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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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welcome to the boards!

to answer your question - when i was on staff, the official policy was that famiboards didn’t verify anyone. if you had stuff you wanted to share, you could share it. the mods weren’t interested in taking on the responsibility of making the call on who’s legit and who’s not. that could have changed, but i doubt it.
Appreciate it
Needless to say this month will be very exciting for Nintendo Fans
Double posting: Just a quick reminder that the staff here does not verify anything in terms of leaks or user's backgrounds. You are free to post any leaks at your own leisure and everyone is free to believe what they choose to. If we feel that someone is spamming/trolling, we will take some action, but otherwise we generally do not police leaks or rumors.

Nothing will ever top Fist of the North Star Fitness Boxing in terms of absurdity when it was like the third game at a 7:00 AM Direct, but this is amusingly out of left field too lol.

I doubt I’ll pick it up, but I am marginally more interested here since Miku is in it haha.
Haven't found the Pokemon Leak thread yet (I'm 90% sure we had one, yeah?)

But yeah, the Teal Mask DLC for Scarlet/Violet has leaked. Polygon can't verify the source, but it's being collected under Pokemon Centro so be careful if you're out on Reddit or social media and don't want spoilers

Damn, I was really hoping for some good fried rice recipes in this thread:

@Aurc why'd you lock it? 😭
I'm kidding in case it isn't obvious
Taking bets, which takes longer: Downloading Starfield, or uploading 20 Xenoblade CDs onto my computer?
The Mario Wonder Direct got me super hyped, I'm enjoying Starfield so far, PS5 Baldur's Gate 3 is pre-loaded and unlocking on Saturday, and there will almost certainly be a Nintendo Direct this month. I am drowning in video games, send help.
The Mario Wonder Direct got me super hyped, I'm enjoying Starfield so far, PS5 Baldur's Gate 3 is pre-loaded and unlocking on Saturday, and there will almost certainly be a Nintendo Direct this month. I am drowning in video games, send help.
The help will be more annoucments at the direct also there might be a state of play this month too lol
Ok. I will answer my questions:

Geography 101: I’m going with the opening sequence to Uncharted 2. Sure it’s mostly a giant linear set piece, but damn, is it not a spectacle. Absolutely love having to go through the train as it’s dangling from the cliff while learning the mechanics. So much more tension in a tutorial than you normally saw at that time. Also felt this was when Sony really started to become what it is today (for better or worse based on your opinion) in terms of big, cinematic single player stories.

Archaeology 101: the feature I want back most is streetpass. The plaza was My absolutely most played game on 3DS. Loved how the color of the mii’s you found affected the game mechanics, loves how bitesized the experiences were but still had lots of depth (Flower Town was next level if you really tried for 100%), and was such a cool social aspect. Sure it didn’t work too well in the US, but the ATT WiFi zones were a great resource. My wife worked at a Starbucks while I was in graduate school, so I would get my streepasses multiple times a week that way. Great for conventions too. And tons of games had fun modes that used it as well. It would be hard to make it work with the lack of true portability of the switch compared to 3DS, but it really should be used via WiFi systems or something.
What is the best opening level in gaming?
It's hard to pick between the Great Plateau from BotW, the village from Resident Evil 4, the slow reveal of WTF is going on in Prey (honorable mention to the Half Life opening sequence that inspired it), and the stormy night of A Link to the Past.

What hardware/software feature from the past needs to be brought back to modern consoles or future consoles?
For consoles? Free online
Geography 101: What is the best opening level in gaming?
Hard not to mention multiple choices, I can't pick just one.

Breath of the Wild, Great Plateau: You know it. I know it. Not much more needs to be said.

Resident Evil 4, Village: What's great about the opening sequence of Resident Evil 4 is how much it works from an atmospheric subversive perspective. The idea of slowly entering a village and realizing how fucked up the situation is is amazing, and it's a prime example of how Resident Evil's focus on gameplay and over-the-top scenarios can lead to amazing story concepts. I played this game much later than most people but I can only imagine how this was to play in 2005.

Halo: Combat Evolved: What I love about answering Halo is that I can be referring to either the tutorial level (the ship) or the first real level (landing on the Halo ring) and both would be a correct answer. Both missions are insanely iconic and just so fucking well done. The first one is a great example of fantastic scripted sequences back to back, the second level is an example of exploration done right.

Sonic the Hedgehog, Green Hill Zone: I mean, come on. It's one of the best platforming levels of all time. It eats 1-1 for breakfast and spits it out.

The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve, 2-1: Feels weird including this, but I'll do it anyways. This is just such an amazing case, in a series where the first case is either a mildly amusing tutorial or a completely boring mind numbing tutorial.

Half-Life: A lot has been said about this opening. I won't say much more, but even as a guy who doesn't really like slow story based openings in games, this is one of my favorite sequences ever. It does get a little slow on replays, but still awesome.

Nier: Automata: Legitimately one of the best parts of the game. The opening to Automata is so good its hard to get used to the opening hours after it. This is the game at its most raw with the best sequencing of events, actual challenge in the combat, the second best use of the schmup gameplay in the entire game (second only to the ending), and the same great music you come to expect in the rest of the game. It's a story-based linear action tutorial, all killer, no filler, and it's awesome. It even has a little character arc between 9S and 2B that's resolved just within those 2-3 hours.

And of course, my favorite and the most badass opening quote in all of gaming:

(don't know why the audio is kind of off in the video, oh well)
Geography 101: What is the best opening level in gaming? This can be answered multiple ways. It could be from a tutorial perspective, game design perspective, most fun sequence. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
A lot of the great ones have already been mentioned, so I'll go a bit more off the beaten path and name three RPGs with excellent opening levels, since RPGs often fail at this or are rather infamous for having slow, drawn-out openings. But these three certainly don't!

1) Super Mario RPG
On theme with the remake coming soon, Mario RPG has a great opening: You go straight to Bowser's castle to rescue the Princess, you have an epic fight with Bowser on the chandeliers, you win... and then a giant sword crashes into the castle from the heavens and sends everyone flying across the world, and the real game begins.

2) Persona 5/Royal
This one cheats a bit by being a sneak peak of a much later part of the game, but suddenly being in a casino and hearing your heist team chattering with code names, getting blasted with amazing music and the full style of Persona 5 in the middle of a Palace, and the story tease of getting caught and told you were sold out by a traitor and roughed up by the police - it's a hell of an opening and gets you interested right away before the game backs off and slows down.

3) Final Fantasy 7
This one is more obvious, and even if I'm not as big a fan of FF7 as many are... holy crap this is a good opening. You get the opening FMV movie, the train pulls up, and Cloud jumps off and you're suddenly in the middle of a bombing mission - and THIS music kicks in @1:12 here? C'mon. One of the best game openings of all time.

September at last.
Summer about to bite it.
Good fucking riddance.

Can't stop thinking about Armored Core VI.
September started in my city-state with a Presidential election.

I think most of my country-men aren't thrilled by the 'options' but hey, we just gotta make do. It's not like our President is 'powerful' within our the government. It's more of a ceremonial position so even if that weirder no-thought-filter candidate gets elected, we just have to tolerate for... six years and then vote him out.
New game from the writer of Hotel Dusk and Trace Memory/Another Code. I know some people here are fans of those. Also, very weird premise...

Edit: didn't see there was a thread https://famiboards.com/threads/dark-auction-hitler’s-estate-switch-pc-announced-by-rika-suzuki-hotel-dusk-and-izanagigames-coming-2024.7350/
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