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StarTopic Nintendo Switch 2 Speculation Thread |ST| The Future is just Beyond the Present

Which franchise/series will take the longest to get a new entry on Switch 2?

  • Animal Crossing

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Mario 2D

    Votes: 14 13.2%
  • Donkey Kong (either 2D or 3D)

    Votes: 8 7.5%
  • Super Smash Bros

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • Splatoon

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Pikmin

    Votes: 22 20.8%
  • 3D Zelda

    Votes: 56 52.8%

  • Total voters
imo beep boop computer crap stays in the other thread
To be fair, it points to them prepping for something soon that could relate to new hardware. However, I will say even if it were due to new hardware, there would be no reason to remove the NX naming for the OG Switch files, so that's weird. Maybe they're really going to plan on having the Switch be more of an iPhone line or something, so they changed the name to reflect that. I don't really know why else they would do this.
Actually, it could very well point to them getting things prepared for Switch 2 production. (Thanks to Mr Judd for pointing this out.)

If we look back at firmware 12.0.0., which was released in April 2021, it pointed to us getting Bluetooth support and an updated dock. In July 2021, we got firmware 12.1.0, which was released on the same day as the OLED reveal. And that version of the firmware was the one the OLED was shipped with, but they started to get things ready 2 months before. These name changes could very well imply they're prepping for production to start and to use an updated version of this firmware to ship the Switch 2 with... which implies the UI will be very similar to the current Switch.

If that's true, then I think a reveal could be very... very close since companies don't wait long between production and reveal to avoid leaks (PS5 Silm was leaked 2 months ago when it started production). The Switch, for example, was revealed the same month production started as well. So things seem to be definitely moving behind the scenes, possibly for a reveal soon.

Hopefully, I explained that well, lol.
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The Smash rumor didn’t come from anyone reputable, so I wouldn’t hedge your bets on that if I were you. They’ve likely already moved on to the next game.
It has come from multiple people I trust since February 2021. I'm not referring to any of the stuff that happened recently. Things have been dead silent since October 2021, though that typically happens when things don't instantly pan out for rumors, people start dismissing them. As I've said before, a lot of people dismissed the SMRPG Remake rumors in 2020 after Geno wasn't Fighter 77, though it ended up happening 3 years later. I have a lot of faith in those people, though I wouldn't be shocked if they were wrong. Only time will tell. I waited 3 years for the remake lol, I can wait a couple more years to see if that will end up panning out.

SMRPG actually happening gives me a lot of hope for the 2021 Golden Sun rumors as I've said before as well, things seem to be lining up nicely for that to happen, unless they don't and we get a Mario Baseball game, at that point I'd just assume people got confused with NSO... somehow.
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I’m sorry, but from an ad perspective “Switch 2” is an absolutely incredible name.

“Switch 2 Mario”
“Switch 2 4K”
“Switch 2 on the go”
“Switch 2 fun”
“Switch 2 adventure”

Switch 3 is much more awkward, but Switch 2 is an all time name.
This has big "Wii would like to play" energy

*And that's a good thing
It has come from multiple people I trust since February 2021. I'm not referring to any of the stuff that happened recently. Things have been dead silent since October 2021, though that typically happens when things don't instantly pan out for rumors, people start dismissing them. As I've said before, a lot of people dismissed the SMRPG Remake rumors in 2020 after Geno wasn't Fighter 77, though it ended up happening 3 years later. I have a lot of faith in those people, though I wouldn't be shocked if they were wrong. Only time will tell. I waited 3 years for the remake lol, I can wait a couple more years to see if that will end up panning out.

SMRPG actually happening gives me a lot of hope for the 2021 Golden Sun rumors as I've said before as well, things seem to be lining up nicely for that to happen, unless they don't and we get a Mario Baseball game, at that point I'd just assume people got confused with NSO... somehow.
The fact that they aren’t doing TotK DLC makes it pretty clear that Nintendo wants to move on once the Switch 2 drops. If anything, we’re probably 2-3 years out from the next Smash game.
I really loathe the name Switch 2 but I'm clinging to the "switch to" pun to keep me sane when it happens

"Nintendo still cares, Nintendo still cares, Nintendo still cares" I'll say, curled up in a ball in the corner of the room
The fact that they aren’t doing TotK DLC makes it pretty clear that Nintendo wants to move on once the Switch 2 drops. If anything, we’re probably 2-3 years out from the next Smash game.
Oh, If it's a completely new game, I agree. I think we're still a ways off. I don't think it will be an entirely new game, which is the point. It's why I said, "something with Smash Ultimate.". A Pass 3, a patch alongside it, or an "Ultimate Deluxe" were the main things floating around from February - October 2021. That's why, in the direct thread, I pushed for a Pass 3 since that made the most sense to be at the time with the Amiibo restock stuff that didn't fully pan out due to me missing some stuff. I was connecting dots that were either incomplete or not there. That rumored content could have very well been turned into content for "Smash 6", and I'll probably start thinking that if next year passes and we see nothing on Smash beyond the Sora Amiibo release. Though, as of right now, with Nintendo probably working on having a bunch of next-gen patches for their games, I don't think that stuff is fully bogus just yet. I have little reason to assume it'll be since the rumors I'm talking about always referred to it as relating to new hardware.
The fact that they aren’t doing TotK DLC makes it pretty clear that Nintendo wants to move on once the Switch 2 drops. If anything, we’re probably 2-3 years out from the next Smash game.
are we tho? dev times are getting longer and i don't think it's gonna be easier for nintendo. a fighter pass with 3 characters with a patch for smash ultimate at the switch 2 launch would do some good to tide people over till the next smash launches
are we tho? dev times are getting longer and i don't think it's gonna be easier for nintendo. a fighter pass with 3 characters with a patch for smash ultimate at the switch 2 launch would do some good to tide people over till the next smash launches
Why do they need to tide people over though? People can’t wait until Nintendo gets the next game out?
Why do they need to tide people over though? People can’t wait until Nintendo gets the next game out?
Look at Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I know Smash already got DLC, and MK8DX didn't before TBCP, but they made TBCP to give players more content while the next game won't be for another, possibly three years (At the time it was announced, which was February 2022). They could very well be struggling with what to do for the next game, so supporting Ultimate for longer makes a ton of sense while they figure things out.
Of course, they could already have an idea, but 🤷‍♂️
are we tho? dev times are getting longer and i don't think it's gonna be easier for nintendo. a fighter pass with 3 characters with a patch for smash ultimate at the switch 2 launch would do some good to tide people over till the next smash launches
I think the launch window games will successfully tide people over for the time being.

If they plan to add substantial content to any older Switch game once the next thing is already out, I don't see them doing it in anything less than a port.
oh yeah zero chance of smash ultimate deluxe for the switch 2 so patch and a new fighter pass is the best option we got unless nintendo busts out the checkbook for it
I'm not banking on an Ultimate Deluxe but I do think it's likelier than giving vanilla Ultimate another pass at this point.
1. cuz I'm impatient and the world should revolve around me
2. next smash will definitely cut characters so I want one last hurrah with this roster
3. make waluigi fans cry again
Unless Sakurai & Co. pull a Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat and completely start from scratch (which they haven’t done since Melee), I doubt the cuts will be drastic. At worst, we may go down to launch 3DS/Wii U numbers. Other fighting games have moved on from dream matches just fine, so I don’t see how Smash can’t.

Look at Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I know Smash already got DLC, and MK8DX didn't before TBCP, but they made TBCP to give players more content while the next game won't be for another, possibly three years (At the time it was announced, which was February 2022). They could very well be struggling with what to do for the next game, so supporting Ultimate for longer makes a ton of sense while they figure things out.
Of course, they could already have an idea, but 🤷‍♂️
Because at the time, we were still years out from the Switch 2. Now it’s only a year away (give or take). And not only would a Deluxe version present similar legal hurdles as a new game, Ultimate sold so much that most will likely just play their old cartridge on the Switch 2.

If anything, backwards compatibility strengthens the argument to do a new game. It’s not like you won’t be able to play Ultimate on the new system.
Because at the time, we were still years out from the Switch 2. Now it’s only a year away (give or take). And not only would a Deluxe version present similar legal hurdles as a new game, Ultimate sold so much that most will likely just play their old cartridge on the Switch 2.

If anything, backwards compatibility strengthens the argument to do a new game. It’s not like you won’t be able to play Ultimate on the new system.
I completely agree, though I don't want to fully dismiss the rumor for now regardless of whether I think it makes sense to do or not.
I completely agree, though I don't want to fully dismiss the rumor for now regardless of whether I think it makes sense to do or not.
Think about it, if you heard the rumor back in 2021, then they would’ve announced a third pass right then & there. Sakurai wouldn’t have taken a break right in the middle for multiple years, especially since the team disbanded. Even SFV’s last-minute Season 5 started dropping content just over a year after the initial announcement (although to be fair, one of the five characters was back-ported from SF6).
Think about it, if you heard the rumor back in 2021, then they would’ve announced a third pass right then & there. Sakurai wouldn’t have taken a break right in the middle for multiple years, especially since the team disbanded. Even SFV’s last-minute Season 5 started dropping content just over a year after the initial announcement (although to be fair, one of the five characters was back-ported from SF6).
That's not true, for the most part. Rumors from Nintendo's end typically take years to pan out. I think the quickest turn-around I've experienced was... Mario + Rabbids 2? I think. That was first rumored in the summer of 2020 and was revealed only a year later, and even then that had Ubisoft involved. This isn't Street Fighter. This isn't Capcom. The rumors have always connected with new and more powerful hardware that would happen later on. It was never presented as if it was happening there and then. None of the rumors I've seen had a time period of "okay, THIS is when this should be happening.". It's typically only JUST the thing that's happening, and it can happen whenever.

If we were to boil things down, the main rumors were basically a patch/"upgraded" version with new content. If it weren't connected to new hardware, I would have already dismissed it mostly. We know the team is back together now, at least partly due to the announcement of the Sora Amiibo. They have to go back in, program the Amiibo, and roll out the update. Nintendo isn't going to gather back a group of people only to roll out that update. It's a waste of resources.

Also, I'm acknowledging that it could very well end up either turning into Smash 6 or just not happening at all. MOTHER was talked about a bit back in 2020, though nobody really knew what it was. People assumed it was a remake, but it ended up just being the games coming to NSO. With Smash rumors, things typically are very hard to get accurate, ESPECIALLY with timing (Smash is a massive reason why I take the Amiibo restocks super seriously; it was basically the only thing we had to work off of when it came to pinpointing when Smash reveals would be), so I wouldn't be surprised if this were in that same boat as being "kind of right."
Actually, it could very well point to them getting things prepared for Switch 2 production. (Thanks to Mr Judd for pointing this out.)

If we look back at firmware 12.0.0., which was released in May 2021, it pointed to us getting Bluetooth support and an updated dock. In July 2021, we got firmware 12.1.0, which was released on the same day as the OLED reveal. And that version of the firmware was the one the OLED was shipped with, but they started to get things ready 2 months before. These name changes could very well imply they're prepping for production to start and to use an updated version of this firmware to ship the Switch 2 with... which implies the UI will be very similar to the current Switch.

If that's true, then I think a reveal could be very... very close since companies don't wait long between production and reveal to avoid leaks (PS5 Silm was leaked 2 months ago when it started production). The Switch, for example, was revealed the same month production started as well. So things seem to be definitely moving behind the scenes, possibly for a reveal soon.

Hopefully, I explained that well, lol.

do you know if the Playstation 5 and Nintendo Switch are produced at the same factory?, Could we see leaks like we did for the Playstation 5 "SLim"
do you know if the Playstation 5 and Nintendo Switch are produced at the same factory?, Could we see leaks like we did for the Playstation 5 "SLim"
I have no clue. I'd assume so. There's not a single factory that handles the production of products like this.
In terms of leaks, if I'm right and production starts within the next month or two, Nintendo would most definitely reveal it the same month genuine production starts to avoid any image leaks. The most we could get is Eurogamer drawing another diagram lol. The firmware update could just be them getting things ready for mass production, like what they did with the OLED Model.
I have no clue. I'd assume so. There's not a single factory that handles the production of products like this.
In terms of leaks, if I'm right and production starts within the next month or two, Nintendo would most definitely reveal it the same month genuine production starts to avoid any image leaks. The most we could get is Eurogamer drawing another diagram lol. The firmware update could just be them getting things ready for mass production, like what they did with the OLED Model.
How far in was the update getting ready for the OLED vs production and reveal?
How far in was the update getting ready for the OLED vs production and reveal?
April 2021 for 12.0.0., which added mentions of Blue Tooth and a new dock. This was probably them preparing things for the firmware that would ship with the OLED model.
May 2021 was 12.0.1, which stabilized things like the Blue Tooth support.
July 5th, 2021, was 12.1.0, which updated every single part of the OS, and was a more stable version of the firmware that was shipped with the OLED Model. It was released the same day it was revealed.
September 2021 was 13.0.0. which actually added Blue Tooth
October 2021 was the OLED's release.
April 2021 for 12.0.0., which added mentions of Blue Tooth and a new dock. This was probably them preparing things for the firmware that would ship with the OLED model.
May 2021 was 12.0.1, which stabilized things like the Blue Tooth support.
July 5th, 2021, was 12.1.0, which updated every single part of the OS, and was a more stable version of the firmware that was shipped with the OLED Model. It was released the same day it was revealed.
September 2021 was 13.0.0. which actually added Blue Tooth
October 2021 was the OLED's release.
So that implies a January reveal if my math is mathing
I'm more excited about the Switch 2 indie games lineup than anything else tbh. We'll probably get Hollow Knight Silksong, Earthblade, and Hades 2 close to launch, with other games like Haunted Chocolatier and Deltarune coming soon after. And every time a new console launches there's always a few indie games that blow up due to the console not having many games yet. Hopefully we see some more success stories!
So that implies a January reveal if my math is mathing
Assuming they're going to follow the same exact timeline, then yes. The problem is they have no reason to reveal it in January in comparison to November or March. They don't really have any time to alert investors that such a thing is coming when it's between the Q2 Earnings Report on November 7th and the typical March Investors Meeting.

This could be the same type of firmware the Switch 2 is releasing with, and there's no need for stability since no features were added like Blue Tooth. Only names were changed. Due to that, the turnaround could be a lot shorter.
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Assuming they're going to follow the same exact timeline, then yes. The problem is they have no reason to reveal it in January in comparison to November or March. They don't really have any time to alert investors that such a thing is coming when it's between the Q2 Earnings Report on November 7th and the typical March earnings report.

This could be the same type of firmware the Switch 2 is releasing with, and there's no need for stability since no features were added like Blue Tooth. Only names were changed. Due to that, the turn around could be a lot shorter.
Well they might have more of a reason to reveal it after peak holiday season so as to not potentially disrupt sales.
Well they might have more of a reason to reveal it after peak holiday season so as to not potentially disrupt sales.
I agree, which is why it's so weird Nintendo moved up their Holiday season to this month. Their Holiday website is up, they're doing deals, they're doing a bunch of bundles, things they would typically do in November, and they're pushing it all forward for no good reason. They already now have their Holiday sales for the month, revealing the next system a week after Wonder, their last major original Switch game seemingly, makes a ton of sense to me.
I agree, which is why it's so weird Nintendo moved up their Holiday season to this month. Their Holiday website is up, they're doing deals, they're doing a bunch of bundles, things they would typically do in November, and they're pushing it all forward for no good reason. They already now have their Holiday sales for the month, revealing the next system a week after Wonder, their last major original Switch game seemingly, makes a ton of sense to me.
how do I "yeah!" a reply more than once
I agree, which is why it's so weird Nintendo moved up their Holiday season to this month. Their Holiday website is up, they're doing deals, they're doing a bunch of bundles, things they would typically do in November, and they're pushing it all forward for no good reason. They already now have their Holiday sales for the month, revealing the next system a week after Wonder, their last major original Switch game seemingly, makes a ton of sense to me.
Well if that comes to fruition, I certainly won't complain.
I dunno, a release in H1 next year doesn't make much sense to me. We already have January - March covered in terms of releases and anything after that and before autumn would be kinda weird. I don't think the Switch would have released in March if Nintendo had a choice, typically around the holidays is the best time for a new console launch. I'm thinking March reveal for a September release.
Last night I had a dream, I was in the Switch 2 reveal presentation (in the crowd).

They revealed a new 3D Mario but during the game presentation , the floor, the walls and the ceiling of the conference room were part of the visuals.

So you could move around the room and you would see the grass and the night sky of the new 3D Mario game (it looked really good!).

Wanted to write about this dream in case I forget about it 🌃🌳
I dunno, a release in H1 next year doesn't make much sense to me. We already have January - March covered in terms of releases and anything after that and before autumn would be kinda weird. I don't think the Switch would have released in March if Nintendo had a choice, typically around the holidays is the best time for a new console launch. I'm thinking March reveal for a September release.
I do agree that it is an abnormal launch time, especially May, which is currently my prediction, though I think it'll be the best move for them to make if they want to avoid having any stock problems that Sony and Microsoft faced in 2020. Having a big Holiday launch with a 3D Mario sounds good on paper, but if production is starting soon, stores literally wouldn't be able to handle the amount of stock Nintendo would produce before a September release. They wouldn't have enough room. It's a much better strategy to me if they had a soft launch in May with Prime 4 being the launch game, so they can slowly build up stock with a Holiday blowout with a 3D Mario, Mario Party, and Black and White remakes.

It would pretty much be what they could be doing with Amiibo, and having the first Smash wave that happened in August be a soft launch, then they can release the rest of the restocks when they get around to teasing new hardware and some of the software with it. (Assuming they're going to connect to something and not break a 7 year long trend lol)
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I dunno, a release in H1 next year doesn't make much sense to me. We already have January - March covered in terms of releases and anything after that and before autumn would be kinda weird. I don't think the Switch would have released in March if Nintendo had a choice, typically around the holidays is the best time for a new console launch. I'm thinking March reveal for a September release.
What is covering January-March?

Also, why is it weird to release anything between March to autumn? Summer months maybe, but what's weird about releasing in April or May for example?

If the December production rumor ends up being true, we're not going to have 9 months worth of production. Keeping consoles in storage costs money - when production starts, it's typically going to be very close to release.

All this aside, I'm particularly interested to see what happens in November particularly around the time of financial meeting (November 7). We've already uncovered a bunch of little details like "Carpa X1" devkits being shipped around in May-July 2023. Amiibo restocking Nov 10. Amiibo boxes having console branding removed. We've seen the changes in 17.0.0 system update suggesting new hardware and more. If those investors get wind of this (and I won't be surprised if they did), they're bound to ask Nintendo what's up with the stuff here.

I would be surprised if the November month ultimately ends up being a nothingburger.
I agree, which is why it's so weird Nintendo moved up their Holiday season to this month. Their Holiday website is up, they're doing deals, they're doing a bunch of bundles, things they would typically do in November, and they're pushing it all forward for no good reason. They already now have their Holiday sales for the month, revealing the next system a week after Wonder, their last major original Switch game seemingly, makes a ton of sense to me.
I think starting the holiday season earlier is more out of confidence and strength in current Switch than desperation to move on. They have a huge library of games, a strong lineup for the holiday quarter, and just want to sell every last Switch they can. Other consoles are more expensive, Nintendo hasn't even had to drop the price of Switch and it's still selling. There's no reason to announce the next generation in the middle of this and give anyone a reason to wait. I think this holiday is their "last big score" with Switch, then they have a plan to transition.
I think starting the holiday season earlier is more out of confidence and strength in current Switch than desperation to move on. They have a huge library of games, a strong lineup for the holiday quarter, and just want to sell every last Switch they can. Other consoles are more expensive, Nintendo hasn't even had to drop the price of Switch and it's still selling. There's no reason to announce the next generation in the middle of this and give anyone a reason to wait. I think this holiday is their "last big score" with Switch, then they have a plan to transition.
I can definitely see that being the reason if we don't get anything before or on November 7th, though I see no reason for them to actively avoid having any sort of console bundle be after the week of November 3rd. It's not really confidence at that point, it's just... weird, with Sony releasing the PS5 Slim in November, having the MK8 Bundle release then, and having it be way closer to Wave 6, makes more sense than them acting confident in a way that doesn't really benefit them in any sort of way. Less competition? But a lot of people specifically save up for November and Black Friday... there are no Black Friday bundles currently.
What is covering January-March?

Also, why is it weird to release anything between March to autumn? Summer months maybe, but what's weird about releasing in April or May for example?

If the December production rumor ends up being true, we're not going to have 9 months worth of production. Keeping consoles in storage costs money - when production starts, it's typically going to be very close to release.

All this aside, I'm particularly interested to see what happens in November particularly around the time of financial meeting (November 7). We've already uncovered a bunch of little details like "Carpa X1" devkits being shipped around in May-July 2023. Amiibo restocking Nov 10. Amiibo boxes having console branding removed. We've seen the changes in 17.0.0 system update suggesting new hardware and more. If those investors get wind of this (and I won't be surprised if they did), they're bound to ask Nintendo what's up with the stuff here.

I would be surprised if the November month ultimately ends up being a nothingburger.
Another Code, Mario vs Donkey Kong, and Princess Peach Showtime are releasing in January/February/March, and none of those scream cross-platform to me. And idk, have we ever had a new console release in Spring that wasn't in March? It just seems out of the ordinary.
Another Code, Mario vs Donkey Kong, and Princess Peach Showtime are releasing in January/February/March, and none of those scream cross-platform to me. And idk, have we ever had a new console release in Spring that wasn't in March? It just seems out of the ordinary.
Ok - I knew about Princess Peach being a March title. I kind of forgot about Another Code and MvDK.

In the order of Nintendo console going from NES to Switch (all North America dates were used here, if there are different months in other markets), those were the release months: July, November, September, November, November, November, March.

Switch is literally the only console they have ever released in Spring. So if Nintendo were to release Switch 2 in spring, I wouldn't rely on March too much, since there's not much historical precedence.

For handhelds, we did have 3DS release in February. Similar to console line, November has been most common month. Nintendo sure seems to love releasing in November historically.
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I can definitely see that being the reason if we don't get anything before or on November 7th, though I see no reason for them to actively avoid having any sort of console bundle be after the week of November 3rd. It's not really confidence at that point, it's just... weird, with Sony releasing the PS5 Slim in November, having the MK8 Bundle release then, and having it be way closer to Wave 6, makes more sense than them acting confident in a way that doesn't really benefit them in any sort of way. Less competition? But a lot of people specifically save up for November and Black Friday... there are no Black Friday bundles currently.
So how confident are you in November being the reveal month?
In the order of Nintendo console going from NES to Switch (all North America dates were used here, if there are different months in other markets), those were the release months: July, November, June, September, November, November, November, March.
NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii, U, ???, Switch

did I forget a whole ass Nintendo console?
NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii, U, ???, Switch

did I forget a whole ass Nintendo console?
lmao. i might have put in one November too many. double checking my list now (and will edit if I find a mistake)

Edit: The 3rd month (June) should not be there. That's N64 Japan release month (for NA, it is September). Edited the other comment.
So how confident are you in November being the reveal month?
I'm pretty confident. I don't really know of any rumors suggesting it IS November. There are just a lot of things pointing to something big being in November that I can only really see relating to a hardware tease, at the very least.
If you want all of the reasons as to why I think it's likely, here's a big theory post I made that goes into detail about stuff like Amiibo restocks and previous rumors relating to hardware and software.

I should say that I'm a speculator. The rumors I talked about earlier are from other speculators with good contacts whom I trust or talk with or are rumors from people like Nate and other journalists/leakers. If it doesn't happen, then my speculation was wrong, and that's about it. I just want to make it clear that I'm in the dark as much as most other people, despite those who have details of what was discussed at TGS last month. These are theories, not any substantial claims being made by anyone, at least for right now. I was wrong about stuff being in the September direct due to me missing some very obvious stuff, and I could very well be overlooking stuff right now. We don't have much longer to find out anyway.

Don't take this speculation as the gospel, though I appreciate how people have been open to discussing it. As I said earlier, people need to have a willingness to be wrong, because, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. It's just fun to theorize and talk about these sorts of things.

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