing it.

I actually thought of restarting a new game and going to the dungeons I didn’t finish and then to hyrule castle.

The gameplay loop is so good that I can’t believe I have 150h on this one. It’s almost the perfect videogame.

Everything you do in this game you have fun. It’s really a lighting in a bottle.

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