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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion Thread | ST22 July 2023 | PIKMINVASION

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Been watching The Witcher Season 3 and playing Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes all day. I guess just having one of those medieval conquest days that we all need once in a while.
Agreed. While Luke gets increasingly better in the second half of the game, overall I outright dislike the cast of the game. The kid is super annoying, Jade is so snarky he's barely a character, the princess is snoozeville, Luke's best friend is pretty vapid and Tear... well, she's not the worst, but she, well, not very interesting.

The Tales games always have tropey characters, sometimes very extreme; I mean, look at Dawn of the New World. Everytime Emil says sorry, I wanted to punch somebody. Then Johnny Young Bosh puts on his Ichigo voice and the edge is so hilarious that its fun. Don't get me started on Marta. Girl stop the thirst. I mean damn. Tanebrae is cool though. Tales of Zesteria's cast is pretty bland too. Xillia isn't too bad, but everything with Alfred was absolutely terribad. Hey guys im good. Oh no I'm bad. I'm good again. Oh right. Secretely bad again sorry bout that. No I'm totally on your side. You trust me right Jude, buddy of mine?

Jude: "Okay I believe you"

But the Tales games have some positives as well; I love the Berseria cast. A bunch of misfits and they're all amazing in their own way. Bunch of anti-heroes. Symphonia is awesome too. Vesperia is cool too.
Anise manages to somehow not only be the 'annoying kid character' BUT ALSO turns out to be a huge asshole and one of the worst characters in the game, if not the entire series. It's kind of impressive. And that's the main problem with the Abyss cast: Literally everyone in the game at one point or another does something nearly unforgivably terrible or betrays the rest of the party or something. It makes it really hard to like most of them.

I admit that I like Jade, even if his snark is pretty over the top. But the only two characters who really develop and are pretty good are Luke (eventually) and Tear, and they do get points for being one of the better couples in the series, too.

Berseria is probably my favorite cast other than Symphonia, agreed. Arise also has a pretty good cast.
FF7R question: should I read or watch a plot summary for the original FF7? Will I get more out of the story? So far I feel like they kinda just started the main plot without much of any world building at all so I'm constantly feeling a sense of "who's that? What is that person talking about? Is there any significance to that?" I assume most of the questions I have will be answered, but I also feel like if I knew the original story I'd be having constant "omg it's Florgle" moments rather than just not knowing what is going on
FF7R question: should I read or watch a plot summary for the original FF7? Will I get more out of the story? So far I feel like they kinda just started the main plot without much of any world building at all so I'm constantly feeling a sense of "who's that? What is that person talking about? Is there any significance to that?" I assume most of the questions I have will be answered, but I also feel like if I knew the original story I'd be having constant "omg it's Florgle" moments rather than just not knowing what is going on

Without going into spoilers, I'll just say that Remake relies on your knowledge and expectations from the original.
Without going into spoilers, I'll just say that Remake relies on your knowledge and expectations from the original.
Right, I figured as much. My issue is this: obviously the best way to experience the story is to fully experience FFR (original) first, which I am not going to do. So my question is, which of these options do you think is better?

1. Just play FF7R, experiencing the story for the first time that way. I have no expectations to meet or subvert, and I may be confused at points, but I will experience the story through playing it.
2. Read a Wikipedia summary or watch a YouTube video summarizing the original. Experience the original story that way, which seems... less than ideal, but then have the required context needed to have expectations for 7R to meet or subvert.
Well I found my old Wii. So I'm not entirely dead in the water with my Wii games. But man if the horrible noise it makes when a disc is inserted isn't disconcerting 😬 And the fact that it took three attempts to actually boot to the channel menu has me worried. It did feel kinda nice seeing that UI again. There was always something sort of cozy about it.

I guess I've got a new summer project to finally look into this homebrew business people keep talking about.

3 was mine. Tho I’m more likely to grab 1/2 before 4
I'm just going to grab 1+2 and 4 at the same time when September comes around.
Right, I figured as much. My issue is this: obviously the best way to experience the story is to fully experience FFR (original) first, which I am not going to do. So my question is, which of these options do you think is better?

1. Just play FF7R, experiencing the story for the first time that way. I have no expectations to meet or subvert, and I may be confused at points, but I will experience the story through playing it.
2. Read a Wikipedia summary or watch a YouTube video summarizing the original. Experience the original story that way, which seems... less than ideal, but then have the required context needed to have expectations for 7R to meet or subvert.
You'll be fine without the original story!
I think I need to personally apologize to @NateDrake that our NL-worst Rockies somehow managed to win a series against the Yankees. I don't know how it happened, I swear.
It's finally Pikmin 4 week. We've been waiting for this for a long time, right? I know a lot of people aren't crazy about Pikmin, but please give it a chance. It's one of the most fantastic and unique series ever created.
I’m waiting for my physical copies of 1/2 to ship, then I’ll play the series in order. Hopefully the next one doesn’t take a decade to come out.
Right, I figured as much. My issue is this: obviously the best way to experience the story is to fully experience FFR (original) first, which I am not going to do. So my question is, which of these options do you think is better?

1. Just play FF7R, experiencing the story for the first time that way. I have no expectations to meet or subvert, and I may be confused at points, but I will experience the story through playing it.
2. Read a Wikipedia summary or watch a YouTube video summarizing the original. Experience the original story that way, which seems... less than ideal, but then have the required context needed to have expectations for 7R to meet or subvert.
I would just stick with FF7R at this point (don’t read a plot summary of FF7). It’s a significantly expanded story of the beginning of FF7 and you’ll be able to guess / know what might not have been there before as you go through it. After you beat the game, then read the plot summary if you want.
Between zenimax and actiblizz I don't think Sony is gonna be throwing Microsoft any bones without something in return
This would be less about MS directly and more about Steam, I'd say, though ultimately Sony are indeed further cementing Windows as the de facto PC Gaming OS with their ports, yeah. I don't expect them to stop their PC porting initiative anytime soon, though, even with MS buying ActiBlizz.
I kinda hate Taylor
bruh why does this post make it sound like you pay your wife an allowance

see I hate Taylor because I don’t abide nazi-fuckers or the person-to-brand pipeline-ouroboros

plus I love pining but it’s toothless without sustained adversity and whiteness does it no favors

it’s like the kind of shit that only excites you if your life is mid enough for pop-lit-classic anklewatch to really stir your stroganoff

i’m the pining-femme-songwriter-enjoying wife in this two-wife apartment, and despite that fact, i’d rather zest my fingertips off than listen to Taylor Swift
Reading up the stuff from the MS/Acti Telenovela from the weekend ...

... Well, with that now, even the board at Sony should understand that Jimbob Ryan in charge was not the reason PS has become so dominant in Europe.
It's the opposite, PS has become so dominant DESPITE Jimbob Ryan having been in charge there.

The man got offers so many times in that last year. And they even look like it were really good ones even.
But no, gotta think you have a galaxy brain ... and now look at the deal they signed.

I wonder how long he's going to be the global boss of Playstation.
Reading about that 'The Last Hope' game and Nintendo really need to get a grip of the eShop. Stuff as bad as that is close to a scam and it's awful for the developers actually attempting to make decent games and find an audience on Switch.

Yesterday The Last Hope was number 3 on the digital-only charts for the UK. Now sure, some people are probably buying to clown on a game that's quickly become notorious, but others may buy it without knowing what to expect.
Reading about that 'The Last Hope' game and Nintendo really need to get a grip of the eShop. Stuff as bad as that is close to a scam and it's awful for the developers actually attempting to make decent games and find an audience on Switch.
Yeah, they really do. It's become a bit of a cesspool over the last few years.

If nothing else, I would love the option to filter out/block publishers from appearing on the eShop. I don't know how much longer I can handle seeing all those new "special editions" etc. of the same trash tier reddeergames releases clogging up the recent releases list
Started Nier Replicant and boy does the combat feel much better than in the original. I've yet to reach the new content so I don't know how I will feel about that but brother Nier feels a bit like a downgrade from papa Nier. Still, overall this is an impressive remaster/remake. Wish more developers approached them this way.
Yeah, they really do. It's become a bit of a cesspool over the last few years.

If nothing else, I would love the option to filter out/block publishers from appearing on the eShop. I don't know how much longer I can handle seeing all those new "special editions" etc. of the same trash tier reddeergames releases clogging up the recent releases list
They will always try to game the system to get better visibility.

If they let you filte rby publisher the publishers will just rerelease things under new labels to get around the filter.

Can't really think of a good userside solution, I think the platform holders will have to take care of the filtering themselves which none of them really seem to do, or the bars are just that low.
bruh why does this post make it sound like you pay your wife an allowance

see I hate Taylor because I don’t abide nazi-fuckers or the person-to-brand pipeline-ouroboros

plus I love pining but it’s toothless without sustained adversity and whiteness does it no favors

it’s like the kind of shit that only excites you if your life is mid enough for pop-lit-classic anklewatch to really stir your stroganoff

i’m the pining-femme-songwriter-enjoying wife in this two-wife apartment, and despite that fact, i’d rather zest my fingertips off than listen to Taylor Swift
It sounds that way because I’m a bad writer. Also, she doesn’t like handling money so she leaves finances to me (while she handles other, more difficult things). I won’t mention that you think her life is mid! Though, I guess we do live in a suburb, so…
Y'all is it too late to get a Barbenheimer shirt if I plan on making the double feature happen this Sunday?

Are there any good Barminheimer shirts that squeeze Pikmin 4 into the July 21st window? Because all I found was this one, but it's not nearly as much effort as some other shirts I've seen for Barbenheimer

Gotta say, if you'd asked me in 2015-or-so which Platform Holder I thought would eventually make the most confusing and complicated subscription service... Microsoft would not have been my answer. But here we are lol, with MS somehow making things more confusing whilst Nintendo has the least confusing tier scheme of the three.
Gotta say, if you'd asked me in 2015-or-so which Platform Holder I thought would eventually make the most confusing and complicated subscription service... Microsoft would not have been my answer. But here we are lol, with MS somehow making things more confusing whilst Nintendo has the least confusing tier scheme of the three.
that was your Mistake when you forget how MS names their products which have better codenames than the official names
Reading about that 'The Last Hope' game and Nintendo really need to get a grip of the eShop. Stuff as bad as that is close to a scam and it's awful for the developers actually attempting to make decent games and find an audience on Switch.

Yesterday The Last Hope was number 3 on the digital-only charts for the UK. Now sure, some people are probably buying to clown on a game that's quickly become notorious, but others may buy it without knowing what to expect.
It's annoying how easily everyone fell for The Last Hope's scheme.

1) Quickly crap out an awful zombie survival clone game
2) Slap Not-Joel and Not-Ellie on the cover
3) Wait for content creators to give you free advertising in the form of "THE WORST GAME EVER?!?!?" and "THE LAST OF US ON NINTENDO?!?!?!" videos
4) Price it really low at launch to encourage impulse buys from people 'ironically' buying the game
5) Profit

If Nintendo's not going to disallow those kinds of games from the eShop, then the best thing we can do is just ignore them. Giving them attention for 'how bad they are' is exactly what they want; they're not going into things hoping to make a good game like, say, the Gollum developers. I was legit disappointed in Digital Foundry when I saw them do a video on it
Hear me out. Nintendo makes a sequel to Ocarina of Time but Skull Kid is the main villain. Thoughts?
Imagine the internet in the 90’s/early 2000’s if you’d told them that an OOT sequel would come out in a year, with a new world, time limit and Skull Kid is the villain

You’d be laughted at
Just add a "NO" to the Seal of Quality, and some smelly lines. You know, the ones from comics to indicate something stinks.
It sounds that way because I’m a bad writer. Also, she doesn’t like handling money so she leaves finances to me (while she handles other, more difficult things). I won’t mention that you think her life is mid! Though, I guess we do live in a suburb, so…

well uh, i may make sweeping generalizations and make true yet unfair points but I uh

…promise i don’t think your wife’s life is mid?

as much as i can not knowing a person

besides, the suburbs gave us lots of things! like defunded public schools and bad bad ska!

how deep shall i dig this hole…
It's annoying how easily everyone fell for The Last Hope's scheme.

1) Quickly crap out an awful zombie survival clone game
2) Slap Not-Joel and Not-Ellie on the cover
3) Wait for content creators to give you free advertising in the form of "THE WORST GAME EVER?!?!?" and "THE LAST OF US ON NINTENDO?!?!?!" videos
4) Price it really low at launch to encourage impulse buys from people 'ironically' buying the game
5) Profit

If Nintendo's not going to disallow those kinds of games from the eShop, then the best thing we can do is just ignore them. Giving them attention for 'how bad they are' is exactly what they want; they're not going into things hoping to make a good game like, say, the Gollum developers. I was legit disappointed in Digital Foundry when I saw them do a video on it
Yeah... I briefly saw a video of some youtuber playing the game and he spent most of time saying variations of "WHO WANTS THIS?", "WHO IS THIS FOR?" and meanwhile I was thinking "I dunno, the guy who bought it to get those sweet, sweet youtube views, maybe?"

The worst part is that this scheme has worked before (there's a reason why the eShop has like 20 different calculator "games") and it will keep working, so Nintendo isn't gonna do jack; why would they? People are buying the games, they get their cut from this nonsense, technically everything is fine.
After returning from Japan I finally decided to start up Yakuza 5, and now I can appreciate the product placement even more. In previous games I thought some of the product placement was just ingame stuff, like Boss Coffee lol.
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