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StarTopic Nintendo Switch 2 Speculation Thread |ST| The Future is just Beyond the Present

What is the big day 1 launch game for successor of the Nintendo Switch System?

  • 3D Mario

    Votes: 234 78.5%
  • 2D Mario

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Donkey Kong

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • Metroid Prime 4: Beyond

    Votes: 27 9.1%
  • Pokemon Legends: Z-A

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Star Fox

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • New IP

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Mario Kart

    Votes: 19 6.4%
  • Super Smash Bros

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Splatoon

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Animal Crossing

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Zelda

    Votes: 1 0.3%

  • Total voters
I was day 1 Switch. I waited at GameStop at midnight. I’ll be day 1 for Switch 2 also.

I was day 1 at bestbuy because that just so happened to be the place I was able to get the neon sku lol. Iirc the grey switch outnumbered neon 3:1.

I will certainly be day 1 for switch 2.
me at the hour of opening at launch day:
I was at Best Buy at midnight and then I was at Gamestop at 10 am to pick up my brothers. And then my ex gf's came via Amazon, along with a 4th pre order I forgot to cancel.

Good times
I'm at a point where I don't buy any more new releases (except DQIII) until I see how the next system will play them. Especially for third parties, playing multiplatform games on my Deck ruined any game that doesn't play perfectly on the Switch.

I don't want to waste money on the worst version of a game if I can avoid it. I regret buying games like SMTV, Operation Raincode, Baten Kaitos etc on the Switch.

Even first party games like Echoes if Wisdom looks like it won't run smoothly if we can go by the Direct footage (and Link's Awakening being a huge disappointment performance wise). Nothing too bad though, I just want the optimal performance. I don't even care if it's in 720p.

I really hope the next system can smooth out the performance of current gen games.
I'm at a point where I don't buy any more new releases (except DQIII) until I see how the next system will play them. Especially for third parties, playing multiplatform games on my Deck ruined any game that doesn't play perfectly on the Switch.

I don't want to waste money on the worst version of a game if I can avoid it. I regret buying games like SMTV, Operation Raincode, Baten Kaitos etc on the Switch.

Even first party games like Echoes if Wisdom looks like it won't run smoothly if we can go by the Direct footage (and Link's Awakening being a huge disappointment performance wise). Nothing too bad though, I just want the optimal performance. I don't even care if it's in 720p.

I really hope the next system can smooth out the performance of current gen games.
i regretted buying smt v because i paid full price for a mid game that got a definitive version just a couple years later
the performance and visuals on switch weren't the main issue
i regretted buying smt v because i paid full price for a mid game that got a definitive version just a couple years later
the performance and visuals on switch weren't the main issue
That as well. The visuals were fine, it looked good on Switch. It did not run well at all, and that is one of my main issues besides the fact they didn't even give Switch owners an upgrade option.

I've been playing the waiting game for a while, but I still made some purchases that I regret. Though the next system could fix that.
Moving this question to a more proper thread: how do we think the balance of Switch vs. Switch 2 games will pan out for the successor's first 12 months? Do we believe Nintendo will do their standard "one tentpole release per month" following launch, more or less alternating between exclusives and cross-gen titles, or we'll see a couple months where we get both an exclusive and a cross-gen title published by Nintendo? I'm personally leaning towards the former, with the OG Switch seeing a game every 2 months or so before swiftly tapering off after the successor's first year.
Feasibly, Nintendo could probably maintain their current release cadence purely with Switch 1 compatible titles (with some of them doubling up with Switch 2 titles in the same month) for some time, but I don't know if I think they'll go that far. What I am a bit more confident in is that, after whatever happens at hardware launch, the drop off will likely be pretty slow. Certain segments of Nintendo's lineup, most notably the ports of older games, probably aren't feeling much pressure to move on from Switch.
Moving this question to a more proper thread: how do we think the balance of Switch vs. Switch 2 games will pan out for the successor's first 12 months? Do we believe Nintendo will do their standard "one tentpole release per month" following launch, more or less alternating between exclusives and cross-gen titles, or we'll see a couple months where we get both an exclusive and a cross-gen title published by Nintendo? I'm personally leaning towards the former, with the OG Switch seeing a game every 2 months or so before swiftly tapering off after the successor's first year.
I'm thinking around 4 first party exclusive games for the switch 2 during its first year while the rest of the first party games are cross-gen. But the switch 2 exclusive one's are major AAA releases for Nintendo like 3D mario, Mario Kart, and New IPs. Also majority of third party support moves exclusively to switch 2
Only if it provides these three prerequisites: Some RAM, some GPU ans some Sony letting the exclusivity go.
I don't think there is Sony exclusivity anymore. Honkai deal was only one year console exclusivity (already expired) and there was never any exclusive deal announced for ZZZ. Probably just a matter of supporting/incentivizing Mihoyo to add Nintendo to the pipeline
I don't think there is Sony exclusivity anymore. Honkai deal was only one year console exclusivity (already expired) and there was never any exclusive deal announced for ZZZ. Probably just a matter of supporting/incentivizing Mihoyo to add Nintendo to the pipeline
Sony exclusivities don't get publicly announced most of the time and Sony do extensions all the time without informing anyone. Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown had logos for Xbox and Switch in its websites script, but they disappeared after a while, indicating an extension. Still a PS4 exclusive. There are few other games also likely have received such exclusivity extension.
the question is when MiHoyo will change this from their Genshin Impact uploads on YouTube; they still insist it's coming to Switch


Uploaded 5 days ago lol
Carrying this conversation over from the tech thread.

In the past, from a financial point of view, Nintendo has had a killer cross-gen strategy. Simply have two platforms! This is probably the real reason that the Wii U launch is the only years that Nintendo lost money. Not because the Wii U bombed, but because the 3DS wasn't a sufficiently mature revenue stream when the Wii U launched.

Nintendo supported the 3DS for two years after the Switch launch - almost to the day, in fact, with Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn coming out on March 7, 2019. They published 22 3DS games over that period, not to mention filled the Switch calendar with 8 Wii U ports.

There are folks who are thinking that Nintendo is copying the Switch launch to the letter, but these are two tricks that can't be repeated. There isn't a second hardware line that can continue to bring in mature revenue while Switch 2 gets on its feet, and there isn't a library of high quality, first party games that never sold that can be strip-mined for the next console's library.

What Nintendo can do? Keep making Switch games. Nintendo can maintain their 10-12 games a year pace, but over the first two years make anywhere from 8-15 of those games Switch 1 titles (possibly enhanced on the new console), mostly created by partner studios. Just like on the 3DS, these games can continue to sell to a mature install base. Just like the Wii U games, these can be cheap to develop, mostly handled by partner studios, especially if they are mostly remakes.

We already know what two of these titles are likely to be. Pokemon Z-A, and Metroid Prime 4 are announced 2025 titles. Heavily rumored games still include Fire Emblem, MP 1+2, 2 HD Zeldas, F-Zero GX, and the two remasters mentioned by Brazil. That's 10 titles already, and it's pretty easy to imagine a Kirby spinoff or a new 99 game filling out the remainder of the calendar.

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