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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST8 May 2022| Prime Real E-ST8

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Not to doompost but industry consolidation seems to have become this unstoppable train and we're just here for the ride trying to find a handlebar to hold onto but some of us manage to find an uncomfortable seat squished between a window and a sweaty guy
Hey Dardan

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I found the kingdom building really addictive. The first game is a little more charming to me, but the second one is more fun.
yeah I totally understand that the first one is more charming, I've only played a few hours but I still vividly remember the early chapters of Ninokuni 1 and its ghibli-esque story and charm.
I've read that characters and their development are more important in NNk2 than the overall plot and I'm totally fine with it. I just want to play a cool and fun JRPG before the Xenoblade 3 madness and this seems like the perfect fit.
I know gleefully engaging in these terrible hypotheticals upsets people, but Sony should get Square and Nintendo should get Enix
100% with you on this tbh. Sony can have Final Fantasy, NIntendo can have Dragon Quest

I mean I prefer no one "gets" anything and it all stays multiplatform because consolidation sucks ass but

you get what I meant
I know gleefully engaging in these terrible hypotheticals upsets people, but Sony should get Square and Nintendo should get Enix

We're living in a post-ABK acquisition world (I guess it still has to be finalized), this is just our new normal.
As much as I love Persona (And I do, P5R is a masterpiece of an RPG), I love Xenoblade more and wish we got more merch to the same level as Persona >.>
honestly if you think about it, sony buying square and nintendo getting enix is actually UNDOING the Square and Enix consolidation so ACTAULLY it would be morally good
I know gleefully engaging in these terrible hypotheticals upsets people, but Sony should get Square and Nintendo should get Enix
I would actually be okay with this if Team Asano comes with Enix and as long as it happens after Chrono Trigger comes to Switch.
honestly if you think about it, sony buying square and nintendo getting enix is actually UNDOING the Square and Enix consolidation so ACTAULLY it would be morally good
Yeah, don't look at it as corporate consolidation, look at it as Nintendo saving the good half of Squeenix 😅
god I miss the good old days when I could stan Squaresoft and didn't feel like a dope for it
Yea, I immediately recognized that as a moba/mmo looking formula lol. I've usually seen written as: Damage * (100 / (100 + Defense)). World of Warcraft and Diablo 3 use variations of this formula too.

The idea of the formula is that defense's effectiveness is scaled to how many hits a target should take. Every 10 points of defense allow you to take an extra hit. You can play with the constant modifier to get numbers you want, and also change the effectiveness of the defense. For example Damage * (10 / (100 + Defense)) will make the number of hits you can take increase by every one point of defense. As long as you know how the formula works and balance defense upgrades accordingly, this formula should work for you. The usefulness of stoneskin will change throughout the game, that may or may not be what you want.

Nothing wrong with asymmetry between player and enemy stats. You can even have different damage calculations between them. In Xenoblade 1, player characters have subtractive defense while enemies have flat percentage reductions. But, how debuffs affect enemy stats is still worth considering in terms of offering different strategies to the player. For example, in a game with divisive defense, reducing enemy defense by a certain amount will cause you to deal the same amount of damage more to all enemies. In a game with subtractive defense, defense debuffs are more effective against enemies with higher defense so the player will employ different strategies here. The first two Paper Marios are a great example of games designed around subtractive defense and thresholds that show off what I mean here. But the formula you're going with is divisive so you won't really have to worry about balancing out debuffs too much.
Thanks for all this, it is all very helpful to consider. I think toying with the above formula's constants is my best bet long term.
So is armor class and damage reduction the same thing in your game? That might confuse regular CRPG/DnD players.
Yeah, it's probably going to be confusing for veterans. Maybe I won't call it armor class in the end, maybe just a general "armor".

I decided that in a first person game it's kinda silly to see an enemy standing right in front of you and not being able to hit it like 7 times out of 10, so AC wasn't going to relate to hit chance. I am still implementing a dodge skill which lets enemies and players dodge attacks depending on their skill level, so there will still be occasional misses. I'm hoping to be able to implement some kind of silly standardized animation showing the enemy dodging a hit so that you're not just getting a "whoosh" sound as your notification.

I'm working on a really, really comprehensive skill system that's actually way easier conceptually for me than simple damage reduction, funnily enough.

I've also decided to be confusing and backwards when it comes to MP, you don't have a full MP bar that depletes with use, instead you have an empty bar that increases with use and slowly depletes over time, and using an ability that costs more MP than your bar allows will subtract those points from HP instead of MP. Still haven't figure out how healing abilities will work with this though...
Feels like it's been a bit of a slow news month (I mean like April in general and a bit of the start of May), though there seem to be things on the horizon that could be interesting.
I know gleefully engaging in these terrible hypotheticals upsets people, but Sony should get Square and Nintendo should get Enix
This is ironic, because currently, aside from the flagship franchises (DQ and FF), Enix is on Sony's side (with Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile) and Square is on Nintendo's side (Mana and SaGa).

Though I'm a silly hopeful that thinks Switch Pro will make things even by getting both upcoming SO and VP games...
Only publisher I want under Nintendo is Marvelous, and only because that's the only way they would release in an acceptable way their releases in their platforms and all their big games are always Switch exclusive at least at launch anyway.
This is ironic, because currently, aside from the flagship franchises (DQ and FF), Enix is on Sony's side (with Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile) and Square is on Nintendo's side (Mana and SaGa).

Though I'm a silly hopeful that thinks Switch Pro will make things even by getting both upcoming SO and VP games...
Don't forget Asano started out at Enix before the merger, so despite the FF influences you could almost consider Bravely and Octopath/Triangle as the Enix side supporting Nintendo.
Don't forget Asano started out at Enix before the merger, so despite the FF influences you could almost consider Bravely and Octopath/Triangle as the Enix side supporting Nintendo.
Almost? Bravely Default is literally a FF3 spiritual sequel, it's all FF but the name. Doesn't matter where Asano sensei comes from, he's a Square man through and through.

He did even better by spiritual sequel-ing Ivalice with Triangle Strategy.
Almost? Bravely Default is literally a FF3 spiritual sequel, it's all FF but the name. Doesn't matter where Asano sensei comes from, he's a Square man through and through.

He did even better by spiritual sequel-ing Ivalice by Triangle Strategy.
Team Asano games are still made like how ol' Enix did, outsourcing them to 3rd party developers under Team Asano control.
Just in case anybody didn't see it on the last page, Famifeed's back and working again

Took care of a couple bug fixes, and added a feature (opens links in new tab)

Working on more features now

More info about what's next for Famifeed in the announcement thread OP
Team Asano games are still made like how ol' Enix did, outsourcing them to 3rd party developers under Team Asano control.
And that's the biggest reason why Sony won't buy Square. They outsource almost everything save for few.
Almost? Bravely Default is literally a FF3 spiritual sequel, it's all FF but the name. Doesn't matter where Asano sensei comes from, he's a Square man through and through.

He did even better by spiritual sequel-ing Ivalice with Triangle Strategy.
I know but even if there were no merger and he was still at Enix proper, he still coulda made classic FF inspired games. I don't think Bravely would've been considered IP infringement or anything, no matter how much inspiration it draws.
I know I'm kinda reaching for such a frivolous argument but I just really want Team Asano to be part of Enix for this hypothetical "Nintendo gets Enix" scenario 😅)
I know but even if there were no merger and he was still at Enix proper, he still coulda made classic FF inspired games. I don't think Bravely would've been considered IP infringement or anything, no matter how much inspiration it draws.
I know I'm kinda reaching for such a frivolous argument but I just really want Team Asano to be part of Enix for this hypothetical "Nintendo gets Enix" scenario 😅)
Do not worry my friend, because in any silly hypothetical case, Nintendo would get Square too. They own a freaking Mario game.
I'd love to see Team Asano made a game that isn't so heavily inspired on classic Squaresoft games , the idea of a 2D HD-2D game but with new premises and idea would be really exciting, and I'm a big fan of Asano games since Braverly Default and love what he and his time are doing with these games just want to see what he would do if he had to do something 'new'.
I'd love to see Team Asano made a game that isn't so heavily inspired on classic Squaresoft games , the idea of a 2D HD-2D game but with new premises and idea would be really exciting, and I'm a big fan of Asano games since Braverly Default and love what he and his time are doing with these games just want to see what he would do if he had to do something 'new'.
I would love to see him working on a Zelda-like or something.
I would love to see him working on a Zelda-like or something.
I would consider an HD-2D Zelda-like (or Zelda-proper) to be a personal gift to me.
And then I'd fall into a pit of social anxiety trying to figure out what to give Asano-san in return.

While Reggie seems like a nice dude, this was one of the things that sucked during his watch. He did not believe in certain games getting localized due to profits. There is a reason operation rainfall happen. Like would some of the more nicher titles like FamDec been localized under him, I doubt it.
Sony should get Service and Nintendo should get Games
This is a legitimately chuckle-inducing reference, but like for serious: I've been rather unhappy with what Sega became after the Sammy merger so in keeping with the Squeenix break-up theme, Sony gets Sammy and Nintendo gets Sega.

There, I said it.
Managed to have a migraine free day, thank god for that. And my MRI appointment is scheduled for the 26th and hopefully our new internet modem will be here tomorrow

Now my laptop has a black screen. Any computer savvy people willing to help me out? It’s an asus vivobook. Had it for two years, I haven’t been on it for a long while due to my headaches and got on it again recently to play modded Skyrim which I broke. Now , for some reason, I got this black screen and the computer won’t turn off fully either. The power light still stays on. I’ve tried the hard reset options and nothing worlds.
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