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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST9 June 2022| This is Miyamoto. Have a fun summer!

What's hype in June?

  • A potential Direct

    Votes: 201 59.1%
  • Summer events in general

    Votes: 14 4.1%
  • Mario Strikers: Battle League

    Votes: 27 7.9%
  • Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

    Votes: 27 7.9%
  • Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

    Votes: 25 7.4%
  • Cold drinks

    Votes: 32 9.4%
  • Warm smiles

    Votes: 14 4.1%

  • Total voters
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Xbox: here's ugly no man's sky
PS: here's 1/3 of a game you bought 40 years ago
Nintendo: here's scrimblo bimblo photo picnic party deluxe

that's the show, see you next not-E3 everybody
Seems like Nintendo is the better of the three here.
Xbox: here's ugly no man's sky
PS: here's 1/3 of a game you bought 40 years ago
Nintendo: here's scrimblo bimblo photo picnic party deluxe

that's the show, see you next not-E3 everybody
honestly, i am more excited for starfield solely for the fact its not infinite. I wish no man's sky wasnt because i just wanted to meet other people.
My little brother's special interest for the last few years has been trying to make his own video games; this is a guy who wasn't able to finish school due to his special needs, and who taught himself to use Unity from Youtube.

He recently got a little game published on Google Play, and it has just passed a hundred downloads which has him almost literally jumping with joy and I am so, so happy for him.

His dream is to be on a Nintendo system and he really wants his next game, which he is currently working on, to get onto the Switch eshop. I hope so deeply that he gets there because it would mean so much to him.
Please express your dislike of characters without using derogatory, misogynistic language - hologram, paranoodle, blondkayvon, BozPaggs, Donnie
I began Wolfestein The New Colossus a few minutes ago. First one was quite the brilliant game, and im already loving this one.

About Frau Engel tho, the genocidal psychopath n*zi: its fine if she is genocidal but she went too far when she made her daughter feel bad about her weight. I shall now make a post about her on twitter.

Moderator edit: This post has been edited to remove previous objectionable language in line with the above feedback.
Is this a safe space for me to tell you all how I truly feel?

Because get this: I’ve been using the 6B Mega Drive controller all evening and… I think I like this controller more than the SNES controller?!?!

Would you consider remastering the Adventure games? Other platformer series have enjoyed success recently with re-releases, such as Crash Bandicoot and Spyro…

As somebody who made the Adventure series, when I go back and think of what I would like to do to make the old games more of an experience for the modern audience, there are lots of things I have in my mind that I want to do.

But if we just talk about remastering these titles, to me that’s just about making the graphics nicer and polishing up a couple of things… it’s the same game but looking prettier and that’s not what I want to do. There’s lots more work that I would want to put into creating a new Sonic Adventure game. That’s why there’s no remaster.

Meanwhile at Nintendo:
Don't even bother remastering. Just sell the old game again. They'll still pay us money!
I don’t know what will forever amuse me more: the first combining robot being made of jets and them saying screw mechanical principals, it’ll morph into the right shape, or the fact this combination process was inspired by the co-creator seeing someone in their car getting rear ended on their way to work


Edit: don’t worry though, by the third entry he decided to figure out a way to make it work mechanically and drew some epic panels. Of course it only applies to one suit. The rest use form shifting metal
Is this a safe space for me to tell you all how I truly feel?

Because get this: I’ve been using the 6B Mega Drive controller all evening and… I think I like this controller more than the SNES controller?!?!
Oh dude I've always preferred the Genesis controller. Fits my hands way better than the SNES one. You're not alone.

Man speaking of Sega, remember when people thought Microsoft was going to brand the Series S/X as a Sega device in Japan in order to sell more? Good times.
I mean, it actually was in the cards for the first Xbox.. 🤷‍♂️
Though I agree the rumor they'd do that with the S/X was likely completely baseless

LOL hell yeah, Sakurai 🤣
Disappointed in how corporate the Overwatch 2 presentation was, it felt so deliberately created to be flattering rather than a genuine dive into the game.
Disappointed in how corporate the Overwatch 2 presentation was, it felt so deliberately created to be flattering rather than a genuine dive into the game.

I found the camera work off putting. It's constantly moving even when it's just showing two people talking to each other. The zoomed in shots of the "interviewer" nodding and smiling were also weird.
I found the camera work off putting. It's constantly moving even when it's just showing two people talking to each other. The zoomed in shots of the "interviewer" nodding and smiling were also weird.
Yeah I didn't like that either, the constant moving panning shots when a dev is just talking were not needed. And Soe saying "WOW SO AMAZING!!" to the most generic statements. Just felt off.
I have no idea how I’m going to finish Black Eagles/Church Route in one week, but I’m determined to do it.
Neon White is really good, but I feel like to really go crazy with the speed running PC is definitely the platform versus the Switch.
I have no idea how I’m going to finish Black Eagles/Church Route in one week, but I’m determined to do it.
It’s taking me a week and a half to watch a Black eagles route for some reason. I’m only bothering with one FE3H route tho.
It’s taking me a week and a half to watch a Black eagles route for some reason. I’m only bothering with one FE3H route tho.
I’ve completed Golden Deer, and I’m doing a replay of Blue Lions (the one I played in 2019,) and then I’m gonna do the last two with a save at the branch.
I’m happy for all the fans of FF7, but I feel like that’s a LOT of different FF7 stuff that I will mostly not care about. Maybe Rebirth will be good, I’m holding out some hope, but I kind of wish SE would move on to other things. Or at least pick literally any other universe than FF7 to do a bunch more games in.

Oh well, there’s always FF16 coming soon which might be good? Still not sure of that one either. Now, FF9 remake and FFTactics, that’s the stuff.
My little brother's special interest for the last few years has been trying to make his own video games; this is a guy who wasn't able to finish school due to his special needs, and who taught himself to use Unity from Youtube.

He recently got a little game published on Google Play, and it has just passed a hundred downloads which has him almost literally jumping with joy and I am so, so happy for him.

His dream is to be on a Nintendo system and he really wants his next game, which he is currently working on, to get onto the Switch eshop. I hope so deeply that he gets there because it would mean so much to him.
wishing your brother all the best in the world! I am in a similar position in that I try to learn coding and Unity so this story is really inspiring me to give my best as well!
My little brother's special interest for the last few years has been trying to make his own video games; this is a guy who wasn't able to finish school due to his special needs, and who taught himself to use Unity from Youtube.

He recently got a little game published on Google Play, and it has just passed a hundred downloads which has him almost literally jumping with joy and I am so, so happy for him.

His dream is to be on a Nintendo system and he really wants his next game, which he is currently working on, to get onto the Switch eshop. I hope so deeply that he gets there because it would mean so much to him.
Any chance we can get a link to the game or the name of it - I'll happily give it a download to support him :)
Neon White is really good, but I feel like to really go crazy with the speed running PC is definitely the platform versus the Switch.
It's great! It could get some indie of the year nominations

Btw I turned gyro on as soon as a gun card was introduced, it seemed that it would be kinda difficult without it
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One more week until FEW3H. Two more weeks until MHR Sunbreak. Five more weeks until Live A Live. Six more weeks until Xenoblade 3.

Summer of Weeb, indeed.
Any chance we can get a link to the game or the name of it - I'll happily give it a download to support him :)
Thanks so much. :)
I asked him and he said he's not quite satisfied with the way this one came out, but once he finishes his current project, he'd be happy for me to share the link here.
Does anyone know what Bayonetta 2's sales are currently sitting on? I guess if it was > 1m that would've been revealed somewhere?
Wii U + NSW would never be known, NSW only as of Dec 2020 they were sub 1m. Other than that we cant know a lot more other than Bayo 2 NSW sales being around 400k as of March 2018. If it ever is over 1M we will known thanks to CESA White Papers

Powered by Unreal Engine 4 with physically-based rendering and extremely-detailed textures, presenting a gorgeous 3D visual performance and pushing the genre to a whole new level on Nintendo Switch. F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch on Nintendo Switch is aiming to achieve 1080p resolution at 30 frames per second performance when docked, and 720p resolution at 30 frames per second in handheld mode.
Bought pink and green Joy-Cons as I needed replacements and wanted a different color than the stock ones
They look nice
The colors on the boxes always seem kinda off for some reason 🤔 but on the actual joy-con it's brighter/clearer
HBO working on a GoT sequel about Jon Snow while nobody seems to give a shit about the upcoming GoT prequel, or GoT in general any more, is quite funny, ngl.
Bought pink and green Joy-Cons as I needed replacements and wanted a different color than the stock ones
They look nice
The colors on the boxes always seem kinda off for some reason 🤔 but on the actual joy-con it's brighter/clearer
The limitations of ink on cardboard, I’m afraid.

HBO working on a GoT sequel about Jon Snow while nobody seems to give a shit about the upcoming GoT prequel, or GoT in general any more, is quite funny, ngl.

Television is a shockingly risk averse industry (especially now that productions costs are going up and up because, especially for prestige TV like GoT, viewers expect nothing less that astronomical budgets) and it’s always a financially safer bet to pump out an uninspired, seemingly unwanted show that shares a name as something that WAS popular simply because, especially true for a streaming service, when the barrier to entry is “which icon does the viewer click on,” the viewer will tend to gravitate towards what they know.
What @Derachi is saying is that TV shows are a lot like restaurants. You can have an entire street filled with unique, excellent restaurants that cater to a variety of tastes and experiences. But despite all these options, the uncultured and tasteless masses will tend towards that Subway logo despite the food being uninspired and seemingly unwanted. So that's how we end up with Subways on every block.
I hate this trend on Youtube where people make fake trailers to movies and TV shows and try to pass them off as official ones. Stuff like Thor Love and Thunder - Trailer 3 or Obi-Wan Kenobi - Final Trailer. I never click on them because the thumbnails are always really bad photoshops so you can tell they are not official but still there things keep littering my feed.
What @Derachi is saying is that TV shows are a lot like restaurants. You can have an entire street filled with unique, excellent restaurants that cater to a variety of tastes and experiences. But despite all these options, the uncultured and tasteless masses will tend towards that Subway logo despite the food being uninspired and seemingly unwanted. So that's how we end up with Subways on every block.
why am i catching heat like this! What did I even do to you!!
So I assume Nintendo is treating a hypothetical June 29 Direct the same way they treat any other Direct (I.e., announcement only a couple days ahead of time)?
That’s the assumption. It’s not E3, they’re not coordinating the broadcast with any other scheduled events or anything, so they have no reason to announce it before the usual 24-36 hours. The only exception would be if this happens to be where they reveal new hardware (chance is low but not zero) where they’d probably give it a bit more hype time?
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