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StarTopic Metroid |ST| Praise The Process

Metroid Prime 4 in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

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I have beaten Metroid prime remastered. The only game to have closest feeling to when I first played halo combat evolved all those years

Great game. One of the best of all time. Now to play the rest of the franchise
In Maridia. The back entrance was a waste but people have talked the front entrance to death so I finally looped around to it. I not a fan maneuvering with the long grapple beam tests and being underwater. Incredible music though!
Currently lost in Miridia, did a full loop again out to the wrecked ship and back forward . I found a room near the death room with grapple beams of joy with a secret exit but my jump can’t get me there. I am back in the second save but the quicksand get you stuck in a loop, I did the room with the missile and power bombs but got frustrated that it sent me back to the beginning. I did the loop around because of getting stuck in the dunes. The pipe room is cool to use the shine spark but not much to find. Those football enemies are annoying!
Hey, what about Zero Suit Samus being playable in Metroid Prime 4? How would she work? Should be a small segment of the gameplay?
Got to Draygon, and man is Maridia simultaneously beautiful to explore and annoying because of the grapple beam. But man that charting through uncharted territory is really a thrill like nothing else. Figuring out the speed booster to get to the mini boss was just wondrous. Finding the Draygon room felt so satisfying.
Got to Draygon, and man is Maridia simultaneously beautiful to explore and annoying because of the grapple beam. But man that charting through uncharted territory is really a thrill like nothing else. Figuring out the speed booster to get to the mini boss was just wondrous. Finding the Draygon room felt so satisfying.
The Maridia theme is one of my favorite songs in the game.

The Maridia theme is one of my favorite songs in the game.

This is one of the few Super Metroid tracks that's never been remixed for another game, so it's totally possible it might show up in Prime 4. Fingers crossed.

This one too. I'll lose my shit when they finally bring it back!

On the subject of Super Metroid songs being remixed in later games, my hot take is that I wish the Lower Norfair theme stayed a Super Metroid exclusive. To me, it wasn't the "lava area theme" as much as it was the "tracking Ridley down" theme. It was a very climactic theme, appropriately bombastic for being near the end of the game. It's also one that gets a bit grating on the ears when listening to it for an extended period of time, so making it the theme of Magmoor Caverns, one of the areas you visit the most in Metroid Prime, caused me to get very tired of it. Its inclusion in Samus Returns was even worse.
Hey, what about Zero Suit Samus being playable in Metroid Prime 4? How would she work? Should be a small segment of the gameplay?
I'd imagine she'd only work if there was going to be a section that would require a depowered Samus for some stealth section, in a manner not unlike Zero Mission's. But even there, you could probably just nerf the suit itself and not have to change the HUD any.

I can't believe it! These beautiful, wonderful people did it again! Y'all... I cannot recommend this enough. If you revere the original Metroid like I do and you've never tried this, then this is a MUST play! Conversely, if you've ever been put off by OG Metroid maybe you'd be interested in trying the game out with these mods. There are some nice changes in here like starting a clean boot up with full health and a real-time mini map toggle. 2.0 looks to have an inventory/menu screen with the map. (Do note that this will still play like Metroid; it won't feel like Super or the GBA titles)

Just look at those visual enhancements, AND THE MUSIC...
-AnalogSynth music now default (special thanks to Luminist).

Instructions and guides can be found in the video descriptions. Can't wait to check this out!
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I can't believe it! These beautiful, wonderful people did it again! Y'all... I cannot recommend this enough. If you revere the original Metroid like I do and you've never tried this, then this is a MUST play! Conversely, if you've ever been put off by OG Metroid maybe you'd be interested in trying the game out with these mods. There are some nice changes in here like starting a clean boot up with full health and a real-time mini map toggle. 2.0 looks to have an inventory/menu screen with the map. (Do note that this will still play like Metroid; it won't feel like Super or the GBA titles)

Just look at those visual enhancements, AND THE MUSIC...

Instructions and guides can be found in the video descriptions. Can't wait to check this out!

Let's go dude!!! Onward to Prime 2 (which I still haven't played)
I’m waiting for the switch version so I’m going back to play samus returns again on the 3ds. Haven’t played it since it came out. Prime was more enjoyable without a guide and I plan to do the same with the 2d games while I wait for prime 2 and 3.
I hope Metroid Prime 4 is just as wild and unique as Metroid Prime 2. It’s honestly the best of the trilogy with the best bosses and most unique abilities. Hardest one, too! For me it was the most memorable and fun to play. Hoping for something similar to that, minus there being a Dark and Light version of the same world, despite how cool it was.
I hope Metroid Prime 4 is just as wild and unique as Metroid Prime 2. It’s honestly the best of the trilogy with the best bosses and most unique abilities. Hardest one, too! For me it was the most memorable and fun to play. Hoping for something similar to that, minus there being a Dark and Light version of the same world, despite how cool it was.
That's the funny thing.

Assuming the old time travel scenario idea made it into the final version Retro's working with, you may very well see the "two world" idea return again.
That's the funny thing.

Assuming the old time travel scenario idea made it into the final version Retro's working with, you may very well see the "two world" idea return again.

What is this time travel scenario you speak of? First I’m hearing of this!
What is this time travel scenario you speak of? First I’m hearing of this!

It's all basically old stuff from over a decade ago that may or may not still have relevance from the project that Retro and Tanabe are working on now. But to say the least, it and the stinger from Federation Force are pretty much the only things that give us insight to what Prime 4's story may be about.
I can’t imagine Metroid going for a time travel plot, though I wouldn’t necessarily be against it. Even for this IP it feels a bit out there.
If Zelda can do it, it’s distant cousin can too
Zelda has always been much more fantastical though. Metroid isn’t exactly hard sci-fi but I feel it’s relatively more cohesive in that regard. If the concept is good then I’m all for it but it’s hard to avoid introducing time travel and not making it feel a bit gimmicky IMO.
Zelda has always been much more fantastical though. Metroid isn’t exactly hard sci-fi but I feel it’s relatively more cohesive in that regard. If the concept is good then I’m all for it but it’s hard to avoid introducing time travel and not making it feel a bit gimmicky IMO.
I would disagree, simply because the "Bird Magic" trope the community has collectively adopted, along with Samus' nonsensical DNA shenanigans, firmly established that Metroid was much more "sci-fantasy" early on.

Besides, we already had the "Link to the Past reprise" with Prime 2. At this point, Tanabe's next immediate options for mining his previous work would be either sending Samus to a Dream World, or Time Travel! :sneaky:
It's all basically old stuff from over a decade ago that may or may not still have relevance from the project that Retro and Tanabe are working on now. But to say the least, it and the stinger from Federation Force are pretty much the only things that give us insight to what Prime 4's story may be about.

Honestly, I hope they don’t do it. Metroid I feel has been pretty straight forward in it timeline ranging from Zero Mission all the way to Dread and I’d prefer the keep it that way without starting to toss in some time traveling shenanigans that may or may not completely miss the mark.

I have full faith in Retro as they currently have a perfect track record thus far imo, but I’d just rather they not go down this route. Even though it would probably be good anyway.

Hope that all makes sense.
I actually felt like it was jumping the shark when Prime 3 had the stuff about science vs magic wars on Bryyo. Something about how straightforward fantasy it was rubbed me the wrong way. It's kind of like dropping an actual wizard into Star Wars. It's not like you didn't have ghosts and guys shooting lightning from their fingertips before, but the vibe is kind of different...
The Metroid Prime trilogy is chronologically between Metroid I and Metroid II because it's the most logical choice. But honestly, Dread has brought the Metroid story arc to a satisfying close, and the Prime trilogy is also a very coherent and finished narrative whole, so I really wonder where Retro will decide to situate the events of Prime 4.
I actually felt like it was jumping the shark when Prime 3 had the stuff about science vs magic wars on Bryyo. Something about how straightforward fantasy it was rubbed me the wrong way. It's kind of like dropping an actual wizard into Star Wars. It's not like you didn't have ghosts and guys shooting lightning from their fingertips before, but the vibe is kind of different...
It's admittedly been a minute since I read through the Bryyo lore, but wasn't it more like science vs. faith / religion? I can't remember thinking it was anything weird or egregious within the context of the universe. Even prior to that, you had straight-up ghosts in Super Metroid and Prime 1, the Tallon IV Chozo being able to see into the future, and a meteor impact splitting a planet into two parallel dimensions in Prime 2. There's more overt examples of science fantasy than the Bryyo stuff.
i think it would be nice if MP4 is a story arch that lead into Metroid 2(Silux or someone create another crysis involving the metroids), this lead into Metroid 2
If there's an identifiable "shark jump" moment in Metroid, I'd say it's the existence of Phazon itself. It's this crazy Gary Stu, blue Mountain Dew type radioactive poison. I already mentioned how it's capable of corrupting planets and keeping the dead around as ghosts, plus the interdimensional shenanigans from Prime 2, but then you finally figure out what the deal is in Prime 3, and it turns out Phazon is born of a sentient death sphere that wants to turn a bunch of planets into more death spheres. It almost makes the Metroid and X Parasite conflict from the main saga look small scale by comparison.
If there's an identifiable "shark jump" moment in Metroid, I'd say it's the existence of Phazon itself. It's this crazy Gary Stu, blue Mountain Dew type radioactive poison. I already mentioned how it's capable of corrupting planets and keeping the dead around as ghosts, plus the interdimensional shenanigans from Prime 2, but then you finally figure out what the deal is in Prime 3, and it turns out Phazon is born of a sentient death sphere that wants to turn a bunch of planets into more death spheres. It almost makes the Metroid and X Parasite conflict from the main saga look small scale by comparison.
Prime did what Dead Space did later
Never played it! I'm glad the remake was received well, though. Excited to get to it later this year 👀
Haven't played the remake or og, just played 2 and 3 back in't day. Never put two and two together plotwise until your post though 😂
It's admittedly been a minute since I read through the Bryyo lore, but wasn't it more like science vs. faith / religion? I can't remember thinking it was anything weird or egregious within the context of the universe. Even prior to that, you had straight-up ghosts in Super Metroid and Prime 1, the Tallon IV Chozo being able to see into the future, and a meteor impact splitting a planet into two parallel dimensions in Prime 2. There's more overt examples of science fantasy than the Bryyo stuff.
If there's an identifiable "shark jump" moment in Metroid, I'd say it's the existence of Phazon itself. It's this crazy Gary Stu, blue Mountain Dew type radioactive poison. I already mentioned how it's capable of corrupting planets and keeping the dead around as ghosts, plus the interdimensional shenanigans from Prime 2, but then you finally figure out what the deal is in Prime 3, and it turns out Phazon is born of a sentient death sphere that wants to turn a bunch of planets into more death spheres. It almost makes the Metroid and X Parasite conflict from the main saga look small scale by comparison.
I think it was religion, but religion was also basically just druid magic stuff.

But yeah tbh it's not so much Bryyo specifically, I think there are a lot of things in Prime 3 that are kind of weird and goofy like that when you look a little closer at them. The initial visits to Bryyo Cliffside and SkyTown are mostly classic Prime, but everything else is varying degrees of out of place or unfinished. It wants to be an epic conclusion to a trilogy that wasn't actually building to anything up until now, it wants to court the Halo audience, it wants to court the Wii casual audience, and it wants to be Metroid Prime. The visible seams where all these goals collide is often the most interesting thing about it.

People talk about Hypermode being poorly balanced and motion control lever pulling and the action setpieces, but the lore also getting kind of silly is not something I think I've seen brought up before. The other two games are practically defined by their coherent settings and accompanying scans that provide fleshed out background information on them, but Prime 3 kind of falls apart there, as it often does.
I like Dread and all but I think its ending was extra enough to give me "jump the shark" vibes more than most other Metroid moments, like (do we spoiler this stuff anymore?)

The final boss literally revealing himself as her "father" and the Metroid suit being kind of like exactly what you'd expect from fanart, I was doing the white-guy-blinking.gif the moment I saw that

it's not that big a deal I guess because Metroid story ain't exactly high art and it's nice to see them not just repeat story beats, but... still
I like Dread and all but I think its ending was extra enough to give me "jump the shark" vibes more than most other Metroid moments, like (do we spoiler this stuff anymore?)

The final boss literally revealing himself as her "father" and the Metroid suit being kind of like exactly what you'd expect from fanart, I was doing the white-guy-blinking.gif the moment I saw that

it's not that big a deal I guess because Metroid story ain't exactly high art and it's nice to see them not just repeat story beats, but... still
I hate to say I kinda agree.

Prime 3 jumped the shark in gameplay, Dread jumped the shark in story. 😅

But Dread is so good that I forgive it. Plus I'm just blown away to have METROID 5 after all these years (and that they still went ahead and called it "Dread" after that name became legendary to the fans) that I kinda don't care what they do with the story at this point. 🤷
I would generally consider Metroid more science fantasy than "regular" science fiction, but genre lines can be a blurry mess anyway. But time travel feels like pretty standard scifi fare to me? Depends on how they do it, I suppose.

In any case, Metroid's already had actual ghosts, a giant rock monster, Basically An Elder God, etc, so I'm willing to accept anything.
I like Dread and all but I think its ending was extra enough to give me "jump the shark" vibes more than most other Metroid moments, like (do we spoiler this stuff anymore?)

The final boss literally revealing himself as her "father" and the Metroid suit being kind of like exactly what you'd expect from fanart, I was doing the white-guy-blinking.gif the moment I saw that

it's not that big a deal I guess because Metroid story ain't exactly high art and it's nice to see them not just repeat story beats, but... still
hey not everyone is built for perfection
I replayed Dread over the last couple days after not touching it since running through it twice at launch. It's still really good -- to the extent that after I beat it again I immediately started another run.

I will note that the load times were worse than I remember though the EMMI sequences weren't nearly as bad.
After learning next week’s Direct is a Partner, when we nearly always get a General Direct in February, my hopes for this series took a huge hit. Assuming Nate is correct (excellent track record) about the Partner Direct and the next Nintendo system being revealed next month, the Switch is pretty much finished, and makes it way harder to see Prime 2 or 3 ever being brought to it. Sure, they could still have a hybrid Direct with Switch + Switch 2 info or Twitter releases, but how likely is it those games would still make it to the first Switch at that point?

Not only this, but given the general overlooking and disrespect of Prime 2 and 3, I don’t feel good about them making it to the next system either. Even if they did, it would be annoying for people like me who can’t afford a new system right now and just wanted to experience the classic Prime games again after being promised 1 and 4 for the Switch. As for Prime 4, I’m very worried it’s going to be a disappointing product. Not necessarily terrible, but not worth this disturbing long wait that makes me worry things aren’t going well. Maybe we’ll finally get to see it this year… or maybe it’ll be canceled xP someone talk me off the ledge here and give me realistic hope x( I guess at least we got Prime Remastered and Dread if nothing else!
Metroid starts with M.

You know what else starts with M?


Perhaps this was the ‘Other M’ this whole time.
Remember how I played Prime Remastered in January to scratch that Metroid itch? Well, it came back, so now I played Fusion.

Hopefully by next time I'll have to scratch it, they will at least have made Zero Mission available on NSO or something.
After learning next week’s Direct is a Partner, when we nearly always get a General Direct in February, my hopes for this series took a huge hit. Assuming Nate is correct (excellent track record) about the Partner Direct and the next Nintendo system being revealed next month, the Switch is pretty much finished, and makes it way harder to see Prime 2 or 3 ever being brought to it. Sure, they could still have a hybrid Direct with Switch + Switch 2 info or Twitter releases, but how likely is it those games would still make it to the first Switch at that point?

Not only this, but given the general overlooking and disrespect of Prime 2 and 3, I don’t feel good about them making it to the next system either. Even if they did, it would be annoying for people like me who can’t afford a new system right now and just wanted to experience the classic Prime games again after being promised 1 and 4 for the Switch. As for Prime 4, I’m very worried it’s going to be a disappointing product. Not necessarily terrible, but not worth this disturbing long wait that makes me worry things aren’t going well. Maybe we’ll finally get to see it this year… or maybe it’ll be canceled xP someone talk me off the ledge here and give me realistic hope x( I guess at least we got Prime Remastered and Dread if nothing else!
On the contrary, those seem like games that wouldn't be super intensive and would easily fit as cross-gen games. I would not rule Prime 2/3 out at all.
After learning next week’s Direct is a Partner, when we nearly always get a General Direct in February, my hopes for this series took a huge hit. Assuming Nate is correct (excellent track record) about the Partner Direct and the next Nintendo system being revealed next month, the Switch is pretty much finished, and makes it way harder to see Prime 2 or 3 ever being brought to it. Sure, they could still have a hybrid Direct with Switch + Switch 2 info or Twitter releases, but how likely is it those games would still make it to the first Switch at that point?

Not only this, but given the general overlooking and disrespect of Prime 2 and 3, I don’t feel good about them making it to the next system either. Even if they did, it would be annoying for people like me who can’t afford a new system right now and just wanted to experience the classic Prime games again after being promised 1 and 4 for the Switch. As for Prime 4, I’m very worried it’s going to be a disappointing product. Not necessarily terrible, but not worth this disturbing long wait that makes me worry things aren’t going well. Maybe we’ll finally get to see it this year… or maybe it’ll be canceled xP someone talk me off the ledge here and give me realistic hope x( I guess at least we got Prime Remastered and Dread if nothing else!
There will presumably still be several months between the Switch 2 announcement and its release. What if they were to announce Prime 4 for Switch 2 "later this year" and then shadowdrop 2/3HD "available today" launching metroid hype into orbit all at once :unsure:
As for Prime 4, I’m very worried it’s going to be a disappointing product. Not necessarily terrible, but not worth this disturbing long wait that makes me worry things aren’t going well. Maybe we’ll finally get to see it this year… or maybe it’ll be canceled xP someone talk me off the ledge here and give me realistic hope x(
Paste published a fun, unusual ranking of Metroid games that I liked!


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