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Rumour [Giant Bomb/Mike Minotti] Rumour: The Queen might have delayed September Nintendo Direct

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Ah, so Nintendo considers the death of a colonizing monarch who protects pedophiles to be on par with natural disasters, war crimes and 9/11. Good to know.
No, they just consider logical business and marketing practices.
A lot of takes here are pretty shit. In my opinion this thread is going to bring out takes which reflect poorly on the forums.
Yup. The era thread in obnoxious. I have no feelings for the queen and I think monarchies are silly, but she is still a historical figure and a long lasting one, and important in a historical perspective even if she technically has no true power. If it was another historical figure from a western ally, Nintendo’s response would be exactly the same.
Yup. The era thread in obnoxious. I have no feelings for the queen and I think monarchies are silly, but she is still a historical figure and a long lasting one, and important in a historical perspective even if she technically has no true power. If it was another historical figure from a western ally, Nintendo’s response would be exactly the same.
I mean I think people are certainly allowed to have seemingly harsh opinions about her/the monarchy and she is not owed respect inherently by virtue of being born into royalty, especially by those who are worse off as a result of the British Empire historically etc... but, also, some of it devolves into "ruinin ma videogames" discourse that we saw when Sony delayed their event as a result of the Black Lives Matter protests which is ick (but thankfully havent seen too much of here)
People need to chill the fuck out. Remember what Miyamoto said: “A delayed Direct is good eventually”.

Log off and go play a game or something, and stop embarrassing yourselves.
Yup. The era thread in obnoxious. I have no feelings for the queen and I think monarchies are silly, but she is still a historical figure and a long lasting one, and important in a historical perspective even if she technically has no true power. If it was another historical figure from a western ally, Nintendo’s response would be exactly the same.

especially since directs are literally marketing events anyways

I don't know how feasible delaying something like that at the last minute even is with the other parties involved and TGS coming up etc but if they can do so and think doing so would make it do its job as a marketing event better then why would they not?
People need to chill the fuck out. Remember what Miyamoto said: “A delayed Direct is good eventually”.

Log off and go play a game or something, and stop embarrassing yourselves.
Anyone complaining, about a small delay, which is rumoured, of a video game marketing showcase, that is rumoured, not even confirmed, to be on Tuesday...give me a break.
That's... not how this works? We're close enough to the Direct that multiple people know when it has been set. Even if it has not publicly been announced, a delay is still possible, in which case I'm sure we'd hear numerous voices saying "I'd originally heard <x> but I guess they moved it". You don't have to believe those people, but the idea that "it can't have been delayed because it wasn't yet announced" is nonsense

You are missing my point, just because Grubb has said ‘Direct is 12th’ and now saying ‘oops it could be delayed’ this means nothing to us on the outside as we haven’t been told officially a Direct is coming. Nintendo will tweet when they are ready to have it and that’ll be that, to us nothing was delayed.
So, nobody heard anything, no sources of anybody claimed anything, in fact NCL probably doesn't even have listened the news, but a site chooses to publish a "rumor" on it??? Sorry, it's just speculation at best.

Real "METROID PRIME 4 RELEASE DATE" tabloid material.
Ah, so Nintendo considers the death of a colonizing monarch who protects pedophiles to be on par with natural disasters, war crimes and 9/11. Good to know.
I don't get the reactions to this post and I don't care what other people will think, but I'm right here with you.

I have nothing good to say to someone as bad as her.

On topic: I really hope this isn't true, but there is nothing else to do than wait and see.
A few things.

Mike (and the rest) were just speculating. Nintendo themselves weren't even awake to make such decisions.

  • The funeral is on the 17th. The UK isn't just shutting down the next 9 days because of that.
  • lying in state will occur, but based on my friends in the UK, they said in general all that is impacting the public directly is they are allowed to request a day to go pay respects to the queen during that period.
  • Nintendo isn't stupid with marketing, however her funeral, the succession, and everything else was already well sorted before she passed. Meaning the news cycle mostly goes on.
  • The direct wouldn't occur at least until the 13th or 14th. Several days after her passing, where the news headlines have died down on the manner and after the weekend.

This isn't about who or what the queen is, or who or what people think she represented socially. UK is also Nintendo's 5th largest market. It's unlikely an event like this would cause a delay, as it was an event that was planned for and did not take anyone by surprise, unlike prior events (like earth quakes in Japan) that caused delays.

In other words - if a couple Giant Bomb employees didn't speculate some panic on this, none of us would even be concerned about it. We have no reason to think Nintendo is changing course because of this. If nothing else, the UK version of the direct would just have a small note paying respect to the royal family. The Ubisoft Forward is likely not changing either. While the Queens death is big news, the overall impact on the world is pretty small. US and Japan will literally be moved on from it within 24 hours.
It's crazy how a couple of guys speculating randomly in a podcast suddenly becomes a rumor.

But I guess that's part of the wild ride we have all signed up for. I am here for it.
It's crazy how a couple of guys speculating randomly in a podcast suddenly becomes a rumor.

But I guess that's part of the wild ride we have all signed up for. I am here for it.
I think it only became a thing, in earnest, because one of these guys in particular is a source on direct info... but he made it so damn clear in the podcast that he hasn't actually heard a damn thing about a delay, it's just a speculative discussion on IF Nintendo would consider a week delay or not, not that they would.
I'm pretty sure we've had Nintendo Direct's near world most watched events before.
In fact, E3 already happened that same months as a World Cup? And they did fine.
Media coverage was mostly COVID-19 related and ACNH did exceptionally well.

I don't think the "let's watch 24h coverage of the queen's funeral on TV" people heavily overlap with people that are like "cool! Let's see what Nintendo announces for my Switch".

Ubisoft is still doing their thing, TGS is still happening (probably with a bunch of games that have contracts of being shown on a Direct previously). It's not like we'd have a bunch of Zelda game trailers shown at blood dipping news television.

Announcements and trailers will still show massively on social media of people that follows them and of course people playing Switch will get to know at least by the news on the block screen.
If anything it's weird that they were saying/speculating about this when Queen was not officialy confirmed dead. Very weird.
Looking back at it, it was pretty easy to figure out that she had died given BBC’s behavior. They were following all of the protocols well before the official announcement.
Ridiculous overreaction over something not even tangentially related.
Depending on how much this could still be talked about in the news next week I‘d understand why they would delay it. It could just got overshadowed in europe. You wouldn‘t want to air a direct around the time if a US president dies either no?
Anyway I imagine they are talking about to delay it, but I‘m hoping they‘re just going forward with it
I'm pretty sure we've had Nintendo Direct's near world most watched events before.
In fact, E3 already happened that same months as a World Cup? And they did fine.
Media coverage was mostly COVID-19 related and ACNH did exceptionally well.

I don't think the "let's watch 24h coverage of the queen's funeral on TV" people heavily overlap with people that are like "cool! Let's see what Nintendo announces for my Switch".

Ubisoft is still doing their thing, TGS is still happening (probably with a bunch of games that have contracts of being shown on a Direct previously). It's not like we'd have a bunch of Zelda game trailers shown at blood dipping news television.

Announcements and trailers will still show massively on social media of people that follows them and of course people playing Switch will get to know at least by the news on the block screen.
Nintendo seems very cautious when there are bad events happening. They want to avoid any bad press. Though I don‘t think they should delay it in this case.
I mean I think people are certainly allowed to have seemingly harsh opinions about her/the monarchy and she is not owed respect inherently by virtue of being born into royalty, especially by those who are worse off as a result of the British Empire historically etc... but, also, some of it devolves into "ruinin ma videogames" discourse that we saw when Sony delayed their event as a result of the Black Lives Matter protests which is ick (but thankfully havent seen too much of here)

Sure they are, but that wasn’t what they were saying. They were making a very hard reach.

As an aside, I have no issue with critical discussion either, but many people don’t have critical discussions because many people on the internet don’t discuss with nuance but rather drive by zingers or hot takes because there is nothing but a black or a white, which is not a discussion at all.
Looking back at it, it was pretty easy to figure out that she had died given BBC’s behavior. They were following all of the protocols well before the official announcement.
Indeed. Based on the few google searches I did, media such as BBC have protocols in place for the handling of such an event and you could see them already enacting them before the announcement. I think most everyone knew what the deal was when the her health news broke this morning and the entire royal family was flying in. It was pretty obvious this was it, whether it was today or tomorrow when she officially passed.
Nintendo seems very cautious when there are bad events happening. They want to avoid any bad press. Though I don‘t think they should delay it in this case.
Indeed, that's why they delayed Advanced Wars. However, in a case like this, with a direct happening likely 5 days after her passing, it wouldn't even be considered disrespectful at that point (basically, I would only see this being cause for concern if say, the direct was tomorrow, or landed on her funeral day. THen yes, I would see a delay). But based on the timing, it's totally fine. Most of the world will be moved on at that point, and this wasn't the sort of thing that just caught the world by surprise.

She was 96. This has had plans in place for this happening for nearly 15 years. There is also not a coronation of the new King happening during this period, either, which will occur after her funeral officially. It actually sort of worked out that Nintendo's Direct is situated at a good point despite this news. TGS continues (as it should, it's in Japan), Ubisoft Forward is continuing, and most of the world isn't going to stop over this.

It was far more shocking when Princess Diana died. This is something the world was already prepared for.

Anyways, monday ahead!
I don't get the reactions to this post and I don't care what other people will think, but I'm right here with you.
The reactions are because that post is assuming (a) that Nintendo delayed this direct and (b) that Nintendo somehow holds the significance of this death on the same level as 9/11 and war crimes... which is a huge leap. Seriously, if another tragic and unexpected catastrophe that captures global attention happened, we would 100% be expecting a very lengthy delay from multimedia companies. I think the people in this thread are expecting, at most, a 1-2 week delay.

We have literally no insight into the company or its employees' perspective on the Queen, and whether or not they delay this Direct would be for marketing reasons or to avoid some kind of bad press, not because of their personal beliefs or how they 'weigh' tragedy. I do not like the Queen and would rather this Direct not be delayed, but that's irrelevant to whether or not I think they could delay it. Which posts above me have outlined may not even happen.
We all hate Trump here, but at the end of the day, he was a world leader of an allied nation. If he died in office, you can also bet Nintendo would delay something even for a week regardless of how we feel, because it is a historical news story.
We all hate Trump here, but at the end of the day, he was a world leader of an allied nation. If he died in office, you can also bet Nintendo would delay something even for a week regardless of how we feel, because it is a historical news story.

I do hope it would be because most people would be fucking partying in the streets.
We all hate Trump here, but at the end of the day, he was a world leader of an allied nation. If he died in office, you can also bet Nintendo would delay something even for a week regardless of how we feel, because it is a historical news story.
the death of Trump would be more hype then any Direct ever released tho
We all hate Trump here, but at the end of the day, he was a world leader of an allied nation. If he died in office, you can also bet Nintendo would delay something even for a week regardless of how we feel, because it is a historical news story.
It would be historical all right. With most people either celebrating, not giving a shit, or just simply saying or thinking "Good Riddance".
The reactions are because that post is assuming (a) that Nintendo delayed this direct and (b) that Nintendo somehow holds the significance of this death on the same level as 9/11 and war crimes... which is a huge leap. Seriously, if another tragic and unexpected catastrophe that captures global attention happened, we would 100% be expecting a very lengthy delay from multimedia companies. I think the people in this thread are expecting, at most, a 1-2 week delay.

We have literally no insight into the company or its employees' perspective on the Queen, and whether or not they delay this Direct would be for marketing reasons or to avoid some kind of bad press, not because of their personal beliefs or how they 'weigh' tragedy. I do not like the Queen and would rather this Direct not be delayed, but that's irrelevant to whether or not I think they could delay it. Which posts above me have outlined may not even happen.
You're right, i read it differently. I filtered out Nintendo in my head and just agreed on their opinion of the queen.

I agree we don't know a thing whether Nintendo will delay the Direct (which we don't even know if its supposed to air next week despite insiders claiming it to be) or not. All we can do is wait it out.
I could see Nintendo eventually coming to this decision (ie tomorrow when they actually wake up) - I think some of you underestimate how big of a deal this is. The Queen’s mourning/funeral is like a 10 day thing over here and in the Commonwealth. They’ve literally been rehearsing it for decades. Sport has already started being called off for the next two weekends, however…

It’s also worth noting that the Queen wasn’t even reportedly in ill health prior to this, we just got that bombshell statement at 12:30pm UK time that she was being medically supervised - ie this is it.

The decision to delay a Direct would have to come right from the top. It wouldn’t have even crossed their minds until 12:30pm our time and Grubb posted that Tweet just before 6pm. I just fundamentally don’t buy that any ‘leaker’ could have a source that good to get that kind of information and relay it to them in a 5 hour window, especially considering the business day had already long since ended in Japan.

At best this is baseless speculation and clickbait from them in order to whip up non-existent drama, at worst it’s them covering their backs in case there never was a Direct and so they look ‘right’ either way.

I really hope it’s the former…
I wouldn't be surprised if Grubb's source at NoA or NoE said "this'll probably delay the direct" as a gut reaction and not as a final call made by the top people who'd make such a call.
I actually like the Queen. It's a reasonable decision by Nintendo, business wise.

God save the Queen.
Honestly there's no way I can predict what Nintendo will or won't do in this case because I still don't get why Advance Wars was delayed.
I'm gonna go nuclear if they actually delay it because of that old hag dying.

But I also highly doubt that there is any truth to it. So yeah, expecting a direct next week.
Ok, may the Queen rest in peace but... what does her death have to do with video games? Everyone dies one day, she was 96 years old, it was bound to happen sometime soon. I doubt the young, gaming generation of the UK cares enough about the Royals to warrant this but wellllll
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