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StarTopic Metroid |ST| Praise The Process

Metroid Prime 4 in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

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Yes! Get the port from here and the Samus patch from here. If your emulator supports MSU1 (all the modern emus do), you also get to choose between multiple soundtracks (NES, FDS, ZM, orchestral).
I'm something of a Metroid Planets loyalist, but after seeing all the recent mentions of this port, I'm gonna give it a shot! The main draw is the lack of slowdown and multiple soundtrack options, right? What else is in there?
Does anyone think they will adapt Melee Combat + Countering TM to the new Metroid Prime 4? Other M kind of tried too. I think it's a possibility.

Dread really got me hyped for this series again.
Clubs are being removed. RIP Metro Androids and Church of The Process. At the very least, even if we never got Clubs to the point of serving any actual purpose, I'm glad we were able to push the Metroid agenda through them.
Been meaning to ask, did anyone sign up for the latter after Christmas? I linked it in the Direct Speculation OP lol.

All of them are fully gone at this point, so no way to know. Guess I’ll have to link to your thread instead :)
Does anyone think they will adapt Melee Combat + Countering TM to the new Metroid Prime 4? Other M kind of tried too. I think it's a possibility.

Dread really got me hyped for this series again.
I think we can expect some pretty major improvements to the feel and fluidity of combat in MP4. MP3 was forever ago, and FPS games have come a long way since. I'm expecting melee, some sort of parry, and maybe even stuff like being able to transition from Morph Ball directly into an attack.
Been meaning to ask, did anyone sign up for the latter after Christmas? I linked it in the Direct Speculation OP lol.
I think only one person did! A truly enlightened individual committed to walking the path of The Process. Sadly, now that Clubs have officially been axed, I'm not sure I could even retrieve their username. I'll just take comfort in knowing they're among us. #TTP

(Also, even though I've had no time to participate yet, I did wanna tell ya you've once again done an excellent job with the Direct thread, Ghost! 🙌 🎉)
I think only one person did! A truly enlightened individual committed to walking the path of The Process. Sadly, now that Clubs have officially been axed, I'm not sure I could even retrieve their username. I'll just take comfort in knowing they're among us.

(Also, even though I've had no time to participate yet, I did wanna tell ya you've once again done an excellent job with the Direct thread, Ghost! 🙌 🎉)
Excellent and thanks :) Hope to see you in there soon!
I'm something of a Metroid Planets loyalist, but after seeing all the recent mentions of this port, I'm gonna give it a shot! The main draw is the lack of slowdown and multiple soundtrack options, right? What else is in there?
The port and Planets are similar but different, I think. Planets is a recreation of the original Metroid, a faithful one but a recreation nonetheless, whereas the port is the original Metroid without the limitations of the original hardware and some added bells and whistles. They even target different audiences -- one is for the PC, the other for people playing on real hardware / emulator. I'm glad we have both, and that the original Metroid can reach new people in 2024. Zero Mission is a fine game (indeed, I think it's the quintessential Metroid game. Give Zero Mission to a newcomer, and they'll understand what the series is about), but it took many liberties and it feels like a new game inspired by OG Metroid, rather than a proper way to experience OG Metroid.

Anyway, the port adds:

*Four OST selections to choose from (3 MSU-1, the other is the OST on the 2A03 sound emulator), can back out of selection with B button, only when description window is present for the OST

*Can create 3 save files. Password system still works, however, if saving from a password it will overwrite save file #3.

*can save/restore your last known health & missile count

*in-game: L button while held, locks arm canon in last known horizontal position

*in-game: R button while held, enables missiles

*in-game: X button accesses menu, A button toggles Samus's gear/Map, Start button saves progress

*Map: in the gfx style of Super Metroid, you are able to retain where you've visited through Zebes. Blue = non visited, Pink = visited. You will also be able to save this progress, and restore it when loading your save file.

*Samus's Gear: Just like in Super Metroid, I've given the player the ability to turn off/on Samus's obtained gear. You are not allowed to turn off missiles, since they're not part of her gear register in sram. You can also save her gear configuration you've made in the menu, when you goto reload your save file.

*wave & ice beams combined

Plus some optional patches, adding some QoL features or fixing some oversights:
enable 8 energy tanks
The game contains code where you're only able to hold 6 out of the 8 energy tanks located throughout Zebes. This patch makes it so you can utilize all 8 energy tanks in the game.

enable better farming v3
The game is pretty cheap with the farming, I've made it a little easier now to obtain more health when defeating enemies.

enable 99 health
Instead of 30, you can now start with 99 health. This will happen with creating a new save file, and it will also happen when you resume from a game over.

enable spring ball v2
I went back and tightened up my code for this custom feature. With the A button, you're able to utilize my custom spring ball asm. With v2, you can now control her maximum vertical height with A held, once you release A, Samus will begin to descent downward. Also, her maximum height depnds on your hi-jump boots status.

enable better spin jump velocity
When walking, Samus has a horizontal velocity set at 18, but when she performs a spin jump it gets dropped down to 12, slowing the horizontal scroll of the screen. This patch makes it so her spin jump velocity, is the same as her running velocity.

enable powerful icewave
I've made it so when you have the ice/wave beams on at the same time, it becomes a 1 hit kill weapon, wanted to have something close to the power the plasma beam deals in Super Metroid. *note, I've hard coded this to NOT work against Kraid/Ridley, it deals the original -1hp per hit with the weapon.

enable improved bomb drop
You are no longer limited to dropping bombs, when Samus's vertical velocity is at 00, you can now drop bombs at any height.
I actually wasn't talking about Hollow Knight's badges, rather the kind of stuff you pick up in games with more RPG mechanics. I just watched a friend play through Tevi, and it had countless badges just like that. It's basically Paper Mario's badge system, but by the end of the game your BP numbers in the high hundreds, it's functional but pretty ridiculous and it seems like you usually need to rely on synergy to get anything particularly meaningful out of them. Castlevania does the same sort of thing with its equipment, to a slightly less exaggerated extent (a lot of it just seems outright useless compared to what you already have, especially in SotN, rather than being ridiculously specific in its benefits).

If it's optional abilities that you're after though, I should point out that this is yet again something Super Metroid already solved and the rest of the series forgot about. In addition to being the last Metroid to really introduce a large number of new abilities, a surprising number of them, including all of the beam upgrades besides Ice, are completely optional. Sure, you can skip things like the Grapple Beam if you know special techniques, but what I mean is that there's a whole assortment of items that were never actually part of the intended path to begin with, and I believe it's the last Metroid to do that to any real extent. Prime had those novelty beam combos for a while, but these are all legitimately really useful and practical things.

This is a very reductive way to view badges. All of them change the game significantly and none of them are as situational. From length and speed of your attack, different spells, length of heal/charge, different HP values. Things you describe are more akin to looter shooter upgrades, and nothing in that game gives any meaningless percentage. Maybe there's one or two I'm forgetting, but that's out of, what, 30?

I only brought up Hollow Knight because it's one Vania everyone's played, I don't believe badges are what will revitalize Metroid.

Instead, I want, indeed, straightforward upgrades, except ones that matter, and not 50 missiles. At a certain point missile upgrades become meaningless collectible that you grab just for percentage's sake, not unlike seeking out a shiny in an open-world game for no reason other than to get a message "25/25 collected!"
Hello, the TEVI player in question. As someone with less experience in Metroidvania I'm not sure how strong my opinion can weigh in, but I can definitely declare a few things I feel as definite. TEVI's Sigil system is indeed if Paper Mario's Badge system was taken to its logical extreme, there are I believe about 200+ of these things, and it kind of works? Its far from ideal but I actually do kind of like the act of finding them, as collecting these things is fun, and having so many means that you really never know what you'll get next, it could be something niche, trash, or otherwise weird but you can also find really good ones or funny synergies depending on how you stack up.

This also leads to an extremely funny dissonance when I made it to some endgame bosses after a session of combing through the game looking for upgrades and more sigils, which ended with me kind of melting a couple of them because I was so stacked with badges, half of which I had discovered funny tech for on the fly. One particular standout moment was one where a boss after being "Defeated" bluntly states that you can't actually win this fight for story reasons (one of several things recurring that I find slightly bothersome about the story but let slide) after I spent the first 75% of the fight stun locking them via quick-drops to stomp on their head and air combos. A few badges also just outright power up your Melee damage at a flat 3.0 which means even if you aren't keen on the techniques these impart, finding and equipping them helps you scale better.

The major issue I run into however is that there are so bloody many that its highly impractical to account for. You have a bunch of them that may modify how certain attacks work, I can hardly remember a quarter of them, and again am surprised when I find something I may have equipped that lets me do something weird on accident, like continually doing a Bouncing Spin attack that I can't recreate, and I won't be able to figure out which Sigil it is because I have literally 50+ of these things equipped, even if I filter out specific types its tricky.

TEVI specifically also kind of stacks in favor of Melee combat when it comes to sigils, I tried playing with a shooting loadout several times and its just not as effective due to how Mana mechanics and the damage works, considering you need to engage in melee combat to recharge it faster you might as well go full melee or hybridize. But before I get off track the major point I want to get it here is that Large Badge systems like these can make a a relative outside like me want to explore and power up more, but It should potentially be scaled back and handled more gracefully than how TEVI does it.
I was thinking that maybe missile upgrades could add 25 each and should be in more prominent places so that casual players wouldn't miss them. Hell, Prime already kinda does that. There's one near Incinerator Drone, one in the morph ball tube leading to Tallon's Crashed Ship... This is also why they are a little weird, as game can give out some like candy but then there are some that are hidden in absolutely devious places that you find, and for those to give you only 5 missiles kinda hurts. And considering you'll likely encounter harder ones later it'll only mean they will matter less to you.

Ship Missiles, unless Prime 4 is in developement hell, was definitely a one-and-done thing that was supposed to play a bigger role. I'd be interested to see a Prime 3 rerelease since I've played that one the least (and completed it maybe twice). After being somewhat disappointed in world design of Prime, I wonder how 3's holds up. The only thing I remember about flying back and forth is how hilarious it was to hear Samus' jingle again and again. Its triumphant nature gets really silly once you see Samus emerge for the 50th time.
maybe for Metroid Prime 4, Retro Studios should take a inspiration for Metroid Dread, add the tradicional Missile Expansion that add 5 Missile to you, and the +Missile Expansion now adding 50 to your arsenal, energy parts(4/5) that when collected add a new Energy Tank
I think we can expect some pretty major improvements to the feel and fluidity of combat in MP4. MP3 was forever ago, and FPS games have come a long way since. I'm expecting melee, some sort of parry, and maybe even stuff like being able to transition from Morph Ball directly into an attack.

I think only one person did! A truly enlightened individual committed to walking the path of The Process. Sadly, now that Clubs have officially been axed, I'm not sure I could even retrieve their username. I'll just take comfort in knowing they're among us. #TTP

(Also, even though I've had no time to participate yet, I did wanna tell ya you've once again done an excellent job with the Direct thread, Ghost! 🙌 🎉)

I agree that there will be a lot of improvements, but nothing is going to feel as good as the IR pointing and shooting that Prime 3 had (with the game itself designed around those controls). More than even movement speed, the actual shooting feedback in the Prime games has never been that great. Hopefully with all the advances in haptic feedback, animation, and general game feel, the combat will have a lot more oomph.

In terms of movement I'm kind of torn. Prime, above all else, is about exploration. The faster Samus moves, the more difficult it is going to be for the average player to focus on careful search and observation of the environment. They have to find the right balance.

I liked the beam combos tbh. They felt like unique power-ups that were for those that went out of their way to explore every nook and cranny. I have no clue whether they are useless or not though, but it sure felt badass to take down Metroid Prime with a flamethrower.

Beam combo's could be a mixed bag, but I'm absolutely IN LOVE with the Darkburst. Seeing Space Pirates being sucked into black holes was endlessly hilarious and satisfying.
I liked the beam combos tbh. They felt like unique power-ups that were for those that went out of their way to explore every nook and cranny. I have no clue whether they are useless or not though, but it sure felt badass to take down Metroid Prime with a flamethrower.
I loved the beam combos! My favorite was the wavebuster, which was not a required upgrade but was really fun to use. I never even got the flamethrower in my original playthrough, but went back later and tracked it down. I'm all in favor of optional upgrades.
Ridley is too iconic for him to rest for long, especially after appearing in Smash. He'll find a way back, even if it's as a literal ghost, like Phantoon lol
Back before Dread was confirmed, I once daydreamed about a theoretical Metroid 5 having a boss fight against either a ghost or a nightmare vision of Ridley. It was the only way I could imagine him coming back because he is DEAD-dead.
Yeah, Kraid definitely feels like they wanted to have one fan service boss but didn't want to drudge out Ridley again (especially since they already brought him back in Samus Returns), so they settled on Kraid, who despite being one of the original main bosses of the first Metroid, had fallen to the wayside after Super and Zero Mission, so it made sense to bring him back.
Ridley is too iconic for him to rest for long, especially after appearing in Smash. He'll find a way back, even if it's as a literal ghost, like Phantoon lol
I love Ridley and I think it's part of Metroid's charm to find excuses to bring him back. Like The Master in Doctor Who. Every now and then you might take a bit of a break from him, but he'll always be back eventually. And I like it that way.

It made sense after working him into Samus Returns that they went with Kraid instead for Dread, I support it. But I look forward to Ridley's next appearance, which I personally hope is in Prime 4. Even if the "2D" series goes light on the Ridley from now on, I like my Prime to be Ridley heavy.
Ridley is super, super dead in 2D. It’s okay to have a famous antagonist that stays dead, Samus has found bigger fish to fry. Meta Ridley will be in Prime for a bit though I’d reckon.
Ridley is super, super dead in 2D. It’s okay to have a famous antagonist that stays dead, Samus has found bigger fish to fry. Meta Ridley will be in Prime for a bit though I’d reckon.
So is Shadow the Hedgehog but they literally just plugged in a scene in the endings of one of the older games where it was revealed he was just one of many clones in hibernation, so when one dies another can be released.

It's cheesy as hell, but it's a super easy way to get around the deadness of Ridley. 😅
It's cheesy as hell
Agreed. I just don’t think he’s needed is all I meant. Of course he could come back but that’s not very interesting. I would accept a finished Mecha Ridley by whatever is left of the space pirates but I don’t know if they’re still around in 2D
I love Ridley and I think it's part of Metroid's charm to find excuses to bring him back. Like The Master in Doctor Who. Every now and then you might take a bit of a break from him, but he'll always be back eventually. And I like it that way.

It made sense after working him into Samus Returns that they went with Kraid instead for Dread, I support it. But I look forward to Ridley's next appearance, which I personally hope is in Prime 4. Even if the "2D" series goes light on the Ridley from now on, I like my Prime to be Ridley heavy.

Yeah Prime 3 had two Ridley fights to make up for the one that wasn't in 2 :p
At the wrecked ship and the way the electricity doesn’t work and being haunted is intense, then finally figuring out that you have a boss battle there? I got packed by the ghost boss. But damn it really broke every sense of comfort I started to have. I will try the boss again tomorrow. I still can’t do the platforming sequence in Norfaor well but I did see the Ridley mouth but I guess I gotta get something that makes me survive the lava. I hate the one way doors though.
When you gotta backtrack all the way from Research Core because you kinda forgot about Charge Beam…
This is the Metroid thread I was looking for, so I'm going to repost here:

Hey Retro and Nintendo, I have finished my replay of Metroid Prime by way of the Remaster.

What now?
Any postgame thoughts to share?
Sure! The game still holds up extremely well, which I expected. It has been a really long time since I last played it, so it wasn't the smoothest of playthroughs, because while I remembered the first half of the game pretty well, I went too fast and never picked up charge beam, which meant I couldn't use super missiles to progress after Research Core. I later on had a similar screw-up when I forgot to pick up the artifact in Life Grove, which led to another unnecessarily lengthy backtrack.

However, none of that matters. The map is such a joy to traverse over and over again with newfound powers, and I am still in awe at how much of a graphical upgrade the game received. The atmosphere remained in tact as well, which sadly isn't something you can say for every modern remaster/remake; but they definitely nailed it for this one.

One caveat is that accessibility is still a bit of an issue for those with dichromacy – or at least it was for me. I struggled with the space pirate variants and the Prime boss fight again (and don't get me started on the Fission Metroids), and the color blindness options didn't do a whole lot for me.
lets predict Metroid Prime 4 campaing lenght: is MP4 gonna have a 12 or 20h campaing(i leaning more toward a 20h campaing)

I think it will be the longest Metroid game, but not anything too crazy, maybe 20ish hours. The Prime games' clear times are especially misleading because you are "off the clock" for so much of the adventure.

The Metroid ST when Retro Studios is cooking.

(I know this is barely relevant but this sausage commercial from 2007 has been stuck in my head all day for some reason and I needed to exorcise it from my mind somehow)
I used to talk to someone on Era who said they were from Retro. They told me they didn’t have grills at the studio so they found the “Retro barbecuing” funny.
Here's something that probably hasn't been said on the internet yet:

They should release the Metroid: Zero Mission game for the Nintendo Switch family of systems.
Getting further, beat Phantoon and got the Gravity Suit. I feel dumb everytime I worry I miss something and look a little online. I gotta trust the instincts more. But yeah this moment was clean


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