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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST16 Jan 2023| Team Famuary Stays Winning

What are you looking forward to doing in 2023?

  • Playing video games

    Votes: 82 65.6%
  • Talking about video games

    Votes: 43 34.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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3 more weeks until Direct hype season kicks off in earnest!

  • Digs my 3DS out of retirement for old times' sake
  • Wonders if I should pick up some games I missed for it
  • People seem to like Kid Icarus, let's check ebay and see how much it co-
Yea, game prices on the secondary market are stupid and weird. Usually if the price is up 2x or more at this point it's usually due to a small print run. Like Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn is crazy stupid high for a game that only came out less than 4 years ago. But because it was one of the last 3DS games it probably got a small print run.

Meanwhile the Wii version is... $15


It's amazing how things change with times. 15 years ago my mom would say that I spent way too much time on the computer downloading shows and music off Limewire. Nowadays, she has like 3 iPads which she uses to watch her shows for "free".
I remember getting chided as a kid for spending "all my time" on game consoles or the computer and since tablets and mobile devices have been a thing... Every time I go to visit the family evenings basically devolve into everyone sitting on the phone or tablet reading Facebook, and my reaction is basically


I'll go as far and say not only were no women in the room, there also weren't any designers in the room.
The PS5 design is absolute trash in my book. At least PS2 - PS4 looked like hardware that belonged in your media cabinet.

You can google that, there's some pages that have listed every difference of the versions. (Gonna be a long read though!)

But the main difference is the damage system. Iirc, the US version deals damage based on the level you are and gets higher the more you progress through the game, while the japanese version has damage based on the enemy type. I think the JP version is considered easier due to that.

Though i hope i didn't mix that up. ^^ It's been years since i played them and i have yet to play them on the collection.
I think that's accurate. Pubs often made the US version harder due to the rental market, which didn't exist in JP, so that people couldn't rent a game and beat it in a weekend.

Also, IIRC, they emulated the special sound chip that Konami produced for CV3's JP version, so you'll have an enhanced version of the OST if you play it that way.
I bought my Switch 2.5 years ago and feel like I own too many Switch games. I purchased 11 physical Switch games and 11 digital Switch games so far, so 22 games in total. It might be worth saying that my Switch is my only console.

How many Switch games does everyone here have?
I've gone mostly digital for quite some time but even excluding free to play stuff and demos, I think I've reached about 250 Switch games in total.
@chocolate_supra @Pineapple @Raccoon @xghost777 @Intoxicate @Party Sklar @Bonejack @VolcanicDynamo

Just want to say thank you for your input and I'm glad that there is a discussion to be had. I'm hoping I tagged everyone I saw rather than make a massive block quote textbox. If I missed you, I am sorry; but fear not as I will be returning to these pages over the weekend while crafting my OP and with your blessing I may DM you directly if I can quote you from here

As a related question if anyone can answer (just because I don't make threads too often), is there a tag that's meant to encompass discussion of all consoles?

(@Plum I did get the notification on my phone you replied to me but I saw you edited your post before I could see it. I'm still genuinely curious on your thoughts if you want to share them via DM)

Don't have too many amiibo but had to pick this one up :)

Mine's in the mail too! I was a little disappointed there wasn't a P2 version like there was for Cloud's amiibo that I got back during Wii U, but it still feels surreal that this may very well be the last amiibo I could pick up for Smash Bros out of ~40 that I have (unless Sakurai comes back with Fighter Pass 3 haha jk...unless- 👀)
I bought my Switch 2.5 years ago and feel like I own too many Switch games. I purchased 11 physical Switch games and 11 digital Switch games so far, so 22 games in total. It might be worth saying that my Switch is my only console.

How many Switch games does everyone here have?
I think physically I own about 20 games (I've had the console since launch), but on digital I probably have another 80 or so (please no ask how many I've yet to actually start playing 🙃)
I bought my Switch 2.5 years ago and feel like I own too many Switch games. I purchased 11 physical Switch games and 11 digital Switch games so far, so 22 games in total. It might be worth saying that my Switch is my only console.

How many Switch games does everyone here have?
My Switch library is around 100 physical, mostly due to Squaresoft releases/imports and LRG releases for a handful of series/developers I’m interested in. It’s kinda turned into a storage problem 😓

I’ve a small number of digital only things.

Switch is probably my largest library at this point outside of PC.
Sometime today my Sephiroth and Kazuya amiibo will arrive at my doorstep to fill the void in my heart that has been growing since I last bought an amiibo.
I think I have 40 to 50 physical games and roughly twice that digitally on Switch, but I'd have to check that properly.
ehhhhh still not great but maybe a little better?

worked a full (remote) day for the first time since getting COVID — since Tuesday went straight to hell and I had to bail

still taking it easy but a little less overwhelming dread

but I’m watching closely for rebound COVID, which can hit back harder if you take paxlovid. no plans on toasting to survival until at least a week from now, and even then who knows which of my pre-existing issues will get that nebulous post-COVID boost

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I bought my Switch 2.5 years ago and feel like I own too many Switch games. I purchased 11 physical Switch games and 11 digital Switch games so far, so 22 games in total. It might be worth saying that my Switch is my only console.

How many Switch games does everyone here have?

Uhhh way too many
looks over at my wall of red
How many Switch games does everyone here have?

I own the Switch since launch. Started with physical games, but replaced them during a sale with its digital version pretty soon. The Switch is so portable and good for a quick gaming session that I didn’t want to bother carrying game cards with me.

I’m over 200 games. With 100 installed on SD (1TB, bought back when they were affordable, still have 400GB free).

I bought too many games during sales and should have skipped some (like the 1$ sales shit and the Mario Sports games). But all in all quite happy with the library so far.
I have 11 physical games and 36 digital games and have the thing since launch.
With 70 month lifetime I think 1 game every 2-3 month is far better then 3 games a month. We should also mention the amount of games in the backlog (i.e played less than 1h). Guess then I would also land in your range with my actual played games.
I bought my Switch 2.5 years ago and feel like I own too many Switch games. I purchased 11 physical Switch games and 11 digital Switch games so far, so 22 games in total. It might be worth saying that my Switch is my only console.

How many Switch games does everyone here have?

let me say that the switch was my first console in like 15 years when I picked it up in 2018

well, actually the used Wii U I snagged in 2017 while retailers were trying to make the whole thing vanish technically has that honor

let me also say that I truly had been able to play a couple games on the 2009 MacBook Pro I had at the time, but that was the exception

and I grew up moderately poor, so scarcity mindset is always bubbling in me

all this mashed together… the Switch was suddenly the first thing I could play a lot of things on, and the used Wii U had convinced me that I wanted to play more things

I enjoyed the like 15 games I had played from childhood into adulthood, and I always wanted to make videogames as a kid

so I decided it was “research” and I would play as many games as possible, gather games on eShop sales, enter contests to win games, try to procure an extra code if friends accidentally doubled-up, barter, etc etc etc

hoarding games to dig in and explore mechanics, determine my tastes, just explore, learn, and enjoy

and also for an inevitable return to poverty or global catastrophe… though I didn’t think COVID would hit so soon after!

so… with all that backstory, I’m gonna go count them, and even though I got a great, great many of them for free or cheap… I’ve probably sunk quite a chunk into this mess

I’m scared to count how many Switch games I own. Easily my biggest console library (nothing will ever beat my Steam library I suspect.)
If you're subscribed to NSO and have the console apps installed increase your Switch games total by ~200. Do not pass Go.

I know these don't count because we don't own them :-(
I bought my Switch 2.5 years ago and feel like I own too many Switch games. I purchased 11 physical Switch games and 11 digital Switch games so far, so 22 games in total. It might be worth saying that my Switch is my only console.

How many Switch games does everyone here have?
Guesstimating, around 20 phisical and 20-ish digital games.
My steam library is growing steadily too, around the 30 ish marker. And at this rate I will have more steam games than switch games. My switch and my gaming laptop have become my window into gaming and I love it.
Put in for five days off work when FFXVI comes out. If it gets delayed I’m going to be top tier annoyed.
I admittedly bought switch digital games that are priced at like 99 cents lower or max 1.99.

Just want to see why so cheap lol. So I have a inflated library. But take those out. And I still got a good chunk. Lots of 1party and ports. Lots and lots of JRPGs too
I probably have around 50 digital games and...12 or so physical games? The boxes are so slim that it looks like a small amount, but I know I'm surprised every time I go through them.
I think last time I said I was close to 150, which now is probably close to 180 now. I'm too lazy to check my digital downloads, cause that's where most of my games are now.

I have too many games and always want more.
I stopped counting Switch games I have after 300. It's probably over 400 at this point. I've played a lot but some are just in my backlog.
Hey guys so E3 is confirmed to be live this year right, If Nintendo goes do you think we can see the return of Smash Tournaments?
I really need to stop selling my soul for Nintendo Switch games

I only resell games when they meet two conditions:
1. They can be sold for close to what I paid for them.
2. Are games I wasn't interested in the first place. I never sell games that I loved and completed or plan to do so.

Therefore it's extremely rare that I sell games because if they drop in price quicly (third parties, for example) I barely see any returns so I don't see the point. Usually I'd get them on digital as well. On the other hand, for games that never drop in price (full price Nintendo 1st party games) I always have a blast with them, so it's rare that I resell them.

The last games I sold were doom 2016 and ARMS.
I had around 80 or so. Had more than 100 at one point but decided to sell a buncjh of them I was never going to play again, incluiding some limited editions when I realize I rarely use the things it came with and just uses a lot of space (like that big box of Valkyria Chronicles 4)
Watching longplays of Calculator (2023) for Nintendo Switch to wind down before bed
That's it.

I'm getting hot flashes and cold sweats.

I think I'm going to start having someone else administer my medication because otherwise I'm eventually left without it.

I have until 4 more days until I get my next refills so wish me luck, everyone.
The amount of games is one thing, for curiosity I just made a list including the money I spent on them. Then the 200 games relate to over 3000 bucks…. but then that’s only 25 a month, there are worse money sinks.
That's it.

I'm getting hot flashes and cold sweats.

I think I'm going to start having someone else administer my medication because otherwise I'm eventually left without it.

I have until 4 more days until I get my next refills so wish me luck, everyone.
Ugh. Again? I had this exact same issue with my previous provider. Switching made things much easier.
Ugh. Again? I had this exact same issue with my previous provider. Switching made things much easier.
You think I should?

Truth be told, it's my fault that I keep running out of the meds early; I keep over-taking them.

I know I shouldn't do it, but I have a stimulant addiction problem, apparently.
Is there a more perfect television show than 30 Rock?
doum doum doum doum doudoudoudoudoum

(It was a rendition of the theme from The Office (US))
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