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News Nintendo Direct announced for June 21 (40 minutes long, focused on games releasing this year, 7AM Pacific, 10AM Eastern, 4PM Central European)

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I don’t get this thinking.
They said they weren’t expecting a Direct. They got proven wrong, so I wouldn’t put too much attention in their words. They’re just content creators.

It’s either switch only or some enhanced version for Switch 2.
It’ll be crossgen. People need to cement it to their minds that the Switch 2 might not have exclusive software during its first two years. Nintendo has said that they want a smooth transition into next gen. If anything, they might release an Evergreen worthy game exclusively.

Good morning. Welcome on board flight 21062023. This is Captain LukasManak speaking and I have some information about our flight. Our flight time today will be 2 hours and our estimated time of arrival in Kyoto, Japan is 23PM JST local time. The weather in our route is good. The temperature at our destination is now 23 degrees Celsius, with some rain. We wish you a pleasant flight and we hope to see you again soon. On behalf of all from Team June crew, thank you for choosing our company as your airline today.

I swear, you have a Nintendo related pic for every occasion xD
Yeah I dont think a direct has ever been 100% fully leaked before there is always that one surprise game that's never mentioned before
I think that one direct during the 3DS era was leaked fully, nobody believed it though because it was one of those "badly photographed screen"-leaks
Good morning. Welcome on board flight 21062023. This is Captain LukasManak speaking and I have some information about our flight. Our flight time today will be 2 hours and our estimated time of arrival in Kyoto, Japan is 23PM JST local time. The weather in our route is good. The temperature at our destination is now 23 degrees Celsius, with some rain. We wish you a pleasant flight and we hope to see you again soon. On behalf of all from Team June crew, thank you for choosing our company as your airline today.


I can't understate how much I wish it was 23c. It's 33c according to a outside thermometer my neighbour has, in the shade, and it's slowly crawling up. I feel like I'm in a furnace.
I hope we get more Fire Emblem.

It’s what all Nintendo fans want base off the comments in social media. Yup. All want Fire Emblem. No lies.
Did anyone else enter to participate in the Mortal Kombat 1 stress test this weekend? Hoping for a sweet direct followed by getting a test code today 🤞
The Return of 2D Nintendo:

  • New 2D Metroid after 19 years
  • New 2D Mario after 10 years
  • New 2D Zelda after 10 years
  • New 2D DK after 9 years
  • Miyamoto transformed into a 2D person
  • Your Switch is now 2D
  • You lose your Switch because unless it's viewed from the front or back it's just a line segment imperceptible to the human eye
The Return of 2D Nintendo:

  • New 2D Metroid after 19 years
  • New 2D Mario after 10 years
  • New 2D Zelda after 10 years
  • New 2D DK after 9 years
  • Miyamoto transformed into a 2D person
  • Your Switch is now 2D
  • You lose your Switch because unless it's viewed from the front or back it's just a line segment imperceptible to the human eye
Remember when people complained the Wii U had too many 2D games from Nintendo? Nintendo took that to heart
I have to admit that I don't really feel like Direct is coming in less than 2 hours. It feels absolutely unreal. When Grubb said it's July I still believed but I have to admit that for few minutes I was like "Why we can't have nice things?".
one of these people is in the Direct

  • Koizumi (basically confirmed, he is the guide).
  • Tezuka (maybe, but I don't think so).
  • Miyamoto (97% of chance happening, they know that this Direct is watched by millions and showing Miyamoto's face along with Pikmin works great. I would love to see Hino (Director) but it is what it is.)
  • Tanabe (MP4 is lock in this Direct, will Tanabe show up? 80% of happening, if he has something more to say, like Aonuma always does as a Zelda series producer.)
Getting excited now. I don’t have many expectations - I just hope there’s some things I like in there.

The dream is some sort of Animal Crossing game. Too early for a full game but a GameCube remake / Party game would do me nicely. Interested to see what an original Switch 2D Mario looks like too.

Also love a shadowdrop so here’s hoping there’s one even if it’s a demo or something.
I definitely hope they "flesh out" the 2D games some more with stuff like costumes like you said, or unlockable characters, achievements/challenges, versus modes, more movement options, just naming a few things.
a metroidvania 2D Mario would be a imtereting take for the next 2D Mario
Really pulling for some Prime 4 stuff today. Hoping we see something that's visually comparable to the Prime 1 remaster, but with some more modern gunplay and some absolutely sick environments.
Opener: Mario 2D
“How’s It Going so far?”: Aonuma thanks everyone for TOTK reception and shows a sneak peak of DLC
Closer: Metroid Prime 4

Wildcard appearance:
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The post-match analysis of leakers and gotchas over who was right to doubt/believe rumours does not need hostility. Please treat other members with kindness.

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