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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST28 January 2024| This Is Our Year

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oh no

well at least it's pretty
Tomorrow, I'm planning on sitting down and watching the "Shin" movie trilogy by Hideaki Anno; Shin Godzilla, Shin Ultraman, and Shin Kamen Rider. I've never really been into Tokusatsu, but after watching Godzilla Minus One last week, I think I want to dive into it more. A coworker recommended me Kamen Rider OOO as a good entry point, I also heard Ryuki is great, too.

I'm almost done with my Pokemon White playthrough. I just got the Dark Orb and I'm on my way to the final gym, still a goated game after all these years. I've decided that I'll be playing Chrono Trigger (DS version) next before Another Code Recollection and Apollo Justice Collection come out. That Scarlet DLC's gonna have to wait a little longer, and poor FFXII..... I think my opinion on that game has soured a little, I still like it, but something about the gameplay just feels monotonous to me in a way I haven't really experienced in an RPG since Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (and I really don't like that game, despite the great story). Maybe it's my fault, perhaps I'm not engaging with the game's mechanics as much (I've only used the summon mechanic twice and I don't particularly care for it). Maybe after I've beaten Persona 3 Reload, I'll hop back on it (and beat that horrendous boss, fuck you, Ahriman!) my tune will improve on it.

As for New Years Resolutions..... I completely failed mine, lol. This year's resolution was to beat 10 games on my backlog and I've only beaten 3..... Pokemon Scarlet (base game), Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed, and Super Mario RPG. Last year's resolution was to beat 5 games and I managed to nearly double that! (Granted, some of those games were ones that I had been on and off for a few years, already). I'd have 2024's resolution be the same, but I'm planning on making some changes to my lifestyle, so I don't know how feasible beating 10 games is gonna be before those changes come into fruition. I'll probably be halfway there before the summer, but who knows?

I've decided that my New Year's Resolution is gonna be four-fold:

1. Get a new job! I've been working at my current one for almost 8 years and I've been trying to find one that suits my needs.

2. Get a car! I know how fucked the auto industry is and how it screws over public transportation, but I'm sick of commuting! 😭 I'm taking my knowledge test soon, so studying is a must!

3. Lose some weight! I've already been exercising daily, but I gotta keep at it! My current goal is to lose 10 pounds! I'm also trying to cut back as much as reasonably possible.

4. Get a girlfriend! I'm too shy for my own good....... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! That one's probably gonna be my biggest hurdle, yet. WISH ME LUCK!!!!

Tldr; I've got plans for 2024. Don't know if they'll all work out, but I gotta give it 200%! It's something that I've been thinking about for a while and I feel I've been far overdue for a change of pace! Depending on how things go, I might not be around here as often, but just in case, I'm happy that I discovered this board! Y'all have made this year for me. Happy New Year, Famiboards!
A friend sent this to me earlier. It’s timely and Nintendo related. Unfortunately, I didn’t know where else to post it. A thousand apologies of there’s a better thread for it.

Here’s to actually playing Tears of the Kingdom next year. 🎉🥳

Here's to actually finishing it, next year. 😅
In my first 4.5 hours of the new year the first thing I did is winning in Mario Party. I don’t have friends anymore but it was worth it. This will be my year.
look. to be fair, I mostly know of Wonderfalls and have not extensively watched it

I always in it for the gag and am deeply overjoyed that you are aware of the forbidden texts

but any Lee Pace could be the proverbial carrot in the trap and it would work on me
I've been shitposting at such a rate that I forgot to respond to this but even I have only seen Wonderfalls once and it was when the DVD box set was new. I barely remember anything about it besides the scene where Lee Pace has that crisis of anti-faith freakout that I pulled that gif from.

So in all honesty, I'm really only in it for the gag as well 😅

"the gag" being that I like old weird shit that other people are hardly aware of, spiced up by the fact that you are probably the only other person here who has ever even heard of the show

It's one of my four resolutions.
720p, 1080p, 2160p, and...?
I've been shitposting at such a rate that I forgot to respond to this but even I have only seen Wonderfalls once and it was when the DVD box set was new. I barely remember anything about it besides the scene where Lee Pace has that crisis of anti-faith freakout that I pulled that gif from.

So in all honesty, I'm really only in it for the gag as well 😅

"the gag" being that I like old weird shit that other people are hardly aware of, spiced up by the fact that you are probably the only other person here who has ever even heard of the show

720p, 1080p, 2160p, and...?
4K, baby!

I actually have been thinking about getting a 4K TV. I have a 10 year old flat screen that I'm fine with, it still works and outputs at 1080p. But, I'd like to make my gaming experience just a bit more rich, y'know?
I actually have been thinking about getting a 4K TV. I have a 10 year old flat screen that I'm fine with, it still works and outputs at 1080p. But, I'd like to make my gaming experience just a bit more rich, y'know?
I felt for the longest time that my 1080p tv was all I'd ever need, but it finally broke and I had to go get a new tv, which of course don't come in 1080p anymore.

So now I laugh because I can't tell the difference due to the proportion of games I play being retro-style pixelart. 😅

the music in Letterkenny rocks so freaking hard

the show is worth it for the music alone
The ending montage and cut to credits of the season 8 finale remains one of my favorite parts of the show, and the way they utilized the music for it was just phenomenal. I still go back and watch that sequence by itself for kicks sometimes.

Yeah, whoever is handling the music for Letterkenny is a legend.
I felt for the longest time that my 1080p tv was all I'd ever need, but it finally broke and I had to go get a new tv, which of course don't come in 1080p anymore.

So now I laugh because I can't tell the difference due to the proportion of games I play being retro-style pixelart. 😅
Honestly, the only game I have that I would probably notice the resolution is Final Fantasy XVI. Maybe Yakuza 0 and Kiwami, too, but I haven't even played those, yet. Oh and Kena, too, WHY DID I LET MY BACKLOG GET SO HUGE???????
Nintendo's servers when they're going over my gaming log for the next Year in Review:

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I really should be going to bed, now. I wanna get up early and eat breakfast before working out. Then I gotta study and make time for those movies...... I'll worry about it tomorrow........ GN
Thanks for the awesome thread last month @MissingNo. and awesome OP @ngpdrew ! This is our year indeed! I think I’m most personally excited for Trails Into Daybreak, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Metroid Prime 4, and the Switch 2 with a new 3D Mario. If we got Mother 3 and Chrono Break that’d be a Forever Year Of Dreams contender haha.

Also can you add Under Night In-Birth II to the upcoming games section of the OP ngpdrew? It needs all the love it can get haha.
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