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News Nintendo Direct announced for June 21 (40 minutes long, focused on games releasing this year, 7AM Pacific, 10AM Eastern, 4PM Central European)

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It excites me that there may be another Mario Party coming for the Switch. This would be the first time since the GameCube that a Nintendo console would get three Mario Parties on one console.
I’d be excited too, but would definitely preferred if they had a “Mario Party Ultimate” type game and every year or two would be a DLC pack for new boards and mini games instead of having to keep buying new Mario Party
I forgot to mention it in my prior post, but if when Mother 3 is localized and dropped on NSO, I can see that getting a spotlight segment to itself.
I believe we wont see much of mp4, if it does happen. A few landscape shots, maybe some cryptic dialogue, some music, a shot of samus (and sylux, perhaps) and the game's actual title. Very teaser.

The actual trailer will be saved for the next console's presentation.
They really have to show more. Its 6 years, 4 since reboot. Its either: were almost there (blowout trailer, release <6M) or theres an end in sight (a solid teaser with actual gameplay, but not yet showing the main gimick (kinda like the first Odyssey trailer) and a launch <12M)

Anything less is just pointless. If its a cross gen game, and they don't have enough to show, then better not show it and treat it as a BotW: yeah, its also coming to the base switch...but you don't REALLY want to play it on the base console...

Not feeling very confident in this one. Looks like Nintendo is trying to bury it by dropping it at the same time as Final Fantasy reviews.
Or Square was not budging for nintendos requests (FF7R port, etc) and now nintendo is taking revenge by burying FF16 with a direct =P /s
Any of those would be good, and I had Super Mario titles for NSO on my predictions list, but I'm not sure at this point.

I definitely wouldn't expect further consoles. They've barely got going with GB on the base tier, and are drawing the releases out with that, and GBA is alternating with N64 on the Expansion Pack tier, further drawing out those two software libraries. Nintendo look to be in it for the long haul with this subscription service and so anything they add now is just content they could use later on, when their options are thinner. There's been a minimum gap of 1 year between consoles being added, so I really don't see Nintendo going 4 months from GB/GBA to the next addition.

A localisation of Binding Blade would be neat and a potentially easy win for Nintendo with fans, sure. I think something lower key like that is more likely today.
Honestly, the trickle was the reason i just stopped caring. over the time span they announced NSO with games, new platforms and games came so slow in, that it was just MORE convenient for me to fetch my old consoles, and just play it on original hardware. (in my defense, its mostly GB, GBA and SP, so that was rather easy after picking it from storage and adapting to the smaller screen and controls, and N64 was also not that hard). Now that i replayed most of the games i was interested in over the pandemic, i just dont think that the service can ever come into a place where i would want another year.


I honestly think that it will be really DLC and Remaster/Remake heavy. Pokemon, Splatoon, Pikmin (?), Zelda (? honestly not so sure), NSO, Mario Kart. Kinda "you still have stuff to play till Switch 2, but don't expect to many big new games)
What’s everyone’s 3 wishes for 2D Mario?

1. Stylised, distinct artstyle, kind of how some levels in NSMBU had a Van Gogh look.

2. Interconnected and intricate world map with lots of secret stages tucked away.

3. Some never before seen gameplay gimmick.
I honestly couldnt really say 3 wishes. My interest in 2d Mario is at an all time low by now (besides Mario Maker!) So what i would need from a new 2d Mario would be really something new.

Like 3d Marios always offered something completly new. Mario Odyssey doesnt feel like Galaxy. Galaxy didnt feel like 64 or Sunshine. But 2d Mario honestly pretty much always felt the same.

So yeah i would hope for some crazy new ideas that really bring 2d Mario to the next Level.
If the Switch 2 is indeed coming soon I could see them mentioning something about it in this Direct. Something like "we're preparing to move towards our next system, so stay tuned!".
At this point Pyoro has so over extended themselves that the collective internet will have to do a "not worthy" bow if they nail everything, or demand a tar and feather for their treachery.
It might be a good idea for this person to stop because it’s like they’re trying to tell us everything in the direct. You only need to do a couple of leaks and that’s good enough. Saying 2D Mario and title with Wonder gives you cred if it ends up real
At this point Pyoro has so over extended themselves that the collective internet will have to do a "not worthy" bow if they nail everything, or demand a tar and feather for their treachery.
I’m so happy I’ve been staying out of this thread. Gonna feel like Winter Holiday Morning in 2.5 hours, and I haven’t tried searching for the boxes.
With the way they're posting it's a surprise they didn't just blatantly reveal more details about the games if he does really know about them.
Well, big kudoes to team June. I really didn't think it was happening. Hope you guys will get what you want!

From a personal interest standpoint though, my hype level are extremely low for this direct. Xenoblade, Fire Emblem and Atelier are my favorite franchises, and they've all had a fantastic new entry in the last year plus all their DLC completed. I'm really not complaining about having got what I wanted and I have a year worth of good backlog games to play so it's perfectly fine if nothing that interests me is announced in this direct. There's the Fire Emblem 4 remake rumor and Atelier is normally a yearly series, but today is too early for either.

Maybe next direct? But for this one, I think it's the first time I can remember where there's no "possible" stuff that has a chance of interesting me. Sure, it's not 100% impossible to get something completely out of left field like Xenoblade Warriors or Astral Chain 2, but y'know... Well, I'll still watch the Direct and be happy for anyone who gets the games they want from it!
It might be a good idea for this person to stop because it’s like they’re trying to tell us everything in the direct. You only need to do a couple of leaks and that’s good enough. Saying 2D Mario and title with Wonder gives you cred if it ends up real
It's also the case of if you have the full direct or a bunch of the announcements, just do single list tweet

New 2D Mario
Mario RPG Remake
MGS Collection
Detective Pikachu 2

Get in, drop the gigaton bomb, get out. The 48 hour circus, even if your info is 100% accurate, makes it come across more as an ego thing for attention then a genuine desire to leak info.
I'd love a Bayo 3 DLC announcement, even though its incredibly unlikely.
That or some sort of new Ring Fit game or expansion, even more unlikely but its my most played switch title and i'll be sad when I finally finish it.
I’m so happy I’ve been staying out of this thread. Gonna feel like Winter Holiday Morning in 2.5 hours, and I haven’t tried searching for the boxes.

I followed until the confirmation of the date, that's all
I barely read anything online since yesterday rumors started appearing lol
I vastly prefer this way, and the Direct will be way more enjoyable imho
It’s more weird to hear that from someone who WORKED at Nintendo and Nintendo has never done that the entire time she worked there. Announce a game and multiple times reiterate its coming to that system only to make it exclusive to the next.
I think they also said no direct in June? It seems they know less about Nintendo and what Nintendo would do than most lol
Maybe Krysta didn't quit Nintendo after all.

Perhaps she suggested to Doug Bowser that they release MP4 on next gen only and he told her to get the hell out of here.
What’s everyone’s 3 wishes for 2D Mario?

1. Stylised, distinct artstyle, kind of how some levels in NSMBU had a Van Gogh look.

2. Interconnected and intricate world map with lots of secret stages tucked away.

3. Some never before seen gameplay gimmick.
1. same, but add to that that i want new artstyle AND theming, and not just one or the other. both areas where dragged on for to long and need a fresh take.

2. great worldmap with maybe multiple endings depending on how much was completed and what rout was taken?

3. Great central Gimmick or power ups, that really feel fresh. and have slight puzzle solving or alternate routes / levels that need those, so that it feels like an integral part to the game, not just a "take it or leave it" element.
2. A wide variety of new power ups. I know this is probably a given, but it's been a while since we had brand new suits and items added to the Mario arsenal. Go wild with some new concepts.
well we had the squirel suite... (still confused, why that was a new power up when it felt like kind of a mix between tanooki and cape)
Admittedly yesterday when the name 'Super Mario Wonderland' starter floating around online, it didn't immediately click with me. But now I've gotten used to it and i kind of like it! I wonder if that will be the name?

Also, i don't really have any specific hopes and dreams for the new 2D Mario. I just want it to be a colorful fun adventure. It should probably be 60fps though. And a little innovation and distinctiveness wouldn't hurt.
well we had the squirel suite... (still confused, why that was a new power up when it felt like kind of a mix between tanooki and cape)
Even then the flying squirrel suit was 11 years ago. The cat suit in 3D World was 10 years ago. Since Odyssey opted for captures instead of power-ups, we've been severely lacking in new items and suits for a decade.
What’s everyone’s 3 wishes for 2D Mario?

1. Stylised, distinct artstyle, kind of how some levels in NSMBU had a Van Gogh look.

2. Interconnected and intricate world map with lots of secret stages tucked away.

3. Some never before seen gameplay gimmick.
Beyond what you said:

1. Levels that buck the traditional Grassland, Desert, Ice world patterns.

2. Interactivity with the foreground and background of the levels.

3. Non-Bowser/Koopa Kid antagonists.
Even then the flying squirrel suit was 11 years ago. The cat suit in 3D World was 10 years ago. Since Odyssey opted for captures instead of power-ups, we've been severely lacking in new items and suits for a decade.
I'm always reminded of Yahtzee's review of Galaxy 2 where he said something like "Mario's new powers involve turning into a rock and a cloud, something I imagine came about when someone looked out a window during a brain storming session".
Beyond what you said:

1. Levels that buck the traditional Grassland, Desert, Ice world patterns.

2. Interactivity with the foreground and background of the levels.

3. Non-Bowser/Koopa Kid antagonists.

Great points, I really agree, especially with your 1. That stuff is getting really dated. The distinct levels and themes that some 3D World levels brought to the table were great. Give us a whole world based upon a circus aesthetic, or a gold/silver one.
Even then the flying squirrel suit was 11 years ago. The cat suit in 3D World was 10 years ago. Since Odyssey opted for captures instead of power-ups, we've been severely lacking in new items and suits for a decade.
Oh i was not defending it. It was a weak addition, the weird amibo mushroom was also more a Maker feature then a real Mario Powerup.

But the mainline series did add at least 1 power up with every entry. (Just to be pedantic), the quality of those is a different discussion, and while Mario World was fine, the Squirrel was just plain boring and they need to add something really great this time. The squirrel felt like they where to afraid to have a power up that changes the gameplay to much, making the leveldesign less universal.

(BTW, i think many of those transformations with cappy can be seen functionally as full power ups, while others are really situational.
Functional: Glydon, Fire&Hammer Bros, CheepCheep, situational: bolders, manhole covers, trees,uproot)
Good morning. Welcome on board flight 21062023. This is Captain LukasManak speaking and I have some information about our flight. Our flight time today will be 2 hours and our estimated time of arrival in Kyoto, Japan is 23PM JST local time. The weather in our route is good. The temperature at our destination is now 23 degrees Celsius, with some rain. We wish you a pleasant flight and we hope to see you again soon. On behalf of all from Team June crew, thank you for choosing our company as your airline today.

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The post-match analysis of leakers and gotchas over who was right to doubt/believe rumours does not need hostility. Please treat other members with kindness.

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