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StarTopic Metroid |ST| Praise The Process

Metroid Prime 4 in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

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I wonder when Grubb got this info. Some folks think Prime 4 is a cross gen game or next gen exclusive, meaning it might have also been delayed into 2025.
That's my estimate too. Switch 2 being delayed = Prime 4 being delayed as well. And I think Nintendo isn't going to release MP4 on Switch 1 then again on Switch 2 on different dates.

Jeff Grubb said the same person who told him about the Epic Mickey remake said Metroid Prime 4 is out this year.

Metroid Prime 4 this year? could Metroid Prime 4 be one of the holiday season games for Nintendo Switch this year? just like Metroid Dread, was one of the holiday season games for Nintendo Switch in 2021?, octobre release for Metroid Prime 4?
Playing Virtual Boy Wario Land on 3DS made me think - would a Virtual Boy Metroid have worked?

After all, R&D1 was the team behind the Virtual Boy itself, behind Wario Land, and behind Metroid. Had the Virtual Boy not been a colossal failure, they would have at least prototyped it. Moreover, in that timeframe, Sakamoto's team was at the height of its prestige, after Super Metroid and right before the SNES remake of The Girl Who Stands Behind (arguably, Sakamoto's career-defining games).

Metroid II already showed that Black & White hardware limitations could work in favour of Metroid. So let's play this game -- instead of retrofitting Super Metroid (or another traditional Metroid) game into the Virtual Boy, we try to imagine a game making the best of the VB strengths, like Return of Samus did for the Game Boy's.

Obviously, 3D could have been used to give "depth" to the rooms - the same game screen could contain multiple rooms at different levels of depth. The horizontal screen would have also given players a greater FoV. The hypothetical game could also have had a Space Station (Ceres?) constantly under attack, either by aliens or a proto SA-X, leading to periodical "Red Alarms" (like the eponymous VB game), with enemies attacking Samus from the sides (leveraging the horizontal screen), from the front, or from behind (leveraging the 3D).

Finally, Wario Land made me really appreciate how powerful the Virtual Boy is, at least compared to the Game Boy. Wario Land had some great detailed sprites, and no doubt Samus & Co. would have been marvellous as well.
Yeah I agree.
Watching the Metroid Series Retrospective (a 6hr long breakdown of the series) and it's amazing how at every turn Nintendo producers managed to include some awful design choices in the series that hindered many games.
I watched the video last week a little bit every night, and I’m absolutely amazed I don’t know what to say.

Imagine: you produce a 6h video that requires a huge amount of work, a huge amount of research and a huge passion.

And it’s all ruined because you can’t help but be Arlo about Tanabe and spend your time explaining that because Nintendo, in such a grotesque way, ethnocentric and childish that it ends up questioning the relevance and reliability of all the rest of the information you present, when it took a very significant effort and the work is probably good elsewhere.

I am absolutely fascinated by the propensity of Nintendo’s Western fandom to think that they have lessons to give to people who have created franchises that please the West. Because they know better. Because, you know, Nintendo behaves too Japanese or something. Because in reality, that’s what this type of speech means.

Dreaming of a Samus toy in our cereal pack while watching our Saturday morning cartoons when we were 10 does not allow us to give level design lessons to Tanabe, damn it.
I watched the video last week a little bit every night, and I’m absolutely amazed I don’t know what to say.

Imagine: you produce a 6h video that requires a huge amount of work, a huge amount of research and a huge passion.

And it’s all ruined because you can’t help but be Arlo about Tanabe and spend your time explaining that because Nintendo, in such a grotesque way, ethnocentric and childish that it ends up questioning the relevance and reliability of all the rest of the information you present, when it took a very significant effort and the work is probably good elsewhere.

I am absolutely fascinated by the propensity of Nintendo’s Western fandom to think that they have lessons to give to people who have created franchises that please the West. Because they know better. Because, you know, Nintendo behaves too Japanese or something. Because in reality, that’s what this type of speech means.

Dreaming of a Samus toy in our cereal pack while watching our Saturday morning cartoons when we were 10 does not allow us to give level design lessons to Tanabe, damn it.
This reminds me of Windwaker discourse when the game was released on GameCube and how many fans were unbelievable mad that the game used a so called ,,kiddie art style’’.

But I personally think Metroid games are probably one of the best design games that Nintendo has to offer. But criticisms are always welcome no doubt.
This reminds me of Windwaker discourse when the game was released on GameCube and how many fans were unbelievable mad that the game used a so called ,,kiddie art style’’.

But I personally think Metroid games are probably one of the best design games that Nintendo has to offer. But criticisms are always welcome no doubt.
It’s always good to criticize. And it’s very interesting to explain why you appreciate or don’t appreciate this or that part of a work.

Unfortunately, that’s not what this video does. Instead of concretely discussing elements that he does not like in this or that game, the author of this video is content to heavily insist on a fanfiction factually inaccurate, and explicitly contradicted by former developers of Retro studios themselves.

It’s exactly the same as the video about Aonuma. You can totally disagree with what Aonuma said about the future of the Zelda series. I personally disagree.

It is not the same to explain this disagreement as to explain that any Western fan knows video games better than professional developers. Kensuke Tanabe was working on exceptional video games probably before the author of this 6h video was born. We can say that we do not like certain things, we cannot say that we know things better than people whose job it is. And we can say even less when we rely on inaccurate facts and lies.
pressed reply too early

Who would win in a fight


Yes I'm expecting to get triggered
pressed reply too early

Who would win in a fight


Yes I'm expecting to get triggered
Damn, no rules, stipulations, or settings?

This is hard. They're more similar than one would think at first. I don't think Samus can do anything that would put Dante down for good, but I also don't think Dante would be able to deal with someone whose arsenal and abilities just as versatile as his. I would give it to Samus purely based on the fact that she fights monsters (aliens, technically) similar enough to his, but he's not fought a spacehead before.
I don't know enough about Dante to provide any sort of informed opinion, but isn't he like 45 and still a cocky edgelord? Giving this one to Samus based on that alone.
Hm, it depends on what you mean but I wouldn't really say so. His character is less punk and more comedian, like a loveable grandpa, like Deadpool if he was actually funny. But being an edgelord isn't really part of his character, except for maybe DMC3 which is a prequel where he's like 20. He's more like a dork honestly.
Hm, it depends on what you mean but I wouldn't really say so. His character is less punk and more comedian, like a loveable grandpa, like Deadpool if he was actually funny. But being an edgelord isn't really part of his character, except for maybe DMC3 which is a prequel where he's like 20. He's more like a dork honestly.
I'm pleasantly surprised. That sounds way better than I imagined. I've never played a DMC game before, so my only exposure to the character is... having played as him in Viewtiful Joe, lmao. I've been thinking about picking up DMC5.
I'm pleasantly surprised. That sounds way better than I imagined. I've never played a DMC game before, so my only exposure to the character is... having played as him in Viewtiful Joe, lmao. I've been thinking about picking up DMC5.
The only edgelord Dante, or edgelord-adjacent, is the comically bad DmC reboot Dante.
I'm pleasantly surprised. That sounds way better than I imagined. I've never played a DMC game before, so my only exposure to the character is... having played as him in Viewtiful Joe, lmao. I've been thinking about picking up DMC5.
The character is inoffensive enough. The VA is a weapons grade pisspot.
Close fight but Samus victors over Dante.

Sooooo. Do how are we feeling about Grub's prediction about the Prime 4 marketing pushing starting in May. And how about the Nintentubers predicting a Metroid Direct?

Sounds too good to be true honestly, but anything can happen. We'll see what The Process has in store for us in the coming weeks and months.
I'm pleasantly surprised. That sounds way better than I imagined. I've never played a DMC game before, so my only exposure to the character is... having played as him in Viewtiful Joe, lmao. I've been thinking about picking up DMC5.
Get it. DMC5 is a top game for me. Peak combat system. I almost jokingly recommended it when we were talking about Rebirth. Just maybe watch a recap of the story if you're starting with 5. Actually I think the game comes with a recap, but I can't remember if it's good.

Sooooo. Do how are we feeling about Grub's prediction about the Prime 4 marketing pushing starting in May. And how about the Nintentubers predicting a Metroid Direct?
I don't want to be that guy, but I'm starting to think there's not much point in releasing Metroid Prime 4 before the Switch 2 ....
Soooo. Do how are we feeling about Grub's prediction about the Prime 4 marketing pushing starting in May
tbh I think people have sorta run away with a game of telephone and made Grubb's statements sound more concrete than they really were; all Grubb said was that sometime last year, he was told that the plan was to have assets (as in, the stuff you'd need for a trailer/re-reveal) prepared by May, and that the source that gave him that info had also told him about the Epic Mickey remaster, so the latter being real made him somewhat more confident that Prime 4 could come out this year

When other outlets picked up the story, the reporting somehow turned into "Jeff Grubb says Metroid blowout in May definitely happening"

Grubb made clear that something being the plan as of last year doesn't mean it's necessarily still the plan now, and he also pointed out that having marketing materials ready by May isn't the same as intending to kick off a marketing campaign in May

As always, let me tell you exactly what I know.
First, I don't know if the game is coming out this year. I do not know. As in I'm saying that I don't know, and if you agree I don't know, I won't be mad. But as of LAST YEAR, N was looking to get assets by May of this year. Those assets would likely include a CG trailer and possibly a gameplay trailer. Everything about this could've changed since I was last updated. And having assets in hand by May doesn't mean something happens in May. OK. Now you know everything I know. Feel free to ignore me.

Personally, right now I think the likeliest scenario is that if Prime 4 really is coming out this year, we'll hear about it in a June direct. So basically the same playbook they used for Dread
I dunno who this is
Reuben Langdon is the voice and mocap actor for Dante from Devil May Cry. He's been heavily involved in Capcom's projects in general, having also played Ken from Street Fighter, done the mocap for Chris in Resident Evil 5, and a bunch more stuff. Hard to know where to begin when it comes to the issues themselves, but he's been openly anti-vax, pro-January 6th, gone to bat for Gina Carano, and so on. He's definitely a guy.
Reuben Langdon is the voice and mocap actor for Dante from Devil May Cry. He's been heavily involved in Capcom's projects in general, having also played Ken from Street Fighter, done the mocap for Chris in Resident Evil 5, and a bunch more stuff. Hard to know where to begin when it comes to the issues themselves, but he's been openly anti-vax, pro-January 6th, gone to bat for Gina Carano, and so on. He's definitely a guy.
holy hell that dude sounds like a shit-spackled muppet fart
Reuben Langdon is the voice and mocap actor for Dante from Devil May Cry. He's been heavily involved in Capcom's projects in general, having also played Ken from Street Fighter, done the mocap for Chris in Resident Evil 5, and a bunch more stuff. Hard to know where to begin when it comes to the issues themselves, but he's been openly anti-vax, pro-January 6th, gone to bat for Gina Carano, and so on. He's definitely a guy.
They don't associate with him anymore I'm pretty sure, he's not Ken Masters in Street Fighter 6 and most of this stuff came out after his DMC5 role.
Sucks that every iconic voice actor ends up having to be a piece of shit .... imagine being an FMA fan, couldn't be me
They don't associate with him anymore I'm pretty sure, he's not Ken Masters in Street Fighter 6 and most of this stuff came out after his DMC5 role.
Sucks that every iconic voice actor ends up having to be a piece of shit .... imagine being an FMA fan, couldn't be me
it always sucks when you find out someone you used to look up to is a piece of shit. hell I was in denial when it turned out David Wise was a conservative transphobe
Close fight but Samus victors over Dante.

Sooooo. Do how are we feeling about Grub's prediction about the Prime 4 marketing pushing starting in May. And how about the Nintentubers predicting a Metroid Direct?

Sounds too good to be true honestly, but anything can happen. We'll see what The Process has in store for us in the coming weeks and months.
I believe we might get a May Direct this year and have Metroid Prime 4 appearing on it. Or maybe we wait until June and that's when it's first shown, regardless if it comes this fall or spring 2025.

I was really banking on an April Direct happening with a Metroid Prime 4 Treehouse or something following in May, but I think the ship for April has sailed sadly.

I think it's a no-brainer that Nintendo would want stuff from MP4 to show by June Direct at the latest, so I believe in Grubb on that info particularly.
I think we'll get a June Direct, but I'm not confident about anything Metroid-related at this point. I thought for sure by this past February we would have seen Prime 2 if it existed, but maybe there's a reason we didn't get first-party stuff in February - could be they felt like there wouldn't be enough brand new announcements for later on. I'd be all for a bunch of ports and remasters at the next Direct including Prime 2 and 3, and just waiting to unleash the all-new content for Switch 2 next year. At any rate, I feel better about the odds of seeing Prime 2 and 3 over 4 right now. All three at once is my dream Direct closer.
Excuse the messy bed, but the merch finally came! Can't wait to iron these bad boys and wear them to the gym or barcade lol, the print quality is incredible.


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