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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST2| Fami's Summer Gameguess

When will the next Direct air?

  • It's going to be in May! cHaOs!

    Votes: 11 4.3%
  • Patterns, man. 14th of June, 2022. The usual.

    Votes: 211 81.8%
  • Nintendo will be weird again, early July.

    Votes: 23 8.9%
  • Nintendo's Twitter Direct's will be the norm, Septermber 2022.

    Votes: 6 2.3%
  • Geoff the Summerman will add it to Summer Gamefest

    Votes: 7 2.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I don't understand how one reads that tweet and the take away is, "So plans are going to change?"
People see what the want to see in everything. And the thing they want right now is “literally any new information.” So if you say something that is ostensibly nothing, they are going to try to extrapolate something from it. Best to ignore people with… let’s call it “poor reading comprehension.”
Honestly, at this point I think it's best to just assume September for the next general Direct/major presentation in order to avoid anger and disappointment. And if something else (after this mini) happens prior, well then that's great!
Btw is everyone prepared for all the YouTubers and gaming blogs and stuff to have batshit hilarious headlines tomorrow as they try to decipher what Hennessy has to do with new hardware? 🤣
Btw I'm over here making booze jokes over the henny mentions but I'd like to point out I'm just joshing. I'm sure we all enjoy responsibly and am not trying to suggest otherwise.
Morning all.

I've been sleeping and mulling it all over during the night.

It is what it is, right?

Yes, I do not enjoy Partners much, but still. Nintendo does what they want, and facing these kinds of things is part of being a Nintendo fan. And I guess I'm along for the ride.

Though the wait will be long and tough: Can't wait for September!
I remember semi following the Switch Force guy years ago when he was just a harmless lets player who would often spoil shit in his thumbnails.

His clickbaity nature has obviously evolved immensely since then.
this is very silly of me after my premature victory lap earlier, but I have shifted my expectations to a normal mini that has some first party odds and ends (switch sports update, mario kart wave 2, etc)
Unless Nintendo specifically has a plan for first party stuff in the next month t (be it a general, some special presentation, or simply Twitter drops), that feels like the most logical conclusion yeah
Morning all.

I've been sleeping and mulling it all over during the night.

It is what it is, right?

Yes, I do not enjoy Partners much, but still. Nintendo does what they want, and facing these kinds of things is part of being a Nintendo fan. And I guess I'm along for the ride.

Though the wait will be long and tough: Can't wait for September!
At the end of the day it is what it is, Irene. Nothing we can do about it. Just go along and see how things unfold. Everything is all good and the possible September Direct is 2.5 months away.
Morning all.

I've been sleeping and mulling it all over during the night.

It is what it is, right?

Yes, I do not enjoy Partners much, but still. Nintendo does what they want, and facing these kinds of things is part of being a Nintendo fan. And I guess I'm along for the ride.

Though the wait will be long and tough: Can't wait for September!
Question is:
Does your backlog challenge extend until we get a general Direct? 👀
I remember semi following the Switch Force guy years ago when he was just a harmless lets player who would often spoil shit in his thumbnails.

His clickbaity nature has obviously evolved immensely since then.
He used to collaborate with this guy (Gabe) and the stuff they put out was a lot more interesting than the garbage he produces now.
Thinking about Prime’s music, I wonder if they’ll touch it for the remaster. Part of me wants them to, part of me doesnt

But y’all, I’m so excited for Prime to renter the public conscious. The HD remaster will force the gaming media to talk about. Like retrospectives on how well it’s aged, and just a general greater appreciation for it is coming. I think it’s really gonna take the series through a renaissance, and it’s so deserved.

It’s gonna feel surreal to see active discussion surrounding it. It feels like ever since I played it in 2014 and it became my GOAT, I’ve been in kind of a bubble despite knowing the game is acclaimed.

I hope the marketing campaign is full of love and appreciation from Nintendo’s end as well. This is a pretty big deal.
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