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StarTopic Nintendo Switch 2 Speculation Thread |ST| The Future is just Beyond the Present

What is the big day 1 launch game for successor of the Nintendo Switch System?

  • 3D Mario

    Votes: 234 78.5%
  • 2D Mario

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Donkey Kong

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • Metroid Prime 4: Beyond

    Votes: 27 9.1%
  • Pokemon Legends: Z-A

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Star Fox

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • New IP

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Mario Kart

    Votes: 19 6.4%
  • Super Smash Bros

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Splatoon

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Animal Crossing

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Zelda

    Votes: 1 0.3%

  • Total voters
personally I think if we see anything on the 7th it'll be a press release

that being said though I do think getting said press release isn't too unlikely
Gimme a corporate memo, the canonical best way a Nintendo has ever been revealed.
I'm pretty confident. I don't really know of any rumors suggesting it IS November. There are just a lot of things pointing to something big being in November that I can only really see relating to a hardware tease, at the very least.
If you want all of the reasons as to why I think it's likely, here's a big theory post I made that goes into detail about stuff like Amiibo restocks and previous rumors relating to hardware and software.

I should say that I'm a speculator. The rumors I talked about earlier are from other speculators with good contacts whom I trust or talk with or are rumors from people like Nate and other journalists/leakers. If it doesn't happen, then my speculation was wrong, and that's about it. I just want to make it clear that I'm in the dark as much as most other people, despite those who have details of what was discussed at TGS last month. These are theories, not any substantial claims being made by anyone, at least for right now. I was wrong about stuff being in the September direct due to me missing some very obvious stuff, and I could very well be overlooking stuff right now. We don't have much longer to find out anyway.

Don't take this speculation as the gospel, though I appreciate how people have been open to discussing it. As I said earlier, people need to have a willingness to be wrong, because, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. It's just fun to theorize and talk about these sorts of things.
ok yeah you are the amiibo guy :) , i really hope your finding lead to Nintendo doing a reveal or at least a teaser, i need to be put out my misery that this device is very much real lol
ok yeah you are the amiibo guy :) , i really hope your finding lead to Nintendo doing a reveal or at least a teaser, i need to be put out my misery that this device is very much real lol
I hope so as well, it took a long time to write all of this stuff out lol. Worst comes to worst, we'll probably see it by the end of March, and by November, that'll only be a 5-month wait. It's not that big of a deal in comparison to the 5 years we've been waiting since the Pro model rumors started circulating, lol. It's why I think there's not much of a reason to get so worked up on the "when" because very late October - March is our general timeframe, basically. It's just whether or not it's at the start, middle, or end of this timeframe.
Need the reveal trailer to start with someone playing prime 4 like how in the Switch reveal started with the dude playing botw
Recently I was thinking of weird stuff Nintendo could come up with for the Swi2 and I thought of this: Using the NFC reader as a replacement of the Game Card slot and the ability of storing games inside a Joy-Con (which would have a microSD-equivalent card slot).

personally I think if we see anything on the 7th it'll be a press release

that being said though I do think getting said press release isn't too unlikely
The press release is mainly a "we need to get ahead of rumors" measure. I don't think it's ever really part of Nintendo's plans.

I think they'd at least prefer to start with a teaser trailer.
I don’t know if Raccoon shares this opinion but even taking into account different editions there’s literally over 10000 games on the Switch eShop. It's probably difficult if not impossible to limit access to Switch 2 development units without also excluding smaller developers who make high quality games but I wouldn't mind a return to stricter curation so there's less of this or [NSFW] this.

I never said Nintendo specifically needs to make fewer Switch 2 games though arguably even some of their partner studios (most prominently Game Freak but also Camelot) have been stretched somewhat thin and putting out subpar games. I'd rather have fewer but higher quality releases from them.
I have to agree with you on that. Nintendo has a problem with assigning excessive projects to their smaller teams, while letting their larger teams (EPD8/EPD9) sit on potentially large games for far too long. Hopefully during the Switch 2 generation we see something a little more balanced.
They changed Princess Peach’s design on the key art to fit more in line with the movie. This is honestly wild because they haven’t done this radical of a redesign for any of their characters since the transition to the GameCube.

Why am I bringing up this here? Because Peach being the first game getting this redesign implies to me that we will probably see the next 3D Mario by or in March, which in tandem, means we should also have the next console revealed by then. Since they don’t really redesign characters like this for promotional material unless they were entering a new generation of consoles. Of course, they made her look more like the movie because the movie came out, but… why not change the promotional material with Wonder if the Movie was the sole reason why they’re changing it? Why not the Mario vs DK remake? Only changing Peach’s keyart to fit a brand new design points to them probably wanting to do a full transition in March to match the redesigns the next generation will introduce.

Or maybe they just did it because they wanted to…
But that wouldn’t really make a ton of sense due to Nintendo being very strict on how characters are designed and represented in their promo material. I really doubt this is a one time thing because this is how they want Peach to be represented in promotional material starting in March. The in-game model doesn’t seem to be changed either, so this doesn’t even have to do a change in art direction. Either way, its so bizarre to have this randomly drop at 1AM EST lol.

Hopefully what I said made any sense considering I’m typing this at 2AM. Basically, March very clearly has something, though if this points to the next 3D Mario being shown around March, then the reveal of new hardware could very well be before then.
I think this means a lot more since this is promotional material and not a in game model. They didn’t change any models for Wonder’s promo material despite the in-game models being very chibi in a sense. So this is a deliberate thing Nintendo is doing.
I'm going off of nothing but a purely (mostly) educated guess but I have a strong feeling that EPD Group 5 (known for Animal Crossing, Splatoon games on Switch) is making something for NG. Splatoon 3 came out last year and they haven't worked on any ports unlike any of the other internal development studios at Nintendo (EPD Groups 3, 4, 8, 9, 10) - not that there's much they worked on when they were known as EAD Group 2 that's probably even worth porting - I mean, would anyone even want to see a port of the original Splatoon or Wii Play or Wii Music? Maybe a Wild World/City Folk/New Leaf remake? Ideally I'd want a Nintendo Switch Sports Resort but the team behind Switch Sports is different (Group 4).

Besides ports or remakes though I really believe this group is working on something since we have not had anything announced so far - so I think it's a little too late for them to be developing on solely current-gen Switch. Maybe Animal Crossing and Splatoon for NG but also maybe even a new IP.

I was just mainly pointing them out since I guess EPD Groups 8 and 9 (Super Mario and Mario Kart respectively) are kind of the 'usual suspects' with regards to groups we'd be expecting to develop for NG right now - of course we are going to get a 3D Mario and a Mario Kart game fairly soon, if things are looking good development-wise then maybe even the same year the new console releases or as a launch title. You never know because Nintendo just loves to sit on stuff (like TOTK, deservedly so). I guess with this information in mind we could also maybe infer a big Animal Crossing push since New Horizons was so successful on Switch - it's still second to Mario Kart in terms of most total copies sold.

My guess is based off of what the various EPD Groups have been working on lately is that the ones we will hear from relatively soon in terms of games announced for NG are:
  • EPD Group 8 (3D Mario games)
  • EPD Group 9 (Mario Kart games)
  • EPD Group 5 (Animal Crossing/Splatoon games)
The group we just might hear from anyway because they're a bit of a wild card is:
  • EPD Group 4 (experimental games like Sports, Labo, Home Circuit, Ring Fit, etc.)
And the groups I think we won't hear from too soon since they're probably too early in development are:
  • EPD Group 3 (Zelda games)
  • EPD Group 10 (Pikmin and 2.5D Mario games)
We could, however, still end up with a Zelda or Pikmin or Mario spinoff/Super Mario Maker 3 helmed by these groups.

These are, of course, Nintendo's mostly exclusively internal studios. EPD Group 7 which supervises the 2.5D Metroids could still be collaborating with MercurySteam on another for NG, and we already know Metroid Prime 4 is going to be a big focus for EPD Group 6 whether it comes out for current-gen Switch or NG. EPD Group 1 seems to have been AWOL since 2020 so they're perhaps collaborating with an external studio on games for NG? And then there's EPD Group 2 which has a few titles announced for this year and 2024 including Super Mario RPG.
And idk, have we ever had a new console release in Spring that wasn't in March? It just seems out of the ordinary.
There may not have been worldwide releases in April/May, but in Australia the Gamecube was released on 17 May 2002. I think it also released in Europe in early May 2002.

Because of that important anniversary, my optimistic side is on Team 17 May 2024 for the Switch 2, purely because it amuses me. (I'm trying to will this into existence.)

(There have also been handhelds with March to June launches.)
Good morning folks, what did i miss since yesterday noon? Had to dip out for the day in order to set up my new smartphone and everything.
They changed Princess Peach’s design on the key art to fit more in line with the movie. This is honestly wild because they haven’t done this radical of a redesign for any of their characters since the transition to the GameCube.

Why am I bringing up this here? Because Peach being the first game getting this redesign implies to me that we will probably see the next 3D Mario by or in March, which in tandem, means we should also have the next console revealed by then. Since they don’t really redesign characters like this for promotional material unless they were entering a new generation of consoles. Of course, they made her look more like the movie because the movie came out, but… why not change the promotional material with Wonder if the Movie was the sole reason why they’re changing it? Why not the Mario vs DK remake? Only changing Peach’s keyart to fit a brand new design points to them probably wanting to do a full transition in March to match the redesigns the next generation will introduce.

Or maybe they just did it because they wanted to…
But that wouldn’t really make a ton of sense due to Nintendo being very strict on how characters are designed and represented in their promo material. I really doubt this is a one time thing because this is how they want Peach to be represented in promotional material starting in March. The in-game model doesn’t seem to be changed either, so this doesn’t even have to do a change in art direction. Either way, its so bizarre to have this randomly drop at 1AM EST lol.

Hopefully what I said made any sense considering I’m typing this at 2AM. Basically, March very clearly has something, though if this points to the next 3D Mario being shown around March, then the reveal of new hardware could very well be before then.
I think this means a lot more since this is promotional material and not a in game model. They didn’t change any models for Wonder’s promo material despite the in-game models being very chibi in a sense. So this is a deliberate thing Nintendo is doing.

Interesting, or maybe it was due to a smaller amount of preorders than expected and they think that the Peach from the movie resonates more with the game audience

Again to those claiming it can’t release in spring because there is already a game schedule, there will always be games scheduled, it’s a video game company.

Nintendo won’t stop making good Switch games just because they releasing a new platform, and let’s be realistic none of those announced games are ground breaking anyway besides Wonder (respectfully)
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Good morning folks, what did i miss since yesterday noon? Had to dip out for the day in order to set up my new smartphone and everything.

- Weird design pro controller shows on a Mario Wonder ad - some speculate it’s for Switch 2 some think it’s just art style

- Firmware 17.0 made the code more generic and removed mentions of NX, implying that the Software is getting ready for a new console and new touch screen
- Weird design pro controller shows on a Mario Wonder ad - some speculate it’s for Switch 2 some think it’s just art style

- Firmware 17.0 made the code more generic and removed mentions of NX, implying that the Software is getting ready for a new console and new touch screen
That pro controller art has been used for months. It was used for PIKMIN 4 kiosks as well. Everything about the art is weird, not just the pro controller. It is just poorly made art.
Today, we are a little closer to the Switch 2.
My uncle who works at Nintendo messaged me to say Switch 2 has been delayed internally again. We're actually farther this morning then we were before you went to bed 🗿

kinda weirded out whenever someone refers to the Swuccessor as the NG, like Nintendo would call a console something that implies it's bad in Japanese
I agree, which is why it's so weird Nintendo moved up their Holiday season to this month. Their Holiday website is up, they're doing deals, they're doing a bunch of bundles, things they would typically do in November, and they're pushing it all forward for no good reason. They already now have their Holiday sales for the month, revealing the next system a week after Wonder, their last major original Switch game seemingly, makes a ton of sense to me.
To be fair, a lot of companies are celebrating the holidays early. Even GameStop updated their phone call intro message to reflect the holiday season, so it’s not just Nintendo.
I think starting the holiday season earlier is more out of confidence and strength in current Switch than desperation to move on. They have a huge library of games, a strong lineup for the holiday quarter, and just want to sell every last Switch they can. Other consoles are more expensive, Nintendo hasn't even had to drop the price of Switch and it's still selling. There's no reason to announce the next generation in the middle of this and give anyone a reason to wait. I think this holiday is their "last big score" with Switch, then they have a plan to transition.
Agreed. Their major sales driver for the holiday season launches in October this time, which hasn't happened all that often because Nintendo are usually relying on Pokemon. If you expect your major sales uplift to begin in October in tandem with that launch, it makes sense to reorganise your efforts around that tentpole release. In previous years, even with a Mario release in October, Nintendo usually had other big selling titles before or after it; for example Sparks of Hope was sandwiched by Splatoon 3 on one side and Pokemon on the other, while Super Mario Party in 2018 was followed up by Pokemon Let's Go and Smash, and in 2019 Luigi's Mansion 3 had Zelda, Ring Fit Adventure and Pokemon around it. This year, there's no comparable heavy hitting title coming before or after Wonder: Wonder is the driving force for the entire holiday season, with only small titles and Mario RPG coming around it. Perhaps the most relevant comparison in the Switch era is 2017 when, setting 3DS aside, Nintendo banked on Super Mario Odyssey for the Switch, with smaller titles like Pokken, Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade 2 surrounding it.

The October launch spot for the broader Super Mario brand has been completely solid throughout the Switch era, and I'd expect that to continue next year:

  • 2017: Super Mario Odyssey
  • 2018: Super Mario Party
  • 2019: Luigi's Mansion 3
  • 2020: Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit [Super Mario 3D-All Stars launched that September]
  • 2021: Mario Party Superstars
  • 2022: Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope
  • 2023: Super Mario Bros Wonder
  • 2024: 3D Super Mario or Mario Kart or Mario Party?
What would you like to argue about instead? :geek:

I'll pitch in: Colored buttons in Switch 2: Yea or nay?
pros of sfc colored buttons:
  • visual differentiation from predecessor
  • visual interest on basic controller
  • potential identification of D-buttons
  • potential identification when sideways

cons of sfc colored buttons:
  • only go with black, gray, and white
  • evokes cheap custom Switch shells
  • button colors swap around sideways
  • identification useless to colorblind

overall I'd vote nay
I could see a November tease with a full presentation in February instead of a direct and an April release. They'd be starting the fiscal year off strong and in all honesty I don't think holiday sales will be that badly affected, they could always do a price drop or a really good deal with a bundle of casual games to entice the people who aren't fussed about having the latest and greatest. Sure there will be a not insignificant group of people who will just wait instead, but really anyone considering buying a console that's almost seven years old either knows exactly what they're doing or they don't care about new hardware.
What would you like to argue about instead? :geek:

I'll pitch in: Colored buttons in Switch 2: Yea or nay?
I would really like if Nintendo took a few cues from the New 3DS model. Coloured buttons and swappable backplates would be awesome, although the latter might be a bit too complex with how the switch is designed (air vents and kickstand).
Holiday hardware sales: people who are buying a switch this late in the generation are probably not planning on buying a switch 2 early anyway.

Holiday software sales: people are still gonna buy games, especially if they announce the switch 2 is backwards compatible.

The holiday sales argument doesn't make much sense to me.
Interesting, or maybe it was due to a smaller amount of preorders than expected and they think that the Peach from the movie resonates more with the game audience

Again to those claiming it can’t release in spring because there is already a game schedule, there will always be games scheduled, it’s a video game company.

Nintendo won’t stop making good Switch games just because they releasing a new platform, and let’s be realistic none of those announced games are ground breaking anyway besides Wonder (respectfully)
It’s such a massive design change that I can’t help but think it means more then that. They have such strict rules for how characters are meant to look in promotional material, the fact they just shadowdropped a change like that with no fanfare is so weird.
To be fair, a lot of companies are celebrating the holidays early. Even GameStop updated their phone call intro message to reflect the holiday season, so it’s not just Nintendo.
That’s true, though its just really strange for them to be trying to not have any Switch bundle be in late November.
What would you like to argue about instead? :geek:

I'll pitch in: Colored buttons in Switch 2: Yea or nay?
I would like them simply due to me being bored of the current grayness they’ve been using for the Switch since it launched.
personally I think if we see anything on the 7th it'll be a press release

that being said though I do think getting said press release isn't too unlikely
I think they will go press release If there is a major leak they can't control like Nikkei scooping them on details of the hardware. Otherwise, I feel if and when they announce, it will be on their own terms
It’s such a massive design change that I can’t help but think it means more then that. They have such strict rules for how characters are meant to look in promotional material, the fact they just shadowdropped a change like that with no fanfare is so weird.
I think it's really just a creative decision in line with the game, and with all due respect to the original design, she is the lead character in this game and it is correct and honestly required that she has more expressions than lip puckered, blank stared smiling
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EPD Tokyo (if their 2D game doesn’t star a Mario character) and Monolith Soft (if they’re retiring Xenoblade) are really the only Nintendo devs that seem to have the opportunity to be making a new IP currently.

They could hire a third party, but from first party studios and closely aligned third parties, everyone unfortunately looks very occupied.
EPD Tokyo (if their 2D game doesn’t star a Mario character) and Monolith Soft (if they’re retiring Xenoblade) are really the only Nintendo devs that seem to have the opportunity to be making a new IP currently.

They could hire a third party, but from first party studios and closely aligned third parties, everyone unfortunately looks very occupied.
Oh yeah, epd 8, i forgot that one.
Outside of EPD Tokyo’s 2D platformer, the rest of EPD’s resources are just going to be fully utilized by

3D Mario
Mario Kart
Animal Crossing
2D Mario

For the next many years and it’s hard to tell what other big games EPD could make.

Retro, Next Level, Mercury Steam, IS, HAL, and Game Freak seem very unlikely as well to do any new IP except like some very small, download only stuff.
Outside of EPD Tokyo’s 2D platformer, the rest of EPD’s resources are just going to be fully utilized by

3D Mario
Mario Kart
Animal Crossing
2D Mario

For the next many years and it’s hard to tell what other big games EPD could make.

Retro, Next Level, Mercury Steam, IS, HAL, and Game Freak seem very unlikely as well to do any new IP except like some very small, download only stuff.
You forgot pikmin.
Okay, but in the future?
Definitely not Mercury Steam. They’ll be on Metroid duty.

Monolith Soft

Retro Studios I see on Metroid duty the whole Switch 2 gen. Next Level Games is Luigi’s Mansion 4 and another Nintendo IP.

I can’t think of any other group internally that will make a new IP. We did get ARMS from EPD 9? Maybe we get another new IP from them.
Definitely not Mercury Steam. They’ll be on Metroid duty.

Monolith Soft

Retro Studios I see on Metroid duty the whole Switch 2 gen. Next Level Games is Luigi’s Mansion 4 and another Nintendo IP.

I can’t think of any other group internally that will make a new IP. We did get ARMS from EPD 9? Maybe we get another new IP from them.
The problem with new MAJOR IP’s is development is so longgggg now and Nintendo NEEDS to focus on getting their core IPs out first. So I said those few because Monolith been working on theirs for years as far as I’m concerned. EPD can put out mid size new IPs.

And it’s not like Nintendo themselves even make new major IPs. They rarely do it. It’ll have a much higher chance of them working with a third party studio like Astral Chain.
The problem with new MAJOR IP’s is development is so longgggg now and Nintendo NEEDS to focus on getting their core IPs out first. So I said those few because Monolith been working on theirs for years as far as I’m concerned. EPD can put out mid size new IPs.

And it’s not like Nintendo themselves even make new major IPs. They rarely do it. It’ll have a much higher chance of them working with a third party studio like Astral Chain.
Well , i never said it should be internal.

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