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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST9 June 2022| This is Miyamoto. Have a fun summer!

What's hype in June?

  • A potential Direct

    Votes: 201 59.1%
  • Summer events in general

    Votes: 14 4.1%
  • Mario Strikers: Battle League

    Votes: 27 7.9%
  • Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

    Votes: 27 7.9%
  • Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

    Votes: 25 7.4%
  • Cold drinks

    Votes: 32 9.4%
  • Warm smiles

    Votes: 14 4.1%

  • Total voters
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Just found out I'll be camping the week of the 29th with presumably no service. Jumping on the internet after that is going to be fun, whether the Direct happens that week or not!
Television is a shockingly risk averse industry (especially now that productions costs are going up and up because, especially for prestige TV like GoT, viewers expect nothing less that astronomical budgets) and it’s always a financially safer bet to pump out an uninspired, seemingly unwanted show that shares a name as something that WAS popular simply because, especially true for a streaming service, when the barrier to entry is “which icon does the viewer click on,” the viewer will tend to gravitate towards what they know.
Sure, I get risk-aversity, even though I don't like it.

What I don't get is how it makes sense in this case. Me and my friend group who used to watch GoT together have no further interest in the franchise. Neither have I seen any excitement for the prequel show online. There has been nothing but negativity surrounding the franchise ever since the original series came to an end. So I find it hard to fathom how them doubling down on keeping the franchise around is anything but a massive waste of ressources, to the point they might as well throw bags of cash into the incinerator.
Sure, I get risk-aversity, even though I don't like it.

What I don't get is how it makes sense in this case. Me and my friend group who used to watch GoT together have no further interest in the franchise. Neither have I seen any excitement for the prequel show online. There has been nothing but negativity surrounding the franchise ever since the original series came to an end. So I find it hard to fathom how them doubling down on keeping the franchise around is anything but a massive waste of ressources, to the point they might as well throw bags of cash into the incinerator.
The thing is this: the moneymen funding it don’t know this. Here’s the data they have: “wow, a lot of people watched and then talked about Game of Thrones,” which is followed up by “we should make more.”

They’ll get enough views to, for them, make this production pay for itself. I can almost guarantee it. You’d be surprised how many people will watch literally anything with a name they know on the title card.
I know I'm supposed to be heading to Atlant Village, but yall know where I wanna go
yooooo what game is this
The Game of Thrones downfall is unlike anything i've ever seen in media. I think the spinoffs will succeed... though if i had to bet on which ASOIAF project will be more successful in terms of both popularity and critical response, i would bet on the last books' release (if they ever come out)
found the game, it’s called Aggelos

I saw it on the eShop forever ago and ignored it because I really didn’t like the dragon sprite on all of their hero images, but now that I’ve watched the trailer I’m very down with literally every other part of it

damn thanks @chocolate_supra I haven’t had a ton of games I felt like playing lately and I’m excited to check this one out
It is time I reveal my true identity. It is I, your half brother, Berachi. Yes, you thought I was dead along with my Quiznos obsession. But I have returned to carry out my revenge.
At least our Third Brother, Lerachi (of House Mr. Sub) is actually dead, right?

It's FATIGUE FRIDAY (every Friday is fatigue Friday but this is a fatiguier one than usual)

Everybody got good weekend plans? I might be going to a small theatre tonight to watch a play for the first time in years; besides that it'll be a bit of work, cleaning and cooking, and resting. Maybe a museum or gallery on Sunday of I feel up to it though the health situation continues to slide here.

Oh and also some Mass Effect 2 because we're now just 7 days away from the release calendar accelerating madly for me.
finally seeing Everything Everywhere all at Once (coincidentally, that's the tagline Square Enix uses internally for Final Fantasy VII)
found the game, it’s called Aggelos

I saw it on the eShop forever ago and ignored it because I really didn’t like the dragon sprite on all of their hero images, but now that I’ve watched the trailer I’m very down with literally every other part of it

damn thanks @chocolate_supra I haven’t had a ton of games I felt like playing lately and I’m excited to check this one out
Have this. It’s pretty good if you like monster boy style games.
Fans enjoying anything is not believable at all.

Me enjoying fans in this summer heat, however, is easily believable.
I’d like you all to know that @bellydrum was a dedicated sleuth and solved the mystery for y’all!

turns out my name is…

~ Ass Vume ~

jk but @bellydrum did actually solve it

if anyone wants my friend code and isn’t averse to solving one to three small riddles, flick me a message!
Got myself a little treat :)

The image didn't load at first so I wanted to make a snarky Subway remark but that's siiiiiiiiiick

I know it's probably more cost effective for me to get a repro 6 button for my actual Genesis but the packrat hoarder collector in me wants to get that one you have so bad.

Based gamer. He doesn't even own a Switch and I respect him for that.

Closed Captioning just announced for Nintendo Switch!
My mind immediately filled the gaps with Command n Conquer and now I never wanted an impossible port more.

I found the camera work off putting. It's constantly moving even when it's just showing two people talking to each other. The zoomed in shots of the "interviewer" nodding and smiling were also weird.

To this day I can still actively hear this image.

At least our Third Brother, Lerachi (of House Mr. Sub) is actually dead, right?

@Lerachi has been disguised among us this entire time, waiting for the rise, revenge and new reign of Mr. Sub to take over.

I've missed the rumor mill - why is there more confidence in a June 29th direct and not for next week?
Alanah Pearce on her podcast confirmed it in her calendar fairly nonchalantly, Nate spoke up reconfirming the date being what he's hinted at, and then IGN and a couple other news sites further corroborated the info. Could be the 28th from time zone shenanigans, but yeah the last week of June is when it'll be ruining a good chunk of patterns

(also HI HOLY SHIT you're back bud what's shakin?)
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The image didn't load at first so I wanted to make a snarky Subway remark but that's siiiiiiiiiick

I know it's probably more cost effective for me to get a repro 6 button for my actual Genesis but the packrat hoarder collector in me wants to get that one you have so bad.
I do believe it’d be compatible with a proper Genesis with a Bluetooth adapter from 8Bitdo. This controller feels extremely nice. Like, it will probably be my default 2D Game controller going forward. I never had this one growing up (I was a SNES kid) and using it now… these buttons are incredible.

If you’re savvy with Japanese auction sites and setting up email alerts, you can do what I did and get this for less than the North American Genesis controller costs (including shipping :) )
I do believe it’d be compatible with a proper Genesis with a Bluetooth adapter from 8Bitdo. This controller feels extremely nice. Like, it will probably be my default 2D Game controller going forward. I never had this one growing up (I was a SNES kid) and using it now… these buttons are incredible.

If you’re savvy with Japanese auction sites and setting up email alerts, you can do what I did and get this for less than the North American Genesis controller costs (including shipping :) )
Oh shit, it's that easy to make work with the original hardware??? Like I'm more than comfortable using the 3 button controller I have for Sonic, but getting to do full inputs for Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat would be dope

Truthfully I'm barely functional on Amazon JP when I wanted to score some Nujabes on vinyl, but mind if I PM you later today about your methods and tips? I can't believe people on ebay are asking $110 CAD for one of them controllers so I'd like any help I can get haha
Oh shit, it's that easy to make work with the original hardware??? Like I'm more than comfortable using the 3 button controller I have for Sonic, but getting to do full inputs for Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat would be dope

Truthfully I'm barely functional on Amazon JP when I wanted to score some Nujabes on vinyl, but mind if I PM you later today about your methods and tips? I can't believe people on ebay are asking $110 CAD for one of them controllers so I'd like any help I can get haha
I’ll DM you :)
I'm not looking as forward to the Direct since most of what I wanted to see in a hypothetical E3-ish Direct has already been revealed. By "most of what I wanted to see" i mean Hollow Knight: Silksong
Started to played the Overlord Metroidvania and it's decent, it's more exploration than combat and have some interesting mechanics (like not being damaged with the same element you have active, like the RoLW metroidvania). It's not a simple cashgrab like the Dragon Maid shmup.
The real Direct is all the _______ we _______ along the way.
The real Direct is all the weebs we weebed along the way

I hate this trend on Youtube where people make fake trailers to movies and TV shows and try to pass them off as official ones. Stuff like Thor Love and Thunder - Trailer 3 or Obi-Wan Kenobi - Final Trailer. I never click on them because the thumbnails are always really bad photoshops so you can tell they are not official but still there things keep littering my feed.
As a big fan of movie trailers, this also bugs the hell out of me. Like yeah, fan trailers are awesome! Do that shit! But don't post it with the word "official" in front of it in order to farm accident clicks.

yooooo what game is this
Aggelos! I'm playing through it thanks to @Irene's backlog thread.

well I don’t know about tha—


oh yeah that’s definitely me

It is time I reveal my true identity. It is I, your half brother, Berachi. Yes, you thought I was dead along with my Quiznos obsession. But I have returned to carry out my revenge.

found the game, it’s called Aggelos

I saw it on the eShop forever ago and ignored it because I really didn’t like the dragon sprite on all of their hero images, but now that I’ve watched the trailer I’m very down with literally every other part of it

damn thanks @chocolate_supra I haven’t had a ton of games I felt like playing lately and I’m excited to check this one out
Happy to help! I had the same reaction to the thumbnail but I bought it based on a good sale and review scores, and as soon as the music began I was like "ah, yes"

this is the final eva film now getting theater release and then retail one!

Oh daaang now I'm kinda sad I binged the whole tetralogy on Prime. This woulda been one to see in the theater. ❤️

I've missed the rumor mill - why is there more confidence in a June 29th direct and not for next week?
I see Brofield already answered but either way SUP DUDE
I'm not looking as forward to the Direct since most of what I wanted to see in a hypothetical E3-ish Direct has already been revealed. By "most of what I wanted to see" i mean Hollow Knight: Silksong
Well there’s still a chance that we get more Silksong with an actual date at the Direct. At least that’s my headcanon for now
I haven't played my Switch for like a week because of work. I open it up, knowing that I won't be able to play that much in the coming weeks, and have somehow bought the friends of ringo Ishikawa and neon white.

I'm a fucking idiot.
Started to played the Overlord Metroidvania and it's decent, it's more exploration than combat and have some interesting mechanics (like not being damaged with the same element you have active, like the RoLW metroidvania). It's not a simple cashgrab like the Dragon Maid shmup.
I’m not too surprised considering they used Clementine as the playable character. That shows some devotion to the IP that they would do an actual series accurate reason for someone trying to escape Nazarick
Edit: for clarity
She’s a 4 episode villain in the first season that they straight up kill. Nazarick is constantly running experiments on both resurrection and the defenses of the tomb. So them bringing her back to life to use as a lab rat and brutally kill her over and over again is totally in character
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I haven't played my Switch for like a week because of work. I open it up, knowing that I won't be able to play that much in the coming weeks, and have somehow bought the friends of ringo Ishikawa and neon white.

I'm a fucking idiot.
I foolishly decided to start Mass Effect 2 on my Series S, and I'm only 4 hours into it. Three Hopes and Sunbreak are imminent so it'll be time soon to complain about too many things.

rubs hands with glee
Finally ran into a UE4 problem I'm not sure I can solve. Spawning enemies in the arena works fine once, but if you try to do it again it always fails, the enemy actors always fail to spawn. Despite me ticking the box that says "always spawn"

Grumble grumble.

EDIT: Figured it out. Thank jeebus.
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What @Derachi is saying is that TV shows are a lot like restaurants. You can have an entire street filled with unique, excellent restaurants that cater to a variety of tastes and experiences. But despite all these options, the uncultured and tasteless masses will tend towards that Subway logo despite the food being uninspired and seemingly unwanted. So that's how we end up with Subways on every block.
Pretty much everything in life is like this, my friends and I have taken to calling it "The Bud Light Effect".

In any demographic, everyone's going to trend towards a very mediocre average. It's bland, easy and inoffensive.
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