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StarTopic Metroid |ST| Praise The Process

Metroid Prime 4 in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

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After almost 2 months since I placed the order for that unbelievably detailed Samus figure, it's still awaiting fulfillment 🥲 My wallet is grateful, but my heart breaks lol
So I beat fusion for the first time and boy howdy did it whoop my butt, even with a fair amount of e tanks and missiles. I’m not a shamed to admit I abused save states lol. I didn’t struggle this much with super metroid or metroid dread even, is fusion regarded as one of the tougher entries? Or maybe my switch pro controller wasn’t reading my inputs right or something
So I beat fusion for the first time and boy howdy did it whoop my butt, even with a fair amount of e tanks and missiles. I’m not a shamed to admit I abused save states lol. I didn’t struggle this much with super metroid or metroid dread even, is fusion regarded as one of the tougher entries? Or maybe my switch pro controller wasn’t reading my inputs right or something
Fusion is generally regarded as one of, if not the most challenging games in the series, yeah. It's the boss fights that gave you the most trouble, I assume?
Fusion is generally regarded as one of, if not the most challenging games in the series, yeah. It's the boss fights that gave you the most trouble, I assume?
There's a certain spider that bursts in like a dragon, which I suspect likely played a large role in these difficult proceedings.
So I beat fusion for the first time and boy howdy did it whoop my butt, even with a fair amount of e tanks and missiles. I’m not a shamed to admit I abused save states lol. I didn’t struggle this much with super metroid or metroid dread even, is fusion regarded as one of the tougher entries? Or maybe my switch pro controller wasn’t reading my inputs right or something
Dread is much harder on any technical level, but Fusion was a big difficulty spike for the series when it came out. It also actually punishes you for dying and sets up endurance challenges around this, most obviously the power outage. Plus its boss fights are less about skill, per se, and more about figuring out how to deal with the dumb gimmicks the likes of Serris or BOX or Yakuza will throw at you. Many of them can only even be hit with one missile at a time anyway, so you might be surprised how rarely missile count actually matters.
Fusion is generally regarded as one of, if not the most challenging games in the series, yeah. It's the boss fights that gave you the most trouble, I assume?
Yeah, nightmare and the spider were particularly rough, Ridley wasn’t a walk in the park either. The sax wasn’t too bad at the end either
Fusion's difficulty is really weird because it's a very hard game against most of the bosses and then you get to Ridley and the SA-X and it's a cakewalk.
Plus its boss fights are less about skill, per se, and more about figuring out how to deal with the dumb gimmicks the likes of Serris or BOX or Yakuza will throw at you.
What is Kiryu throwing this time?
The sax wasn’t too bad at the end either
What is Kiryu throwing this time?
Samus, repeatedly, unless you know how to counter his new Bouncing DVD Logo Style.

A Yakuza, Like a Dragon fight involving the lobbing of giant morph-ball inspired projectiles doesn't sound like a half-bad idea, and certainly better than a random giant Samus morph ball in need of Federation goons to rough her up. Luckily that would never happen.
insaneintherain is SO good, his covers and just music in general is incredible. I think this is his only Metroid cover, but he's well worth checking out!
I just subbed and queued up a bunch of covers on my laptop, perfect for a cozy Saturday night
• February Direct is a Partners Showcase
• Next Nintendo event will certainly be Switch 2 related
• No space for Prime 4 announcement

Guess this game is gonna be crossgen, huh?
I'm curious what will happen to prime 2 could see it shadowdropping out of a direct if is just an hd upscale
Nintendo can:
• Release Prime 2 Remastered and Prime 3 Remastered on a veeery tight schedule before Prime 4, or after Prime 4
• Shadow drop them as simple remasters in the months leading to Prime 4
Nintendo can:
• Release Prime 2 Remastered and Prime 3 Remastered on a veeery tight schedule before Prime 4, or after Prime 4
• Shadow drop them as simple remasters in the months leading to Prime 4
I still feel like it's possible they shelf the HD ports and just remaster them like prime however it would be a while before we ever see them. I imagine if they still go the hd port route it would be announced soonish
I'm curious what will happen to prime 2 could see it shadowdropping out of a direct if is just an hd upscale

Obviously they're going to repeat the original trilogy release. Echoes will release on Switch with the same treatment as Prime. Corruption had to wait for the new hardware to use the improved motion/IR-replacement. The question is whether that one still gets its own release before the trilogy set.
Obviously they're going to repeat the original trilogy release. Echoes will release on Switch with the same treatment as Prime. Corruption had to wait for the new hardware to use the improved motion/IR-replacement. The question is whether that one still gets its own release before the trilogy set.

Yes please. I NEED to see Sanctuary Fortress and Skytown in all their glory.

I've said this like a million times and I won't stop!

I agree. Plus it wouldn’t make sense to release 2 and 3 after 4

They released Fusion after Dread, and Zero Mission is coming still.
Given some concern in the Metroid Prime 4 Pre-Release thread about whether Retro studios might experience Metroid fatigue, the question of what studios would be viable and good for developing Metroid seems like it could be pertinent.

Obviously, the 2D line currently has MercurySteam as its premier choice, but were they to decide they wanted a break from the series, it would be interesting to see Retro take a go at a 2D iteration (and could be different enough to stave off any such aforementioned fatigue). I've also seen a lot of talk about this new Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and am kind of curious how people here see a Metroid from that team turning out (and whatever troubles might come from working with another publisher on the matter).

I still think the series could do to add a third-person 3D line, which wouldn't even have to maintain the same style between entries. I'll throw in the possibility of FromSoft developing one of those, given it's likely one of the more common suggestions.

What sorts of thoughts does everyone in this thread have on the subject?
Disregarding the whole can of worms of having to coordinate with another publisher, especially someone like Ubisoft, it'd be interesting to see the Montpelier people try their hands on Metroid. They haven't really dabbled much in Sci-Fi, if you exclude Beyond Good&Evil and while you can certainly see the Dread inspiration in The Lost Crown when it comes to combat and movement, it's a tad more focussed on tight platforming (with lots of spikes) compared to the average Metroid game. Would certainly be an interesting, if pretty unrealistic, scenario.

No idea how a 2D Metroid by Retro would look like to be honest (Judging by their DKC games, mostly rehashing old ideas?) and frankly if you already don't want to work on Prime, I have my doubts that just doing "a regular Metroid" would help much in terms franchise fatigue.
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I think it's time for a new poll on whether it's gonna release in 2024 or 2025 now that Switch 2 is probably coming in early 2025.

(Wild that I was team 2023 last year and might be team 2025 this year 😭)
I think it's time for a new poll on whether it's gonna release in 2024 or 2025 now that Switch 2 is probably coming in early 2025.

(Wild that I was team 2023 last year and might be team 2025 this year 😭)
That poll is hella old and crusty, lol 🥲 I'll swap it out soon!
Samus when Adam makes her putz around in that lava tunnel before enabling her suit upgrade:

Seriously, what even is the justification for that? Are we supposed to believe Adam is some benevolent figure to be trusted? He was probably Big Bird this whole time!

But the idea of sticking it to Samus has got to be the reasoning.

Could have worked to just structure it so Samus is always going against the timer in those zones. Looking to the future, my idea of post-Fusion Samus replenishing energy and such by draining it from enemies would play well into that sort of scenario, too, as the way to keep venturing into that sort of area. But Samus can't do this in her Other M fever dream.
Disregarding the whole can of worms of having to coordinate with another publisher, especially someone like Ubisoft, it'd be interesting to see the Montpelier people try their hands on Metroid. [...] while you can certainly see the Dread inspiration in The Lost Crown when it comes to combat and movement, it's a tad more focussed on tight platforming (with lots of spikes) compared to the average Metroid game. Would certainly be an interesting, if pretty unrealistic, scenario.
Yeah, I questioned whether to include that bit because of the Ubisoft angle, but I've seen enough mentions of its merit as a metroidvania and vague references to Metroid regarding it that curiosity got the better of me. Planning to check it out with the proper dub eventually.

It would probably be interesting to see, in any case.

No idea how a 2D Metroid by Retro would look like to be honest (Judging by their DKC games, mostly rehashing old ideas?) and frankly if you already don't want to work on Prime, I have my doubts that just doing "a regular Metroid" would help much in terms franchise fatigue.
It's one of those things where I figure Retro could probably make it work, and I don't see any reason they should feel the need to rehash old ideas any more than in 3D, but I do wonder how fresh it would turn out. The upcoming first-person title might shed some light on that.

A question about theoretical fatigue would be how much is down to the tone, aesthetics, and IP trappings themselves, and how much is more strictly the first-person gameplay. With how many studios are just constantly churning out the same series, working as only one piece, how much would a Retro employee actually expect to work on different things? At the same time, maybe that relates to the churn a lot of studios have, and maybe a place like Retro seems one of the more likely opportunities to try one's hand at different things. I think that could even be a benefit if Retro were to grow to handle two projects, is that opportunity could be stronger.

There are obviously other potential options. At one point, I might have considered Moon Studios, given Ori as an example, but that seems less appealing a prospect than it once did.

Likewise, at one point I'd toyed with the idea of Human Head doing a first-person iteration.

Third-person 3D definitely has intapped potential, though, and I don't think the reception to Other M should deter that. Even that game, I thought, showed promise. It just didn't properly execute on it.

They haven't really dabbled much in Sci-Fi, if you exclude Beyond Good&Evil
A better idea: Nintendo starts commissioning them for Beyond Good & Evil games as the replacement classic-3D The Legend of Zelda-like. It's not like Beyond Good & Evil 2 is ever releasing in its announced form anyway.
Prime 2 remaster in April. Prime 4 in October at the latest. Prime 3 sometime after 2witch arrives.
After that demo I really doubt Prince of Persia is Dread quality, let alone the quality of the best Metroid games

I'd love to be wrong tho!
I wouldn't necessarily call PoP better than Dread (and comparing them is tough because there's a lot of differences in style and how they play) but PoP is an incredible game. Easily one of the best metroidvanias of the last 5 years.
I wouldn't necessarily call PoP better than Dread (and comparing them is tough because there's a lot of differences in style and how they play) but PoP is an incredible game. Easily one of the best metroidvanias of the last 5 years.
I don't necessarily doubt it and it seems like fun, definitely one of the games I'm going to pick up this year, but I will say that people were hyping up the demo too and I found it largely just ok, so I'm a bit weary. Platforming seemed like a bright spot though all things considered.

Honestly though there's a much better developer than Ubisoft to get to make some Metroid games ... they already basically make Metroid-like games with a horror tinge, and they even saved Zelda!
Gonna finally dig into PoP within the next few days and I'm really curious to see how it stacks up to Dread, which definitely is a gargantuan task.

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