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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST14 Nov 2022| Comfy And Easy To Wear

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I have failed to stop my little sister from buying Persona 5 Royal. Heavens help her through her exams.

Wait what? They're remaking Horizon Zero Dawn? For real?
Ayup. People thought it was a fake leak at first.

Can someone please explain to me why Sony remade TLOU1 and is remaking Horizon Zero Dawn instead of remaking the original God of War games? It makes no sense.
Man, I remember how Nintendo was always criticized for "not making new IP"

Turns out Sony is also willing to milk IP if they can get away with it. Who would have thought businesses like reliable sources of income?
I have failed to stop my little sister from buying Persona 5 Royal. Heavens help her through her exams.

Ayup. People thought it was a fake leak at first.

Man, I remember how Nintendo was always criticized for "not making new IP"

Turns out Sony is also willing to milk IP if they can get away with it. Who would have thought businesses like reliable sources of income?
I'm fine with milking IP as long as it makes sense from an outside perspective. Remaking a PS4 game that already has a PS5 patch is pointless. Remaking a PS3 game that already has a PS4 update is pointless too. However, a remake of some old games? That makes sense to me. Uncharted 1/2, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, God of War? Bring it on.
I'm fine with milking IP as long as it makes sense from an outside perspective.
Hell, I'm curious what the inside perspective is. They have to have some reason they think an H:ZD remake for PS5 is gonna make them money. The common theory is that it's supposed to line up with some TV deal or something.

um, have you seen the original god of war games?

you might as well ask why bethesda won't remake fallout 1
Uh, Link's Awakening? Resident Evil 2? Games get remakes a lot.
They should remake both and update them. That's the whole point of a remake lol. Not whatever Sony is doing right now.
why contort an old game into something completely different? you may as well make a new game, which is better and more interesting anyway
I think they could remake the original God of War games but Sony would likely do significant rewrites of Kratos' character and remove certainly gameplay elements like the sex minigame.
I'd argue that nuGoW works in part because of how it rejects certain aspects of oldGoW. Aspects that they'd change if they were to "modernize" the old games.
Can someone please explain to me why Sony remade TLOU1 and is remaking Horizon Zero Dawn instead of remaking the original God of War games? It makes no sense.
Sure, I can explain this! TLOU1 and Horizon Zero Dawn are games where a lot of the work (writing, acting, design, level layouts, encounter design, programming, etc) is already done. In a game studio, you write, design, layout levels, create encounters, etc first before getting into the modelling, texturing, animation, etc, because that way you don’t waste resources and budget just making stuff that‘s gonna get cut later. Stuff obviously still gets cut but it minimizes wasted work.

Pre-production on games takes a LONG time. It takes a long time to write a script, record voices, storyboard, figure out narrative flow, etc. In the meantime, you’ve got a team of animators, modellers, riggers, texture artists, programmers, etc, sitting around not doing anything. Previous game is shipped, next game’s in pre-pro, what do you do with your staff?

The old mentality (not that old, honestly, this was the case like 2-3 years ago) was “lay ‘em off, bring ‘em back when there’s work” but let me tell you, the job market for digital artists is red hot right now. There’s a metric ton of demand for animators, artists, etc, and studios are struggling to retain talent. So it’s REALLY in their best interest to keep as much of their art staff on payroll as possible, but you want to keep them busy while the next game’s in pre-pro. So what do you do? Hand them a project where the vast majority of the work required is new art generation. Barely any, if any at all, script changes, design tweaks, etc. Neil Druckman can be 100% hands off of Last of Us 1 Remake while he works on whatever’s next.

Now, why aren‘t they doing the original God of War games? Easy: Those games would require ground-up redoing. Those would be full projects, not the little make-work projects the TLOU/HZD remakes would be. It’s way cheaper for them to simply port those games over in a PS Classics context than to remake them.

Hope that helps!
Old God of War, starring the young God of War
New God of War, starring the old God of War

In an ideal world, Sony would simply make all the classic GoW games available on PS4/5 as they are. 1 and 2 already have an HD version on PS3, iirc. Same goes for the PSP games. 3 has been remastered for PS4 and looks perfectly fine.

Just port them to PS4 and you're golden.
I gotta say coming up with semi plausible pseudoscientific explanations for weird magic stuff in fantasy games can be a really fun exercise.

I have a floating island with a lake on the bottom surface and the island is floating because the liquid in the lake responds negatively to the force of gravity cause of quarks or dark matter or some bullshit. But the liquid is slowly dripping up into space, what's gonna happen when it all drains away?
They should remake both and update them. That's the whole point of a remake lol. Not whatever Sony is doing right now.
I just want to be able to play them on something newer than my Vita/PSTV lol. Don’t care if they look or play any better
You know what Sony game should get a remake, but it will never happen in a million, billion years, because it doesn't fit the image of New Sony one bit?

Legend of Dragoon

If only Japan Studio were still a thing, and if only Sony weren't such fucking cowards.

You had your chance on April 2nd of this year, before I bought the site back from Wario when he plummeted its value to five bucks.
What, you mean it's a good game? 👀
Basically just don't post short comments
Sure, I can explain this! TLOU1 and Horizon Zero Dawn are games where a lot of the work (writing, acting, design, level layouts, encounter design, programming, etc) is already done. In a game studio, you write, design, layout levels, create encounters, etc first before getting into the modelling, texturing, animation, etc, because that way you don’t waste resources and budget just making stuff that‘s gonna get cut later. Stuff obviously still gets cut but it minimizes wasted work.

Pre-production on games takes a LONG time. It takes a long time to write a script, record voices, storyboard, figure out narrative flow, etc. In the meantime, you’ve got a team of animators, modellers, riggers, texture artists, programmers, etc, sitting around not doing anything. Previous game is shipped, next game’s in pre-pro, what do you do with your staff?

The old mentality (not that old, honestly, this was the case like 2-3 years ago) was “lay ‘em off, bring ‘em back when there’s work” but let me tell you, the job market for digital artists is red hot right now. There’s a metric ton of demand for animators, artists, etc, and studios are struggling to retain talent. So it’s REALLY in their best interest to keep as much of their art staff on payroll as possible, but you want to keep them busy while the next game’s in pre-pro. So what do you do? Hand them a project where the vast majority of the work required is new art generation. Barely any, if any at all, script changes, design tweaks, etc. Neil Druckman can be 100% hands off of Last of Us 1 Remake while he works on whatever’s next.

Now, why aren‘t they doing the original God of War games? Easy: Those games would require ground-up redoing. Those would be full projects, not the little make-work projects the TLOU/HZD remakes would be. It’s way cheaper for them to simply port those games over in a PS Classics context than to remake them.

Hope that helps!

I just got home, excited to play God of War, and I found out I'd had it sent to my old address 😩😩😩
Update on this: I literally went to my old address to pick it up lmao
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I was going to write up a thread explaining how Famicoins are earned but the mystery is fun.

Basically just don't post short comments and post threads. Also where you post matters, too..... : 0
Now that Famicoins are a thing (and now that I've seemed to earn more of them), I'm curious to see how they will be put to use. It's fun to see the number tick up, but I was intrigued by the mentions of being able to spend them for forum stuff, assuming that's still on the table.
Seriously though, I guess if an object has negative mass (should such a thing exist) then it would respond negatively to gravity. So a lake full of liquid that has negative mass could conceivably hold up a floating island in the sky?

Also I have a really really dumb explanation for how magical/mythical creatures came about and it has to do with a magic (a force in the world that is also explained semi-pseudoscientifically) experiment at a university going haywire and causing, for a brief moment, all people's thoughts/dreams/memories/stories all throughout the world to come to life either by physically manifesting from nothing or altering existing objects. I'm calling the event "The Amalgam Anomaly" but that may change.

I'm telling you all this because I'm growing increasingly concerned that I may not be able to finish my game in which all of this would be included, and even if I do finish the game I'm trying really hard not to jam lore into the player's face so it might be something you'd need to seek out from an NPC or book or something. I want to get back into it but the thought of waiting for this stupid laptop to load up UE4 then take another 10 minutes to load a level is just giving me so much anxiety. I need a new computer.

Also one more tidbit I'll share now in the hopes of getting some imaginary fami currency is that this game
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Now that Famicoins are a thing (and now that I've seemed to earn more of them), I'm curious to see how they will be put to use. It's fun to see the number tick up, but I was intrigued by the mentions of being able to spend them for forum stuff, assuming that's still on the table.

It’s absolutely a possibility! However, we want to make sure that Famicoin has a positive impact and makes Famiboards a more fun and engaging place for the community, so we want to roll experimental features like this one out carefully, see what works and what doesn’t, and gauge community feedback as we go.
It’s absolutely a possibility! However, we want to make sure that Famicoin has a positive impact and makes Famiboards a more fun and engaging place for the community, so we want to roll experimental features like this one out carefully, see what works and what doesn’t, and gauge community feedback as we go.
Definitely good not to rush things out. I'll be patient and wait until it's all done!
Oh studio ghibli is doing the howard the duck remake, nice
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