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StarTopic Metroid |ST| Praise The Process

Metroid Prime 4 in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

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That's my opinion as well. Aside from other m and 2, I stand by every game being very good. I trash Dread a lot but it's still a very solid 7/10 for me. Would even be an 8/10 if not for the final third, as you said. This series is just really amazing.
That's my opinion as well. Aside from other m and 2, I stand by every game being very good. I trash Dread a lot but it's still a very solid 7/10 for me. Would even be an 8/10 if not for the final third, as you said. This series is just really amazing.
Right, Metroid is insanely consistent. The only games that I think might be better than Metroid are Mega Man 2 and Perfect Dark, but other than that Metroid is #1 for sure!
1. Metroid Prime
2. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
3. Super Metroid

4. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
5. Metroid Dread
6. Metroid: Zero Mission

7. Metroid: Samus Returns
8. Metroid Fusion

9. Metroid: Other M
10. Metroid II: Return of Samus

That’s my order, the spacing being different “tiers.” The second tier in particular is hard to order and could flip flop with eachother.

Tier 1 - GOATed. Could literally call any of those games the best games of all time and I wouldn’t argue.

Tier 2 - Amazing games, with maybe a couple flaws holding them back from being tier 1.

Tier 3 - Great, but don’t fully come together to leave an impression as strong as the above games

Tier 4 - merely enjoyable, but with significant flaws (Other M) or age (2)

So yeah the bottom tier is still good. I really fucking love this series lol.
Did I just accidentally skip killing an EMMI? I'm in the second area/Cataris, got through a bunch of stuff and found the transport to 'Dairon'. Is it OK to go there or should I go back and destroy the green EMMI first?
Did I just accidentally skip killing an EMMI? I'm in the second area/Cataris, got through a bunch of stuff and found the transport to 'Dairon'. Is it OK to go there or should I go back and destroy the green EMMI first?
I don't think it is possible to accidentally skip important stuff in Dread. Sure it is possible to skip stuff but then you have to try hard (and probably know what you are doing). I don't recall specifically, but there are a couple of times in Dread you have to leave an area before it feels like you're finished (and you'll return later).
All time greats:
1. Metroid Dread
2. Metroid Zero Mission

Really good games:
3. Metroid Fusion
4. Metroid Prime Pinball (Yes this is a genuine opinion and not a troll)

Pretty good I guess:
5. Super Metroid
6. Metroid Prime

Got bored and didn't finish:
7. Metroid Prime 3
8. Metroid II
9. Metroid

Not played: Metroid Prime 2, Metroid Prime Hunters, Samus Returns, AM2R, Federation Force, Other M.
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I haven’t done rankings in a while, I’ve played every game now, and most of my playthroughs are fresh-ish so why not!

1 Super Metroid - my second favorite game of all time.
2 Metroid Prime - one of the most important games for me. Either in or just shy of my top ten favs.
3 Metroid Prime 3 Corruption - amazing motion controls make it perhaps the most fun Prime game to play.
4 Metroid Prime 2 Echoes - super cool video game. In some ways might be the best.
5 Metroid Dread - one of the best games mechanically with the absolute best bosses in the series as a result. I really need to replay it sometime.
6 Samus Returns - Just a really solid game all around and I appreciate all of the new ideas here inside a familiar framework.
7 Metroid II - this one always moves around for me whenever I do rankings. Time and place I’d even put it above Samus Returns. I care about this one a lot and because it is so consistent with itself I’m giving it the edge today.
8 Zero Mission - I feel this game is incredible in the remake of Metroid 1 portion. I don’t like the Zero Suit section and the power trip right after with the space pirate ship is short lived. I do like it again going for 100%, but I rarely go for that. Odd game.
9 Fusion - I never really vibed with this one too too much. I historically don’t like the map as much with the mission structure, I don’t really care for the story elements (outside of the Metroid lab which is super rad), and some of the brutal boss fights drag the game down a bit. Last time I played it though I liked it quite a lot more than before. I feel like with a few more replays this could shoot up for me.
10 Hunters - I remember really digging the single player and the multiplayer and it was so cool to have a Prime game on a handheld. I need to replay it though to really see where it fits. I don’t have much of an itch to replay it though.
11 Pinball - this game is fine. I would generally like to play this over the bottom three even if I don’t care about it much.
12 Metroid - I don’t see myself ever replaying this game, but I’m glad I played it ultimately.
13 Federation Force - I was warming up to this game as I played it, before getting hit with physical pain in my thumb as the demands of the game increased. Gyro aiming is the worst! Also the final boss is insulting and also bad.
14 Other M - this game alternates between being fine to poor outside of the rad Phantoon fight for gameplay. Its offensive depiction of Samus and other poor themes are what drag it to abysmal status. I guess lasting emotional pain beats physical pain lol.
What's your favorite Metroid game, folks? Out of both series. Can include spinoffs too, why not?

Mine has got to be Prime 1, with Super as a close second.
Since fan games are likely not up for contention (which means Metroid Planets is out), I guess it's still Fusion, at the moment.

So many things I love about this title. But two things that stand out for me are how much I love the survival horror vibes, since Samus is one of the few survivors on a space station infested with X, along with the SA-X, the creepiest stalker in gaming since RE3's Nemesis. I also loved how this game firmly did the most to establish Samus as her own character. And I do enjoy how much the bosses in this game are quite fun.
Since fan games are likely not up for contention (which means Metroid Planets is out), I guess it's still Fusion, at the moment.

So many things I love about this title. But two things that stand out for me are how much I love the survival horror vibes, since Samus is one of the few survivors on a space station infested with X, along with the SA-X, the creepiest stalker in gaming since RE3's Nemesis. I also loved how this game firmly did the most to establish Samus as her own character. And I do enjoy how much the bosses in this game are quite fun.
The bosses in Fusion are SO good. Preach! They definitely inspired MP2's.

Also, I guess I should play Planets too, huh? I thought AM2R was the only valuable one...
I still don't understand how Other M ended up being so drastically different than anything else in the franchise.

I do feel like to an extent the story and characterization of Samus in Dread is a bit of a drastic 180. Overkill.

It was cool. But it was also so minimalist that it definitely felt like he is purposefully avoiding any characterization for Samus now other than the events that surround her.
It was cool. But it was also so minimalist that it definitely felt like he is purposefully avoiding any characterization for Samus now other than the events that surround her.
While I do agree and certainly want more of Samus being a character (as a professed Fusion fan), I honestly think it kind of makes sense in a story like Dread's.

If Samus was allowed to have her "monologuing" moments throughout that game's story, I can only imagine it being received one of two things ways. Either a) a more savvy Samus characterization would have given the game away too quickly when it comes to the "surprise" re: Adam and Raven Beak, or b) people would have "hated" how Samus was too "naïve" or "stupid", because "the player(s)" identified something was up long before Samus did.

In which case, I believe Mark Twain's "Better to Remain Silent..." played out beautifully here.
Metroid being back in the zeitgeist lately has me itching to do a replay. Problem is, the specific part I feel like playing right now is Skytown in Metroid Prime 3 which I don't have easy access to. Come on Nintendo, help me out here!
The only Metroid I have left to play is Other M. I know it has a really bad reputation online, but every time I see gameplay of it it looks really fun. 😭

For now, I'm doing my third replay of Zero Mission and Prime 2. Then I'll be doing my first replay of Prime 3 since its release, I'm very excited for this one.
The only Metroid I have left to play is Other M. I know it has a really bad reputation online, but every time I see gameplay of it it looks really fun. 😭

For now, I'm doing my third replay of Zero Mission and Prime 2. Then I'll be doing my first replay of Prime 3 since its release, I'm very excited for this one.
A lot of people have fun with Other M!
The only Metroid I have left to play is Other M. I know it has a really bad reputation online, but every time I see gameplay of it it looks really fun. 😭

For now, I'm doing my third replay of Zero Mission and Prime 2. Then I'll be doing my first replay of Prime 3 since its release, I'm very excited for this one.
I'm playing it and having fun.

My only issue with it is the random first person view whenever I slightly move the Wiimote sometimes.
The only Metroid I have left to play is Other M. I know it has a really bad reputation online, but every time I see gameplay of it it looks really fun. 😭

For now, I'm doing my third replay of Zero Mission and Prime 2. Then I'll be doing my first replay of Prime 3 since its release, I'm very excited for this one.

Other M is worth playing imo, as long as you don't take the story too seriously.
Prime Remastered was an $80 game sold for half price. That.
Prime Remastered's sheer quality and polish is still kinda unbelievable to me. I wouldn't have thought those visuals at that framerate were possible on Switch. Not just a remaster, but easily among the best remaster efforts ever.

I know there were some who reasonably figured "Hey, the underlying framework is still that of a GameCube game, so I guess that explains how they were able to get it looking and playing so smoothly", but we have Beyond looking and performing equally as good.
Some "Metroid" fans are really just "Super Metroid" fans. And if they're in a good mood, Prime 1 and Zero Mission are fine as well.
Truth bomb right here. I think we all love Super Metroid. It's a masterpiece! I just can't get behind the repeated insistence that this 30 year old game did absolutely everything best. It gives me Nintendo boomer vibes, like the series can never reach that peak again, even though I believe it already has in some ways. Like, no, I don't agree that its boss fights are better than Dread's. They're incredibly basic and rudimentary, and I've never considered them to be among the game's strong points. Dread's are mechanically richer and more engaging.
What's your favorite Metroid game, folks? Out of both series. Can include spinoffs too, why not?

Mine has got to be Prime 1, with Super as a close second.
Fusion was my introduction to Metroid, and it's still as beautiful as the day I first played it. I don't think I'll ever stop loving it as much as I do. It may not be "objectively" the best game in the series, but it's my personal favorite. I adore it for a myriad of reasons, including its horror vibes, satisfying action gameplay, and yes, even story.

The way Samus nearly dies at the start, only to then be immediately thrust into the rapidly deteriorating events aboard the station makes for a hell of a setup for her heroism to shine through. Themes of humanity are prominent, with Samus's past actions and memories driving her forward, contrasting against the SA-X reducing her down to only her most violent traits. It's Samus the person versus Samus the weapon, and it makes for surprisingly nuanced and sincere character exploration, especially for a GBA game.

I played Fusion when I was very young, and my prior exposure to video game protagonists up to that point had consisted of stuff like Spyro, Pokémon trainers, Mega Man, and so on. Simple, enjoyable characters (I still like them). Samus felt different though, and I remember being in awe of her virtue. She was willing to give her life if it meant wiping out the X Parasites, and that made an impression on kid me. The fact that she saved the cute animals (and they saved her!) helped too, of course. She's still my favorite character of all time. I can write an essay on Metroid Fusion (and Samus in general), but I'll stop now before I get carried away 😅
The Metroid sales threads are so exhausting...
Nintendo fans when asked to talk about what they like about Metroid:


Nintendo fans when it's time to speculate on a number going up or down:

Me, out amongst the normal populace:
I am literally the biggest Metroid fan here. I can leave this building and enter another building and I will be the biggest Metroid fan in there as well. Nobody can match the aura my Metroid love emits, I shine like a spark

Me, on Famiboards Metroid threads:
Fuck am I just a boomer? I don't even know half the Prime trilogy locations people are talking about and I played those games.
God who even am I?
I think.. I think I need a nap...

The way Samus nearly dies at the start, only to then be immediately thrust into the rapidly deteriorating events aboard the station makes for a hell of a setup for her heroism to shine through. Themes of humanity are prominent, with Samus's past actions and memories driving her forward, contrasting against the SA-X reducing her down to only her most violent traits. It's Samus the person versus Samus the weapon, and it makes for surprisingly nuanced and sincere character exploration, especially for a GBA game.
I agree with everything you said here, but this especially. Beautiful and very well-rounded game with a fantastic story, honestly might be the best in the series for how many different things it does so well, even if the structure is a bit outside of Metroid's usual.
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I agree with everything you said here, but this especially. Beautiful and very well-rounded game with a fantastic story, honestly might be the best in the series for how mqny different things it does so well, even if the structure is a bit outside of Metroid's usual.
I see fusion as 6 (was it 6?) compact, bite sized Metroidvania areas and I quite liked that. Of course if they were integrated it would make my heart melt but I liked what we got. And the bosses are so creative...
I see fusion as 6 (was it 6?) compact, bite sized Metroidvania areas and I quite liked that. Of course if they were integrated it would make my heart melt but I liked what we got. And the bosses are so creative...
I would prefer that too, but having the areas be separate so that later on when you break out of them in interesting ways and get into the ductwork and such the contrast really hits that much harder. That’s such a cool part of the game.
My favorite 2D entry is a ping-pong match between Zero Mission and Dread. Story-wise... I just really like whenever we get insight into Samus and her relationship with the Chozo. I like the brief monologue at the beginning of Zero Mission, where she reveals that Zebes used to be a peaceful place that she called home before the Space Pirates set up shop. I like the epilogue where it turns out that the Space Pirate compound you've been sneaking through is not only a renovated Chozo Temple, but the same one that Samus was raised in. There's a little drawing etched into the wall. Like, look at this cuteness.


And Dread. The reveal trailer already had me hyped, but learning that we'd be meeting a Chozo? HELL. YES. Getting to actually see Samus interact with some outside of a flashback was awesome, and I was just as pissed as Samus when Quiet Robe got shot at the end of that cutscene. Oh, and getting to hear Samus speak Chozo? Absolutely made my day. Give me more of that. Have Samus quietly mumble in Chozo to herself when left idle for too long, I dunno, just give me more. And the only note I have for the big "I am your father" reveal cutscene is that her real dads are hidden in shadow and that bums me out. So yeah, I like Chozo stuff, and those two entries gave me a lot of it.

And gameplay-wise... they're just really, really great. Dread has the best boss fights in the series, but to hone in on similarities again, Zero Mission and Dread have a nice balance of being structured enough to guide first-time players and allowing veterans to leave the critical path to sequence break. I understand the critique that it feels like the game doesn't let you explore on your first time, and that it can feel like a guided tour, but... I dunno. I never had a problem with it. I still had the freedom to leave the critical path to do early Varia in Zero Mission the first time I played that, simply because I noticed I could bomb jump infinitely and was curious if I can time my way past some enemies to climb up all the various shafts in Brinstar. Or early Gravity the first time I played Dread, because I was stubborn about getting to a teleporter I saw, then became even more stubborn about getting to the end of a Shinespark puzzle. I still don't know when you're intended to actually get it. And part of the beauty of 2D Metroid is its replayability, where you can go back in and experiment with the knowledge you gained on previous playthroughs. It doesn't matter to me how "as Nintendo intended" my first playthrough might be, because I'm immediately going back in on Hard Mode thinking "okay, now that I know that [X] is there, I wonder if I can do [Y] or [Z] to reach it early?" Plus, since I started playing Metroid with the GBA, the movement of those games resonate with me more than Super; I actually never beat Super until 2021 actually, because I had never fully invested into Super's game feel. I totally enjoy Super now and have beat it a few times, but I still like the movement of the GBA and MercurySteam titles far more.

It's been too long since I've played Echoes or Corruption, so I'll get back to you on my favorite Prime whenever I get around to replaying those.
The only Metroid I have left to play is Other M. I know it has a really bad reputation online, but every time I see gameplay of it it looks really fun. 😭
The action gameplay is cool, I've had a pretty pogged view toward it myself lately. I still think Other M is bad, but it did do well to highlight Samus's combat prowess, even if it bungled everything else about her character. I'm glad MercurySteam opted to depict her similarly in combat. I'm hoping Beyond leans into this at least a little, even if we obviously aren't going to be performing comparable acrobatic feats in first-person. Just give us more tools to fight with, and make Samus look like a superhero in cutscenes. That dodge roll just before Sylux appears was pretty sick!

Other M is an okay game...

It's like the Skyward Sword of Metroid. ( lol )

Wii and Wii U are probably my least fave generations from Nintendo. The games are too linear and lost a lot of the game essence we expected from Nintendo from NES -> GCN.

That said, from an artistic standpoint there is a lot to appreciate about the games still. And then the setpiece/moment to moment gameplay sequences were pretty good. The action was pretty good in Other M.

Idk how to describe it though, the games don't feel fulfilling. Like I was never particularly scratching my head over anything or amazed by anything. And I felt empty after beating them like it wasn't enough. The twists were ok... there was some decent fanservice as well. I just knew after beating it though that it was likely not a game I would go back to in the future. It's very one and done.
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Other M is at least an INTERESTING game. Execution is mixed, but it has a lot of creative ideas. I honestly can't think of any other game like it, for better and worse. I still maintain that a sequel could be amazing if they took an honest look at what worked and what didn't. Of course that will never happen though. It nearly damaged the IP beyond repair so anything even remotely associated with it would be poison.

Anthony Higgs rules!
I know there were some who reasonably figured "Hey, the underlying framework is still that of a GameCube game, so I guess that explains how they were able to get it looking and playing so smoothly", but we have Beyond looking and performing equally as good.
We can ask those folks why we paid $70 for TOTK then. The underlying framework is just 1s and 0s. Same as Hollow Knight which costs $15.
Echoes Replay : Torvus Bog finished. I've always loved this area, it's really well done and intricate. Now I'm heading to Sanctuary Fortress, the best part of the game.
Just to giving an update on my MP playthrough. Currently I'm a bit after I got the ice weapon.

  • First of all, awesome game, they already sold me on MP4, even if the game goes downhill from here onwards.
  • Stay away of this game if you dislike backtracking. Even for the genre it relies a lot on it. Fortunately I love.
  • Really enjoying the scan system and how the lore is explained.
  • Artifacts quest is really my thing. A bit of text and go find it by myself.
  • Game is really punishing regarding to save points. In one point inside during Chozo Ruins I lost a lot of progress because I died and wasn't saving constantly. In other opportunity, after facing the stone boss in the ice area, I died trying to reach the save point and needed to battle the boss again. Good thing is that the fight wasn't difficult just time consuming.
  • I disabled the hint system after a few hours when I noticed it spoiled me a nice puzzle. I wasn't even stuck just taking my time and exploring the new stuff I could do with my new powers. Though I'm not sure if I would have guessed this particular one by myself.
  • I don't like that colored door mechanism for blocking progress. It constantly reminds me I'm playing a game.
Currently playing Super Metroid, and I must say

Did the impossible to get the X-ray scope and currently enjoying it a lot 🤠

I'm unsure if I'm supposed to have it now. I'm on 3 energy bars still. I didn't even know what was waiting for me. It was a pleasant surprise since I've never seen it in Fusion and Zero Mission.

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